Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1475 Returning from fantasy...

Jiang Wang once guessed that Chaos wanted to break the shackles, but the shackles he understood were obviously not the same as the shackles Wang Changji understood.

The entire mountain and sea environment is just a fantasy creation.

This is undoubtedly an absurd description.

The floating mountains, the blue sea, the high sky surrounded by clouds and smoke, the indescribable beasts and gods, and even the sky tilting at this moment, the collapse of the sky and the earth at this moment.

What is not true, what is not true, what is not specific?

But Wang Changji definitely didn't look like he was joking, nor was he a person who liked to joke.

His sensitivity, his insights, and his layers have been shown very clearly.

"There is one thing I don't understand." Zuo Guangshu said: "If the mountains and seas are as you said, they are a world that only exists in fantasy. It is impossible for Zhu Jiuyin not to know things that Chaos can know. Chaos wants to be illusory. Doesn't Zhu Jiuyin want to be 'true'? Then why does it want to stop chaos and maintain the order of the mountains and seas so resolutely?"

Fang Heling, who had been silent all this time, said at this moment: "Perhaps Zhu Jiuyin is a puppet left behind by Huang Weizhen, or even the incarnation of Huang Weizhen! Only in this way can it explain why it maintains the order of this world like this."

Compared with others, he definitely supports Wang Changji's statement without reservation. Even if you don't believe it, you will find reasons to believe it. There are no principles, only attitudes.

"Huang Weizhen was definitely dead back then." Zuo Guangshu said: "There is no doubt about this. How many pairs of eyes have been affected by his life and death? There are so many strong men in Dachu, and so many strong men in the world, it is impossible to judge them all wrongly. So It is impossible for any incarnation or consciousness to still exist. At most, his will is still being executed.

Speaking of puppets... Chaos is already close to the level of Dongzhen, and Zhu Jiuyin is only strong but not weak. Is there such a strong puppet in the world? Even after the death of the master, can he still show wisdom that rivals chaos and participate in the competition for the world of mountains and seas? You must know that Chaos even deceived Big Brother Jiang, but was suppressed and suffered in Withered Nanyuan. "

This example made Jiang Wang really dissatisfied, so he could only listen with a blank expression.

Yue Tiannu didn't have any taboos about being a puppet, and said directly: "As we all know, the strongest puppet in Momen's face is up to the level of Shenlin. The puppet creations they sell to the outside world are only in the outer building and below. .

But of course Momen is not willing to stop there.

They have a related attempt, a plan called "Enlightenment". This plan has mobilized all the power of Mo Sect, and the resources consumed are incalculable. It is said that two or three True Monarchs will not be able to consume so many resources. In the end, only three real puppets were created, and their combat power was far inferior to real people in the same realm. The plan has therefore been shelved.

Even if Huang Weizhen is a pedantic celestial being, I don't think he can approach the Momen's level in terms of puppet creation. So I don't think Zhu Jiuyin can be a puppet. "

With a thought in Jiang Wang's mind, he thought of the blood puppet true demon Song Wanxi who was still floating in the tomb of the Ten Thousand Worlds. That might be the exception Yue Tiannu said.

However, Song Wanxi is a demon body that has been raised for a hundred years, so she already has the appearance of a real demon. Coupled with the power of Song Hengjiang's primordial spirit, it was made into a real blood puppet at the level of a real person, but it was different from the puppet created by Momen.

It is of course not worthwhile to exchange a real demon with a god who is infinitely close to a real person, and exchange it for a puppet whose combat power is far inferior to a real person in the same realm, and it may not be possible to exchange it.

More importantly, this is a taboo behavior. If it is spread out, it will be cast aside by the world, and the whole world will be enemies.

Wang Changji said calmly: "If the mountains and seas want to be close to a real world, from fantasy to reality, there must be no puppets. In this world, the existence that affects the operation of the world must have its own thoughts and be independent. Otherwise, what is false will always be false, and fantasy will always be stagnant in fantasy. Therefore, Zhu Jiuyin must not be a puppet... It is precisely because of this that there is chaos' rebellion."

Fang Heling was completely convinced. That's right, if Huang Weizhen's will still exists here, how can Chaos withstand any storms?

Of course, even if Wang Changji didn't say anything, he would still be convinced.

"I think it's because..." Jiang Wang said: "If you want to make the virtual reality come true, there is another option—the entire mountain and sea environment has completely evolved into reality."

Since the mountain and sea environment has evolved from fantasy to what it is now, it is infinitely close to reality. Then wait until the day when it completely evolves into reality, everything will be different.

If the Mountain Sea Realm is a real world, then of course Zhu Jiuyin is also the real Zhu Jiuyin.

Even as the existence that controls the order of this world, it naturally penetrates the reality of the world, and it is no problem to climb into the cave.

Wang Changji nodded in agreement.

In this way, everything has a reasonable explanation.

As an existence with independent will and free soul, and also the second most powerful existence in the mountain and sea realm, Chaos and Zhu Jiuyin both want to break the current boundaries and achieve Dongzheng.

But their choices are different.

Chaos wants to directly break the shackles of the mountains and seas, turning the virtual into the real. This is undoubtedly a very risky choice, and at the same time it is shaking the foundation of the existence of the mountain and sea realm, and it is also digging down the foundation of Zhu Jiuyin.

And Zhu Jiuyin, as the maintainer of the order of the mountain and sea environment, only needs to wait until the day when the mountain and sea environment evolves into reality, and then it can naturally become "true". Although I don't know how long it will take until that day, and although I have waited for at least nine hundred years, this choice is undoubtedly the safest. At the same time, it is undoubtedly the opposite of chaos.

That's why they fight.

It is a conflict about Tao, which can never be reconciled.

"Then..." There was a slight tremor in Zuo Guangshu's voice, not fear, but an indescribable... apprehension.

"Where is Huang Weizhen?" He asked.

A fantasy world has evolved into what it is today.

Chaos and Zhu Jiuyin in the fantasy world must break through the fantasy and chase the truth.

So what about Huang Weizhen?

What about Huang Weizhen who left behind all this?

How many Chu people's idols.

How many legendary characters are left behind.

Huang Weizhen, known as "the most romantic in three thousand years", what is his purpose in creating such a world?

Such a world has gone far beyond the meaning of letting Tianjiao of Chudi try!

Wang Changji did not answer this question directly, but first asked: "The nine types of phoenixes, which nine types are they?"

Zuo Guangshu said: "Phoenix, 鹓鶵, Luan, 鸑鷟, swan, Feique, Jiaxuan, Kongyuan, Lianhong."

"Feng, pheasant, phoenix, phoenix, and swan, we all know the five types of phoenix. There are countless records and verifications, and even many people have seen it for themselves. But Feique, Jiaxuan, Kongyuan, Lian Has anyone heard of or seen the four kinds of phoenixes in this world? We all know that the world is vast and full of unknowns, and we all need to keep growing to expand our horizons and supplement our knowledge. Nine categories, why no one knows about them in ancient and modern times, but they only exist in the mountains and seas?"

Wang Changji said slowly: "They are different from Kui Niu and Huo Dou, which can verify the existence of legends. The importance of the chapter of Nine Phoenixes reminded me that these four kinds of Phoenixes are the complete and true creations of Huang Wei. Just imagine , If they all evolve into reality, the five types of phoenixes will become nine types. The legends of the mountains and seas will replace the legends of the present world. So what is true and what is false?"

"For the Mountain Sea Realm to evolve into a reality, not only the hard work of this world is required, but also the hard work of this world. Of course, I believe that Huang Weizhen must have made arrangements..."

"Wait until the entire mountain and sea environment has completely evolved into the real world. What do you think will happen?"

Jiang Wang and the others looked at each other.

And Wang Changji gave the answer himself in an admiring tone——

"Of course Zhu Jiuyin can tell the truth, and everything in the mountain and sea realm is of course real."

"The mountains here are mountains, the sea is the sea, and the clouds and mist are clouds and mist. Fly where you should fly, swim what you should swim. All things rotate, and sentient beings continue from generation to generation."

"Then what about Huang Weizhen who created all this?"

"He will return from fantasy... to achieve the realm above the real king!"

"This is the power of virtual reality, and this is the foundation for Huang Weizhen to surpass the extraordinary."

"This is his supreme path!"

Wang Changji really admired and admired him from the bottom of his heart.

As a character who has been playing chess with God all year round, his vision is too lofty and broad, and he rarely has such emotions.

It is true that he participated in fishing in the mountains and seas, fought for the slightest rights, and was able to catch a glimpse of the truth. But the more you know, the more you can feel its grandeur.

Only when you go deep into the vast sea can you see the raging waves.

Use the entire mountain and sea environment to make the virtual reality come true, to push yourself to go beyond the peak.

This is a great layout too!

Jiang Wang was stunned.

Fang Heling was stunned.

Even Yue Tiannu lost his mind for a moment.

"Huang Weizhen was already dead." Zuo Guangshu murmured, "So many people can prove that it is impossible for him to be alive."

"He did die back then, and he died with the cultivation base standing at the end of Yan Dao."

Wang Changji said: "But he is still alive."

"Nine hundred years have passed, has this world ever forgotten the name of Huang Weizhen? Has the long time washed away his traces?

The most romantic in the past 3000 years, Zen Master Zhaowu came back after seeing him... These legends are still being told.

The Yanfa Pavilion he left behind will at least affect Chu State for an era.

When did he die?

As long as there is one person who still remembers him, he can return.

From people's memories, from people's nostalgia, from those illusory fantasies... come back.

I also have trouble understanding that greatness.

But that's what I see when I'm fishing.

I think, this is his strength, this is his way beyond the peak.... "

As long as someone remembers, can they return?

Jiang Wang felt as if he was listening to a myth, it was too unbelievable and unimaginable.

But step by step, the extraordinary monk climbs to a higher place, isn't it just step by step to turn imagination into reality, turn myth into history, and turn the impossible into possible?

"So Huang Weizhen's death back then was actually just a plan. It was just to escape from the eyes of the world, in order to attack the realm above the real king?" Zuo Guangshu asked.

Wang Changji looked at him and said, "What is the truth about Huang Weizhen's death that year? I should ask you. After all, the Zuo family is a thousand-year-old family in Chudi. I am just a traveler who has seen some traces of time in the mountains and seas .”

Time mark, traveler.

Yue Tiannu felt inexplicably that these two words had a very special splendor, just like Wang Changji.

"I don't know." Zuo Guangshu shook his head: "I will ask my grandfather when I leave the mountain and sea realm."

No matter how embarrassing the question, no matter how ancient mysteries, how hidden stories...he just needs to ask his grandpa.

Fang Heling was very envious, but there was nothing in his eyes.

Wang Changji continued: "I don't know what happened back then, and I don't know how Huang Weizhen died. Even my understanding of Huang Weizhen is completely in the ear. Before entering the mountain and sea realm, I tried to find a way to understand it temporarily. The conjectures about him are only deduced from everything that happened in the mountains and seas, just to capture the information that really exists in this world...

But everything that has happened in this world, everything that is happening, and everything that will happen is already so clear and arranged in front of my eyes. They are all proving my conjecture and telling me a definite answer. I don't think there is any other explanation than that. "

Jiang Wang thought, is everything that happened in this world clear? Looking around, across the mountains, across the sea, across the sky and earth, hurricanes and thunder... Where is it clear?

But from the level of rules, it is clear that the vision is different.

He has undoubtedly been persuaded by Wang Changji, and he is trying to understand Wang Changji's thinking.

Zuo Guangshu asked again at this time: "If it is said that the world of mountains and seas really hides Huang Weizhen's path of detachment. If it is said that when the mountains and seas become real, Huang Weizhen can successfully return from fantasy. Then he Why don't you close the door and evolve quietly? Why do you want to conduct the trial of the Great Chu Tianjiao? Why take the risk of being discovered and disturbed by others?"

"Because it's not real enough." Jiang Wang sighed, and said, "The fantasy world of Mountain and Sea Realm was not supported by Huang Weizhen alone. It was the reverie and speculation of countless people in the world for more than nine hundred years. According to the records of "Shan Hai Yi Beasts", in the trials of Chu Tianjiao in the past dynasties, it was realized step by step."

Why, over the past nine hundred years, there have been so many Tianjiao who have entered the mountain and sea realm, but they seem to see everything differently, and no one can say that this world cannot be completed? Because it is constantly expanding, constantly plumping, and constantly opening up.

The first group of people who entered the mountain and sea realm may only encounter three or five floating mountains, and maybe seven or eight sea areas...

And now, how many miles from south to north?

They had to go through the God's Descend Road to rush to Shunnanyuan.

The mountains and seas are not achieved in a day, and all fantasies have traces to follow.

Yue Tiannu added: "Those who hold the Nine Chapters of Jade Bi will enter the mountain and sea realm, representing the 'God's will' of this world, and pass various tests to gain harvest. At the same time, what they bring is a real and fresh breath of the world, which is the spirit of people in the world. Addition to the fantasy of the mountain and sea realm. Has Mr. Zuo ever thought about why every person who died in battle in the mountain and sea realm has to be cut off by 30% of his soul?"

Zuo Guangshu was stunned.

Yue Tiannu continued: "Because the mountains and seas need these real soul powers, and these arrogance figures who are favored by the world, we need to use this power to make the mountains and seas more vivid and closer to reality."

"Also, think about the limitations of entering the mountain and sea realm, and think about the limitations of cultivation. Huang Weizhen is not taking risks. Because basically there is no existence that can see through the essence of this world with the cultivation of the Outer Building."

She looked at Wang Changji again: "Except for this benefactor."

Wang Changji didn't speak.

"Is this... Huang Weizhen?" Zuo Guangshu said, and suddenly grinned.

He is disappointed.

Very disappointed.

There is a sense of brokenness that the idol in my heart has collapsed.

Huang Weizhen is the idol of many Chu people, and Zuo Guangshu is among his admirers.

The most romantic in the past three thousand years is a flag that has been flying in Chu for thousands of years!

Even an arrogant person like Xiang Bei said that he wished he had been born nine hundred years earlier so that he could not see Huang Weizhen once.

But what is this man doing?

Under the guise of trials, in the name of cultivating talents for Da Chu, secretly harvest the power of Da Chu Tianjiao's soul, to supplement the lack of mountains and seas, and to achieve his own path of detachment!

Such a person, even if he is strong, can he be called great?

"Fill his own future with the future of Chu land?" Zuo Guangshu's question was full of anger.

Even in this mountain and sea environment, he did not hide it.

As a Chu person, as an admirer of later generations, he certainly has reasons to be angry.

Even, there is a kind of indignation of being cheated.

He had hoped for such a bright flag, but behind the flag fluttering in the wind, there was also a shadow.

How can this not disappoint the young him?

Jiang Wang can understand Zuo Guangshu's feelings very well.

But he just said: "Guangshu, things don't work out that way. Are you disappointed with Huang Weizhen, or the Huang Weizhen you imagined?

What kind of person do you think Huang Weizhen should be? Should he always be selfless in order to be worthy of his greatness? Does he have to burn himself to the brim and not take any benefits in order to be worthy of his reputation?

He must not make any mistakes, must not have any flaws, must be perfect before he can judge traitors and set an example?

If you can calm down, re-examine the mountains and seas.

You will find that this is actually a very fair trade.

I will go through the whole journey of trials in the mountains and seas with you.

The origin of 30% of the soul that was cut off is real, but the harvest that the trial can take away is also real. He has indeed left his inheritance in this world, and the trials in the Mountain Sea Realm are indeed very effective.

Counting all the trials in the mountains and seas, the gains are always greater than the losses. Otherwise, every time it is turned on, there will be so many people flocking to it. Otherwise you wouldn't have invited me, would you?

Huang Weizhen didn't want to harvest anyone with ulterior motives. He made fair rules and spared no effort to maintain fairness.

You said that he "filled his own future with the future of Chu", I think this evaluation is unfair.

What I saw was that after more than 900 years of evolution, the mountain and sea environment was still helping Chu to cultivate talents.

Being able to rely on the arrangement more than 900 years ago to benefit both the participants in the Mountain Sea Realm and himself, and to achieve a win-win result for all parties, I think this is precisely what is so great about Huang Weizhen. "

Zuo Guangshu was silent for a while.

Wang Changji also said: "That's true. The rewards given by the mountain and sea realm must be true. The reason why I can pretend to be a real Kui Niu is also borrowing this rule of the mountain and sea realm. In fact, it will cost a lot of time The power of the world has greatly slowed down the evolution of the mountains and seas into reality."

Jiang Wang looked at this handsome young man, and said: "I don't deny that there are such selfless people, but we shouldn't demand that everyone be like that.

What does a normal world look like?

Scholars want fame, farmers want abundant food, workers want treasures, merchants want rich wealth... Practitioners want to climb to the top, and want to surpass the top!

It is precisely because everyone living in the world has their own desires and demands that the world can keep moving forward.

You have something to ask for, and I have something to ask for, as long as it doesn't harm the innocent or harm others, what's the problem?

The rules set by Huang Weizhen are fair, so they should not be blamed for it.

In fact, even me, a foreigner, knows about Huang Weizhen. He is great enough just because of Yanfa Pavilion, isn't he? What a great contribution it is to make the state of Chu the best in the world. You must know more about his achievements than I do. Why are you so demanding on him? "

Zuo Guangshu lowered his head slightly, feeling a little lost and confused: "I don't know..."

"Because the Huang Weizhen you remember is the Huang Weizhen in your imagination. The Huang Weizhen you worship is the Huang Weizhen who was molded into a god, not the real Huang Weizhen.

What reality teaches us is that your imagination can never quite match reality.

Never accurate, always gaps.

How can there be a perfect existence?

Use the mold you imagined to set anyone and anything in this world, and you will always be disappointed. "

Jiang Wang reached out and patted him on the shoulder: "Guangshu, if one day you only remember me in your imagination, and you only want to remember me in your imagination. Then I will disappoint you too."

He thought inexplicably.

Although this journey has come, I have a clear conscience. Never bullying the innocent, never hurting civilians, and always sticking to my beliefs within the sword distance within my power.

In order to save his friends, he went to the sea, lost his life and suffered a lot of injuries.

For Zhong Xuansheng, he tried to kill Wang Yiwu and confronted Jiang Mengxiong.

In order to give an explanation to Lin Youxie and Yang Jing to the dead Gongsun Yu of Ulie, walking on the tip of a knife, abandoning the real power and the favor of the emperor... and asking the abyss

A broken ear and stump can leave a name in history.

Wufuhai was pierced because he refused to fall into the devil.

One day the world will talk about me.

Maybe it's just a villain who bullies the weak and fears the hard, and speaks glibly.

Because if Qi Tianzi beheaded the innocent, I might not dare to speak out every time.

Because in my life, it is impossible to be without a mistake.

Even if I give up my life and white hair to save my sister, I beg everywhere, but I can't ask for a reinforcement. Frustrated, he left his hometown. Maybe some people will call me a coward who abandoned his hometown and ran away.

Who can know your whole picture, who can not judge you?

Even if Huang Weizhen is like this, and Guangshu is such a good person... How can I, Jiang Wang, be an exception?

So, is the persistence all the time meaningful?

Life is alive, what way do you go, and why do you do it?

Jiang Wang was silent.

Then he sees...

He saw Zuo Guangshu's beautiful eyes and looked at him brightly: "Brother is right. It's not that Huang Weizhen is not great enough. It's me who carved the statue in my heart too perfectly. I'm not disappointed with Huang Weizhen, I'm just disappointed with the Huang Weizhen I imagined. I sincerely feel my shallowness, and hope to look at the world more carefully in the future."

"However, brother..."

"It's not a terrible thing to be disappointed with you."

"I've been disappointed many times..."

The boy raised his fingers and counted the piles one by one: "You said you would take me to sweep the mountains and seas, and then we were swept all the time."

"You said you were going to Wither Nanyuan to find the truth of the world, and then we were deceived by Chaos..."


Zuo Guangshu clapped his palms together, folded his palms together, and made a pleading gesture: "Please don't add any more burdens to yourself, don't take too much responsibility on yourself, don't be afraid of letting people have your own life, you have your own Your own happiness! Make the choice that makes you feel comfortable, do what you think is right, please!"

Cut Yange with a knife. (35/78.)

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