Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1468 Jiaxuan is dead

The dark sky seemed so low that it was about to collapse.

On the endless dark sea, a huge black phoenix lay there.

The waves are slightly rippling, not moving a bit.

Its body is like a floating island, its soul is gone.

It's still so beautiful, but it's been withered for a long time.


Jiang Wang and the three looked at each other.

Zuo Guangshu pursed his lips tightly and was speechless for a while.

Together with Brother Jiang, he rushed into the mountain and sea realm full of ambition.

After several dangers, he successfully joined Qu Shunhua. I thought that the next step would be as Brother Jiang said, to sweep the mountains and seas and easily get what he wanted.

Turning around, he was ambushed by strange beasts and separated from Brother Jiang.

Then Qu Shunhua left.

And then I was defeated by a stranger after meeting myself...

After one setback after another, he finally regained his confidence and searched all the way to the North Pole Tiangui Mountain. However, Jiufeng disappeared and the North Pole Tiangui Mountain was cracked!

Taking the risk of embarking on the road of descending from the gods, he came to Withered Nanyuan, and gained the support of Chaos by relying on Brother Jiang's humiliation and flattery.

Relying on the withering tower, walk on thin ice in the withering South Yuan full of malice, looking for the phoenix-like black god named Jiaxuan.

After driving for a full three days, there is no need to mention how careful and hard the journey was.

As a result, Jiaxuan had been dead for a long time...

The fledgling noble son deeply felt the malice of this world.

At the critical moment, it has to be Brother Jiang.

"Chaos said that this nine phoenixes are not the other nine phoenixes, and the nine types of phoenixes are what you are looking for. Since the feathers of the nine phoenixes can give clues to the chapter of the nine phoenixes, isn't the feather of Jiaxuan more useful?" Jiang Wang urged: "Go and try to pull a few off, anyway, it can't refuse now."

Zuo Guangshu suddenly realized, turning worry into joy. The person walked forward, stretched out his hand and made a move, and a stream of water jumped up, heading straight for Jiaxuan's huge corpse.

This time, it was like stabbing a hornet's nest!

A certain hidden calm was broken.

From Jiaxuan's hill-like corpses, there suddenly appeared densely packed, uncountable spirits of alien beasts. They bared their teeth and danced their claws, gathering together, like a huge black tide, roaring out, heading straight for the three of Jiang Wang!

Those spirits of strange beasts, like cows and tigers, like pythons and eagles, are ferocious and ferocious.

Jiang Wang dragged Zuo Guangshu back, the blue clouds exploded under his feet, and he turned his back and fled without hesitation. He walked gracefully, but his body was like lightning.

Yue Tiannu clasped his palms together and walked in big strides. He didn't look eager, but one step was tens of feet away.

Zuo Guangshu, whose reaction was obviously slow by a line, raised his hands at this moment, and a huge water flow barrier rose up, blocking behind the three of them.

I don't know if it looks more intuitive like this, or after leaving the sea, the sea water shows its original appearance.

But in the empty water flow barrier, there are countless struggling living creatures, moving up and down, like insects and threads!

The water flow barrier was about to collapse almost instantly.

Zuo Guangshu mobilized the power of He Bo's supernatural power, and with a shake of his right hand, he killed all of them, controlled the water for a short time, and reshaped the barrier.

At the next moment, he was smashed by the overwhelming spirits of alien beasts!

The resentment was overwhelming, and the killing intent was cold.

The Kuroshio was rolling, like a giant beast crossing the dark sea, chasing three small ants.

Jiang Wang spread out a fire circle behind him.

But even with the vastness of the Fire Realm, in this black tide, it's just like ringworm and scabies, which can be cured in one roll.

In desperation, Yue Tiannu once again summoned the organ Mohuraka.

But when he saw this mechanism, he jumped out, stepped on the air with both feet, and the huge body flew away quickly. It chose a completely different direction from the three of them, opened its mouth and sang, and its body shone with golden light, shining for hundreds of miles.

For a while, the entire dark sea boiled!

Countless evil thoughts are waking up, and unfathomable roars are echoing.

As Jiang Wang said, a little spark was blown into the oil pan.

Including the ghosts of the strange beasts chasing after them, they all turned around and chased after Mahuraka.

The eight ministries of the third agency summoned by Yue Tiannu have finally followed in the footsteps of the first two agencies and can be declared scrapped. Although I'm still struggling...

The three of them flew away quickly without looking back.

Yue Tiannu himself does not see any distressed emotions, or he has a peaceful mind, or he has a solid family background, in short, he is not moved by external things.

During the rapid flight, I still had time to sigh to Jiang Wang: "This change is really sudden. I relied entirely on the power of Pure Land to escape in time when I was shocked. I didn't expect your reaction to be as good as mine."

Lord Jiang was flattered and humiliated: "I'm overwhelmed."

"Aren't we going back to the Sea God's Wall?" Zuo Guangshu didn't need Jiang Wang to drag him any further, he walked directly on the water, and said, "Didn't you say that, there is a beginning and an end..."

I got all the quicksand wood, so why return to the Sea God's Wall...

Jiang Wang had a serious face: "Urgently follow the authority. Guangshu, as for people, you must know how to be flexible."

"I want to say." Zuo Guangshu said, "Should I ask Chaos? Why did Jiaxuan die? What does this mean? Chaos should know more about it."

Jiang Wang glanced back and said, "I can't go back. And you also know that the state of Chaos is unstable."

Zuo Guangshu didn't insist, but said with lingering fear: "This withered Nanyuan is too weird, there are so many strange things in the water, I didn't even notice it!"

"It's just resentment insects. The thoughts of extreme resentment will never leave after death, and in a place like Nanyuan, they will naturally turn into insects." Yue Tiannu said: "Buddha sees a bowl of water, a hundred and eight thousand insects , this is just one of them. And..."

"And we have to get out of here as soon as possible!" Jiang Wang continued: "This place is too dangerous."

Yue Tiannu said: "Yes."

The gust of wind passed by, and there was a rush of darkness.

Jiaxuan's huge corpse has long been left behind, and the outline cannot be seen at all.

But that noble, beautiful and mysterious powerful body is still clearly imprinted in memory.

How beautiful its feathers are, it lies dead on the sea, but its neck still has an elegant arc.

Its eyes seem to be black?

Lost spirit, but still like a gem.


No matter in terms of strength, status, history, inheritance, or even symbolic meaning, it is a powerful existence that can rival the real dragon.

Why did he die lonely in the South Abyss, floating in the dark sea, desecrated by countless strange beast spirits?

Before seeing Jiaxuan, Jiang Wang still doubted whether it was a real phoenix, and still doubted the nine types of phoenix mentioned by Chaos.

After seeing it, I have no such thoughts.

It is a proof in itself.

Even if it is dead.

The corpse of a phoenix is ​​still noble and beautiful.

Then, why did the five types of phoenix recorded in history become the nine types of phoenix in the mountain and sea environment?

How did Jiaxuan achieve it? Why is it not seen in any legends in this world?

Is it the withering of legends, the loss of history, or...

In addition, there are Feique, Kongyuan, Lianhong...

Jiang Wang thought more and more.

The sky is tilted, the candle is nine shades, chaos, the problem Wang Changji mentioned, the waiting time...

There are also Jiufeng, Qiangliang, and Zhuyan who disappeared.

It even included the existence of the one who sneaked into Wufuhai and bewitched Baiyun Boy when he was in Tiankui Mountain in the North Pole...

As soon as the other party left, Baiyun boy reported on the back, without missing a single word.

That mysterious existence also mentioned "timing".

what time?

"Brother Jiang, don't sigh." Zuo Guangshu suddenly said in the midst of flying, "If you can't get the Chapter of the Nine Phoenixes, you won't get it. I have many choices, and the way forward will not be limited by this."

Jiang Wang was taken aback: "Did I sigh just now?"

He quickly became alert!

In the Fifth Inner Palace, the red-gold supernatural power seeds radiated radiantly, and the red-hearted immortal light rushed out of the Inner Palace, shining on the Sea of ​​Five Houses, and even the Sea of ​​Zangxing, the Sea of ​​Tongtian... shining all over the body and soul.

It is impossible not to remember whether he sighed when his cultivation reached his level.

He wants to find out the root of the emotional disturbance!

Chixin supernatural power, of course, is the best choice.

But under the light of immortality, in the Tongtian Palace, a black worm was slowly "squeezed" out of the manifested body of the soul.

It has seven slender legs of varying lengths and looks messy. There are eight wings of different thicknesses, which give people a bad feeling.

There are seven mouthparts and eight tongues all over the body, buzzing in a mess,

The crimson light representing the true fire of samadhi surged quickly.

With a flutter of its eight wings, the strange insect disappeared!

"Hey..." Zuo Guangshu sighed, "How far is it? When will this Shuo Nanyuan end?"

Jiang Wang grabbed him with one hand and said anxiously: "Let go of the soul!"

The soul manifested with the light of red gold, and descended directly to Zuo Guangshu's Tongtian Palace.

Although Zuo Guangshu didn't know why, he trusted Jiang Wang unreservedly.

Opening the Tongtian Palace directly, the manifested body of the soul also fell in front of Jiang Wang: "What's wrong, Brother Jiang?"

Illuminated by the golden light on Jiang Wang's soul, the strange insect with seven legs and eight wings also flew out from the brow of his manifested body, and disappeared with a flutter of wings.

Jiang Wang's spirit withdrew, and Zuo Guangshu looked at Yue Tiannu almost at the same time.

Yue Tiannu's face was expressionless and her eyes were calm: "Did something happen?"

"It's a mind-eating beast." Zuo Guangshu wanted to sigh subconsciously, but then stopped vigilantly.

"So that's how it is." Yue Tiannu knew it from the name, and said with some vigilance: "It's normal for this kind of thing to appear in a place like Withered Nanyuan."

They understand you and I understand, and they have a good understanding.

Only Jiang Wang didn't know anything: "Will-eating beast?"

Zuo Guangshu said: "There is a record of strange beasts in mountains and seas: a beast with a desire to eat, a black body without an offspring, and a disease-infested life, or 'Heizi'. Seven legs and eight wings, seven mouths and eight tongues, often sighing I don't know where I come and go, and those who are abandoned are all hopeless and unable to live."

Jiang Wang frowned and said, "It seems that Heizi has already left."

Zuo Guangshu shook his head: "Heizi will not leave. As long as you are stared at by it, it will always stare at you. Wherever you go, it will follow there, waiting for an opportunity to eat."

Jiang Wang was surprised: "Even if you can't eat enough?"

Yue Tiannu clasped his hands together and said: "Your pain, your irritability, your uneasiness, and even others' concern for you, concern for you, and worry about you... are all its food. How can it not have enough to eat? "

This thing is so terrifying that even Jiang Wang, who is full of supernatural powers, almost fell victim to it.

Zuo Guangshu, who knew the origin of the will-eating beast, was also easily invaded.

Jiang Wang sighed and said, "It's still Chan Master Yue who remains unmoved, and the Vajra is hard to turbid. I can't do it."

Yue Tiannu shook his head and said: "I'm not a vajra, it's just that it failed to enter my pure land... I don't think its target is me. If I move it hastily, it won't challenge my Zen mind, that's all."

Jiang Wang was thoughtful, and the blue clouds loomed under his feet, but he didn't stop a step.

"Does Chan Master know that there is any way to get rid of this disgusting thing?" Zuo Guangshu said: "It has been following, and I really don't know when it will get the way. Or there is some cheap way, just deal with it for a while."

"This beast is born and dies, how can it be eradicated?" Yue Tiannu said: "As for the response... Jiang Benefactor has already given the answer, just keep going. The purpose of the beast appearing here is to let you stop Come down, you stop and fight it, and its purpose is served. You will slowly fall, slowly decay, and finally... like it."

"I understand!" Zuo Guangshu said: "Don't stop, and don't speed up your pace. Don't change yourself for such things. See it, but don't care about it."

"You understand, but you don't fully understand." Jiang Wang suddenly jumped forward, and this step changed suddenly, as if he had broken through an invisible boundary.

The dark sky suddenly brightened.

Blue sky, blue sea, floating mountains, distant islands, misty clouds and mist.

A poetic scroll.

Like going from dark to dawn.

Hurrying all the way, finally left Wither Nanyuan.

Jiang Wangdao: "You haven't thought clearly why the mind-eating beasts appear in Withered Nanyuan! And the answer is only outside Withered Nanyuan."

"Why?" Zuo Guangshu followed closely.

Leaving Wither Nanyuan, even Yue Tiannu, who was a puppet, seemed to relax a lot all of a sudden, and softly proclaimed the Buddha's name.

Jiang Wang looked at the young man beside him: "Let me answer you first, why didn't you find the resentful insects in the water!"

Zuo Guangshu immediately remembered the "and" that Yuetiannu hadn't finished, and he already had some guesses in his heart, but he still asked, "Why?"

Jiang Wangdao: "Because withered Nanyuan is the divine power of Chaos, even if you have the supernatural power of He Bo, it is impossible to compete with it for the power to control the waters, not a single drop. It doesn't want you to find the resentment insect, of course you can't find it .”

"You mean...there's something wrong with Chaos?"

"We only asked for the Chapter of the Nine Phoenixes, and Chaos only gave us a clue. Since Jiaxuan is already a floating corpse, how can there be no problems with Chaos? There is no need to think about it at all."

Zuo Guangshu's handsome brows frowned: "Then Zhu Jiuyin's bullying of the gods, and his obedience to the south are all lying to us?"

"I don't know, and I don't want to know. I just know that Chaos has no good intentions, and that's enough." Jiang Wang said, taking out the withering tower wrapped in clothes from his arms, separated by a layer of Dao Yuan and a layer of Dao Yuan. A layer of supernatural light, without hesitation, turned around and threw it back to Withered Nanyuan.


Obviously there is nothing in front of you, and it is obvious that people can walk without hindrance.

But this pale white spire seemed to have hit a substantial barrier somewhere, making a loud noise.

Instead of smashing back to Wither Nanyuan, it bounced back instead!

It rises against the wind in the air, and the higher it rises, the higher it rises.

In an instant, it was as high as a thousand feet, and it was still expanding!

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