Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1466 Chaos

Jiang Wang: ...

This was the first strange beast that Jiang Wang encountered in the mountain and sea realm that could communicate with language.

The ears of this strange beast obviously did not absorb any sound, but it was able to fully hear their conversation and understand it.

Even, it is expressed in Taoist language.

"Recounting the Tao" itself is a powerful manifestation, and it cannot be done without a certain awareness of the world. This beast named "Chaos" is definitely stronger than Trident!

And the most embarrassing part is...

Just now Jiang Wang called it blind and deaf in front of it, and called it ugly...

Maybe it doesn't understand what ugly people mean... Jiang Wangzheng thought so.

Chaos suddenly said again: "Why are you scolding me in front of me? Don't you know how to transmit sound?"

Jiang Wang looked at Zuo Guangshu, then at Yue Tiannu.

Whether it is the noble son of Huai State Duke's Mansion or the master of Xiyue Temple, their eyes are full of confusion at the moment, obviously they are also unable to figure out the temper of this withered Nanyuan sea god, and they don't know how to deal with it.

Jiang Wang is not completely unfamiliar with the word "chaos". In Sen Hai Yuan Realm, that Yan Xiao had devoured Chaos. It is also difficult to digest, causing chronic weakness.

But that chaos is clearly not this chaos.

"I think this is a misunderstanding..." Jiang Wang murmured.

Meditation is mainly to delay time and leave more room for thinking.

Secretly transmitted voice to two people at the same time: "Who knows what Chaos is? How is its brain? Can it be tricked?"

"I am not a ghost."

Chaos spoke suddenly, startling Jiang Wang.

Zuo Guangshu's sound transmission reached his mouth, and he swallowed it back.

Mysterious words flowed in the air, full of joy: "I don't use sound to capture your conversations, I capture expressions."

At this moment, Jiang Wang didn't understand why he was being tricked by this ugly guy named Chaos.

I don't know if Chaos is good at deceiving, but I am quite easy to deceive.

For a moment, I endured from my heart and gave birth to courage!

"Your Excellency is really funny." Jiang Wang saluted first, then gave a thumbs up, and praised generously: "I have been wandering in this mountain and sea environment for a long time, and I have seen countless mountain gods and sea gods. Only Your Excellency is as broad-minded as the sky. , What a benevolent heart like the sun and the moon, can take jokes, and know how to joke, good! Really good!"

Zuo Guangshu thought to himself, Brother Jiang is such a proud person, how often has he ever said soft words when he suppressed Xiang Bei and blocked Dou Zhao? Today, for our sake, he made such compromises...

Looking at Jiang Wang's figure, I feel sore in my heart, which cannot be expressed in words.

"Hahahaha." Chaos seemed to have a good temper, and didn't care too much about Jiang Wang's previous offense. He laughed and said, "He's a wonderful person!"

"Only when you have something wonderful in your heart can you see a wonderful person. Only a great existence like you can embrace mountains and seas and embrace everything!" Jiang Wang didn't care whether his chaotic eyes could see him or not, and smiled brightly: "I still have to say goodbye to you." Your Excellency apologizes, the three of us came abruptly, and it is really rude not to greet you in advance. Please forgive me!"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..." When Chaos laughed, his belly quivered, and the long hair on his body also trembled.

Jiang Wang took out a plate of Woshan fish balls from the storage box at the right time, and said with a smile: "I will prepare a small gift, and let's talk about my heart."

Woshan Fish Ball is a famous dish in Chu State. The best Danxia pig is selected, and a whole piece of pork leg is carved and shaped like a crouching mountain. It is smeared with secret sauce and stewed until crispy. There are five holes drilled on it, and the fish balls are stewed.

Jiang Wang ate at the Huaiguo Mansion once, and he was full of praise. He specially reserved a portion for An An, but it came in handy at this time——

He was also reluctant to say goodbye.

This plate of Woshan fish balls came out from one end, and the aroma immediately filled the air.

Without seeing how Chaos moved, the food dish flew out of his hand and floated in front of it.

It opened its mouth wide, directly engulfed the entire food dish, and ate it cleanly after a few mouthfuls.

Jiang Wang wanted to remind the diners that what the diners ate were the five fish balls, but the meat was unnecessary. Seeing this situation, he didn't say anything.

"Ohhhh..." Chaos looked very satisfied, and said again: "There are three of you!"

Jiang Wang quickly winked.

Yue Tiannu thought for a while, then took out a stick of sandalwood, and put it in front of his body: "Burning this thing can calm the mind. The power is a gift, and the Sea God doesn't mind."

Chaos summoned this sandalwood to his side, neither saying he was satisfied nor dissatisfied.

Zuo Guangshu gritted his teeth, thinking that a hero like Brother Jiang could suffer this kind of grievance, how could I not stand it? After a little deliberation, he took out a piece of jade from the storage box, and offered it respectfully with both hands: "Honorable Lord Sea God, wearing this thing on your body can sort out your qi and blood, and the merit lies in your body. A force."

They also randomly found something in the storage box to perfunctory. It is obvious that Yue Tiannu and Zuo Guangshu have too much wealth, and the worst things can be regarded as treasures.

It's not as expensive as Jiang Wang's. That plate of Woshan fish balls is quite expensive.

However, Master Chaos obviously has his own unique taste, and he snorted through his nostrils in disapproval: "The twisted melon is really not sweet, and the gift I want is not sincere!"

"Master Chaos is really knowledgeable, and this exit will be a chapter!" Jiang Wang said enthusiastically: "Actually, the three of us are all sincere, but we care about you from different angles. You are like that towering mountain. Even if you do everything, you can only see a little corner, and it is difficult to fully understand your greatness."

Yue Tiannu silently turned her head away.

Why is the puppet's face sour?

Anyone with a certain status in the human race pays attention to a subtlety.

But Chaos obviously enjoyed this kind of directness and unrestrainedness.

He laughed again, "Ohhhhhhhh".

"As the saying goes, 'If you are courteous to others, you must ask for something'. There is also a saying, 'If you have nothing to show courteousness, you are either cheating or stealing'." Chaos said, "You are so respectful to this god, what do you want?"

"Where, where, we are purely out of admiration for Your Excellency..." Jiang Wang's face froze with a smile, and he changed the subject: "But we are weak, if we have difficulties and don't open our mouths to Lord Chaos, wouldn't it be a loss? Mr. Chaos' reputation of being anxious about justice? So, forgive me... do you know the chapter of Nine Phoenixes?"

Chaos was silent for a moment.

Jiang Wang hurriedly said: "It doesn't matter if you don't know, you can understand if it's not convenient to say, I just ask casually, don't take it to heart."

"Jiufeng..." Chaos sat there all the time, motionless, with a bear body as tall as a mountain, and said, "I do know. Do you know?"

Jiang Wang looked at Zuo Guangshu.

Zuo Guangshu said: "The North Pole Tiangui Mountain has nine gods with a human face and a bird body. It is called Jiufeng... a powerful mountain god."

"However..." Chaos said: "What you are looking for is the chapter of Jiufeng, not the fellow of Jiufeng. Is it my fault, or do you not understand?"

Zuo Guangshu was obviously at a loss. He only knows to look for the Nine Phoenix Chapter, knows that the Nine Phoenix Chapter is a skill or a supernatural power, and knows that to find the Nine Phoenix Chapter, he needs to get the Nine Phoenix Feather first. But in fact, it is not clear what the Chapter of Nine Phoenixes is.

A lot of everything about Huang Weizhen has been buried in the long river of history.

There are people in the world who know the name, but few know the truth.

He looked at Chaos, but Chaos' eyes were dull, and his face was covered with dog hair, so he couldn't judge its emotions.

Just as he didn't know what to say, Jiang Wang cupped his hands and said, "I'm ignorant, so I ask Master Chaos to enlighten me."

Chaos snorted through his nostrils and said, "This nine phoenixes are not the other nine phoenixes. Do you know the nine types of phoenixes?"

Jiang Wang was silent.

Zuo Guangshu frowned and thought hard.

Yue Tiannu said earnestly: "I have only heard of the five types of phoenixes, 'Phoenixes are five, five-colored and red are phoenixes; yellow are yuān chú; green are luan; purple are yuè zhuó, white Zhe Honghu." I have never heard of the nine types of Phoenix."

"You're right. The five types of phoenixes are indeed correct." Chaos said lightly, "But in the mountain and sea realm, there are four other types. The green ones are called Jade Birds, the black ones are called Jiaxuan, the blue ones are called Kong Yuan, The orange one is called practicing rainbow."

Yue Tiannu said: "I have never heard of it!"

Turning to look at Jiang Wang again: "Benefactor Jiang, have you heard of it?"

Jiang Wang was embarrassed to say that he only heard all the five categories of Phoenix today.

He only said: "Jiang is ignorant and ignorant. He doesn't read much, but he has never heard of it."

Yue Tiannu thought, Donor Jiang is so humble! Then he turned his head to look at Zuo Guangshu: "Master Zuo's family has a long history, have you ever heard of it?"

Zuo Guangshu shook his head: "I have exhausted the records of the mountains, seas and beasts, but I have not seen this."

He actually memorized a whole set of mountains, seas and beasts!

"Phoenix, pheasant, luan, scorpion, swan, pheasant, Jiaxuan, Kongyuan, and Lianhong. The chapter of the nine phoenixes refers to this nine phoenixes! Only by opening this magnificent chapter can one achieve supreme supernatural powers." Chaos sneered. With a voice: "The children don't know anything, so they dare to wither Nanyuan?"

Zuo Guangshu was at a loss for words for a moment.

"It's Meng Lang, boys." Jiang Wang said respectfully: "I was planning to go to the North Pole Tiangui Mountain to seek the feathers of the nine phoenixes, and then to wither the Nanyuan Burning Feathers to find traces. I never thought that the North Pole Tiangui Mountain had already gone to the mountain. Kong, I have no choice but to come here empty-handed to try my luck... It is really my luck to meet such a tolerant god like you!"

Chaos also muttered: "Isn't Jiufeng at the North Pole Tiankui Mountain?"

"It's not there."

"The priesthood is in the body, how dare it refuse it?"

"This... I don't know."

Chaos suddenly became furious: "Shenji collapses, it's like this. The mountains and seas will be destroyed by the hands of those fools sooner or later!"

It breathed violently, its long hair fluttered, its bulging belly undulated exaggeratedly, the power it exuded became more and more terrifying, and there was a ferocious aura, it seemed to be slowly waking up, which made people frightened.

At this critical moment, Yue Tiannu pressed his right hand to the ground, and formed a seal with his left hand. Suddenly he opened his mouth and said, "Nanwubao Moonlight Buddha! Om! Ah! Luo! Lie! Ga! Ah!"

The Buddha's light shines on her body, but she is not domineering, her aura is exuding, but she is very gentle.

Her voice is still not mellow, but at this time there is a soothing power.

"Huh..." Chaos let out a long breath.

Breathing stopped.

At this time, the coercion has been withdrawn, its body is motionless, its breath is completely gone, as if it has disappeared.

Jiang Wang looked at Yue Tiannu.

She said softly: "It's just to soothe the killing intent and make it calm. It's strong and I'm weak, how can I provoke it?"

Jiang Wang then stopped talking.

But Chaos didn't make any other statement, and they didn't dare to leave for a while, so they had to stay here and wait.

This place seemed to be underwater, for there was a dark current in the distance overhead.

The dark mountain god wall, the strange chaos, the tall water plants like trees... together build this environment.

There were hardly any other sounds, which gradually made people feel a kind of coldness.

Zuo Guangshu looked at Jiang Wang, Jiang Wang was very calm.

For some reason, he also settled down in his heart.

After a long time, Chaos seemed to slow down: "Oh, you are still there."

"Where were we talking?" it asked.

Jiang Wang cupped his hands and said: "There are clues about the chapter of Jiufeng, and I am waiting for your advice."

What he said was not a lie, so he said it with confidence.

Chaos snorted, and said: "I have been plotted by the evil god, my thoughts are often confused, and sometimes killing intent invades my heart, but don't think I am stupid."

Jiang Wang looked terrified: "How dare you kid?"

"Ohhhhhhh..." Chaos suddenly laughed again: "The Chapter of Nine Phoenixes is so great, I won't give you clues for nothing."

Zuo Guangshu curled his lips and muttered softly, "Didn't you give me a gift?"

"That's natural!" Jiang Wang took a step forward, standing in front of Zuo Guangshu, and said very sensiblely: "After the thing is done, there must be a heart to offer it!"

"Intention? Hmph..." Chaos swallowed the jade and sandalwood into his mouth, chewed twice and then swallowed.

He tilted his head: "You have to do something for me!"

"Lord Sea God is joking." Jiang Wang said calmly, "If you are as great as you, what can you not do? If you are as small as us, what can you do?"

Chaos lowered his head again, his voice lowered: "Do you know why I am here? Why am I facing this divine wall for nine hundred years without moving?"

Huang Weizhen has been dead for more than 900 years, and it has also sat facing the Sea God Wall in the South Yuan for 900 years...

It is obviously unrealistic to say that there is no relationship between the two.

With this qualification alone, Chaos is not easy.

No wonder he can speak Chinese, no wonder he is much stronger than Trident...

"Thinking about it, you have your intentions..." Jiang Wang said cautiously.

Chaos has actually been made very clear.

It has been tricked by the evil god, and its thoughts are often confused. It must be involuntary to decide here.

But Jiang Wang insisted on holding it up.

Chaos also liked this very much, so he laughed "uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu".

The laughter stopped suddenly, and the voice was extremely angry: "I have a great enemy, I have a world feud!"

Zuo Guangshu rolled his beautiful eyes.

An enemy you can't even defeat, can you still count on us to avenge you? Sitting here for 900 years, you really make yourself stupid, right?

Jiang Wang said calmly: "That must be a very vicious person."

"Hmph." Chaos calmed down again, and said with a sneer, "Perhaps many idiots still regard it as a benevolent master!"

Jiang Wang tentatively said: "It is..."

"The eight wildernesses, the six and the four directions, all follow their darkness and light. Looking at the day and night, blowing about winter and summer, so they think they are the highest. Bully the destiny above, and bully the gods below!"

As Chaos talked, he became furious again: "It's Zhu Jiuyin!"




Ps: The Nine Classes of the Phoenix is ​​a unique legend in Chixin World.

In orthodox legends, there are five categories.

Friends who have studied ancient mythology should not remember it wrong.

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