Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1467

If there is any god in the mountain and sea realm, no one can ignore it.

Then there must be only the name "Zhu Jiuyin".

Because every time it opens and closes its eyes, every breath, it affects the entire mountain and sea environment.

Nobody knows Zhu Jiuyin!

Chaos describes Zhu Jiuyin's crimes, saying that it "thinks it is the supreme one. It bullies the fate of heaven and the gods below."

It was said earlier that the mountains and seas would be destroyed by the hands of those fools, and it was also mentioned that the gods collapsed...

It seems that there is a large shadow that has been pulled out.

The Mountain and Sea Realm is not a Yanfa Pavilion born purely because of the arrogance of the Chu land. This world will not stop because people come to the trial or not to come to the trial.

It has its own laws.

Those mountain gods and sea gods in the mountain and sea realm are not some symbol imprint, some kind of symbol of nothingness. It is a real existence, with its own story and its own life.

Such as Sancha's revenge for his son, such as Chaos' hatred for Zhu Jiuyin.

Those surprising unknown changes have their own reasons behind them.

"What's the conflict between you and that god?" Jiang Wang asked cautiously.

"Contradiction?" Chaos seemed to be laughing, or crying: "Yes, what is the contradiction?"

"It is nothing more than that all the world is a subject, and I am not a subject."

Its voice became generous: "It's nothing more than that the world is suffering, and I dare not say anything. I am not angry, so I set up this Nanyuan!"

It took a few more violent breaths, as if struggling against something, and then said: "There is a line of inscriptions on the Sea God's wall behind you... Have you ever seen it?"

Only then did Jiang Wang and the others turn their heads back, only to see a series of Dao characters appearing on the pitch-black Sea God Wall——

"Mountains and seas have withered to the south, and the four corners of the world, only the south will not submit!"

This sentence has a kind of extraordinarily unruly, with the tendency of suddenly rising to the sky.

One can almost imagine the prestige and swagger of that moment.

Then look at this strange sea god in front of him, blind and blind, moody, and emotionally chaotic... It can't help but make people sigh.

The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit, and it is universal in the world.

"I see." Jiang Wang sighed, "Your Excellency is so proud."

"Hoohoho..." Chaos laughed strangely before panting: "It's been a long time since I've been touted, this kind of feeling... I really miss it! Young man, you must know that in the battle about life, you Must win. If you lose, not even the thing you despise the most will ever kiss your boot again."

"Teachable." Jiang Wang said: "But I still want to emphasize one point, my admiration for you is completely from the bottom of my heart, without any flattery."

"Hey!!" Chaos said: "You remind me again and again that you need me. An old guy who has been trapped in Nanyuan for nine hundred years is happy to show his value...but you have to do things for me."

It repeated: "Do something for me."

"Emotionally, I'm happy to help, but..." Jiang Wang said in a difficult way: "Jun Zhujiuyin came to this world, and you are the only one who dares not to surrender in the entire mountain and sea realm. The three of us are even more mediocre, and any mountain god will come to you , I can't even deal with it... What can I do for you?"

Yue Tiannu and Zuo Guangshu didn't speak, letting Jiang Wang fully represent their will.

No matter how different thoughts you have in your heart, at this time, you have given Jiang Wang enough trust.

Chaos slowed down his voice, and said: "I am fixed here, unable to move. But Zhu Jiuyin invaded the south back then, and I bit off its tail. It was also injured, very seriously."

"The weather outside is smooth and the weather is constant day and night. Zhu Jiuyin doesn't look like he's injured..." Jiang Wang said with a bitter look on his face: "Furthermore, even if it is seriously injured, it still exists that we can't bear to breathe."

"Day and night are its vocation, how can it ignore it? Don't say it's just an injury, you have to persevere even if you're about to die!" When Chaos mentions Zhu Jiuyin, he tends to be vicious.

After a while, he said, "I don't want you to deal with it directly."

It opened its mouth, and spit out a triangular pale white spire. The minaret floated up and slowly flew to Jiang Wang.

"You just need to place this tower of withering on the top of Zhongshan Mountain."

Jiang Wang looked at Zuo Guangshu.

Zuo Guangshu opened his mouth and explained: "Zhu Jiuyin sits on two sacred mountains, one is Zhangwei Mountain and the other is Zhongshan. I think it is similar to Tanggu and Yuyuan. One is sunrise and the other is sunset. Because Zhu Jiuyin is also God in charge of changing day and night..."

Chaos has already spit out the tower, so there is no room for rejection.

If you just put the withering tower in one place, it's not impossible to realize it at all...

The withered tower in front of him had a strange shape, with a sinister bone spur at the tip. But there is no peculiar smell, and the whole body is clean.

But when Jiang Wang thought that this thing was spit out from Chaos' stomach, he felt a greasy feeling that couldn't go away.

With a smile on his face, he randomly found a coat in the storage box, and carefully wrapped up this small tower in a respectful gesture. Tried to put it in the storage box, but couldn't put it in. I had to wrap another layer and put it in my arms.

Then he said sadly: "I hit it off with Zunshen immediately, and I am willing to do something for you. But it is dangerous to go to Zhongshan. I don't know if I will see you again after we say goodbye today. I am even more afraid that I will not be able to do it. It's a big deal for you.

Why don't you help us get the Nine Phoenix Chapter first. When we strengthen ourselves, we will go to Zhongshan. As the saying goes, sharpening a knife does not cut wood by mistake. With your wisdom, you must know this truth. "

He calmly replaced "provide clues to the Nine Phoenix Chapter" with "help get the Nine Phoenix Chapter".

"Well, sharpen the knife, that's right, I know." Chaos' words were a little confused at this time, and it seemed that his thoughts began to conflict again.

It said in a state of struggling: "Leave from me, walk in the direction facing Sea God's Wall, keep walking, and you will see Jiaxuan. There is a chapter about Nine will get more from it There are many evil thoughts in this place, all of which are the pain of being exiled by Zhu Jiuyin. But you have the withering tower on your body, so there will be no danger on the road."

If one can meet Jiaxuan, one of the Nine Phoenixes, then the clues to the Chapter of Nine Phoenixes will of course be more reliable.

Jiang Wang was overjoyed: "Thank you, God!"

Chaos panted, "Go...go."

"'s really embarrassing to say it." Jiang Wang was embarrassed, but he said happily: "You Sea God's Wall, can I dig out a piece? I need this material very much. Zhong Shan was also very helpful."

Chaos froze for a moment, probably unable to react: "I, you, this..."

Jiang Wang immediately said: "If it's really inconvenient for you, I'll just dig one piece!"

"Then... alright, we agreed to only dig one piece." Chaos said.

It didn't seem to notice at all, and Jiang Wang didn't give it the option to refuse at all.

The conflict of ideas is already very intense at this time.

Only then did Chaos agree, Jiang Wang had already appeared next to the Sea God's Wall, and the Samadhi True Fire burned it directly.

The process of "Law Qi Samadhi" is slow, but there is progress after all.

And the circled a bit big.


Chaos said suddenly.

The Samadhi True Fire on the Sea God's Wall was extinguished immediately.

A piece of quicksand wood the size of a fist fell off and fell into Jiang Wang's hands.

"Take it, let's go." Chaos said.

Although it was already so impolite, Jiang Wang said goodbye with enthusiasm: "Then let's not bother, and may the gods recover their health as soon as possible, defeat Zhu Jiuyin, and restore glory!"

After some polite words that cost nothing, they called Zuo Guangshu and Yue Tiannu to leave.

Before he left, he saw that Chaos' belly was swollen high, and there was a shadow of something running around in the belly, as if it was about to explode...

What tortured Chaos into such a state?

Jiang Wang didn't dare to look any further, nor did he look back.

Withered Nanyuan is a deep sea area.

Not long after the three of them left Chaos, they began to feel the presence of sea water.

It seems to have passed through an invisible barrier, from an anhydrous environment to being in water.

The profound environment here is upside down and chaotic, making people fluctuate. The water here is calm. It seems that the power of heavy mysteries, which is heavy and light at times, only works on outsiders like Jiang Wang.

Large and large groups of algae floated, like some kind of insects gathered together, bringing a gloomy feeling.

The three of them didn't speak for a while, just as Chaos said, they walked in the direction facing the Nanyuan Sea God's Wall.

They left the deep water area, stepped on the water like picking up steps, and walked towards the surface of the sea.

A kind of coldness of being spied on has never disappeared since its appearance. And there are more and more prying eyes... Jiang Wang can feel the weight of the eyes, and can also feel the malice in them.

Chaos said that those were the pains of being exiled by Zhu Jiuyin.

In a clean and tidy city, there are also gutters. Under the sun, there are still shadows. The dark side of the world always exists.

There is no other way but to be vigilant and deal with it.

Leaving the deep water area and walking all the way to the surface of the sea, the feeling of depression has not disappeared.

The sky is dark and the sea is dark.

Gloomy mood, like a kind of eternity. keep accumulating, keep accumulating...

Makes you want to go crazy, to give up, to...die.

Die here, or be liberated.

All life is suffering, what good is life?

Fortunately, Jiang Wang's will is the same, Yue Tiannu has his own Zen mind, and Zuo Guangshu also has ways to deal with this situation.

Those chaotic, evil and depraved atmospheres cannot invade this team.

It's just a long silence, and it's inevitable that there will be a sense of withering.

After walking a long distance, Zuo Guangshu finally opened his mouth: "I have already established a connection with this water area. But the scope is very small, the water here is not pure, and there are many kinds of forces pulling it... not only the handle of the gods is mastered s reason."

The team seemed to come to life.

As an elite team, they have of course been fighting in their own way.

Zuo Guangshu succeeded in establishing a connection with the water area. In essence, he was fighting for a private domain in the South Abyss.

Make people around you more free and comfortable.

"There is a lot of resentment in this place." Yue Tiannu said.

"Biao Nanyuan fights against the entire mountain and sea realm with his own strength, and the casualties must be heavy." Zuo Guangshu said: "After all, Chaos has become like that, and there are other beings who were killed or exiled by Zhu Jiuyin... full of resentment It's inevitable."

In other places, it would not be so difficult for him to communicate with the waters.

Jiang Wang only persuaded: "Don't try to resolve it, don't throw sparks into the oil pan."

"Of course I know this." Yue Tiannu looked around and sighed: "And with my current cultivation, I can't resolve it. This place...has accumulated too much, and has been entangled for too long."

Jiang Wang thought for a while and asked, "Zhan Master Yue is well-informed, is there anything similar to this in this world?"

Yue Tiannu was silent for a moment, then said: "Woe to water."

Jiang Wang asked again: "Seniors and sages, how did you deal with it?"

"It's too long to talk about it, and it won't be clear in a while." Yue Tiannu said: "I can only say that the current peaceful situation of Huoshui is controlled by Sanxinggong and ruled by Xuehezong."

"Blood River Sect?" Jiang Wang frowned slightly.

The first time he heard this name was because of the Heart Swallower Demon Bear Asking. The former ninth human demon who died under Zhu Weiwo's gun was the abandoned disciple of the Blood River Sect.

The second time I heard, it was Zhenjun Xuehe who, as one of the helpers gathered by Zhenjun Shendu, attacked Wantong together and returned by cutting the dragon's horn. During that turmoil in the maze world, True Monarch Xuehe wanted to take Chongxuan Zun as his disciple.

He smiled: "Speaking of it, I always thought it was an heretical sect, but I finally got to know it and knew that it was also the great sect. But what I didn't expect was that it still shoulders such a heavy responsibility..."

Yue Tiannu said calmly: "There is no need to deny that many Taoism techniques of the Blood River Sect are indeed somewhat violent and easy to lead astray. However, with one technique, if you use it rightly, you will be righteous, and if you use it evilly, you will be evil."

"Taught." Jiang Wang bowed his head slightly.

"The most important thing is." Yue Tiannu said: "When a sect is defined as heretical, it means that it has lost the right to speak. In essence, it has lost its strength. Such a sect cannot last long It is impossible to survive, let alone develop and grow.”

Speaking of this, she has a lot of meaning: "So, how can there be any heresy in the world? The so-called side doors are mostly because they can't get on the stage."

Zen Master Yue, who is profound in Buddhism, would say such a truth, which Jiang Wang did not expect.

When people talk about Buddhism, they all say compassion. But it would be a great fallacy to think that they are not sober enough.

Zuo Guangshu shook his head: "Then right and wrong are black and white, good and evil are right and wrong. Don't they differentiate?"

This is actually the question Jiang Wang wanted to ask.

But after thinking about it, even if it is a cult like the Way of the Bone, the vast majority of believers think they are saving the world, and they are also seeking to spread "fairness".

"Divide, of course we have to divide. There is no distinction between black and white, how can there be day and night? Good and evil are unrestrained, how can there be clarity?" Yue Tiannu said: "But the principles of the world cannot be constant. In a person's body, there is still a mixture of good and evil. , let alone a power or a region? Think about it carefully, which big sect in the world is a sect, and which big country is an evil country?"

Zuo Guangshu couldn't respond for a while, he just said: "Buddhism often talks about karma, I think Zen masters can see black and white very clearly."

"The world is black and white, how dare I say that I can see it clearly? I also often... don't know right or wrong." Yue Tiannu sighed, and then said: "You see we are now in Nanyuan, is it black or white? At this moment Is the mountain and sea realm black or white? What about the world at this moment, is it black or white? One body stands tens of thousands of weights, the sky is beyond the sky, the body is outside the can you tell the difference?"

"One body stands tens of thousands of weights, the sky is outside the sky, and the body is outside the body", this Buddhist gatha is exactly the famous sentence left by Zen Master Zhaowu on Mount Sumeru.

It is said that it is actually difficult for a person to distinguish between right and wrong. In different "heaven", relative to different "body", there may be completely different answers.

There are 3000 worlds in the palm, and putting hands together is a simple action, but it may destroy hundreds of millions of living beings.

Jiang Wang calmly said: "The Zen master has already made the distinction very clearly."

Yue Tiannu was stunned for a moment, then suddenly put his palms together and smiled: "Benefactor Jiang is right."

Ask where you are, that's all.

Zen Master Zhaowu left this gatha back then, and what he said was nothing more than his original heart.

Such a question, after all, has no constant answer.

The three of them have cultivated to the present state, and they have long thought about their own path, and they will not be easily persuaded or changed by anyone.

Therefore, it was just a superficial touch, so it passed by.

Zuo Guangshu asked again: "The Feique, Jiaxuan, Kongyuan, and Lianhong are not well-known, so they really belong to the phoenix? This is the first time I have heard of the nine types of phoenix. I think... Chaos doesn't seem to be Sober."

"Do you know the clue to the Chapter of Nine Phoenixes?" Jiang Wang asked.

"Are you Chaos' opponent?" Jiang Wang asked again.

Zuo Guangshu couldn't answer.

Jiang Wang then said: "Then it is what it says. If there is any doubt, I will talk about it after seeing Jiaxuan."

There seems to be some unknown danger lurking in this dark sea.

It is weirder than any environment they have experienced in the mountain and sea environment so far.

Dark, dead, cold.

It seems that the root of everything is destruction, and there is no place to yearn for.

It is in sharp contrast with the blue sea, blue sky, exotic flowers and rocks outside the Yuan.

Perhaps only such a place, only such an extremely difficult environment, can "not surrender" to Zhu Jiuyin.

Does not correspond to the rules of the Mountain Sea Realm.

Therefore, there is no alternation of day and night, only eternal night.

The long night is ignorant, and the sea of ​​tranquility is silent.

Walking on the dark sea, every step of the foot is extremely cautious. He could clearly feel that he was being watched by some terrifying existence, but he couldn't find anything.

Jiang Wang never touched the withering tower hidden in his arms, but he could feel that it was this object with an unclear appearance that ensured the smooth path ahead.

It means that Chaos still has at least some authority in Withered South Abyss.

"The Tower of Withering is like the order of the sea god, and all evils are subdued and invincible." Zuo Guangshu said with a smile: "Are we now considered to be under the light of the gods?"

Jiang Wang calmly said: "But even Chaos himself, who gave the withering tower, seems unable to stay awake for a long time. Then how long the usefulness of this withering tower can last is also very doubtful..."

"The inscription on the Sea God's Wall reminds me of one thing." Zuo Guangshu said at this time.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Wang asked casually.

"Brother Jiang is familiar with history books, so he should know about it." Zuo Guangshu said: "It was the same at the peak of the Jing Dynasty...Everyone in the world obeys, except Nan."

He emphasized: "Only Chu is not a minister."

Jiang Wang glanced at him: "You mean...withered Nanyuan is to Zhujiuyin, just like Chu was to Jing in the past?"

"It's quite similar...isn't it?"

"I think most people in Chu will have this association." Jiang Wangdao: "I just don't know the word, is it left by Huang Weizhen, or by Chaos himself."

"Huang Weizhen?" Zuo Guang was puzzled, "Didn't Chaos let us see it? How could it be Huang Weizhen? Did you recognize it from the handwriting?"

Jiang Wang thought to himself that the mountain god wall and the sea god wall are the existence that best embodies Huang Weizhen's will, and the transmission of the Bi Fang seal and the Huo Dou seal through the mountain god wall is proof.

If Chaos wants to write on it, I'm afraid it won't be that easy.

But he just said: "I don't have the ability to distinguish. It's just that since the mountains and seas are closely related to Huang Weizhen, it is reasonable for him to leave such a line of words to entrust his feelings for Chu. Chaos let us look at the lines, It is to explain its ambition, but it does not say that it is the words carved by itself."

"That makes sense..." Zuo Guangshu said, "Brother Jiang, do we want to help Chaos?"

"It's probably hard for Chu people not to be moved by this kind of spirit." Jiang Wang smiled and said, "We'll talk about it after we meet Jiaxuan and find the chapter of Jiufeng."

Chaos only said to keep walking in the direction Poseidon's Wall was facing, but didn't say how long it would take.

Probably in terms of it, time is not an important thing. Or, in its constant conflicting thoughts, the concept of time has been lost.

Withering Nanyuan doesn't distinguish between day and night, the three people on the way can only remember the time in their hearts.

They seldom spoke anymore and became more and more silent. Even with the help of the withering tower, more and more energy must be allocated to fight against the environment of withering Nanyuan.

It's not just the extremely chaotic profound environment, it's not just the deadly silence and depressive emotional infection.

There is also the dark wind that blows down from time to time, and it will come across like a blade.

The sea water, which is dead most of the time, sometimes "collapses" suddenly. Like quicksand in the desert, there are submerged places in the water.

Zuo Guangshu only felt a terrifying aura on the other side of the "sinking pit", but he couldn't detect it carefully.

Later, they stopped treading water and walked directly in the air. In this way, in the confrontation with the extreme profound environment, they will undoubtedly consume more primordial stones——

For Zuo Guangshu, this was the last thing to worry about.

But he didn't dare to fly too high, because the sky was really dark, and there were obviously some evil things hidden in the low clouds.

Just keep going.

Until a certain moment—— Zuo Guangshu remembered that it was a full thirty-five hours later.

They did see a phoenix.

At that time, the sky was dark and the sea was dark.

They were already feeling exhausted, but no one complained, they just moved forward silently.

Then when he looked up, his field of vision was already occupied.

It was a black phoenix hundreds of feet long.

Lin front deer, snake head fish tail, dragon Wen turtle back, swallow jaw chicken beak.

There are five lines on its body, which appear like characters.

The first text is called virtue, the wing text is called obedience, the back text is called righteousness, the belly text is called faith, and the internal text is called benevolence.

Noble, mysterious, gorgeous...

But it has been dead for a long time.





Ps: Regarding Zhu Jiuyin, there are two places recorded in the original text of Shan Hai Jing. In the Overseas Beijing, it is said that Zhongshan and Zhuyin are said. In the Great Wilderness Northern Classic, it talks about Zhangwei Mountain, Zhu Jiuyin, and Zhu Long. The rest of the image and ability descriptions are consistent and should be fallacies. Unify here.

Thanks to the lord Heisei Decade for the new alliance rewarded!



Cut Yange with a knife.


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