Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1461

The night seemed to be uncovered.

The world seemed to show another face.

At this moment, Jiang Wang suddenly realized that he was communicating with Wang Changji just now in the environment constructed by Wang Changji.

Compared with that encounter in Yongguo, he is more than ten times stronger?

But Wang Changji's methods became more and more silent...

At that time, he could still feel that he was involved in the battle of spirit and soul, and immediately summoned the spirit hidden snake to prepare for the battle, but today he didn't notice anything strange.

Although there are also reasons why Wang Changji did not launch the attack, his spiritual power is undoubtedly a higher level.

If it is said that he and Xiang Bei's soul power are at the same level, one level higher than other Tianjiao's. At the same level, Xiang Bei is slightly stronger.

Wang Changji is already in a higher position.

After the fishing rod in his hand disappeared, Yue Tiannu, who was sitting cross-legged in the palm of Mahuraka's left hand, opened his eyes almost immediately, and jumped up.

He patrolled around vigilantly before stopping his gaze on Jiang Wang.

"You saved us?" She asked in her tone, "Where was that person before?"

Jiang Wang stared at his empty palm, was stunned for a moment, then stood up and said, "He has already left."

"How did you defeat him?" Yue Tiannu asked the question before realizing that it was inappropriate to ask, and added: "I mean, this person is very mysterious and not easy to deal with."

Jiang Wang was very frank and said directly: "We didn't fight each other. After chatting for a few words, he left."

"Who is that person? Do you know him?" Yue Tiannu asked again.

"Acquaintance is acquaintance, but I'm not sure if he wants to let you know... so please forgive me for not saying."

Jiang Wang's tone was very sincere. Although Yue Tiannu felt a little regretful, he nodded his head to express his understanding, and said, "Wu Ling and Ge Fei..."

"Wu Ling has been eliminated, and Ge Fei has disappeared for the time being... But I think he will never appear in front of us again."

Yue Tiannu took a deep look at him: "I didn't expect you to be able to do this to such a degree under such circumstances."

"There's an element of luck involved."

"Fate never favors the weak." Yue Tiannu sighed: "I was planning to recover 80% of my combat power and then I went back to look for you. I didn't expect to meet those two people."

"Two people?" Jiang Wang frowned, but didn't care too much. It's perfectly normal to bring someone to assist in the mountain and sea environment. Not everyone pursues challenges like Dou Zhao.

"But only one shot." Yue Tiannu said.

"Would you mind talking about your fight?" Jiang Wang said with great interest.

"Although I don't mind...but nothing happened." Yue Tiannu's voice was still the unnatural sound made by the puppet voice, but the loss from the heart could not be concealed either.

"He walked over alone, and my spirit was quickly defeated. I don't know where I lost. When I woke up, it was already now."

Jiang Wang was a little surprised, because Yue Tiannu's strength is definitely not weak, even if he is slightly inferior at the level of spirit and soul, he will not be crushed like this.

Only then did he roughly understand what Wang Changji said.

"He told me..." Jiang Wang said: "You are actually very strong, but your soul has great flaws... I think he took advantage of your weakness and took advantage of it."

"Impossible! I admit that he is powerful, but he can't judge so casually and wantonly belittle him. Does he know what he is evaluating? But to win a game in such a realm, how arrogant! How ignorant!" Yue Tiannu He showed a kind of excitement that he had never had before, and his eyes were so serious that it was scary.

But she quickly suppressed her emotions again.

"Sorry." She looked at Jiang Wang and said, "I'm not targeting you, and it's not that I can't accept my failure. But with all due respect, in terms of spirit and soul, even you and Xiang Bei, who have a long-standing reputation with the spirit and soul, can't. No better than me. Do you know that in the current state, I can already become a pure land? In Buddhism, this is something that can only be achieved by the golden body and gods."

"I'm just repeating what he said... If I offend Zen Master, I apologize to you." Jiang Wang said sincerely: "But I think he did it out of kindness. Otherwise, he didn't need to say these things."

Yue Tiannu's eyes are very strange.

Sometimes confused, sometimes painful, sometimes determined...

It was a broken look.

Finally she said, "I'm... sorry."

"As you can see and think. My body is a puppet. My soul is also reshaped. I am a person who should no longer exist, but forcibly exists..."

"I am demanding the perfection at this moment, and I want a kind of success too much. I may fall into some kind of paranoia. I have fallen into the myth of Tao. I can't control my emotions, and maybe I have already broken my Zen heart."

"Sorry." She fell to the surface of the sea, put her palms together, and saluted Jiang Wang seriously: "The poor nun is really rude."

Jiang Wang stood where he was, without moving.

After receiving this gift, he said: "I shouldn't have received the gift from the Zen master. But I was scolded for him, so I also received this gift for him... He left a suggestion, I wonder if the Zen master would still listen to it? "

Yue Tiannu showed embarrassment, clasped his hands together and bowed his head, saying: "I have no face to accept it, but this body is really embarrassing... Please enlighten me."

"My friend said, as long as I tell you these eight words, you will understand naturally." Jiang Wang said word by word: "Self-enlightenment treasure nature, this body spirit boat."

As if struck by lightning, Yue Tiannu froze for a moment and remained silent for a long time.

Gray robes concealed her figure.

Her brass-colored face is really a delicate puppet creation, and there is nothing different from a human being.

And Jiang Wang has already looked away, looking at Zuo Guangshu in the palm of the right hand of the organ Mahuraka, and couldn't help laughing: "Why are you in a daze?"

From the speed of waking up, it can be seen that there is a gap between Zuo Guangshu and Yue Tiannu's soul.

Yue Tiannu said that her soul is powerful, she is definitely not lying. It's no wonder that she can't accept it so much, her soul has major flaws.

The childish look on his face is what makes Zuo Guangshu different from other people in the Mountain Sea Realm.

He is the youngest and has the least experience.

At this moment, he just woke up, sitting in the huge palm of Mahuraka, feeling a sense of bewilderment and innocence.

Although the costumes are noble, although the puppets are majestic.

He looked down at Zhuo Li's familiar figure standing on the sea, tears almost rolled out, but he tried hard to hold them back.

"I'm lagging behind...Brother Jiang." He said.

This proud boy was obviously hit hard during this trip to the mountains and seas. When encountering a strange beast, he can only run away, and when encountering the siege of Fudou, he can only rely on Jiang Wang to lead the hunt away. When encountering Dou Zhao, he can only wait for Jiang Wang to come to rescue him. Not to mention that he was still unconscious when he was ambushed by Wu Ling and Ge Fei...

After finally waking up, he wanted to save his eldest brother, but he met someone he didn't know, and was easily crushed!

It was really hard for him to convince himself that he could be "like him"...

He felt a great depression, doubting his courage and faith all along.

Jiang Wang stepped on the sea lightly, jumped up, and landed in front of Zuo Guangshu gracefully.

Mahuraka's palm is big enough for him to stand on.

He bent down, smiled and bent two fingers, and tapped on Zuo Guang's smooth forehead, duk duk.

He turned his ears to make a gesture of listening carefully. Then he frowned and said, "No, why didn't you hear the sound of water?"

Zuo Guangshu's tearful mood disappeared in an instant.

"What!" He couldn't help opening Jiang Wang's hand.

"Do you know how old I am?" Jiang Wang looked at him with an exaggerated expression: "I have worked hard since I was a child, and I am many years older than you! You want to catch up with me now and not hold me back How dare you think about it? Don’t you think too much of me, the No. 1 inner palace that is destined to be famous in history! Hmm?”

Zuo Guangshu was speechless for a while.

"If you ask me, you really have nothing to feel bad about." Jiang Wang said triumphantly again: "There are too many people in the world who are not as good as you, Brother Jiang, from south to north, from east to west, from south to north, from east to west, back and forth hundreds of people Years, Wang Yiwu, Qin Zhizhen, Huang Sheli, Xiang Bei, Wu Ling... can't count them all! They are also the pride of the country, young heroes, and I don't see anyone who can't survive. !"

"What are you proud of!" Zuo Guangshu gritted his teeth and said, "Sooner or later he will surpass you!"


Jiang Wang flicked his head very smoothly, and said with a smile: "It's done."

Zuo Guangshu thought bitterly, he must bounce back in the future.

He couldn't help baring his teeth, feeling his forehead hurt.

But my heart is really warm.



If there is a bright moon in the mountains and seas, tonight would be a very good night.

Walking on the mirror-smooth water, Wang Changji thought inexplicably.

"You should have entered the inner courtyard in the same class as him, so you should be familiar with it?" He asked casually.

"Ah, I'm very familiar." Fang Heling still followed behind Wang Changji, stepping on the water, making a very small sound, which spread in the quiet night.

He was like this when he didn't use his hatred supernatural power.

It's not ugly, and of course it's not good enough.

There is no memorable temperament, and the feeling is taciturn.

He said slowly: "I once regarded him as an enemy, as an opponent that must be defeated. I have been working hard towards that goal."

Even someone like Wang Changji was stunned for a moment.

I probably think that this is too unrealistic.

"He and my cousin, Fang Pengju, are sworn brothers. There are five of them in total. One is the oldest, like a nice guy, named Ling He. The other is an alcoholic and has a very violent temper, named Du Yehu. They are very beautiful, and their name is Zhao Rucheng. They are very famous in the outer sect of the Taoist Academy, and they are called 'Five Heroes of Fenglin'."

Fang Heling shook his head while talking, with an inexplicable smile on the corner of his mouth: "It's very old-fashioned, right? It's like a small character in a story about a storyteller."

Wang Changji didn't speak for a moment.

When he was in Fenglin City, he lived alone behind closed doors, disregarding everything, but he didn't understand anything outside the Wang clan, and he didn't care.

Wang Changxiang would often tell him some things, but he would also deliberately avoid matters related to the Taoist monastery.

Maple Forest Five Heroes...

As Fang Heling said, there are some clichés.

But it also has a youthful air.

He could almost outline what Jiang Wang looked like at that time in Fang Heling's description.

Just like what Jiang Wang himself said, he was still very stupid at that time, and he was easy to deceive.

Including Fang Heling behind him, how many people have been changed by the Bone Cthulhu...

"But I'm very envious." Fang Heling didn't know what Wang Changji was thinking, and continued: "I really want to join them..."

Having said that, he paused.

It seems that at this moment, combing through the time, I finally see myself clearly when I was young.

Then he said: "So in the beginning, I didn't think that name was clichéd, I thought it was very prestigious. I want to become the Six Heroes of Fenglin."

"It's just that they often ignore me. I can't jump into that circle no matter how I jump. I can't be them, so I let myself look down on them. So when I entered the inner courtyard, I told myself that I must make them look at me I."

He spread his hands, as if to say, so I was like this back then. I accept that I used to be this way.

"What happened later?" Wang Changji seemed very interested in these not-so-interesting things.

"Later..." Fang Heling lowered her eyes, did not continue, and said, "Thinking about those things now, I feel very meaningless, and the self-esteem of youth is not worth mentioning. If all that can not happen, I would rather never Ignored by them..."

Young self-esteem is actually worth a lot.

But people are different.

Wang Changji especially understood. Even if Fang Heling voluntarily lowered himself into the dust, his choice was not humble.

After thinking about it, he asked, "Why do they ignore you?"

"Who knows?" Fang Heling shook his head: "Maybe they look down on me because I'm not talented enough, maybe they want to vent their anger on my cousin?"

"To vent your anger on your cousin?"

"The patriarch of the Fang family at that time was my father." Fang Heling lowered his voice: "He loves me very much, loves me very much. Everything he does is for my consideration. He tilts the resources of the family to Me, not my more gifted cousin. My cousin alienated me because of it."

"The five of them have a very good relationship, so they are hostile to me. Now that I think about it, it's normal."

"Before your cousin alienated you?" Wang Changji asked, "Didn't you say that they kept ignoring you? Before your cousin alienated you, what was the reason?"

"I don't know." Fang Heling shook his head, then smiled again: "Maybe it's because I'm trash."

Wang Changji stopped and said slowly: "You still don't know me well enough. If you know me, you should know that I can't take pleasure in belittling you. Not only that, to be precise, no matter what you do , can't affect my emotions. I say that, do you understand?"

"I'm sorry." Fang Heling immediately bowed and apologized: "It's because I've abused my habits, and it has nothing to do with you. I will change it, I will."

"Why don't you ask yourself?" Wang Changji said.

Fang Heling froze for a moment, then said, "What are you asking?"

"Ask Jiang Wang why they ignored you at that time."

Fang Heling looked down at Shui Ying: "I never thought about it."

"You don't seem to want to face Jiang Wang," Wang Changji said.

"I have no idea."

"Do you hate him? Or hate?"

Fang Heling was silent for a while, and said, "Probably because of jealousy."

At that time, there was a faint wind, but like ripples on the water, it dissipated quickly.

Thank you book friend Lianyun for being the leader of this book! It's for the 258th League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

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