Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1473

In fact, why does Jiang Wang have a choice?

When I was in Fenglin City, when I was at the bottom of the Qingjiang River, and when I was at Tianyatai...

He can have many choices today because he struggled bit by bit, worked hard day by day, and walked out step by step.

He never gave up on himself, so he is the "me" today.

But he didn't have to say these words.

Wang Changji is right.

In the current situation where Fang Heling could not be killed with a sword, it was a more just choice to restrain him from evil than to cut off his hope.

So he stretched out his hand and made a fist in front of him.

Fang Heling took two steps forward, also clenched his fists, and lightly collided with him.

Above the dark clouds, two escaped fish from Fenglin City stood facing each other, their fists touching each other.

Make this new covenant.

Kill Zhang Linchuan together.

At this moment, time seems to be interlaced with the past.

Fang Heling seemed to see himself who used to be a follower of his cousin, opened his eyes wide in time, and looked enviously at the several figures who gathered together to clink bowls.


The wine bowl broke.

Those few people went out of the city with great arrogance and high spirits.

To kill bandits, capture robbers, or simply fight with others?

He just watched them go further and further away in a subtle trance.

He woke up in an instant, and what he saw was Jiang Wang's clearer face after a few years of wind and frost.

He has already learned to hide his emotions, and he has long understood the "rules" of this world.

He said generously: "Brother Jiang, you are well-known all over the world for your faith. I should take you as an example, and I will live up to today's promise and fulfill this promise with my whole life!"

When he said this, his emotions were high, he was decisive, and he was full of true feelings in a trance.

But how much of this statement is true and how much is false, he himself does not know.

If Jiang Wang can't help him achieve his goal of revenge, he will naturally turn to someone who can help him revenge better, and choose a method that can better help him revenge, no matter what it is. He has no scruples.

If walking with Jiang Wang can indeed achieve revenge... The old dream of the Six Heroes of Fenglin is also worth remembering, isn't it?

It was childish, stumbling youth.

Jiang Wang and Wang Changji, of course, he more recognized Wang Changji who had no intersection in Fenglin City.

For so much time in the past, Jiang Wang has long been famous all over the world, but he never had the idea of ​​seeking refuge. Jiang Wang said that he was not from the same way, so why didn't he know it?

Today's initiative to reconcile is only because Wang Changji put Jiang Wang on the same road, that's all.

It's all about revenge.

He believed that Wang Changji also recognized his ideas more.

Because Wang Changji didn't care at all what evil things he had done, didn't care whether he was cruel by nature or could not help himself, Wang Changji hardly cared about anything in this world.

Of course, Wang Changji didn't care about him either.

But what does it matter? In this world, no one cares about him...

Jiang Wang took a deep look at Fang Heling and didn't say anything else.

He just turned his head to look at Wang Changji: "Brother Wang, now you can say, what do you want me to do? I miss my two friends. They should be very confused now."

"Of course." Wang Changji said.

As his words fell, the figures of Yue Tiannu and Zuo Guangshu also appeared, and they naturally blended into the field of vision, as if they had never disappeared at all.

The swelling on Fang Heling's face and the blood at the corner of his mouth also disappeared, but he obviously didn't notice it, because there was still a subconscious movement to cover his face.

All these performances made Jiang Wang confirm that he was communicating in an environment built with the power of the soul just now.

Zuo Guangshu looked at Fang Heling who appeared suddenly, and then at Jiang Wang with a calm face. He was a little surprised, but he didn't speak. In his feeling, it was just a trance, and there was another person in front of him... Although he knew that things were not that simple.

Yue Tiannu clasped his palms together, and praised Wang Changji sincerely: "The benefactor's use of the soul is really at its peak."

Wang Changji didn't try to be modest, he just nodded slightly, expressing that he received this affirmation. Then he said to Jiang Wang: "I want to ask you to help me hunt Kui Niu. I have been waiting for the opportunity before, and now is the right time."

Zuo Guangshu widened his eyes.

He was very impressed by Kui Niu's majesty, a thunderbolt stretched across the sky and sea, shining for thousands of miles, trembling the mountains and seas.

Zhong Liyan and Fan Wushu were so bombarded that they ran away, and he and Jiang Wang also fled.

Now this person said that Kui Niu was going to be killed?

Does this person know what is the distance between the outer building and Shenlin?

In comparison, Yue Tiannu was much calmer, she was more aware of Wang Changji's strength than Zuo Guangshu. Although I also feel that it is difficult to achieve, I am willing to hear more specific plans from the other party.

Jiang Wang had already expected Wang Changji. He felt that no matter what Wang Changji would do next, he would not be too surprised, because he had already been surprised many times.

He first explained to Zuo Guangshu: "When we discovered Kui Niu earlier, what it was chasing was brother Wang Nianxiang."

Then he said to Wang Changji: "Brother Wang must have already set his sights on Kui Niu at that time? A person like you, since he dared to target Kui Niu, must have made thorough preparations. How sure are you?"

"That time it was just contact and temptation, thinking about whether we could communicate a little bit. But that cow is too grumpy..."

Wang Changji said: "As for the certainty... originally it was only 30%, after adding Brother Jiang, it was 60%. Now, it is 80%."

Gathering a group of Wailou monks to besiege and kill Kui Niu, a strange beast that is considered powerful at the level of God's presence, is already a fantasy. Is it still so accurate?

Zuo Guangshu couldn't believe it. But Brother Jiang didn't doubt it at all, so he remained silent.

"Brother Wang is so confident, of course I am willing to accompany you." Jiang Wang thought for a while, then looked at Yue Tiannu and said, "This is just my personal relationship with Brother Wang. Zen Master can go with you, or you can wait for me here. Please. From the heart, don't worry about Jiang."

Yue Tiannu just nodded slightly to Wang Changji: "If you can repay the kindness of your guidance, it will really make the poor nun feel at ease."

Wang Changji replied, "If that's the case, I thank the teacher."

"How did Brother Wang plan?" Jiang Wang asked again.

Wang Changji said very calmly: "Remember what I told you? I am fighting for the right to fish.

At that time, I realized that the basic rules of this world had been shaken. There are many forces that use the world as a pool, rules as a line, and each of them is fishing, and I will join in it...

From entering the mountain and sea realm until now, in the violent turmoil just now, I was lucky enough to win a trace. You helped Chaos, and you helped me by the way. "

His tone was flat, and what he said was just a fluke.

But in the hearts of those who listened, it was like a thunderclap.

You can use this world as a pool to cast your own fishing line. What level is this? To what extent do we need to understand the world? How can it be done?

Zuo Guang didn't know it, Jiang Wang didn't know it, even Yue Tiannu, who had a mysterious origin, only knew it, but it was impossible to do it.

Because her current cultivation base is only at the level of the outer building, she has more energy than energy.

But the crux of the problem is that this man named Wang Nianxiang is only at the outer level! It is only the first time to enter the mountain and sea realm!

Although Jiang Wang had guessed in advance, although he thought it would be difficult to be surprised, he was still shocked after confirming the matter from Wang Changji.

It is worthy of being a person who used to fight against God with a mortal body!

As expected of someone who can drive the will of the Bone Cthulhu back to the netherworld!

"So..." He looked at Wang Changji.

Wang Changji said: "At that time, I didn't know who the forces that were fishing in this world belonged to. Of course, you told me just now that there were Chaos and Zhu Jiuyin among them. It can probably be understood as rebels and defenders of order.

At this moment, the battle between Chaos and Zhu Jiuyin has already begun, their fishing lines are entangled, and they are fighting for the entire mountain and sea realm. And Kui Niu, like many other mountain gods, guards the house of the gods to save the disaster from the sky. This is when it is at its weakest and least distracted.

It just so happened that I won a little fishing rights, which allowed us to go straight up Mount Liubo and temporarily strip it of its divine name.

This process will not exceed three breaths.

But I think the time of three breaths is enough for us to kill it. "

The strength of a Kui ox stripped of its divine name was almost half lost. The real strength is probably between the outer building and the gods.

Jiang Wang has no need to belittle himself.

With their current lineup...

Indeed, three breaths are enough!

"Is it that simple?" Jiang Wang asked.

Of course it's not easy. To be able to win the right to fish in the mountains and seas, to control a sliver of the rules of this world, and to strip Kui Niu of his divine name is simply unimaginable!

But the most difficult part, Wang Changji has already solved it...

Regarding Jiang Wang's question, Wang Changji just spread his hands.

"It's not too late, we might as well go now." Jiang Wang then said: "We still have time to go to the Central Mountain."

Wang Changji waved his hand lightly, and said softly, "It's already here."

The dark clouds under their feet parted, and they could still see heavy snowfall, gusts of wind like knives, sea cracks and waves... and in this end-time scene, Liubo Mountain shrouded in divine light!

This kind of leaping over the distance is to stir the rules of this world that is almost like the road of divine descent.

The fishing rights that Wang Changji was fighting for were revealed in this light wave of his hand.

Liubo Mountain under the clouds is tall and majestic.

The violent world-destroying thunder became gentle here. Passing around the mountain, it flows like a waterfall.

Of course it was because there lived a powerful thunder beast on this mountain.

The one-legged, hornless Kui Niu is thirteen feet long, lying quietly on the top of the mountain like a huge boulder. It was irritable in the past, but it is extraordinarily quiet today.

At this moment, the gate of Liubo Mountain has been closed, and the divine house has been sealed.

In the world that is about to be destroyed, it is a world of its own, waiting for the new life of this world.

In the long history of the Mountain Sea Realm, Tianqing did not happen once or twice. Although it is not a habit, it will not make a fuss.

Although this time Tianqing is different from the past, it seems that there is something wrong with Withered Nanyuan...but it doesn't want to ignore it.

It just wants to wait silently, waiting for the moment when the result will be revealed.

There are many mountain and sea gods like it.

Keeping the mountain is "God's will".

In such moments.

Above the dome of the sky, the endless thick dark clouds quietly opened a gap.

Of course there is no light behind the gap, only a darker sky, a collapsing sky...

After the end comes the clearer end.

The world keeps repeating itself.

But the five figures fell extremely quickly.

Or clear light, or red light, or water light, or Buddha light, or blood light.

Wang Changji, Jiang Wang, Zuo Guangshu, Yue Tiannu, Fang Heling, five figures crashed down, piercing the space, and let out a terrifying scream!

Like five streaks of light, descending from the sky, piercing the sky for thousands of miles.

Kui Niu glanced at it with some surprise, but it was nothing more than surprise.

Because of these people, it is impossible to break the divine house at this time.

"Stay in this house forever, and the gods will give you the name of God", this is the most fundamental "God's will" in this world. It is the eternal foundation of mountains and seas. Apart from Chaos, Zhu Jiuyin and a few others, who can resist it?

But at the next moment, the divine light covering the entire Liubo Mountain disappeared like a burst bubble.

Kui Niu got up in shock!

Then it discovered that the vast divine power that belonged to it had also been stripped away, and the connection between it and the mountain where the gods resided below seemed to be separated by a thick curtain, and it could still feel its divine house and sense That kind of calling... But I can't touch it!

Even the entire Mount Liubo, because it lost the protection of the divine light, lost its connection with the divine house, and began to shake in this last days.

The mountain will collapse too!

But Kui Niu was completely unable to take care of this mountain.


Terrifying power ran through his blood.

It is full of lightning!

But above the sky, people have arrived.

The five people in this group are not weak, and there is no need to specifically mention how to fight.

For a total of three breaths, just grab the gap by yourself.

Against the background of stormy wind, snow and dark clouds.

Yuetian Slave, surrounded by Buddha's light, folded his palms together, and muttered something in his mouth, saying: "Nanwu, Moonlight, Liuli!"

Her brass-colored skin seemed to have been dyed through by the Buddha's light.

The power of the Pure Land spread out, instantly covering Kui Niu, suppressing its thunder, calming its fighting spirit, alleviating its panic, calming its anger... Ask it to take refuge.

Wang Changji, who was surrounded by a clear light, just looked over indifferently.

Kui Niu felt tired instantly.

It seems to have returned to a long, long time ago, so long ago that it seemed to be in a dream of a previous life——

It was a sea of ​​thunder and light, boundless and vast.

Razer, Thunderbird, Thunder Spirit.

At that time, it was still very young, swimming freely in the sea of ​​thunder.

It was tired and sleepy, but also felt comfortable and warm, and wanted to just sleep like this.

Although there seemed to be a voice in my heart shouting all the time - I can't sleep!

But it is lethargic.

At the same time, a blue water cable appeared on the top of the mountain, like a giant python, quietly wrapped around Kui Niu, binding its huge body tightly. Confine its strength, restrain its muscles. Its single feet and its neck were all strangled to death.

And at this moment.

bang bang!

bang bang!

Its heart is beating violently!

Unprecedented jumps, unprecedented panic!

Its body and mind are all blank, and the white, seemingly endless electric light shines out!


A howl of swords sounded like a dragon chant.

No sound of thunder, wind, or tsunami could be heard for a moment.

This sound overwhelmed ten thousand sounds.

The sound is so loud.

This person's green shirt fell from the sky.

The red eyes are covered with frost, and the blue clouds are flowing with fire.

The sword rumbled as if pulling the pillar of heaven upside down.

From heaven to earth!

boom! Long! Long!

Jiang Wang pierced Kui Niu's neck with his sword and crashed into the mountain of Liubo Mountain.

The sound lasted forever, like thunder blasting in the mountainside.

When that sword light leaps out.

Fang Heling subconsciously leaned over to take a look.

The gap opened from Kui Niu's neck went all the way to the bottom of Liubo Mountain... the depth was more than thirty feet!

What kind of sword is this?

He just felt numb all over his body!

Thanks to the book friends "because of my iron-blooded loyalty" for becoming the new alliance of this book! It's for the 259th league of the Chixin Sky Survey!

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