Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1460

Bone Daozi...


These four words awakened all memories almost immediately.

For a long time, Jiang Wang believed that he was the source of the disaster, the core figure of the bone cult, and the bone Taoist who was about to welcome the evil god. He has been confused, painful, struggling, and desperate for this.

Of course, he even killed Zhuang Chengqian later, and also faced the power of the Bone Evil God, so he no longer has any fear of Bone Daozi.


Is Wang Changji the son of the bones of this generation?

Jiang Wang felt a sense of confusion, and then he suddenly remembered that the Bone Lord he saw on the Qiyang battlefield seemed to be occupying Wang Changji's body. Because Lu Yan said at that time, "Bone, you are not Wang Changji at all."

He was still very confused at that time, and was confused by Zhuang Chengqian's disguised Jiang Yan.

When he met the current Wang Changji in Yongguo, the appearance of Zhang Linchuan he sketched was exactly the appearance of the Bone Lord who appeared on the battlefield at that time!

It's just that Jiang Wang at that time didn't connect the two, but felt vaguely familiar. After all, Wang Changji is very strange to him. After all, even if it is the same body, the temperament will change a lot.

Bone Lord, Bone Daoist, Bone Messenger...

The thread seemed to be getting more and more messy, but Jiang Wang quickly unraveled the cocoon and touched the truth.

After all, having personally experienced the battle between Zhuang Chengqian and the God of Bone Bone, he has already grasped the information of the Way of Bone Bone to a great extent. He also has a deep enough understanding of Baigu Daozi, a vessel chosen by the evil god to descend into the world.

The four characters "Bai Gu Dao Zi" are themselves a designed sorrow.

How powerless man is before evil gods!

Jiang Wang looked at the man in front of him, imagining the story he had experienced.

In the disaster of the destruction of Fenglin City, when he passed away and looked back at Fenglin's homeland. Someone is also somewhere, watching everything in despair.

They have felt similar pain and chewed the same powerlessness. In the terrifying power of the gods descending into the world, I feel the collapse of the world.

The hometown is destroyed, the homeland is broken, and the cherished people are crushed to death like ants.

And they can only watch.

Eyes wide open, watching without missing a single scene.

"At the beginning, they also said that I was a man of bones." Jiang Wang said, looking at the sea.

The reflection in the water mirror told him what he had grown into after all these years.

"Promised me, the future position in the Kingdom of Bone God. Tell me, I will dedicate everything to me."

"It seems that you didn't believe it." Wang Changji remained calm.

"No, I believed it." Jiang Wang said: "I was easy to deceive at that time."

Wang Changji didn't speak.

He thought that Wang Changxiang at that time was also easy to deceive.

Belief in my elder brother is just a matter of morality or physique, and I am sure that where there is a will, there is a way.

Naively thought that with his own efforts, he could solve the problem of his brother's inability to practice.

Obviously, I have just stepped into the world of practice, why... would I have such delusions?

Obviously encouraging him to practice is to hope that he will leave Fenglin City early and never look back. But he turned around every now and then, bringing all kinds of messy medicines.

He was so indifferent to him, but he was so stupid...but he seemed to see the pain under his heavy body.

He always walked into the yard with a warm smile.

Always, can't drive away...

"I chose to tell my mentor about this matter." Jiang Wang continued: "The dean of Fenglin City Taoist Academy, Dong A. When I was attacked by the Bone Dao monster, he personally detoxified me, Catch demons. He patiently pointed out my cultivation issues, gave me his jade pendant, and taught me the secret method of controlling Daoyuan... He has done a lot for the City Dao Academy."

In Wang Changji's alienated eyes, there was a touch of painful emotion, which made him come alive. It seems to reconnect with the world.

He thought that Wang Changxiang had more trust in him than Jiang Wang had in Dong A.

When the Bone God dominates this body and kills Changxiang, how much pain must he feel in his heart?

At the last moment of his life, Changxiang... what was he thinking?

"The person who betrays you will always cause you more pain." Wang Changji said, "Because you...have no defense against him."

"I killed him later." Jiang Wang's tone was inexplicable: "On New Year's Eve the year before last. The street was very long and deserted. It rained heavily that day."

He looked at Wang Changji: "I've never told anyone about this, but I think you might understand."

Wang Changji was silent for a while, then said: "Since the day I was born, there have been a pair of eyes looking at me. Looking at me without blinking. I didn't know until I was twelve years old."

"At that time, I often had the desire to kill, and wanted to kill like crazy. Looking at my father's chattering mouth, I wanted to cut his throat. The maid just walked in front of me, and I wanted to stab her back with a sword Heart... I locked myself in the room and saw no one."

"I searched through all the classics collected by the Wang family, and bought back all the classics of sages that can be bought on the market. I am not limited to Buddhism, Taoism, Dharma and ink, and I can't find a way to save myself."

"One night, I was reading scriptures under an oil lamp, and when I turned around, I saw those eyes."

Wang Changji's tone was so calm.

But the listener can feel the fear, the feeling of driving people crazy.

"It doesn't have any emotions, it doesn't communicate with me anything."

"No matter what I do, whether I scold it or attack it, it doesn't respond at all."

"I can't reveal its existence to anyone. As long as I have such a thought, I can't open my mouth."

"It is possible to transmit information without opening your mouth. I thought about it for a long time and came up with a way to ask Grandpa Song for help. He was an enshrined member of the Wang family and the strongest person I knew at that time... He died the next day."

Wang Changji said slowly: "It is said that something went wrong during the practice."

Jiang Wang could almost imagine the despair.

Mortals are helpless in the face of the gods.

No matter how much you struggle and resist, you can only watch yourself slipping into the abyss step by step.

It is useless to do anything.

Even the more struggling, the more people are involved...

How did a twelve-year-old boy survive those years?

"I tried suicide many times, but I couldn't die. Knives, poison, hanging... those eyes were always just looking at me. Many times I thought I was dead, and when I woke up, nothing changed. "

Wang Changji said: "I grow up day by day, those eyes are always there looking at me. It is always the same as what I saw when I was twelve years old."

"I have been terrified for many years and tried many ways, but nothing worked. Then I thought, no matter what the ending is, let it come soon. I have given up."

"If that is my fate, I can accept it."

Wang Changji lowered his eyes slightly, looking at his hands: "I can recognize it..."

He can accept all endings.

Only unacceptable, Wang Changxiang died in front of him.

Jiang Wang eased his emotions, and said slowly: "I can meet you today in the mountain and sea environment. I began to feel that maybe it was a kind of fate. I'm not saying that fate made us meet, and I never believed it. What kind of high will is treating you and me well. I mean, it is precisely because we have never given up that we have come to this day, and the roads under our feet meet here."

Wang Changji hadn't felt any emotions for a long time.

Never told anyone about the past.

But as Jiang Wang said——

"Perhaps you will understand."

Human beings are always looking for a resonance throughout their lives.

Everyone needs to be understood, but who can really be understood?

Who ever lived through what I've been through, felt what I felt, suffered through my pain?

But at that time, he who was curled up in the corner of his body, and Jiang Wang, who was running away with his sister behind his back, were real, and they looked at each other for a short time in the tragic fate.

After traveling thousands of miles each, they meet again in the mountains and seas.

"When I was in Yongguo, I should have talked to you more." Wang Changji said softly.

"It's not too late now, because we still have a long way to go." Jiang Wang said, "What happened after leaving Fenglin City? I think you have gone through a lot before you come here."

Wang Changji thought for a while, and then narrated: "Although the Bone Cthulhu's plan to descend into the world in Fenglin City failed, and the Bone True Pill was also taken away by Zhuang Guojun and his ministers, after all, he also controlled my body as a Daoist, and successfully escaped from hiding. escape.

Later, he deployed thousands of miles away and became a holy body of bones on the battlefield of Qiyang. He wanted to restart the plan of incarnation...but all of this was in Zhang Linchuan's plan. "

"Bone Messenger Zhang Linchuan?" Jiang Wang asked.

"Now it is the ancestor of Wusheng." Wang Changji said: "Yangguo is the place Zhang Linchuan personally chose for the evil god of bones, just to use the powerhouses of Qi country to obliterate the will of evil god of bones. He has cleared away all those loyal to the evil god of bones He joined hands with Lu Yan and Bai Lian to launch a plan to seize the body of the Bone Lord when the Bone Lord was weak. I also acted at that time to expel the will of the Bone God."

"Later... Zhang Linchuan took possession of the body of the bones, and I also lost my soul and took over his body. So this is how you see me now."

Wang Changji spoke very simply, and brought the matter over in a few words, and his tone was very calm.

But Jiang Wang, who had a deep understanding of the bone evil god, felt the waves in between.

He didn't know until today that there was such a thrilling past!

Zhang Linchuan once said that he often felt that there was a knife poking him behind him, and every moment was urgent.

He knew that Zhang Linchuan had great ambitions.

But it is really unimaginable that Zhang Linchuan's ambitions have expanded to this point, using his own life to seek God, hoping to reach the sky in one step... He actually made it happen!

Outside there are Zhuang Gaoxian, Du Ruhui, Dong A, the resistance force of the entire Fenglin City, and even Chong Xuan Chuliang on the Qiyang battlefield.

There are three elders in the bone road, a saint, twelve bone faces, and even the will of Wang Changji is hidden in the bone body.

He is just an emissary among many high-level officials in the Path of the Bone, and his cultivation and qualifications are very limited.

But he was asked to do this, and in such a complicated situation, he grabbed the greatest benefit. Many parties took advantage of the situation to conspire to seize the holy body, and everyone made a wedding dress for him.

And what about Wang Changji?

A mortal who was directly restricted in his practice.

In an era when the evil god of bones has changed his strategy because of Zhuang Chengqian and imposed many restrictions on the body of Daozi, he can still insist on himself and not be obliterated by the will of evil god of bones.

Even in reverse, use the will of mortals to expel the will of the bone evil god!

This is a feat that can be called a miracle!

Such two people, cooperating and fighting, so that they exchanged bodies in the end, how wonderful is this process?

It's too hard to imagine, and it's too amazing!

"I probably know why you have been watched since you were born...but you should be the last one." Jiang Wang said solemnly: "The Bone Cthulhu has become a Taoist fetus and can be born in this world at any time. Rejected. Perhaps He has been born in a certain corner of this world and is growing silently."

Wang Changji looked up at him, apparently attaching great importance to this information: "How do you know?"

Jiang Wang calmed down and said, "I have also experienced another resistance against the bone evil god...a resistance that has lasted for hundreds of years."

It was indeed a very difficult and magnificent battle.

Especially in the final battle of robbery, almost every step was on the verge of life and death.

Thinking back to this day, I am still terrified.

Even if you do it all over again, you may not have the same result...

He said with some emotion: "I don't know if you are interested in listening to the story of the former Bone Daozi?"

"I'm very interested in everything about the Bone Cthulhu." Wang Changji looked at the seat next to him and said, "Sit."

Jiang Wang took a few steps forward, and subconsciously glanced at the mechanism Mahuraka standing on the water.

Wang Changji immediately said: "Don't worry, they just fell asleep."

"This is the best." Jiang Wang breathed a sigh of relief, then walked over and sat down beside him: "They are my friends."

If Zuo Guangshu suffered any irreversible damage, he really didn't know how to get along with Wang Changji.

This concern is of course also out of kindness towards Wang Changji.

Wang Changji thought for a while and said, "This woman is actually very strong, but her spirit and soul are very flawed."

He didn't mention Zuo Guangshu, probably Zuo Guangshu wasn't considered strong in his opinion, or when they fought, Zuo Guangshu hadn't recovered and didn't show much.

Or... He subconsciously felt that the one who would make Jiang Wang attach so much importance should be Yuetian Slave, who is a woman. Even if the person is a puppet.

Jiang Wang and Yue Tiannu don't actually have any friendship, and they really don't care much. But after thinking about it, he still asked, "Brother Wang, do you have any suggestions?"

Wang Changji said: "She doesn't actually need my advice. If you have to say something... tell her, 'Self-enlightenment of precious nature, the spirit boat of this body'."

"Self-enlightenment of precious nature, body spirit boat..." Jiang Wang repeated, and couldn't help asking: "What does this mean?"

"You told her, she will know." Wang Changji said: "Now, let me hear your story."

Jiang Wang didn't get entangled, thought for a while, and said: "This story begins with Zhuang Chengqian breaking the soil and establishing the country..."

At the moment, he described in detail the hundreds of years of struggle between Zhuang Chengqian and the Bone Evil God, and described the thrilling battle in the ancient magic cave, until the mountain and sea realm entered the night again.

A faint golden light flowed from the body of the organ Mahuraka, as if shining on the two people who were talking.

One bundle of hair and one loose, one calm and one cold, sparkling waves ripple in the water.

A long story with an end.

When Jiang Wang talked about how he finally smashed Zhuang Chengqian's remnant soul, Wang Changji couldn't help but praised: "It's really a wonderful story."

Then he added: "Very exciting!"

With his temperament, this is an extremely rare expression.

"Yes." Jiang Wang also sighed: "I think of Zhuang Chengqian to this day, and I still feel out of breath. I have realized more than once how terrifying the Nether God is. We have no right to ignore it."

Wang Changji said: "I'm talking about you, it's very exciting."

Jiang Wang subconsciously wants to respond modestly, but for some reason, facing Wang Changji at this moment, modesty seems to be a kind of hypocrisy.

He thought for a while and said seriously: "I really want to thank myself for never giving up no matter what the situation is. I want to thank all my efforts in the past, so that I can be so determined to go to the future."

The golden light on the body of the organ Mahuraka is already some distance away.

But Jiang Wang was still bathed in light.

It was a radiance from the inside out. This meaning and heart are different from people.

"Have you ever thought about what kind of future that is?" Wang Changji asked softly.

"I haven't actually thought about it," Jiang Wang said.

How can people not think about the future?

Unless... that's just too far away. It was so far away that even he, who was already famous all over the world, felt that he was out of reach.

Wang Changji actually understood this sentence completely, but he still said: "Maybe let's imagine it."

Jiang Wang then thought about it seriously, and then said: "If I think about it now, I still don't know what the future will look like. But I think, in that future that I don't know if it will come, there must be no Du Ruhui, no Zhuang Gao Xian, there is no Zhang Linchuan, and there is no Bone Cthulhu."

Wang Changji said: "You will see that day."

He raised his eyes to look at the sky, and there was infinite longing and melancholy in his voice: "We will all see that day."

There was a very subtle touch in Jiang Wang's heart.

In fact, he was not familiar with Wang Changji, and he had never had any contact with Wang Changji in Fenglin City in the past. After leaving Fenglin City, until now, there has been no contact with them a few times.

But at this moment in this mountain and sea environment, sitting next to Wang Changji, he somehow felt less lonely.

It's like walking forward in the long dark night, holding the fire alone in the silence, although you are brave and fearless, although you move forward, although you keep telling yourself that you can walk to the end of the long night alone.

But when you suddenly find another torch, walking in the same direction as you, burning in the long night like you...

You will feel warm.

There is only one other fire that can light a flame.

The night will last forever.

"I think so too." Jiang Wang said.

"By the way." Jiang Wang said seriously: "You said earlier that you were waiting here for the Nine Chapters of Jade Bi. If you need it, I have two here, and I can give you one."

"How can I take away the things you fought for with your sword?" Wang Changji held the fishing rod and said softly, "Keep it for yourself, I don't really need it very much. Besides, I can take it from others."

Jiang Wang thought about his method of silently solving Yuetian Nu Zuo Guangshu, and didn't say much.

He just said: "Actually, I don't know, what's the use of fighting over the Nine Chapters Jade Bi. It's nothing more than a key. Can you come and go?"

"What if there is more than one lock?" Seeing that Jiang Wang was a little stunned, Wang Changji said again: "I'm just talking casually, after all, I don't know much about this place."

"But what you said is very reasonable." Jiang Wang said.

Wang Changji shook his head lightly: "There are some problems in this world. I noticed that the Nine Chapters Jade Bi might represent some kind of rules. The more you master, the more you can protect yourself..."

Having said that, he changed the topic: "If possible, I would like to ask you to do me a favor later."

Jiang Wang didn't agree, but asked first, "Can you tell me what it is?"

For a person like Jiang Wang, no one would think that he was prevarication. A promise-heavy person doesn't promise lightly, and he won't promise what he can't do.

Wang Changji didn't have any tweaks and trivialities, and said bluntly: "This body is not in good health, I need to make more preparations. I saw an opportunity in the mountain and sea environment."

To be able to retreat from the pursuit of Kui Niu, this body is not very good?

Jiang Wang was stunned for a moment before realizing that what Wang Changji was talking about might be qualifications.

After all, Zhang Linchuan had painstakingly planned to abandon this body and take the body of bones, which also shows the difference in aptitude between the two bodies.

"If I can help you, I'd be happy." Jiang Wang said.

Wang Changji said: "If the opportunity arises, I will contact you. If there is no good opportunity, then I wish you good luck."

"Okay." Jiang Wang nodded, watched his movements, and finally couldn't help asking: "What are you fishing for?"

Wang Changji looked at the fishing line hanging into the deep sea, and his tone was still very flat: "I'm not fishing for anything, I'm fighting for the right to fish."

Jiang Wang became more and more at a loss: "Fight for the right to fish? With whom?"

"You will understand later." Wang Changji said, and handed over the fishing rod in his hand: "I'll leave it to you."

Jiang Wang took the fishing rod in a daze, and his hands were smooth and warm.

Other than that, nothing was felt.

"It will be difficult for them to wake up if they continue to sleep... Let's stop here for today." Wang Changji took a deep look at him and said, "It's nice to meet you."

"With you, you will never be lonely on a long journey." Jiang Wang said seriously.

Then, right in front of his eyes, Wang Changji suddenly disappeared.

It is not accurate to say suddenly, because he disappeared not abruptly, but naturally and calmly.

Like a meticulously depicted landscape painting, a leaf or a grass is silently missing, and the composition of the whole painting will not be flawed in the slightest.

What is the difference between one more leaf and one less leaf?

The night was dark, and the organ Mahuraka stood in the darkness.

Jiang Wang sat on the water alone.

Everything that I experienced just now, and those conversations, seemed to be just hallucinations.

How could it be an illusion?

Jiang Wang held the long fishing rod in his hand and felt that the fishing line didn't catch anything. Lifting the pole up slightly, ripples appeared on the sea surface, as if something was broken...

The fishing rod in his hand also disappeared.

The whole world seems to be calling for a wave.

The mechanism Mahuraka stopped not far away, and the snake eyes turned.

Click, click.

The night began to flow again.

Cut Yange with a knife.


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