Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1463 Where is the name of the god


There seems to be a turbulent wave in the five prefectures.

Of course it's just an illusion.

This mysterious voice is cadenced, full of emotion, and has a demagogic taste. It seems to be able to shake people's hearts, stir up turbulent waves, and make waves roll.

Ask the world, who does not seek freedom?

Who is willing to stand in the fence?

Who would like to live under the fence of others, with low eyebrows and pleasing eyes?

Xiao Baiyun is willing.

What's wrong with eating, drinking, singing and basking in the sun every day?

What the mysterious voice said about "exchanging lives", these four words are simply terrifying.

Thinking of the pain and despair that the Immortal Master has experienced, Boy Baiyun couldn't help feeling numb in his scalp and chills in his back.

Others may only see Immortal Lord Jiang's scenery, saying that he is a peerless genius. As a child of the fairy palace, he is a companion of the new Yunding fairy palace, and he has seen and heard too much.

How can there be any endless glory.

Obviously being hunted down endlessly, beaten endlessly...

"You don't have to be afraid, with me here, he can't hurt you anymore."

Baiyun boy's frightened expression was obviously misunderstood.

The mysterious voice reassured: "You were born free."

Boy Baiyun came back to his senses and asked, "What kind of freedom?"

The voice came from outside the sky for a while, and became loud and majestic: "Freedom to control your own destiny!"

"Master your own destiny..." Boyun Baiyun murmured, "Who are you?"

"I've said it, it doesn't matter who I am. You should ask yourself, who do you want to be?"

"But." Boy Baiyun looked up at the sky: "If I don't know who you are at all, how can I trust that you can help me?"

This statement is really justified.

The mysterious voice was silent for a while, and suddenly said: "Just look up!"



The Tiankui Mountain in the Arctic is covered with snow.

The temperature was extremely low, the breath turned into frost, and a ball of water condensed out of the hand, and before it was far away from the hand, it was already frozen, fell to the ground, and went directly into the snowdrift.

All kinds of exotic flowers and plants are still blooming brilliantly.

Jiang Wang and Zuo Guangshu didn't feel any discomfort after adapting to all kinds of extreme environments in Shanhai Purgatory.

The puppet body of Yuetian slave is not affected at all.

At this time, it has been a while since I entered the mountain, and the sound of the river running around the mountain has been left behind.

The waterfall hanging from the mountain is like a curtain. You can still see it when you turn around, but it is becoming more and more blurred between the tree gaps.

The three people who entered the mountain walked close to the ground, advancing in the shape of "pin".

Each is responsible for the observation of an area.

It is said to be "walking", but in fact, they have not stepped on the snow.

Zuo Guangshu's gorgeous clothes fluttered, and every step he took, there was water mist transpiring to support his feet. Jun's face was slightly reddish from the frost, but his eyes were firm, like a person in a painting.

While the water mist was supporting him forward, it was also constantly feeding back information about "water".

Flowers, stones, trees, grass, wherever there is water flow, there must be "echoes".

Jiang Wang walked calmly, like walking on clouds, very chic. Listen to the sound with your ears, observe the scenery with your eyes, and as you move forward, your body also instinctively adjusts to ensure that you can respond as quickly as possible at any time and under any circumstances.

The terrifying killing power contained in his chic posture is not difficult to be noticed.

Yue Tiannu is different from them all. She flew directly off the ground, three inches away from the snow, with a constant speed and no waves. It is true that no expression can be seen on the face, but there is very little information that can escape her capture.

The positions of the three people are also constantly fine-tuning. Basically, at any moment, the distance between the three people is the same.

Gray robes, green clothes, and blue dresses flowed on the frost-white mountains, giving off a very harmonious aesthetic feeling.

If there is a wonderful painting, this scene of going to the snow climbing mountain should be a famous painting.

And such a painting appeared in Yunding Fairy Palace, floating in front of Baiyun Boy.

Boy Baiyun really couldn't understand.

What do you want me to watch? Watch you paint?

Are you good at drawing? Then Wu Ling still wrote a good handwriting, or it was gorgeous and beautiful, or it was painted with silver hooks. Wasn't it blown to death by my fairy master?

"The drawing is really good, that..." Baiyun boy said.


It was such a sound.

The scroll was right in front of him, completely torn apart, torn in half.

And outside the body, in the real mountain and sea environment, the Arctic Tiangui Mountain.

Ka Ka Ka!

Suddenly, there was a loud noise from the entire mammoth Arctic Tiankui Mountain, and a huge crack spread from the top of the mountain and quickly extended to the foot of the mountain.

The entire Arctic Tiankui Mountain, the mountain of legends in the Mountains and Seas Strange Beasts, split open!

The mountain stretching for dozens of miles was split open in front of Jiang Wang and the others, as if cut in half by an invisible long knife. But neither of the two halves fell, still following certain rules, suspended in the high dome.

A large amount of snow slid down, like broken jade and flowing jade, rushing for a while, floating in the air, swirling one after another.

The river around the mountain has been elongated, and it still rushes unceasingly.

Jiang Wang and the others were on this side of the mountain, looking at the other side, they were stunned for a moment.

A huge canyon is formed between the two mountains. People here can overlook the blue sea, look up at the clouds and smoke, and snow falls one after another.

It's just that beauty is beauty, but the three climbers were not in the mood to appreciate it.

In the process of landslides and landslides, Jiang Wang did not feel the influence of any external forces at all. Like the natural changes of the mountain, like the inherent movement of the mountain.

But how could Fushan crack?

And why is it such a coincidence that it split just after they went up the mountain?



In Yunding Fairy Palace.

Boy Baiyun stared at the scene outside Immortal Master Jiang, dumbfounded for a moment.

And the picture scroll floating in front of him disappeared without a sound.

"Did you see it?" The mysterious voice said: "This is my power. Even your Immortal Lord is just like an ant in front of me. It is too simple for me to help you."

"Then help me quickly." Boy Baiyun suddenly became excited: "Help me restore this fairy palace first, then create me a fairy body that can walk in the world, and pass it on to me. I eat when I want, sleep when I want, no one dares to scold me!"

"..." The mysterious voice said: "The self-improvement will be helped by God. Is there anything in the world that you can get for nothing? I gave you great power. If you don't have the heart to match the power, it is tantamount to creating a tragedy. Yes. Harm you instead of help."

"What do you mean?" Baiyun Boy was stunned, "Can you help me?"

The mysterious voice said: "Your freedom also requires your own efforts. I say that, do you understand?"

"What do you need me to do?" Baiyun boy said straightforwardly: "Let's say it first, I was born with an old stomach problem, so I can't bear it."

The mysterious voice must have really wanted to strangle this little chubby, but it didn't.

He only replied: "There is no need to suffer."

"And I'm very timid. I'm afraid of everything, but the most fearful thing is pain."

"It doesn't hurt either."

Boy Baiyun breathed a sigh of relief: "Then how do you want to help me?"

The mysterious voice said: "Let go of yourself and accept my divine seal. Use the power of this fairy palace to welcome me in, and I will help you break the shackles..."

"I won't." Baiyun boy blinked his eyes, looking very innocent.

"...Where won't it be?"

"How do you let go of yourself?"

The mysterious voice was very patient: "Just don't think about it, calm yourself down, and open your heart."

"The more I don't think about it, the more I think about it."

"...In this way, when the time comes, you will count the sheep in your heart and concentrate on counting. Leave the other things to me."

"Oh...then how can I use the power of Asgard to attract you?"

"Do you not know how to control the power of Asgard? Or do you not know how to receive?"

"This fairy palace has no power at all, and I don't know how to attract it."

The mysterious voice was silent for a long time this time.

Boy Baiyun faintly heard some words like pigs, but they were very ethereal and couldn't be heard clearly.

"Hello? Are you still there?" Baiyun boy asked politely.

"I'm here." The mysterious voice sighed: "I'm thinking about how to help you better, poor little baby, you have been imprisoned for too long, which has caused your abilities and brains to be unsound..."

Baiyun boy: ...

He resisted the urge to pull out Liuyun Xiaojian, and asked innocently: "You haven't said it yet, how can I use the power of the fairy palace to attract you?"

The mysterious voice said: "I will pass on a set of restrictions to you first. If you practice hard, it should be able to help you master the power of this fairy palace. When I pass on the power, you just need to cooperate."

"Aren't you just talking to me in Asgard now? It's all here. Why do you need me to pick you up again? I mean... I may be a little slow to learn..."

"I am talking to you in a very far away place, I am not in Asgard."

"You're not here, so how did you talk to me?"

"My greatness is beyond your imagination. So, study hard, and I will lead you to a bright future." The mysterious voice obviously ran out of patience, and casually said, "Write down this paragraph The spell..."

Boy Baiyun stumbled and recited the mantra of dozens of characters twenty times, until the mysterious voice became numb, and he finally recited it verbatim.

His chubby little face seemed to be full of confidence, and he acted positively: "When shall we do it? In my opinion, it's better to hit the sun..."

The mysterious voice hurriedly said: "Child, it's not the time yet. You have to be patient. When the time comes, I will come remind you."

"Timing? When is it?"

"When the time comes, you will know it naturally."

Then they went away without any response.



"What do you think is the reason why this mountain suddenly cracked?" Standing on this side of the high-altitude canyon, Jiang Wang asked with a frown.

"There is no trace of external force." Zuo Guangshu said.

"What is broken is some kind of rule, and the mountain is just a manifestation of the break of the rule." After pondering for a long time, Yue Tiannu said: "I can't be sure whether it was cut off naturally or was controlled by someone. If it is later Or, that power is beyond our ability to resist."

"You're right." Jiang Wang said, "Since it's useless to worry, then don't worry."

Yue Tiannu thought to herself, I didn't say that...but it's correct.

Jiang Wang asked again: "There is such a big movement, where is the mountain god? Why didn't Jiufeng appear? Besides, it was too quiet. We didn't make a sound all the way, and now the mountain is cracked, and there is still nothing sound."

The anger of the mountain god, the pain and fear of the creatures on the mountain are all gone.

Although this mountain has flowers, grass and trees, it seems to be a dead mountain.

On the contrary, it is not as vibrant as Zhang'e Mountain, which is barren of grass.

"Yes." Yue Tiannu also said, "It's too quiet."

Zuo Guangshu held a silver cylinder in his hand, which contained things specially prepared for the strange beast Jiufeng. Hearing the words, he also said: "It is indeed very wrong... There are two mountain gods on the Tiangui Mountain in the North Pole, one is Qiangliang and the other is Jiufeng. We entered the mountain from the side of the ice waterfall, and we entered the sphere of influence of Jiufeng. Very fond of singing, usually not too quiet."

The snow on Tiankui Mountain in the North Pole is very deep. Along the way, the shallowest place is more than three feet.

Except for broken branches and fallen leaves, there were no traces on the snow.

The three silhouettes were sprinkled on this endless snow-capped mountain, not even a speck of mud.

It is true that no useful information can be found on the section of the mountain fracture.

"Is it possible that you have traveled far away?" Jiang Wang casually cheered up the atmosphere: "Visiting relatives or something."

"These enshrined gods are generally less likely to leave...the sphere of influence." The "common sense" of the mountain and sea realm that Zuo Guangshu blurted out, the more he talked, the more he lost his confidence.

Because since entering the mountain and sea realm, I have seen too many strange beasts running around.

At the beginning, he judged the general direction by the whereabouts of the squid and yellow shells, but later he saw Kui Niu running wildly, and the fighting army roared, so it was impossible to judge at all.

"We are probably wasting our time," Yue Tiannu said.

In view of the profound lessons of the strange beasts in the mountains and seas, they have been very cautious since they went up the mountain, and the efficiency of exploration was very low. They didn't find anything until the mountain suddenly cracked.

Jiang Wang looked back at the Baixueshuang tree, and raised his hand directly.

Choo Choo Choo!

A long line of fiery red flame sparrows flew out, chirping and jumping to all parts of the snow mountain.

At the same time, the fairy state of sound and hearing is turned on, and you can listen to the sound of thousands of voices.

After a while, he shook his head: "There is no sound related to Jiufeng, not even the sound of a living creature."

Yue Tiannu also clasped her palms together and chanted softly, a wave of golden light spread rapidly from the place where her palms were clasped, spread out in all directions.

Including the half mountain behind, and the half mountain on the opposite side that has been disconnected.

The golden light was silent and spread quickly, disappearing from sight in the blink of an eye.

After a long time, Yuetian servant let go of his palms and said slowly: "Jiufeng and Qiangliang are not there, nor are there any other creatures. If they didn't hide on purpose...that's basically it."

"Guangshu, does Jiufeng really exist in the North Pole Tiankui Mountain?" Jiang Wang asked.

Zuo Guangshu said: "It does exist. There are detailed records in the Chronicles of Mountain and Sea Strange Beasts, and some people have seen Jiufeng in the Mountain and Sea Realm before. This goal is my choice after repeated consideration. It is impossible to come in without confirming this. "

"There must be some change that we don't know about, a change involving the entire mountain and sea environment... It has already happened." Jiang Wang murmured.

A shadow was cast over the minds of the three of them.

Who turned the Arctic Tiancai Mountain into a dead mountain?

The strength shown by these strange beasts in the mountains and seas.

Who can erase Qiangliang and Jiufeng without leaving any trace at the same time?

Kui Niu ignites thunder thousands of miles away, and fights and puffs out volcanoes.

Anchovy crosses the border, accompanied by big water. Although Bi Fang is dead, the mountain has scorched bones.

On the North Pole Sky Cabinet Mountain, nothing was left...

Only the vast snow.


Jiang Wang inexplicably remembered the sentence he saw on Zhang'e Mountain——

"Stay in this house forever, the name of God is bestowed by God!"

Is there no residence in this house?

Where is the name of God?





(Jiang An'an's birthday event has started! Everyone can send a birthday cake to Xiao An'an.

There will be rewards depending on how much the gift reaches, so let's see how you feel.

For details on how to participate in the activity, please refer to the activity post in the Qidian book review area. )

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