Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1465 Sakunan Ai

The Road of God's Descending, as the name suggests, is the path of the mountain god and sea god. Traveling between mountains and seas, east and west.

"Strange Animals in Mountains and Seas" is a set of very interesting books. Many of the contents it records are like a description of the history of the mountains and seas, and most of the records can be corresponding in the mountains and seas.

Among these descriptions that can be found in the mountains and seas and cannot be found, some of them can be traced back to the ancient history of the present world.

In addition, there are of course some legends that have not been seen anywhere and whose truth is unknown.

Therefore, some people have always believed that the world of Mountain Sea Realm is actually a small world that was split off in some ancient era. Because there is no human race, it retains its historical appearance.

Of course, this kind of theory is far less popular than the theory of the outer world and the theory of Huang Weizhen's creation.

In the legends recorded in the Chronicles of Mountains and Seas, the mountain gods and sea gods stationed in various places visit each other and play games with mountains and seas through this road of descending from the gods. Later, when the sky collapsed and the earth collapsed, this road was cut off, so the mountain gods and sea gods from all over the world no longer communicated.

It is difficult to find this way.

But it just so happens that Jiang Wang has obtained the inheritance in Zhang'e Mountain, and he knows the location of the mountain god wall—and that is precisely the key portal of the road to the gods.

Because the mountain god has been lost in the North Pole Tiankui Mountain, the mountain god wall will never appear, and there is no way to connect the gods.

In other words, one must be in a place where the God of the Mountain or the God of the Sea sits in order to have the opportunity to pass the Wall of the Mountain God or the God of the Sea and step onto the legendary Hongqiao.

None of those strange beasts that have been given the name of God are easy to deal with.

If you invade the mountain rashly, the possibility of annihilation of the entire army is not small.

Jiang Wang thought about it for a long time, and finally decided to take people back to Zhang'e Mountain. After all, it is better to be acquainted...

Although the direction of the mountains and seas is difficult to distinguish, Jiang Wang can still find the way to the places he has been to.

The organ Mahuraka did not stop, and dutifully sent the three of them to the vicinity of their destination, but because of their too conspicuous size, they were put away early.

"The mountain of Zhang'e has the quality of Yaobi."

The white jade gemstones all over the mountain are obviously very attractive.

Looking at this floating mountain, even Zuo Guangshu said: "The mountain god of this mountain must be good!"

"Although the five-tailed evil clang's temper is not very good, but if the three of us work together, we can still reason with it."

Jiang Wang didn't know whether he was comforting himself or the other two. In short, he mobilized so casually, and then took the lead and sneaked up the mountain.

"Reasonable" is of course just talking, how dare Jiang Wang show his face in front of that other Zheng now?

This time is different from the previous time.

In the case of being very familiar with Zhang'e Mountain, Yue Tiannu and Zuo Guangshu showed a profound background, and superimposed many concealment techniques to deal with various situations.

The three of them were like a breeze, blowing up Zhang'e Mountain without a trace. He didn't take any extra roads, and rushed to the mountain god wall with a clear goal.

Fortunately, that head Zheng didn't stay here, presumably he hid somewhere and slept soundly.

"Why is this mountain wall full of potholes?" Yue Tiannu frowned and looked at it: "There is still a big piece missing here."

Zuo Guangshu smiled and said, "It's almost like being a thief."

Jiang Wang didn't change his expression: "Do business."

The three of them triggered Taoism almost at the same time.

The whole Zhang'e Mountain suddenly became lively!

A large group of flame sparrows were chirping and flying all over the mountain.

Three puppet monks, holding wrought iron rods, separated in one direction, and recklessly dismantled the stone forest.

There is also a big flood flooding the mountains, and the water flows out, evolving into dragons, tigers, pigs and leopards, scurrying everywhere.

In the blink of an eye, the mountain was full of noise and commotion everywhere. Presumably Wuwei Evil Zheng woke up from his sleep and was stunned for a while, not knowing where to start.

In addition, the three people also set up many Taoist traps on the only way that Wuwei Evil Zheng must pass to the Mountain God Wall. Of course, the real block must not be able to block the evil, as long as it can divert a little attention and slow down a little speed.

According to the previous plan, the hustle and bustle started, and the three immediately broke their concealment and flew down in front of the mountain god wall.

Jiang Wang made a Bi Fang seal casually, pressed it on the mountain god wall, and according to Zuo Guangshu's instructions, he opened the way to descend from the god in the name of the god of Zhang'e.

The snow-white jade disc was radiant in an instant, and the sacred breath descended here.

But I saw a long rainbow appearing in the sky, piercing through the clouds and smoke for thousands of miles, crossing the mountain of Zhang'e, and traversing the high sky. I don't know where to start, and I don't know where to end.

In the middle of the mountain god wall in front of him, a portal appeared. Antique, inscribed with animal patterns.

Jiang Wang put his hand on the door and said anxiously, "Go in first."

Without saying a word, Zuo Guangshu and Yue Tiannu pushed the door open and entered.

Jiang Wang followed closely behind, started the real fire of Samadhi, and burned down a large piece of jade, which was quickly put into the storage box.

He slammed himself behind the door.

Behind the gate is Hongqiao.

Colorful, trapped in the depths of clouds and smoke.

The power of the mountain god wall, together with the road of the gods, also leads to various "sacred houses".

Jiang Wang thought, maybe this is the correct way to travel in the mountains and seas...

It's just how many people can kill Bi Fang, get blood essence, and connect to the mountain god wall?

The restrictions on cultivation in the mountains and seas made this road a castle in the air for outsiders—Zuo Guangshu originally planned to rely on the feathers of the nine phoenixes to embark on the road of divine descent, so the North Pole Tiangui Mountain was the starting point he expected.

This kind of one-ring-one-ring plan was broken at the first ring, and it can still be connected in this way, which is really weird.

The wind is blowing, and the people on the Hongqiao can't be moved.

Stepping on the Hongqiao, Zuo Guangshu had a strange expression. The puppet-faced Yue Tiannu didn't have any expression on his face, but his eyes were shining brightly.

Apparently, Jiang Wang's act of digging for treasure at random was not missed by them.

"If you don't destroy this door, I'm worried that the villain will catch up." Jiang Wang explained naturally, and then directed: "Look at the road, Guangshu, what am I doing? A map of Yuan?"

Brother Jiang is still majestic after all.

Zuo Guangshu turned his head obediently, and concentrated on searching for the shrine of Shuo Nanyuan in the scene of passing by.

On the Hongqiao hanging high in the sky, without moving your feet, people are flying along the Hongqiao, passing the mountains and seas. This is a very novel experience.

The speed of Hongqiao is amazing.

There is a very long distance between each floating mountain in the mountain sea environment. Even Fushan, which is within sight, is not so easy to get there. The so-called "Watching the mountain runs to death".

However, standing on the Hongqiao, the floating mountains seem to be close together, passing quickly in front of the eyes. One piece after another, the sea area where the god's house resides is also constantly receding in sight.

But what surprised Jiang Wang even more was...

Every floating mountain and every sea area that appears on the road of divine descent represents one or two mountain gods and sea gods. There are too many strange beasts in this mountain and sea realm that deserve to be named gods.

Does Qi have so many god-facing powerhouses?

Is there any in the entire Eastern Region?

Only at this moment, the number of mountain gods and sea gods is spread out in such an intuitive form.

Jiang Wangcai realized that if the mountains and seas were the real world, it would be such a powerful world!

"Here we are!" Zuo Guang said suddenly.

The Hongqiao then stood still.

Jiang Wang looked up, only to see a dark vortex hovering in front of him.

Yue Tiannu stepped forward, and the golden light on his body bloomed little by little: "I'll go in first."

She just said this and stepped into the whirlpool.

Dangers abounded in Nanyuan, and she thought that she was stronger as a puppet than Jiang Wang, so she went in first to explore the way. Other than that, nothing superfluous.

Jiang Wang followed closely and stepped into the dark vortex.

The whole person suddenly relaxed!

Jiang Wang almost flew up.

In the mountain and sea environment, he has to bear the power of the profound mystery a hundred times that of the present world all the time, but he is actually used to it.

In this South Abyss, however, there is almost no power of profound mystery, as if in the void of the universe.

Under the sudden ups and downs, people were almost unable to stand still.

Jiang Wang immediately exerted energy on his body and sank down.

But at the next moment, the power of heavy mystery pressing on his body increased hundreds of times, as if it wanted to crush him into a pancake!

The fiery red smoke evaporated all over his body, and Jiang Wang immediately opened the Wuyuyan Armor.

The Taoism created by Zuo Guangshu is really very suitable for this extremely chaotic environment.

Dao Yuan was consumed violently, but he stood still.

Only then did he have time to look at the surrounding environment.

Coming from the road of the gods, wherever you go, you must be the house of the gods.

In other words, there must be a mountain god or sea god guarding it.

The best situation, of course, is that the god is not at home. But this kind of expectation is just better than nothing...

According to the plan of the three people in advance, after the arrival, the first time is to hide. But at this time, I don't care so much. If I can't stand firmly, I can't hide it.

Yue Tiannu was not far in front of him, the golden light on his body was constantly changing, and he had obviously adapted to the environment. Being able to become a pure land, she has more understanding of the world, and it must be easier than Jiang Wang to deal with these.

"I haven't found anything yet." Yue Tiannu said, "But we have to leave quickly."

The gods here must have heard the news and are coming.

Jiang Wang turned his head.

Behind him is a pitch-black Mountain God Wall.

There is a door in the middle, and Zuo Guangshu is coming out of it.

"Look quickly, do you recognize me?"

Jiang Wang directly threw a question into Yunding Xiangong, asking Baiyun boy to analyze the material composition of this mountain god wall.

After a while, there was a non-energetic response from Baiyun boy: ""The Book of Immortal Prescriptions" contains: If the sea god dies, the god's body will be quicksand, and the eternal light will form a tree flower. My lord, this is quicksand Wood, one of the main materials of Asgard warriors."

Jiang Wang was overjoyed, wishing he could immediately call out the real fire of Samadhi and burn it happily.

Fortunately, he still has a bit of sense, knowing that this burning beam will become a big problem, so he forcibly held down the supernatural power seed that was eager to try.

Zuo Guangshu walked out of the dark portal, and quickly sensed the complexity of the environment. Light blue smoke rose from his body, and he resisted in an instant.

Facing Jiang Wang's burning gaze, he couldn't help saying: "Brother Jiang, you are taking care of me all the time, but it makes me nervous."

Jiang Wang thought, if you move away, you will know what I am looking at.

It's only one step away from Asgard Warriors, how can we not be excited...

As soon as he gritted his teeth, he turned around and left: "Let's hurry up and get out of here, and come back after we figure out the situation."

Speaking of which, the material of this Asgard warrior is really weird. Either the mountain god was transformed after death, or the sea god was transformed after death...

In the mountain and sea realm, maybe the mountain god and sea god are a little different.

But in this world, it all involves the divine way.

Yunding Fairy Palace is no longer stepping on the head of Shinto to do its best, it is completely skinning and tearing down Shinto, and stepping on the corpse of Shinto to develop.

From this point alone, one can almost see the grand occasion of the Nine Great Immortal Palaces.

It should be noted that Shinto is not a mean-spirited way at all, let alone weak.

Not to mention the glorious era.

Even now, in total decline. There is also a hegemony country bathed in the divine light of Cangtu God. This overlord country is still in Shengdi, and is rolling up its sleeves to fight Jing Guo.

Without some skills, how could Yunding Immortal Palace dare to act like this?

"Brother Jiang." Zuo Guangshu said at this time: "We can go to other places when we leave, and we don't have to come back."

"No! You have to come back!" Jiang Wang was categorical.

Seeing Zuo Guangshu's stunned expression, he softened his tone: "Where do you come from, you can go from there. Young people must have a beginning and an end when doing things."

Zuo Guangshu nodded in a daze.

Although he didn't understand, how could this be so complicated. But a character like Brother Jiang must have his reasons, right?

The three of them had a tacit understanding for a long time, and after observing the environment for a while, they wanted to leave here.

But almost at the same time, he stopped.

Right in front of them, a tall strange rock cracked open.

More precisely. It's the dirt and dirt accumulated on the body of a certain strange beast... I don't know how many years it has accumulated, and it exploded at this moment.

The invisible but qualitative coercion is overwhelming and surging!

What appeared in front of them was a strange beast with strange appearance and chaotic breath.

It has the head of a dog, the body of a bear, four legs, and long hair all over the body.

The eyes were large, but dull and lifeless, as if they could see nothing.

The two round ears drooped down, and they should not be able to hear, because Jiang Wang didn't notice any sound flowing through its ears.

Its abdomen is bulging, and the belly is very thin, transparent, and a rectum can be vaguely seen leading to the bottom, but the shadows of the internal organs are not there.

Just looking at the appearance, it's not such a ferocious beast. But its strength needs no further proof.

The golden light on Yue Tiannu's body and the Wuyan armor on Jiang Wang Zuo Guangshu's body were all crushed under this terrifying pressure!

When people are unlucky, it is really hard to drink cold water.

Unexpectedly, the Poseidon of Withering Nanyuan was actually set on the opposite side of the Sea God's Wall!

Anyone who sleeps somewhere else still has a chance to get entangled and escape.

Why is it so different from Zhang'e Mountain?

As the one in the trio who dealt with the mountain god and sea god the most, Jiang Wang was obliged to stand up.

On the one hand, Daoyuan is densely covered in the body, resisting the unpredictable power of the profound mystery in the South Abyss.

While patting himself, pointing at the other party, he laughed and said, "Me! You! Friend!"

This is a communication method that has been tested by Fu Dou and Bi Fang, and it is very effective!

Zuo Guangshu's confidence in Jiang Wang was almost blind now, and he looked at the other side expectantly.


The Sea God of Withered Nanyuan didn't move or make a sound.

Silence lasted for a while.

"Get ready to slip." Jiang Wang said helplessly: "It is blind and deaf, even if I go out, it can't communicate."

"How do you slip?" Zuo Guangshu, who was crushed by a coercion, did not dare to move: "I feel like if I move my ankle, I will die."

Jiang Wang calmly said: "I will listen to my instructions later. Zen Master Yue used puppets to entangle this ugly bastard, and Guangshu used Taoism to create a barrier to divide the battlefield. I will cut the way for you. When I count one, two, three, let's go launch."

"I am Chaos."

The strange beast suddenly opened its mouth and said, "Don't call it ugly."

It speaks the Tao.

Listen to its sound, you can understand its meaning.

Thank you Dameng Empire|Qin Shang for sending An An a birthday alliance.

Thank you for all the birthday wishes for Ann~~

Lord Jiang turned around and changed it to a copybook arrangement.

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