Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1459

Jiang Wang stayed where he was, quietly watching Ge Fei flee away.

The murderous aura lingering around him was exciting but restrained.

It seemed that he was considering whether Ge Fei could really be killed, so that he would not have time to commit suicide and leave the scene.

He seemed to be hesitating whether it was worth taking the risk of exposing his supernatural powers for a Gefei.

Anyway, he didn't move.

Ge Fei's flying figure quickly disappeared from sight. From Jiang Wang's body, a figure in a fluttering blue shirt jumped out, exactly the same as Jiang Wang, but full of energy and momentum, his stern eyes turned, he chose a direction at random, and flew away.

The phantom body of the red makeup mirror!

Jiang Wang seldom uses this ability of the red makeup mirror now, because at the level of combat he is currently experiencing, it is difficult for the phantom of the red makeup mirror to play a role.

No matter how vivid the phantom is, after all, there is no real combat power. A slight touch of the aftermath of the battle can tell the truth from the fake.

It is very useful when no one is fighting.

A paper tiger is still a tiger when it cannot be punctured.

Jiang Wang deliberately left a ray of thought on it, so that it can fly far away after flying out of the control range of the red makeup mirror, until its power is exhausted.

It is of course a more realistic choice to directly let the phantom go after Ge Fei, but it is also more risky.

No matter how much Ge Fei feared death, he would not dare to fight back.

As long as one strikes, Jiang Wang's powerful illusion can be pierced immediately. At that time, when the general will come back, Jiang Wang will sit on the wax.

On the contrary, he went in another direction, which could cause many suspicions out of thin air, making it impossible to determine his intentions - even Jiang Wang himself didn't know where this phantom body would fly to.

Maybe it will crash if it encounters anything on the road, or it may be able to fly very far...

In short, Jiang Wang couldn't care less.

After erasing his traces, he fell headlong.


Straight into the sea.

so tired...

The body that was seriously injured and fought for a long time could no longer bear it. Otherwise, based on his habit, he would not intimidate Ge Fei at all, but he would try to kill him if he had the energy left.

He withdrew his breath and closed his five senses, and only with the last tenacious thought, he made a handprint, and the dim light flowed in himself, and then he didn't know anything.

The Huo Dou seal that I just got, only grasped a little bit of superficiality, and it couldn't be used in battle at all. At this time, a little bit of use to hide oneself is just better than nothing... trying hard like a human being.

Maybe he would be eaten by any fish, or maybe Ge Fei became suspicious, found a loophole, and found him again, and then searched the sea area and found him...

He does the best he can under the circumstances.

For the unknown encounter in the future, I can only accept it, and I am powerless to resist.



"The heavens, the ten thousand worlds, one thousand lives, how can anything last forever?"

"Countless winds, all go with the wind. Those who thought they would never forget, were finally forgotten."

"Since ancient times, there has been no dynasty for ten thousand years. The so-called great will is only sung on the scale of thousands of years. And the engraving of a stone comes from several great ages ago."

"Thirty thousand years of bones are carved into mountains, and seven thousand trillion lives are weathered in time."

"What do you think is true immortality?"

"I feel lonely."

"Birth and death...eternal loneliness."


Jiang Wang vaguely heard some whispers.

Like a person, sighing something.

It's such a delicate emotion.

He seemed to have some feelings, but when he woke up, he had forgotten them all.

He woke up.

The first thing you feel is your own body.

Still very weak, but somehow regained some strength.

The body of Tianfu is really powerful, and the light of the five supernatural powers fainted silently, and even healed some injuries by itself.

Of course, for the most serious places, such as the places that have been ravaged by the five decaying qi and the real fire of samadhi, it is really difficult to rely on the body's instinct to heal itself, and it must be healed in a targeted manner.

After gaining a general understanding, Jiang Wang opened his eyes, but it was still pitch black.

Of course, his visual perception will not be affected. He saw dark red walls, some dark brown messy impurities, turtle shells, fish bones, some unnamed algae...

The dark red "wall" squirmed.

Crashing, a large amount of sea water wrapped in fish, shrimps, crabs and shells rushed in from a deep hole.

After a while, the sea water ran out, but the fish, shrimp, crab and shellfish were still there. Jumping and jumping, gradually stopped. Corroded at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At this time, Jiang Wang's gradually waking body felt a kind of softness and movement.

Then there is a viscous touch.

He found that he was wrapped in a mud-like black liquid, and the Ruyi Immortal Clothes on his body were already very dim - if he was unconscious for a longer period of time, it might be damaged again.

At this time, Jiang Wang certainly understood that he was in the belly of a certain big fish.

This should be regarded as good news, because in this case, his traces will be covered up more thoroughly.

Fortunately, this big fish does not have the eating habit of chewing and swallowing...

Jiang Wang jumped out of the black liquid, found a higher place and sat down again.

It stinks here, but he doesn't intend to leave now. The most important thing right now is to take care of your body and recover from your injuries. It's fairly safe here, and there's no room for mistakes when you go out.

In the belly of the fish, I don't know day and night.

Jiang Wang didn't have time to think about the time.

This fairly powerful physical body was beaten to the point of leaking wind and rain at every turn in the mountains and seas. He did not become a good doctor after a long illness. But I am quite used to things like repairing physical defects.

Since entering the mountains and seas, he has been in danger frequently, and he doesn't know whether to say that the environment here is too bad, or blame his own bad luck.

Jiang Wang will not underestimate his own strength. If he is struggling, others will never be able to easily. Is this level of difficulty really within the normal test range?

To say it immodestly, I am already in such a difficult situation, how many people in Chu State can pass the test here in the past 900 years?

I don't know if it has anything to do with the appearance of the Nine Chapters of Jade Biqi...

Just like that, while daydreaming aimlessly, he repaired the injury meticulously.

When his body was almost recovered, he raised his sword and stood up.

As far as I can see, the fish and turtles are all dead, their carapaces are half rotten, and what they looked like yesterday is not what they look like today. There are vicissitudes of life in the belly of a sea fish.

Jiang Wang could have directly cut open the belly of the fish and left, but after all, he had to see him off, so he waited a little longer. At the moment when this big fish was eating again, it directly surrounded its body with water elements and rushed out of its throat.

This is a bulky big fish, with the advantage of its size. It can also be domineering. But facing those strange beasts, it's just food.

At this moment, its protruding fish eyes turned around, looking at the little one in front of it, obviously a little puzzled.

Jiang Wang didn't pay any attention, and called out the remembrance grass, looked at it for a while, then rushed out of the sea, looking for Zuo Guangshu.

The secret technique of remembrance can also sense the traces of the soul, which shows that Zuo Guangshu and the others have not gone too far.

When they parted, Yue Tiannu's injuries hadn't recovered, Zuo Guangshu was still in a coma, he couldn't bear the risk himself, and he didn't know what's going on now...

And at that time, in order not to make Wu Ling and the others suspicious, he deliberately held the only piece of orange eulogy jade in his hand. Without the jade bi, even if Yue Tiannu and Zuo Guangshu wanted to leave, they would not be able to take anything with them, so they would be in a very embarrassing situation.

With this in mind, he flew very fast.

After several days of chasing and fleeing, and a few more days of coma, now Jiang Wang has lost his direction again, and can only follow the weak induction of the secret technique of remembrance.

The distant sky, the blue sea, and Tsing Yi Lie Lie.

Fortunately, there were no accidents on the road, and no strange beast master who was in a bad mood came out to rob the road.

After about two hours, the induction of the remembrance secret technique was already very clear.

Three hours later, a figure appeared in the field of vision.

Jiang Wang's flying figure stopped abruptly, and he paused in mid-air.

In his field of vision, the sky is clear and the clouds are clear, and the sea breeze is free.

On the surface of the calm blue sea, there rests the huge mechanism Mahuraka.

It stood still, with its snake's head drooping slightly.

Yue Tiannu, who was resting in the palm of his left hand, and Zuo Guangshu, who was resting in the palm of his right hand, all sat cross-legged with their eyes closed, as if they were in meditation. He was also unaware of Jiang Wang's arrival.

And all of Jiang Wang's attention was concentrated in front of the organ Mahuraka, about ten feet away——

It was a man in a toga with long sleeves, facing Mahuraka sideways, sitting cross-legged on the mirror-like sea alone, holding a very long fishing rod, with the fishing line hanging high, as if entering the water very deep.

The organ Mahuraka was on the right side of the person, and Jiang Wang came at this time and was on the left side of him.

Qianyang Chitong could see the profile of the person clearly, the eyebrows and eyes were clear, and the outline was clearly seen...

Jiang Wang clenched his long sword tightly.

How could he not remember this person?

The last time we met was in Yong Kingdom.

On an ordinary street in Wenxi County, the two had a very brief exchange.

Zhang Linchuan...

No, last time this person said he was not Zhang Linchuan.

But is this person the same person from last time?

Is this Zhang Linchuan the real Zhang Linchuan?

Just as Jiang Wang was thinking more and more and becoming more and more irritable, the man turned his head and glanced at him.

It was this look that calmed Jiang Wang down.

It was indeed the man I met in Wenxi County.

Jiang Wang was deeply impressed by that cold temperament that seemed to be independent of the world.

"I didn't expect it to be you." The man said, his voice was still gentle.

It seems that there is no hostility.

Jiang Wang looked at the two people held in the palm of the organ Mahuraka, and then looked at him: "What's going on?"

The man held the fishing rod in his hand, sat still, and said: "That woman followed me before, so I left a mark. I sensed it not long ago, so I stopped by to have a look."

With a calm tone, he described a simple matter: "They don't have the Nine Chapters Jade Bi on them, so I thought, wait a minute, maybe someone will come over...and then you will be waiting."

Jiang Wang raised his eyebrows: "Fishing?"

"Who knows?" The man said, "Maybe I am the fish."

At this moment, Jiang Wang remembered that Yue Tiannu seemed to have found some traces earlier, and indeed tried to track them down...

Can't help asking: "The person who fought against Kui Niu, is that you?"

The man calmly said: "It's not a fight, it's just being chased and beaten."

"It makes me stand in awe, and sigh myself." Jiang Wang said.

"But you still hold your sword." The man said.

Jiang Wang said: "It's easy to put it down, but it's very difficult to pick it up again."

The person raised his head slightly and said, "That makes sense."

Jiang Wang thought for a while and asked, "Do you remember what you said last time? Can you tell me now, who are you?"

"It's nothing bad to say." The man said softly, "It used to be Wang it's Wang Nianxiang."

Jiang Wang thought of Wang Changxiang almost immediately.

So it was logical to think of the very famous useless eldest son of the Wang family.

"Are you Brother Changxiang's elder brother?" The surprise in his tone could hardly be concealed.

Wang Changji didn't answer immediately, he paused for a moment, and then asked, "Are you familiar with Changxiang?"

"It's not very familiar, because Brother Changxiang is doing tasks outside almost every day, so I rarely see him." Jiang Wang said casually: "But, he is a very good person."

"Really..." Wang Changji looked back at the fishing line in front of him: "If you don't mind, you can tell me more about it."

Jiang Wang thought that the two brothers might not have seen each other for a long time. Thinking again, don't they know the truth about the destruction of Fenglin City?

Wang Changji is now living as Zhang Linchuan, and he doesn't know what he has experienced. He also seems to be hostile to Zhang Linchuan. He saw it in Yongguo before, and he seemed to be investigating Zhang Linchuan's No Life Sect...

Wang it possible to become a helper?

Thinking about these things in his heart, Jiang Wang took his hand off the hilt and fell into the sea.

"The first time I saw Senior Brother Changxiang, it was in the Daoxun Hall of Fenglin City Taoist Academy. I was very impressed. At that time, I had just stepped into the inner door, and I was just an unknown person. Senior Brother Changxiang After Daoxun, he waited for me for a while, just to say hello to me...a very simple hello."

As he recalled, he said: "His smile is very warm, he is that kind of, very gentle person."

Wang Changji was silent for a while.

"Any more?" he asked.

"We used to participate in the investigation of Xiaolin Town together. Brother Changxiang's Fengxing Taoism is very powerful... Later, he also performed in the Three Cities Discussion. But because he can only release the breath-blowing tornado once in a short period of time, we both Call him Wang Yichui..."

"I seem to have missed a lot." Wang Changji asked again: "Is there any more?"

Jiang Wang thought about it seriously, and shook his head regretfully: "Brother Changxiang is too hardworking, he has taken on more tasks than anyone else, and has been busy for a long time. We really don't have many opportunities to contact..."

Speaking of this, he asked tentatively: "He should be in Qinghe County Dao Academy now, maybe he has gone to National Dao Academy. Haven't you visited him?"

"He also died in Fenglin City." Wang Changji said calmly, "He came back to see me."

The surface of the sea is like a mirror, reflecting two people sitting and standing, and a difficult silence.

The word mourning cannot be uttered.

After a long period of silence, Jiang Wang finally realized a word——


He looked at Wang Changji's profile and asked, "Were you there when Fenglin City was destroyed?"

Wang Changji tightened his grip on the fishing rod, and said slowly, "I'm a man of bones."

Thank you book friend Pangpang Kedai for becoming the leader of this book!

It's for the 257th League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

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