Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1474 The Boundary Between Illusion and Reality

When Wang Changji stated that he had already won part of the fishing rights, he could temporarily strip Kui Niu of his divine name and cut off the influence of the divine house.

Everyone knew that this seemingly daring move might turn out to be extremely simple.

But no one, including Wang Changji himself, thought that it would be so easy.

They didn't even take more than two breaths!

To besiege and kill the Kui Niu sitting guarding the shrine's house, there is still enough time for three breaths.

Yue Tiannu's pure land power is too strong, Wang Changji's soul power is too strong, and Jiang Wang's sword is too strong!

Zuo Guangshu and Fang Heling also sent out very effective assists.

Everything happened too fast.

Almost as soon as Liubo Mountain's divine light disappeared, Kui Niu jumped up and fell down, while the thunder light disappeared in a flash.

Now, Kui Niu, the mountain god of Liubo Mountain, is dead.

The huge corpse was still on the top of the mountain, like a lying boulder.

Five figures were scattered all over the top of the mountain.

The divine light shrouded here again.

Liubo Mountain, which was already collapsing, stabilized briefly again.

Beyond Liubo Mountain, the sky is still going on.

The destructive scene was isolated from the divine light, like a snowstorm outside the house.

Wang Changji stood in front of Kui Niu's corpse, facing the head of the cow.

He was almost parallel to Kui Niu's round eyes.

Kui Niu's blue eyes were devoid of expression, only the emotion of shock, anger and fear remained.

But Wang Changji's eyes were calm and distant, without any fluctuations.

He raised a slender finger, tapped on Kui Niu's eyebrows, and then... pressed it in.

It's like pressing into a piece of tofu.

After sinking about a knuckle, his hand began to move outward.

A fist-sized, bluish-black bead, almost sticking to his finger, "squeezed" out from the center of Kui Niu's brow.

The inside of this bead is filled with thick black mist. It gives people the feeling that it is deep and thick, but also mysterious and unpredictable.

But occasionally there is a flash of lightning, which breaks through the black mist and reveals a bit of nobility and majesty.

"Kui Niu Yuan Dan is the essence of Kui Niu's whole body." Wang Changji explained casually: "Through some special means, it can also be made into a high-quality Kaimai Pill."

"This thing is of great use to me." He put away the Kui Niu Yuan Pill, and flicked his fingertip again.

A whole piece of Kui ox skin was peeled off and floated in the air.

He looked at Jiang Wang and said, "The skin of Kui ox can be used to make drums. It is very useful in battle. It should be no problem to be a man with many sides. I am used to being alone. I don't need it. You accept it." Bar."

Even a layman like Jiang Wang, who is a military strategist, has heard of the reputation of Kui Niu's battle drum, so of course he knows how precious it is.

He looked around Yue Tiannu and the others, and said directly: "This thing is precious, the four of us will share it equally."

Without waiting for anyone to refuse, Jian Guangyao has divided the skin into four neatly.

While returning the sword to its sheath, one of the Kui cowhide was also put away.

The words of Yue Tiannu's refusal were already on his lips, seeing this situation, he had no choice but to proclaim the Buddha's name: "Then I will be disrespectful."

The detective took away his share of Kui's cowhide.

Fang Heling said: "I have been traveling here and there for so many years, and I have always been a pawn. I have never had many soldiers under my command. No matter how precious the hide of the kui ox is, it is like a pearl to me."

He looked at Jiang Wang with a smile and said, "Brother Jiang, I wonder if I can take care of it and buy this thing with primordial stones? It's only 50% of the market price... I'm really short of money and lack some resources."

He did it as a gesture of favor.

But Jiang Wang was silent for a while, and said in a muffled voice, "I can't afford it."

Under Fang Heling's astonishment, his eyes turned cold again.

In his opinion, this is undoubtedly Jiang Wang's refusal of his overtures. Why, is it a lie to say that we look forward to fighting side by side and killing Zhang Linchuan together in the future?

How long has it been?

I've flattered you so much, and you still don't save me face with such blunt excuses!

Even if you say you don't like it, you can't use it!

You are a dignified senior official of the Qi State, known as Lord Jiang! Can't you take out a few hundred primordial stones?

Jiang Wang looked at Fang Heling's ugly expression and felt wronged for a while.

I can't wait to open my storage box to prove my innocence.

Where is he a person who contradicts what he says?

Although it is impossible to make friends with Fang Heling, since they have signed a contract with each other to kill Zhang Linchuan, at least before killing Zhang Linchuan, there is no need for the two of them to confront each other.

The purse is indeed clean!

"The main reason is that the primordial stones that brother Jiang and I brought with us are prepared for the mountain and sea realm, so it would be inconvenient to trade them." Zuo Guangshu laughed at the right time from the side: "Let me tell you something, brother, you See it as impossible."

While putting away his share of Kui cowhide, he said: "Treasures such as Kui cowhide have always been priceless and difficult to measure.

However, it is only a raw material. To make it into war drums, a very cumbersome process is required. Only a skilled craftsman can make the best use of it without causing waste.

Moreover, the strength of the kui ox in the mountain and sea realm cannot be compared with the ancient legends.

Comparing this year's price of the Tianxiang Battle Flag in Qiqiao Pavilion, it is not a problem to calculate a thousand primordial stones.

It's not appropriate for you to say that the discount is 50%. Although it is inconvenient to shoot in the mountain and sea environment, and there is a risk that it may not be able to be taken out, it is not worth half of the price.

Calculated by 70%, I think it is reasonable. "

After Zuo Guangshu finished speaking clearly, he took out a square seal from his pocket, fiddled with it a few times, and then handed it over: "Brother, with this seal, any property under Zuo's name can be Please pay seven hundred yuan stones. If there are no local ones, they will be mobilized for you soon."

As the little prince of Dachu, Zuo Guangshu may not have a deep understanding of the cruel side of this world, but the education he received since childhood made him know how to deal with the relationship between people.

What he said at this moment was to protect Jiang Wang's face, but not to dismiss Fang Heling's face. At the same time, it could be seen that Brother Jiang didn't want to take advantage of Fang Heling's favor, so he made the price clear.

Trade at this price. Basically no one owes anyone.

Fang Heling took the seal without hesitation: "I can trust Brother Jiang, and the price is very fair."

Jiang Wang didn't say anything, and just accepted another Kui cowhide.

These two leathers can be used as four-sided war drums.

He has already allocated it in his heart.

While drumming Long Chuan off, he is a genius in military art, proficient in battle formations, and can best play this role.

While begging Li Fengyao off, Fengyao's sister is a womanizer, although she has not personally seen her ability to lead an army, but being able to sit on Ice Phoenix Island is enough to show her strategy.

On the other hand, he sent Chong Xuansheng, this fat man is good at everything, and Yu Junzhen is also very accomplished. I have always asked him to help put out the fire, eat his food, drink his food, and take his food. When I return, I should bring a gift.

The last drum was naturally given to Yan Fu.

This has nothing to do with the ability to lead the army... How can Mr. Yan make the gift giver suffer? If it doesn't work, it will earn back the other three drums.

Both favors and interests are not lost!

"You also find it strange?" Wang Changji asked suddenly.

He asked about Jiang Wang.

Because Jiang Wang's smile at the moment is very subtle, as if he has a sense of wisdom in his hands, as if he has figured out something.

Jiang Wang was stunned for a moment, recovered from the wonderful reverie, and pondered: "Since entering the mountain and sea realm, there have been too many strange things, which one did Brother Wang talk about?"

"Since you have obtained the inheritance of Huang Weizhen's two seals, you have confirmed the 'God's will' of the mountain and sea realm through this incident. It must have also led the death of the two mountain gods." Wang Changji asked: "After their death, the corpses can be Did it survive like this Kui ox?"

At this moment, the carcass of Kui Niu, which had been skinned and taken from the Yuan Dan, piled up like a mountain of bright red meat. Although the skin was peeled off, most of the blood was still locked in the muscles and never dispersed.

"Not really." Jiang Wang shook his head: "I burned Bi Fang's body clean. As for the Huo Dou Yin... it's purely the blood essence bestowed on me by the Huo Dou King Beast, it didn't die."

Wang Changji was obviously also taken aback.

This does not match his cognition.

After thinking about it, he asked again: "Think about it again, did you really burn Bi Fang's body clean? If you burned it clean, then how could your Bi Fang's essence and blood be preserved?" reserve?"

Jiang Wang was indeed a little confused.

Thinking about it carefully, Bi Fang had already disappeared when the Samadhi True Fire rolled, leaving only a drop of blood essence in place. It's really hard to say whether it was burnt clean.

Wang Changji continued: "If you kill another mountain god and stare at its corpse, you will find that there is only a drop of blood essence left in the end. This is the harvest of killing the mountain god and sea god in the mountain and sea realm. It can make you Obtain the corresponding seal inheritance. This is also one of the world rules of the mountain and sea realm."

"That's not right..." Jiang Wang frowned and said, "When we were in Withered Nanyuan, we saw the phoenix named Jiaxuan among the nine types of phoenixes, and its corpse stopped in front of us."

"First, you didn't kill it. The gods of mountains and seas have their own order, which is different from the situation where outsiders participate. Second, according to the situation you described, it is life or death. Not necessarily. The third..."

Wang Changji looked at the sky filled with dark clouds and heavy snow, and sighed, "How can there be nine types of phoenixes in the world, and how can there be Jiaxuan?"

Jiang Wang still shook his head: "I have seen it with my own eyes, it will never be fake."

Yue Tiannu also emphasized at the side: "At that time, Zuo Guangshu and I were also present. That corpse is undoubtedly Phoenix."

Wang Changji waved his hand: "I never doubt your eyesight, nor deny that you really saw Jiaxuan. What I'm talking about is—in the real world, Jiaxuan doesn't exist at all. Do you understand? It's just in this world Here, it exists. It’s just that in this mountain and sea environment, there are nine types of phoenixes.”

Similar to "in the mountains and seas are the nine types of phoenixes", in this case, Chaos seems to have said it.

"You mean, the mountain and sea realm is a false world?" Jiang Wang hesitated and said, "How do you determine this?"

Wang Changji said: "Actually, it cannot be said that the Mountain Sea Realm is a false world, because it already possesses reality."

"I'm getting more and more confused!" Jiang Wang said.

On the contrary, Yue Tiannu seems to have captured some information, thinking about it.

"In a real world, once such a powerful beast is killed, will there be only a drop of blood essence left?" Wang Changji said: "It should leave its bones, its flesh and blood, its Yuandan...these The existence we just divided up."

"You can say that the beast that was given the name of the god is killed, and there will be only a drop of blood. Jiaxuan, you said that the situation is different." Zuo Guangshu couldn't help asking: "Then the body of this Kui ox is what happened?"

He felt that this person was strong if he was strong, but he was suspected of fooling his brother Jiang, which became more and more mysterious.

Wang Changji didn't mind, and said very seriously: "The Mountain Sea Realm doesn't exist, it's simply Huang Weizhen's creation."

These words were like a bolt from the blue, shocking the other four people present!

So real, such a vast and vast world, is it just Huang Weizhen's creation? Is this really possible? What kind of great power does it take to be able to do such a thing?

However, the person who said this was Wang Changji, who more than once showed Wang Changji who has a deeper understanding of the world.

Jiang Wang looked at him, quietly waiting for him to convince himself.

"Do you think that the Nine Chapters of Jade Bi will take your physical body through the space barrier and reach a distant place? If it only stops here, how can the mountain and sea realm remain undiscovered for nine hundred years?"

Wang Changji spread out the palm of his right hand, and in the palm was coiled a ball of jade thread, which was a fishing line he twisted out of nine chapters of jade. "It just brought you into another level of rules, the level of rules in the Mountain Sea Realm...or in other words, the level of rules in Huang Weizhen."

He casually pinched the ball of jade thread, and it turned back into a piece of jade. It was that chapter that returned with grief: "That's why you came here. Come to this world to participate in Huang Weizhen's game."

"This is... a world about fantasy."

"The so-called mountains and seas, the so-called mountains and seas and beasts, are the fantasy that intertwined history and romance."

"Huang Weizhen has left behind a nearly infinite power. After a long period of evolution, a world that should have only existed in fantasy has become closer to reality, and even has a large degree of reality."

"As for me, I'm just a thief passing by the master's house. When the master is away, the cats and dogs are busy arguing, and the house is in a mess, I steal a sip of water to drink."

"Chaos and Zhu Jiuyin were busy fighting, and I took this opportunity to use the power of the mountains and seas to turn Kui Niu into reality."

"That's all I can do."

Wang Changji said: "The fishing rights I'm fighting for are only enough for me to do this. But it's enough. I only need this Kui Niu Yuan Pill."

Wang Changji's words contained too much information that needed to be digested.

But he didn't give much time to digest.

Instead, he asked again: "Have you seen Chaos... Is it not true?"

When asking this question, he looked at Yue Tiannu.

Because Jiang Wang and Zuo Guangshu may not be able to make accurate judgments. And he knew that Yue Tiannu was different.

He had never seen Chaos, so he used questions, but his attitude was firm.

With an indescribable exclamation, Yue Tiannu said slowly and solemnly: "That's true."

"With the great power it exhibits, and with the accumulation of so many years, it shouldn't stop before Dongzhen." Wang Changjishen pointed to the sky, indicating the power of doomsday.

"The reason why it is impossible to understand the truth is because it is only a product of this fantasy world. It is 'false' at its root, how to understand the truth?"

"Unless... break the shackles of this world and come to this world."

"So we know what Chaos wants to do."

Wang Changji said: "Chaos wants to leave here and bring its power from the fantasy world to the real world. What it wants to break is not the cage, but the boundary between illusion and reality!"

Thanks to the book friend "Ping An 2018" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 260th League of the Chixin Sky Survey!



The ending is too difficult to write! ! ! !

Every time this time comes, I lose hair in pieces.

I will strive for another three chapters tomorrow.

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