Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1472 Is there a door in the world

Jiang Wang held the fishing line made of nine chapters of jade, and then kept pulling it higher and higher.

Through squalls and blizzards, broken rocks and raging thunder.

Finally crashed into a dark cloud.

Wang Changji, with thin shoulders and thin clothes, was sitting on the edge of the dark clouds, with wind, thunder and snow as his background.

Holding the warm fishing rod in his hand, he slowly drew up the line.

"I also brought my friend." Jiang Wang let go of the fishing line and said as he walked forward, "I don't know what exactly you need to do, but I think maybe I can have a little more strength."

When they met again, the two of them were much more casual.

"It couldn't be better." Wang Changji stretched out his hand and put away the fishing rod and line. He stood up and nodded to Yue Tiannu and Zuo Guangshu: "I was rude earlier, please forgive me."

Yue Tiannu clasped his palms together, and said politely: "I should thank the benefactor. Thank you for the slap in the face, which made me clear my mind."

Wang Changji only nodded lightly, and it was considered as a greeting.

Zuo Guangshu looked at Brother Jiang's friend curiously, and said: "I should also thank you. The frog at the bottom of the well has been contented for a long time, and you let me know the sky beyond the sky."

Wang Changji said casually: "With Jiang Wang here, there are not many days beyond the sky."

This is of course a very high rating!

A look of surprise flashed across Yue Tiannu's eyes. Because she can better understand Wang Changji's realm, and has the deepest feeling for Wang Changji's strength. Can Jiang Wang get such a degree of evaluation from other people?

She thought she already knew Jiang Wang very well, but now she suddenly felt that there should be something else that she hadn't seen.

"Don't say these words, make me ashamed." Jiang Wang said in a low voice: "You have reminded me in advance, but I was still tricked. Driven by chaos, the sky tilted ahead..."

"Chaos?" Wang Changji raised his eyes, seeming to be interested.

Jiang Wang said in surprise, "I thought you already knew."

Wang Changji shook his head slightly: "I guess there may be a few forces, and I did feel a few fishing lines, but I don't know who is fighting for it."

Jiang Wang then roughly talked about how they embarked on the road of descending from the gods, how they saw Chaos, and how they were used by Chaos.

Wang Changji quietly listened to his talk about the trip to Nanyuan, and didn't make any comments, only said: "So that's how it is."

Jiang Wang looked at him: "Why did Brother Wang teach me?"

"We'll talk about this later." Wang Changji said, "You brought a friend here, and I just want to introduce someone to you."

From Zuo Guangshu's mouth, Jiang Wang had known for a long time that Wang Changji was accompanied by someone in the mountain and sea realm. Although he wondered why he didn't see him last time, he didn't take it too seriously.

But at this time, Wang Changji raised it so solemnly, which made him subconsciously pay more attention to it.

"Which talented person would you like to introduce, Brother Wang?" He asked.

At this moment, the dark clouds did not dissipate, and the doomsday scene remained unchanged, but Yue Tiannu and Zuo Guangshu both disappeared from sight.

Everything is still so natural, without trace.

Jiang Wang then knew that he had once again entered the special environment constructed by Wang Changji.

It should be some kind of exquisite application based on the soul.

If it is a confrontation, there are probably two ways of thinking, one is to quickly launch a complex soul attack, disrupt the construction of this environment, and catch loopholes in the movement. The second is to directly erupt the strongest Taoism or swordsmanship, breaking the spirit level from the realistic level, which is to expel the opponent and let oneself withdraw from this environment.

Of course, you can also start from other directions...

He has absolutely no hostility towards Wang Changji now, it's just an instinctive rehearsal of the battle.

The strong always look forward to the confrontation with the strong.

Just as he was thinking, behind Wang Changji, a young man with a thin face came out from the depths of the dark clouds.

This man is really too skinny.

When I was in Fenglin City before, I didn't seem to be so thin.

Compared with the meeting at Qingyun Pavilion Mountain Gate, there are some differences.

But Jiang Wang couldn't say anything about the more specific changes.

Because he never cared much about this person.

In the sea of ​​life, most people just pass by.

"Senior Brother Jiang, it's been a long time..." Fang Heling spoke first, with a complicated expression on his face: "Things from the past are really naive when I think about them now, so there's no need to talk about them. I'm practicing with Brother Wang now, with you, and The purpose of Brother Wang is the same. We are the surviving lonely ghosts in Fenglin City, wandering in this helpless world. We have the same hatred, Brother Jiang, we have a common enemy."

He didn't talk about the old friendship with Jiang Wang, because the two of them had no old friendship to speak of.

He was talking about old grudges. shared hate.

What he pointed out was his current reliance, and he made it clear in one sentence that it was the interests of both parties.

Compared with the recklessness and childishness in Fenglin City back then, he has really grown by more than a little bit.

But Jiang Wang just said calmly: "The devil is also my enemy."

This word is like a sword, although it is in the sheath, it has already cut through those entanglements that seem to have nothing.

He did have a blood feud that was deeply hidden in his heart.

Fang Heling is indeed an old friend.

They did have their lives ruined by the same disaster, and they did have the same enemies.

But this does not mean that he can cooperate with anyone and tolerate everything.

An enemy's enemy is not necessarily a friend.

Because a person, in addition to his own love and hatred, also has the morality of being a human being, and the promise of being a human being.

He will never forget the scene at Qingyunting Mountain Gate, when Fang Heling got mixed up in the human-devil team.

At that time, he had already killed two of the four human demons who tortured and killed innocent people and cooked people for fun. If Yan Chunhui hadn't taken action, the masked human demons would have died as well.

With him, Fang Heling was no different from other human demons.

At that time, if he appeared in Duanhun Gorge, it would be nothing more than an extra sword.

Probably the only difference is...

Fang Heling is also from Fenglin City.

Fang Heling's family was also destroyed in that desperate day.

But among those personal demons, who didn't have a tragic past?

Including Zheng Fei, including Li Shou, including Huan Tao, the abandoned disciple of the Mo sect with the body of a very evil hungry ghost, and even including the fortune-telling devil, who doesn't have some so-called pain and struggle?

But when they tortured and killed innocent people, when they piled up corpses... have they ever stopped and heard other people's stories?

Jiang Wang's words were spoken to Fang Heling and also to Wang Changji.

The Bone Cthulhu is his enemy, Zhuang Gaoxian is his enemy, and Zhang Linchuan is his enemy. But such vicious existences as humans and demons are also his enemies.

The former is the blood feud he tied to himself, and the latter is the responsibility he told himself when he first raised the wooden sword.

Adults have responsibilities to their children, the strong have responsibilities to the weak, and extraordinary people should have extraordinary responsibilities.

This is his way.

He can't control the injustices in the world, and he can't kill the vicious people in the world, but as far as the three-foot green front reaches, there should be justice that belongs to him.

In the previous conversation, he and Wang Changji confirmed the direction of each other. He described the future he imagined, and he will do his best to go to that future. But there is always a bottom line, and there will never be unscrupulous means.

Because someone woke him up a long time ago—in the wrong way, the correct purpose could not be achieved. A mistake is a mistake, no matter how painted.

If Wang Changji can't agree, he would rather continue to walk alone.

A long night alone may be too lonely. But it is better to be alone with a clear conscience than to be full of friends.

When Jiang Wang said this, he didn't have any strong emotions, and his tone was calm.

But his determination will not be missed.

Fang Heling bowed deeply almost immediately: "Brother Jiang! When I was in Fenglin City, I was really ignorant! I was narrow-minded, dirty and despicable. I did a lot of wrong things and hurt many people. Now I want to Woke up, still very ashamed. I know I was wrong, and I sincerely apologize to you. Please forgive me... Please forgive me!"

He bowed to the end, his forehead lowered to his knees, in an extremely humble manner.

Jiang Wang stepped aside, refusing to accept the bow: "Fang Heling, you said you wanted to apologize to me for what happened back then, but I can't remember what you owed me at all. A little bit of quarrel is not worth mentioning. I didn't hold back from you either. And now, I just disagree with you."

Fang Heling got up, bent his back, let himself look up at Jiang Wang, and said with an apologetic smile: "Brother Jiang, if you say that, you still have opinions on me. Yes, my apology is indeed not sincere enough."

As he spoke, he raised his hand and slapped himself.


This slap is so crisp.

The right side of his face immediately swelled up.

On the swollen face, there was still a smile he squeezed out: "Or you say, how can you forgive me? I will do what I can, and I will find a way to do what I can't. In short, as long as you If you give me a chance, I will definitely satisfy you."

Jiang Wang's attitude made it almost impossible to get along with him.

But Fang Heling didn't feel at all that Wang Changji had any choice between himself and Jiang Wang.

There is no need to say anything about morality. Even from the perspective of the most realistic interests, Jiang Wangyuan is better than him and far more talented than him. The past, present, and foreseeable future are all far stronger than him.

Even he himself couldn't find a reason for Wang Changji to abandon Jiang Wang and choose him.

So he was never willing to put himself on the opposite side of Jiang Wang.

So he humbly apologized, so he slapped himself. He can even kneel down and kowtow a few times, he can be as cheap as a dog, even worse than a dog!

As long as Jiang Wang doesn't kill his chance...

If Wang Changji gave up, on his own, how would he get to Zhang Linchuan?

Facing Fang Heling with such a posture.

Jiang Wang's tone was still very calm, almost cold: "Listen, Fang Heling. I don't know what happened to you these years, and I don't want to know. In this world, no one has an easy life. I have no Hatred, of course, can’t be called forgiveness. You don’t need to perform in front of me, do whatever you want.”

"Senior brother Jiang, give me a chance." Fang Heling raised his hand and slapped himself again, his face was swollen now, but he was still grinning, as if he couldn't feel Jiang Wang's rejection at all: "I just I want to take revenge with you and Brother Wang, I just want revenge."

"The same goal doesn't mean we can walk together. You have your way, and I have mine." Jiang Wang only said: "I said, we have different ways."


Fang Heling slapped himself again, bleeding from the corner of his mouth.

Still grinning, he said with a smile: "My father is dead, the father who held a banquet in Wangyue Tower, please give me a little confidence in this trash. He is dead. As soon as Zhang Linchuan raised his hand, a thunder light fell, and he Turned into a lump of coke. Died without dignity."

Jiang Wang was silent.

To him, Fang Zehou was undoubtedly a disgusting guy. Withholding Fang Pengju's resources, he didn't have a good reputation in Fenglin City, and even threatened him with Jiang An'an.

But this man is also a sincere father. He spared no effort to his son, gave everything up to his life.

People like Fang Zehou died.

He was just one of the thousands of people who died in Fenglin City.

Jiang Wang didn't know what to say.

Fang Heling looked at him, and looked at him with a smile.

Once in Fenglin City, he swore that he would make this man named Jiang Wang look him in the eye.

But so many years have passed, he has paid so much, worked so hard to grow, and has come here with such difficulty. But I have to lower my head that I never lowered before, to laugh and beg so humblely.

He didn't dare to be dissatisfied, and smiled like this: "I know that I am a waste, insignificant, and disgusting. You are all geniuses, and your future is infinitely long. I will only walk with you for a while, and I will kill Zhang Linchuan I'll get out, get out of the way, and make sure you don't dirty your eyes. Do you think it's okay?"

Jiang Wang sighed softly in his heart.

He also looked at Fang Heling seriously.

His eyes were very clean, and there was indeed no resentment or disgust in them, only something very calm and firm.

"Wan Evil, Flesh, and Beheading, these three human demons were all killed by me. The death of the fortune-telling demon is also due to my credit. Even long ago, the heart-swallowing demon Xiongwen was also stabbed by me with a sword. I wear it to my heart. My attitude towards monsters has never changed."

"Do you know? Zheng Fei and Li Shou have a very good relationship. They are willing to die for each other. I saw a real brotherhood in them! But I still killed them without hesitation. Because they killed innocent civilians They didn't hesitate when they threw people into the stove to cook, when they ate human flesh and drank human blood."

Jiang Wang said: "Fang Heling, I can understand your hatred, I completely understand. On many nights, I was eaten by hatred just like you. The blood in your eyes was once in mine, and It hasn’t disappeared yet. But we are not the same people. If we met outside the mountains and seas, I have drawn my sword now.”

Fang Heling looked at Wang Changji, Wang Changji had no expression on his face and did not speak.

He seemed to understand.

He stopped punching himself in the face, and he knew it was useless to do anything.

Jiang Wang has always been so determined.

Fang Pengju, who was paralyzed on the ground with tears in his eyes, yelled at Third Brother, begging for his life. His sword stabbed down without any hesitation.

That is his sworn brother who loves his brother!

What am I, Fang Heling?

Fang Heling laughed and made a sound.

He smiled and gave Jiang Wang a thumbs up: "You are so hard-hearted, you are so chivalrous, you have clear grievances and grievances, and you are indomitable. You can't tolerate any sand in your eyes. You are so upright and just, Jiang Wang!"

He laughs at himself and abandons himself, feels inferior and angry at himself.

He held up his thumb, and put his hand over his forehead: "You are very strong, you are really strong. You are the pride of heaven that everyone admires. Even the shabby swordsmanship that you learned in the outer sect back then, you are better than me. You are stronger than my genius cousin Fang Pengju, you killed him with one strike!"

His hand came down slowly, spreading his palm.

"But what about me?"

He stared at Jiang Wang, his expression twisted uncontrollably for the first time, and he growled at Jiang Wang for the first time: "But what about me!?"

"I'm a waste! I can't compare to you, I can't even compare to Fang Pengju, what should I do!?"

"Do you think everyone is the same as you and can have many choices? The people you make friends with are either geniuses, heirs of famous families, or children of aristocratic families, such as sons and fathers. You are famous all over the world in Guanhetai, and you are famous in Qi State High-ranking official, rich salary, you have no white people in the state of Chu, the Sanxing Palace will testify for you, and Yu Beidou will call your mother's name for you!"

"But what about me?"

His swollen face was twisted into a ball, looking so ugly and so sad.

He pointed at his chest with his fingers, and each stroke was as heavy as a drum. The countless painful moments in the past were all in the beat of each drum, roaring with him, roaring with him: "I am not a Good man, but I'm not that bad! Sometimes I can't do anything, and some people I don't want to kill! But I told myself, I want revenge! I have nothing, I am nothing, what revenge do I have? Only The devil is willing to want me, only the devil will give me a chance, only the devil will give me strength!"

Pointing at Jiang Wang, he said in a voice that was almost roaring: "You can be a fucking good person, you can look at me from above, just because you have a choice!!!"

"And I didn't."

Fang Heling lowered his fingers and lowered his voice. The distorted expression on his face also began to collapse, and the bulging veins slowly disappeared.

He became very depressed, the kind of depression that has completely recognized reality.

He shook his head: "Jiang Wang, I really hate your condescending look. Maybe you're right, but you won't always be right."

The bright color in the eye, which might be called light, was extinguished.

With a swollen face like that, he turned around dejectedly.

He knew that he could only kneel down in front of Yan Chunhui, kneel in front of Yanzi, and beg for a little more chance.

Although he doesn't know, what else can he exchange.

This world is prepared for geniuses.

All the light in this world is for the powerful to enjoy.

What qualifications does a waste like him have to talk about love and hate?

What about revenge for killing your father?

So what if you wag your tail like a dog?

Selling self-esteem, selling soul, paying for pain, giving up limbs... so what?

There are countless doors in this world, and there are countless wonderful things behind the doors. But no one has ever been opened for him.

He walked out in a daze.

Not sure where to go.

Suddenly, a hand rested on his shoulder and stopped his steps.

He turned his head to look, only to see Wang Changji's calm side face.

He didn't know why, and tears flowed out.

Wang Changji didn't look at him, but put his hand on his shoulder, stood beside him, facing Jiang Wang.

From the beginning to now, he didn't say a word, just watched Jiang Wang and Fang Heling's exchange silently.

At this moment he said: "Actually, I don't really care about who kills whom, morality, or justice. It's just that I think that someone may not want me to do evil things, so I don't care about revenge. Try to abide by the moral code concerning people."

"Let me tell you why I brought Fang Heling with me. Because I think at least he can do something when dealing with people like Zhang Linchuan. Because I think he already has a strong heart."

"He is not a waste, he is a plastic talent."

"Jiang Wang, I don't quite understand your persistence. I don't know why you consider this matter not based on interests, but based on the principles of life. But I think that the vast majority of people who suffer in this world, the reason Being able to live strong is nothing more than holding on to your heart. So I am willing to respect your persistence."

"And." Wang Changji continued: "If you and Fang Heling really can't get along, I will undoubtedly choose you and give up him. Because you have such value, and you have proved your excellence countless times."

"But I think, can you give Fang Heling a chance to prove himself?"

He raised his palms and stopped Jiang Wangyu's words: "Listen to me."

"We might as well consider this issue from a more realistic perspective. Just consider it from your persistence and your justice."

He asked like this: "Now we are all in the mountain and sea realm, and you know that you have no way to really kill him. In this world, you are thousands of mountains away, even if you want to find him, you don't know when you will find him. So you can't stop him from doing evil. Do you admit it?"

"Then, why don't you try to discipline him? Wouldn't it be better for you to practice your justice by letting the hater and devil stop killing indiscriminately?"

"You have given up on him now. I have given up on him too. He has no choice but to go back to the demons and how many people will he kill after leaving the mountain and sea realm? How can you be responsible for these lives? If you are willing to give him a chance , then you have saved those who might be killed. The opportunity you have given is closer to justice than the sword you drew."

He pressed the hand on Fang Heling's shoulder and exerted a little force.

Fang Heling immediately wiped away tears, turned back, and pointed to the sky: "As long as you are willing to take me to kill Zhang Linchuan, I swear that I will never kill innocent people again, even if it hurts to death, I will never eat people's hearts again!"

Jiang Wang was silent for a long time, exhaled a long breath, and said: "In recent years, two people have told me two words, which impressed me deeply.

One man told me he wasn't trying to be a worldly person, he was just making a mediocre effort.

One person told me not to assume that everyone else has the same choices as you.

I learned a lesson. "

"I have no intention of judging you across the mountains and seas, and I am not a flawless moral person. Maybe I also have unintentional arrogance without knowing it, and I have a moral flaunt without introspection. I will deeply reflect on myself."

"But I want to say..."

He looked at Fang Heling and said, "If you can really stop the evil from now on, I look forward to fighting side by side with you one day."

This chapter was originally going to be posted together with the previous chapter, but after thinking about it, this part is more emotional, and it is easy for people to overlook the content of the previous chapter.

Although it is a supporting role, there should be some space for readers to appreciate, so as not to be skipped so quickly.

So unpacked.

I wrote this chapter with great care at night, but I was actually quite nervous.

I deleted it several times, I don’t know if I should write it like this...

Although Fang Heling was erected and poured into strong emotions, Wang Changji and Jiang Wang also showed their own characteristics... But it is easy to write the protagonist in such a way that it is not pleasing.

Because if you are not careful, persistence will become arrogance, and extraordinary commitment will become condescending.

The world seen by the author and the reader is always somewhat different.

I don't know if I've dealt with it...

hope so.

I have tried my best.


By the way. Cut Yan Ge with a knife. biu!!! (34/78.)

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