Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1464 Come to Enlightenment

Silence spread for a while.

After the end of the mountain rift, the Arctic Tiangui Mountain, which was "cut" in half, became more quiet.

At this time, Yue Tiannu said: "Do you remember what Dou Zhao said when he came to see us?"

Zuo Guangshu was thoughtful: "He said Zhu Yan disappeared, and unknown changes took place in the mountains and seas. He couldn't guarantee the harvest, so he started to grab the Nine Chapters of Jade Bi."

The disappearance of Jiufeng and Qiangliang is not an isolated case, and the target Dou Zhao was looking for also disappeared.

This made Jiang Wang immediately think of a question he had thought about before——

What would have happened in this world if he hadn't come to the Mountain Sea Territory and stripped away his influence?

Such as three-pronged.

With Sancha's cunning, there is still a great chance to kill Bi Fang in the end. And if someone goes to the mountain of Zhang'e in the future, won't they only see Zheng?

Any real world is constantly evolving. As a world where reality is hard to distinguish, the mountain and sea realm should certainly not be an exception—if the mountain and sea realm today is exactly the same as the mountain and sea realm nine hundred years ago, then this place is not real enough at all, and it is impossible to confuse the arrogance of all generations.

Holding a set of "Mountains and Seas of Strange Beasts" to find out what to do based on the map is itself an unreliable thing.

Jiang Wang asked: "Do you have to find Jiufeng?"

Zuo Guangshu said: "According to the original plan, I need to get the Nine Phoenix Feather first, and then go to Wither Nanyuan. If I light the Nine Phoenix Feather in Wither Nanyuan, I can get the clue of the Nine Phoenix Chapter."

"Without Nanyuan must be at the extreme south of this territory?" Jiang Wang asked.

Zuo Guangshu said: "The so-called Nanyuan, 'here to the south', is of course the extreme south of this place. It's just that the mountains and seas are vast and hard to count, and it's hard for us to get there in a short time. So if you want to go to Nanyuan, you have to take the road of descending from the gods in this realm, that is, Hongqiao."

First go to the North Pole Tiancai Mountain to look for Jiufeng, and try to get the feather of Jiufeng. Then you have to find the road to God's Descending, and then go to Withered Nanyuan to ignite the Nine Phoenix Feather through this road, in order to get relevant clues... The difficulty of obtaining the Nine Phoenix Chapter probably also shows its preciousness.

Pulling out the feathers of the nine phoenixes is as difficult as seeking death! Jiang Wang has already felt very deeply how strong the mountain god and sea god are in this mountain and sea environment. If Zuo Guangshu didn't have something that Duke Huaiguo had specially prepared for Jiufeng, he wouldn't have hoped for this trip at all.

Needless to say where the God's Descending Road is, he might meet some mountain god and sea god passing by, and if he was in a bad mood, he would crush them.

And withered Nanyuan... just listening to the name is very unsafe.

Xiao Guangshu's goal was set so high, it must have been a bit of a miscalculation, because he didn't know enough about his own strength and the difficulty of the mountain and sea environment. But Duke Huai didn't remind him, and even helped solve Jiufeng's problem at this step, so he should have his own considerations...

According to Zuo Guangshu's plan, if things are difficult, at least there is still an idea.

But now the mountain and sea environment has undergone inexplicable changes, the nine phoenixes have disappeared, and the Arctic Tiankui Mountain is empty, and the first step of the plan has been cut off.

No wonder Zuo Guangshu was very confused there.

After thinking about it, Jiang Wang asked again: "Jiufeng has disappeared, how else can I get the chapter of Jiufeng?"

Zuo Guangshu certainly considered this issue: "Those who can survive safely after the sky falls, and successfully reach the central mountain, can use the nine chapters of jade in their hands to obtain Huang Weizhen's bequest. It is unknown what those bequests include , but I think that there may be a chance to get the Chapter of Nine Phoenixes from it."

"What is Tianqing? The sky here... Will it collapse?"

"It can be understood in this way. The sky generally marks the end of the journey of the mountain and sea realm. At that time, there will be various phenomena of extinction. The gods of the mountains and the sea will stay in their own territory and use the power of the mountains and seas to hold on. Outsiders will be in the center There is no life beyond the mountain."

"That is to say..." Jiang Wang analyzed: "In the end, all the survivors will meet at the central mountain?"

Zuo Guangshu nodded.

"Does it happen every time?"

"According to the information I have collected, it is every time." Zuo Guangshu said: "Unless everyone leaves before then."

"There is still a chance, a very good chance." Jiang Wang said firmly: "The three of us join forces, and there is no need to be afraid of anyone."

This certainty is undoubtedly very inspiring.

The difficulty of this mountain and sea journey is beyond everyone's imagination.

After entering the Mountain Sea Realm, almost everyone has learned a profound lesson.

Zuo Guangshu, who came from a famous family, began to doubt his life, and even denied himself.

With a mysterious background like Yue Tiannu, under repeated blows, he lost control of his emotions for a time.

Only Jiang Wang, although he kept losing battles, was beaten up and fled time and time again, with injuries piled up on his body...but he still held his head straight and was full of confidence in the road ahead.

"What's the situation in the central mountain?" Yue Tiannu asked aloud.

Zuo Guangshu shook his head: "I don't know, no one knows. All the information only shows that there is such a place. Those who participated in the Mountain Sea Realm in the past seem to have received gifts naturally after they successfully arrived at the Central Mountain. It might not be that simple, but it’s not clear.”

"Hold nine chapters of jade and enter the mountain in the center." Jiang Wang thoughtfully: "The more jades, the more choices?"

Zuo Guangshu thought for a while, and said: "Huang Weizhen's bequest is like a nine-compartment hidden box covered with black cloth. Every piece of nine-chapter jade bi can be opened to a compartment, and people cannot see what is inside. If you can reach in and explore, you can only take away one bequest. Of course, the more nine-chapter jade discs you have, the more choices you will have. The more nine-chapter jade discs you control, the more chance you have to get what you want."

"Why can't we gather all the nine-chapter jade bis together, and let everyone control them in turn and choose one by one?" Jiang Wang asked.

Zuo Guangshu said: "Because in the mountain and sea environment, each piece of jade can only be used once. Any 'grid' will disappear after being opened."

Jiang Wang nodded.

Zuo Guangshu has already said it very vividly.

What you want to get in the mountain and sea environment can be divided into two types. One is a conventional method, such as Zuo Guangshu’s plan, first to go to the Tiankui Mountain in the North Pole, and then go to the Nanyuan...the other is the bottom-up choice, which is to pass through the sky and enter the central mountain. Obtained Huang Weizhen's bequest by relying on the Nine Chapters Jade Bi.

The latter choice has a lot of luck factors, the hidden box you opened may not have what you need.

Because the information in the central mountain cannot be ascertained, in theory, people who enter the mountain and sea realm should first choose to obtain what they are looking for in a conventional way.

In this way, each explores separately, as long as the desired objects are different, generally there will be no conflicts.

But there are always exceptions, and people don't always follow rational choices.

For example, Tai Yin wanted to expel Jiang Wang immediately, and Wu Linggefei also targeted other people, planning to expel the strongest first.

Another example is Dou Zhao, who, after confirming that Zhu Yan has been lost, begins to clear the field with a knife without hesitation.

Yue Tiannu said: "On the way here, Jiang benefactor said that on the mountain god wall, he saw that the nine chapters of jade had gathered in the mountain and sea realm. Then according to Mr. Zuo's theory, all the 'grids' can be opened. If we can successfully resist Tianqing, arrived at the central mountain, this time Huang Weizhen's bequest, there should be a chapter of Nine Phoenixes."

"I think so." Jiang Wang said, and then looked at Zuo Guangshu: "Can the things that Duke Huai prepared for you be used against Dou Zhao?"

Although he thought that with the help of Yue Tiannu and Zuo Guangshu, he should be able to compete with Dou Zhao again. But firstly, Dou Zhao may not be unable to find allies, and secondly, it is of course better to be more safe.

Duke Huai prepared something that could deal with Jiufeng. I thought it might be quite powerful, and it should be more than enough to deal with a Dou Zhao.

Unexpectedly, Zuo Guangshu was silent.

After a while, he shook the silver cylinder in his hand, and there was a sound of liquid shaking inside.

Then he said: "The usage of this thing is to twist the base, and the liquid contained in it will fly out and automatically sprinkle on the target's body. Just a little bit of it, and its feathers will fall off."

"..." Jiang Wang didn't know what to say for a moment: "Depilatory water?"

Who would have thought?

The majestic Lord Chuhuai prepared something specially to deal with Jiufeng, so down-to-earth!

But if you think about it carefully, it is impossible to bring into the mountain and sea realm with too strong a means, otherwise this place would have been messed up long ago, and almost everyone who can enter the mountain and sea realm has a background. Under limited conditions, Duke Huai's method is really "targeted"...

"In any case, in order to avoid omissions and misses, we should search the mountain again in person. The speed can be accelerated, and the work that should be done cannot be saved." Jiang Wang finally said.

What I thought was——

Tianqing, will it be that "opportunity"?

When the sky is collapsing and the world is dying, can you clearly see the true appearance of the mountains and seas?



Boom boom boom!

The waterfall still hits the river that surrounds the mountain. The ice edges flew wildly, and the water splashed in all directions.

Finding nothing, the three people flew away from the North Pole Tiangui Mountain.

"Where to go next, there should be a charter." Jiang Wang said, looking at Yue Tiannu: "The feather of the nine phoenixes, there is no way out for a while. What is the goal of the Zen master when he comes to the mountain and sea?"

Yue Tiannu shook his head lightly: "I just want to see the scenery of Huang Weizhen, I don't want anything else."

She also had the idea of ​​leading Qu Shunhua to run across the mountains and seas, but later found out that a new generation replaced the old one, and Qu Shunhua was eliminated in front of her, so she couldn't say anything else.

Jiang Wang then said: "It's better to find the road of God's descent first, and take a look at Biao Nanyuan. Since there are clues to the chapter of Nine Phoenixes there, we should not ignore them. Maybe there is a way to bypass the feathers of Nine Phoenixes to catch clues .”

Of course Zuo Guangshu knew that Jiang Wang was thinking of him, but he still refused: "Even the direction of the south is withered there, which shows the danger of withering Nanyuan. Without the protection of the nine phoenix feathers, and no definite clues, the danger is too dangerous." Big, and the harvest is too slim, this is not the right decision. Brother Jiang, don’t think too much about me. Let’s wait for the sky to come, grab the central mountain, and try our luck with the nine chapters jade in our hands.”

"How long is it between now and Tianqing?" Jiang Wang asked.

Zuo Guangshu shook his head: "Tianqing doesn't have a fixed time, I only know it will happen, I don't know when it will happen."

"If there are three or five hours before the sky falls, that's all. If there are three, five, eight or nine days..." Jiang Wang said: "Such a long time wasted in waiting, for you and me Yuyue Chan Master , It’s all a waste. If we just want to find a place to practice and wait, why should we come to the mountain and sea realm?”

"Furthermore, the mountains and seas have obviously changed immeasurably. No one knows the reason for the change. Past experience is no longer applicable. If we don't try to dig out the truth, we will just wait for the sky to pour out ignorantly. When the crisis comes At that time, you can only be slaughtered by others..."

Jiang Wang patted Zuo Guangshu on the shoulder: "I made this decision not only for your consideration. Since withering Nanyuan has clues to the chapter of the Nine Phoenixes, and the chapter of the Nine Phoenixes is so important, if you want to come to the Nanyuan, you are also in the mountain and sea realm. It is a very important place here. Maybe there is an answer to the change of the mountains and seas. If you don’t enter the abyss, how can you understand it?”

"Benefactor Jiang is right." Yue Tiannu clasped his hands together and said, "As the saying goes, 'I don't go to hell, whoever goes to hell'. The more difficult and dangerous the place, the more we will go."

"..." Jiang Wang said: "It's not as dangerous as the Zen master said. We have nine chapters of jade on us. If we don't see it right, we should find a chance and leave early."

Zuo Guangshu still hesitated: "But..."

"There is nothing but." Jiang Wang interrupted: "Do you have a better choice? If so, I will listen to you. If not, the current choice is the best choice, just move forward. "

Zuo Guang couldn't say anything.

At this time, Yuetiannu said again: "Nanwubao Moonlight Buddha, the so-called will of heaven is the will of Buddha. Jiang's words are very Buddhist."

I don't know what's wrong with this puppet Zen master, why he suddenly became... a little too flattering.

Jiang Wang pondered for a moment, then said: "I'm thinking... If the mountain and sea realm is the test left by Huang Weizhen, then now that the Nine Phoenixes have disappeared and the North Pole Tiankui Mountain has become an empty mountain, will the test of obtaining the Chapter of the Nine Phoenixes be possible?" Change?"

Zuo Guangshu was also stunned for a moment.

The answer to this question may point directly to the truth of this world!

Yue Tiannu clasped his palms together, with a Buddha's light on his face: "Take the truthful way to become enlightened. My generation of cultivators should prove it by this. Jiang benefactor said it very well..."

Everyone in the world knows the Tathagata, but how many people really know the Tathagata?

The origin of Yuetian Nu is too complicated, it is definitely not just a disciple of the younger generation of Xiyuean.

Jiang Wang thought for a while and asked, "Are you sure Xiyue Temple does not accept male disciples?"

There was a rare sneer in Yue Tiannu's eyes, and he said slowly: "If the benefactor Jiang wants to, it is not impossible to make an exception."

Jiang Wang looked serious: "Xiyue Nunnery is a famous family with an ancient inheritance. How can I dare to destroy Baoshan Qingming?"

"If you consider these things, sexuality is not a problem. For example, my puppet body is asexual..." Yue Tiannu said very calmly: "There are many ways."

Jiang Wangqian said with a smile: "The Zen master really knows how to joke!"

"Guangshu!" He hurriedly said: "It's not too late, let's discuss how to get to the road of God's descent as soon as possible."

Some things cannot be said at this time.

But waiting without doing anything was not his style.

Withered Nanyuan, maybe there is an answer, maybe not, you have to try it before you are reconciled.

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