Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1479 Inseparable (Ask for a monthly ticket at the end of the month)

The mountain and sea environment is really a wonderful place.

The unexpected and meaningful reunion happened more than once.

For Jiang Wang. At the beginning, Zhuang Guo took Lin Zhengren as the chief disciple of the National Academy and participated in the battle of the heavenly pride of the nations. Of course, he also cared about it. What I care about is not only Lin Zhengren's information, but also where is Zhu Weiwo!

Since Zhuangguo has Zhu Weiwo, who can represent Zhuangguo's arrogance, who else is there?

Is there Lin Zhengren's first day?

The news spread by the Zhuang Kingdom is that Zhu Weiwo, who has colluded with the enemy and treasoned the country, has fled thousands of miles away and his whereabouts are unknown.

But it's unclear what kind of enemy you know.

What treason did you do? There is no evidence.

Even the last thing Zhu Weiwo did in Zhuangguo was to fight ten cities for Zhuangguo, and almost died of exhaustion.

Going forward, I wish Weiwo to overwhelm the talents of Yongluo and Luoyang in the four-party talks.

further on...

For a long time, Zhu Weiwo has been undoubtedly the number one pride of Zhuang Guo's younger generation.

From the City Road Institute to the National Road Institute, it is number one everywhere.

Be unparalleled in the country at home, and strive for glory for the country outside.

Loved by the monarch, respected by the prime minister of the country, admired by the same sect, worshiped by the latecomers!

Fighting for the country when the state of Zhuang was in decline, but when the country of Zhuang Yong was fighting, and when the country of Zhuang was rising strongly and flourishing, he chose to treason.

This thing is full of weirdness.

Of course Jiang Wang could guess why.

For example, for a proud person like Zhu Weiwo, besides knowing the truth about Fenglin City, what other reasons could there be?

He was worried about the safety of Senior Brother Zhu, but he was also happy that Senior Brother Zhu had been in Xin'an for a long time and had not been changed by Xin'an City. Just like the gun that has been exhausted, the salary that has been burned for thirty years has not been exhausted.

It's just that Zhu Weiwo has disappeared since then, and has never been famous in front of others.

At one point he thought... was dead.

Zhuang Gaoxian and Du Ruhui's methods, no one felt more deeply than him. That pair of monarchs and ministers will not show mercy at all to the existence that may threaten the future of the Zhuang Kingdom, and they will completely let go of their airs.

Unlike other big figures, when encountering a threatening younger generation, they often send a few subordinates with sufficient strength to deal with it, and they never want to damage their reputation.

As the king of a country, Zhuang Gaoxian is a real person in the world, but he personally chased and killed him to the bank of the long river!

After the meeting of the Yellow River.

This pair of monarchs and ministers did not hesitate to cast a heavy bet, slandering demons, and motivating Yu Jingshan to take action.

Behind Jiang Wang there is a Qi State, and an old monk Kujue desperately rescued him, but they all escaped death. He couldn't imagine what would happen to his senior brother.

But seeing you today in the mountains and seas, I wish you brother the same demeanor as before, of course it is a surprise!

Nothing like Bi Fang Yin, Huo Dou Yin, or Kui Niu Hide can compare to this harvest.

For Zhu Weiwo, when he attacked the city and treasoned the country, it was because he knew Jiang Wang had killed Dong A that he understood the truth about the fall of Fenglin City.

Zhuangguo trained him with the best resources in the country, and he fought to the death, fighting to exhaustion on the battlefield, and defeated the enemy with ten cities.

Grace has been repaid, and only revenge remains.

On this doomed bumpy road, Jiang Wang has done more and worked harder earlier. And he just wanted to say...the people in Fenglin City are not dead yet, there is still a Zhu Wei me in the world!

Before coming to the Mountain Sea Realm, he knew that he would meet Jiang Wang, so he came willingly.

There is not much intersection between them, just borrowed a gun once, drank wine once, and killed a person together.

But that's enough.

Some people are just strangers after getting along for many years, and some people already share similar interests just after meeting in a hurry.

Jiang Wangzhi wished Weiwo the pride of his heart, and wished Weiwozhi Jiang Wang the unparalleled faith.

They trust each other.

that is it.

The two people looked at each other and smiled, there wasn't much conversation—why talk?

In this situation, although Yue Tiannu is not aware of their friendship, he can still feel the joy of meeting an old friend in a foreign land.

And Fang Heling, who watched Jiang Wang and Zhu Weiwo talking, had a moment of surprise in his eyes, but it quickly faded away.

The number one person in the City Daoist Academy back then naturally didn't recognize Wang's young master who couldn't practice, even Zhang Linchuan's face might not have any impression, let alone the Fang family who relied on his father for everything?

In the eyes of Tianjiao, there is only Tianjiao. He understands.

Although he is also an old man of Fenglin City, he is also a disciple of the City Dao Academy. He should also be called "big brother"...

But who remembers Fang Heling?

He already had such awareness, so he remained silent.

But when Zhu Wei's proud eyes lightly glanced over. He even nodded slightly as a gesture.

Only then did Fang Heling realize in a daze that he had already participated in the Mountain Sea Realm Trial and successfully reached the Central Mountain. I am walking with peerless geniuses like Wang Changji and Jiang Wang.

Zhu Wei Even if I don't know him, I won't completely ignore him.

He also nodded heavily.

Said, I saw you too, and I respect you too.

Fang Heling, Zuo Guangshu, Yue Tiannu, Wang Changji, Dou Zhao.

Zhu Weiwo turned his eyes around, paused for a moment on Wang Changji's face, and said nothing. Falling back to Jiang Wang, the sound transmission said: "This is not a place to talk. After you go out, you can go to Buzhu City to find a man named Lian Heng. He has a way to contact me."

Jiang Wang also replied via voice transmission: "Okay."

The two nodded their heads, then looked away.

Zhu Wei, I look forward to Jiang Wang returning him a glass of wine.

When I was in Fenglin City, I was looking forward to Jiang Wang's success in the Taoist system in the future and showing his edge.

Today, this expectation is naturally different.

And without saying a word.

They kept silent, but Dou Zhao couldn't help it.

Doo is very annoyed right now.

I said earlier that I want to play private games, I am the direct descendant of the Dou family, and I still have to worry about not being able to find anyone?

Can he still be bullied by outsiders in the secret realm of Chu State?

Dealing with Jiang Wang and Yue Tiannu Zuo Guangshu's team-up is already challenging himself.

In addition to that Wang Nianxiang, he felt that it was a test between life and death.

Now the two newcomers are still called brothers and sisters with Jiang Wang.

What else is there to fight?

He was madder than anyone else when fighting Zhao, even if it was an egg hitting a rock, he gritted his teeth and barely hit it.

You can hit a hammer with an egg, so why try?

He likes challenges, not suicide.

The knife-like eyes swept around, and the expressions of these people were different, but the language of the body was very obvious. Dou Zhao has a sense of absurdity that is universally enemy.

It is ironic that Da Chu's No. 1 Tianjiao was surrounded and beaten by people on the Chu people's territory.

He stared at Zuo Guangshu, and said angrily: "It's a good place for Chu people's trial, but in the end it's all outsiders. Zuo Guangshu, you can't absolve yourself of the blame!"

Zuo Guangshu looked at him speechlessly: "How many pieces of jade do you have on your body? Why are there no people from Chu? You don't know why? Didn't all the people from Chu be eliminated by you?"

Dou Zhao was speechless for a moment.

Jiang Wang raised his hand again, and said sincerely: "Brother Dou, I admire your strength very much, and I really don't want to be your enemy. I understand that I can only make conditions with you because of the number of people. In this way, you stay For your own piece of jade, just hand over the extra jade. Is that good?"

The same is negotiating, Jiang Wang is obviously not as good at grasping people's psychology as Xiao Shu.

But the difference is that his sword is much sharper than Xiao Shu.

It was so sharp that Dou Zhao really felt that he had received the respect he deserved.

With seven circles, one piece of jade is allowed to be kept. Isn't this the recognition of the world's number one outer building?

This Jiang Wang kept saying that he didn't want to be an enemy, as if he was afraid of Dou Zhao, but when he drew his sword to save Zuo Guangshu and the others, did he ever show weakness when he ran into Hongdou Zhan Qishi? Now that he has an absolute advantage, he starts to speak softly. Isn't this a kind of respect?

"Win is winning, and losing is losing. I can't be one against seven, because I am not strong enough. I am too arrogant to insist on waiting for someone on the mountain path."

As Dou Zhao said, putting the saber behind his back, he took out all four pieces of jade and piled them on the stone tablet beside him: "Since the final situation is like this, I won't keep any of it."

The four pieces of jade are piled up together, reflecting each other.

Dou Zhao also raised his palm and made a gesture of invitation to Jiang Wang: "Take it away."

Then take a step back, ready to exit the mountain and sea realm.

Exiting the mountain and sea realm like this, all the gains here cannot be taken away.

But it doesn't matter.

No one can take away the experience of fighting and the understanding of fighting.

This is enough.

That's the most important thing.

He took a heavy step back.

But this step...

Failed to withdraw.

His heels dropped, nothing changed, he just stepped on the mountain path behind him.

Dou Zhao's face changed, and he couldn't help but look up at the black tide outside the central mountain—the veil of divine light covering the central mountain was already in danger.

Everyone present was also shocked.

Having reached the central mountain, and in a state of freedom and safety, Dou Zhao is unable to exit the mountain and sea realm!

This is undoubtedly a manifestation of the drastic change in the rules. And it is a rule change that is directly related to everyone's personal safety. It means... the Mountain Sea Realm is no longer safe!

This is by no means something to be taken lightly.

In the end what happened? Has the battle between Chaos and Zhu Jiuyin evolved to the point where it really affects the testers?

Jiang Wang immediately looked at Wang Changji. Of all the people present, he was probably the only one who had a clearer insight into the mountains and seas.

But at this time, Zhu Weiwo's voice sounded first: "Once the central mountain is destroyed, the passage to the mountains and seas will be cut off. So we only have two choices now. Before these things break through the central mountain, hurry into the mountain, get the harvest and leave."

Wang Changji also nodded: "Now it seems...the Central Mountain is indeed the embodiment of the departure rules."

Jiang Wang was surprised.

He already has a deep understanding of Wang Changji's ability, and knows that Wang Changji's perception of the mountains and seas is an insight at the level of rules. In his limited experience, he can't imagine anyone who can compare with Wang Changji at the level of outer buildings.

Perhaps Tian Anping could do it, but Tian Anping was forcibly knocked down from the God's Promenade level, so he couldn't treat it with common sense.

But Zhu Weiwo has a clearer, more specific, and more certain understanding of the mountains and seas than Wang Changji.

The only explanation he could think of was that I wish Weiwo had more and closer connections with the Mountain Sea Realm. Even far beyond the children of the Chu family like Zuo Guangshudouzhao.

Zhu Weiwo, who was born in Zhuangguo, should have an inseparable relationship with the mountains and seas. So... don't redeem the city?

With these questions in mind, Jiang Wang asked directly: "In the opinion of Brother Zhu, what choice should we make?"

"Actually, there is another option, and that is to help break the divine light shield of the central mountain, and see what will happen in the end." Zhu Wei smiled and said, "The three options are very interesting. It is your freedom to choose whichever you choose." .”

Jiang Wang knew very well that this was actually a choice between Chaos and Zhu Jiuyin. To break the divine light shield of the Central Mountain is to help Chaos. To resist the Kuroshio is to help Zhu Jiuyin. Just seize the time and rush to the mountains to get the harvest, that is, the two will not help each other.

"What do you think, Brother Wang?" Jiang Wang asked Wang Changji again.

Wang Changji only said: "Even if the worst happens, I can take you away safely. So you do have the freedom to choose."

The worst result is that after Chaos breaks the barriers of the world, the rules of departure are completely broken. And they have to stay in the mountain and sea environment, waiting for the long recovery of the mountain and sea environment...or even have no chance to wait at all, and disappear in that kind of disillusionment.

Zhu Wei and I looked at Wang Changji in surprise, and said to Jiang Wang, "I can take you away too."

Jiang Wang smiled wryly.

Both Wang Changji and Zhu Weiwo can only make sure to take him away alone, so this is not an option at all.

of the remaining two options.

It would be better to just seize the time and leave with the harvest. As long as Zuo Guangshu gets the Nine Phoenix Chapter, the purpose of this trip will be achieved.

But the problem now is that the divine light shield is already crumbling, and no one knows what will happen after climbing the central mountain. Therefore, no one knows whether it will be in time.

So for Jiang Wang, there was actually no choice.


If you want to resist the Kuroshio, can you rely on them?

Fighting a way out of the Kuroshio and resisting the Kuroshio's invasion are two completely different things. The difficulty is worlds apart!

Chaos may not have much interest in keeping the testers, but destroying the central mountain and breaking the constraints of this world is something it will definitely do desperately.

"I decided to resist the Kuroshio and wait for Zhu Jiuyin's reaction. This way there is more room for buffering, and I can see what to do next." After thinking about it, Jiang Wang said, "Why do you teach me?"

At this time, Dou Zhao said: "The Nine Chapters Jade Bi is embedded in the groove behind this stele, which can increase the strength of the divine light shield and buy a little more time for the central mountain."

He wondered where the new "big brother" and Wang Nianxiang, who had a cold temperament, got the confidence to protect him in the worst situation.

He can't even do it!

But he had nothing to fear.

Even if the world is completely shattered, there is no big problem for him to survive for a while.

After disappearing for a long time, Dou will naturally know that something is wrong in this world.

If the rules of the world of mountains and seas are broken, grandma will definitely be able to find him—of course, for him, if he is reduced to the point where he has to wait for the elders of the family to rescue him, it will be a bit of a shame.

Therefore, Jiang Wang's choice hit his heart precisely. I didn't care about my arrogance anymore, so I hurried to make suggestions.

"Then fuck you!" Jiang Wang said immediately.

Dou Zhao paused for a moment before saying, "This is already your jade bi."

Jiang Wang: ...

Is it so principled?

Glancing at Dou Zhao, Jiang Wang looked calm and strode forward directly.

But just as he took two steps, there was a sudden explosion behind him, and he looked back——

I saw a large group of dense beetles wrapped together in the endless black tide that surrounded the central mountain, and they were about to come out. When it was about to leave the Kuroshio, it suddenly exploded!

Countless beetles fell into the black tide, and a figure passed through the divine light shield and landed in front of the mountain path.

This person was wearing a Jinxian crown and a Confucian uniform, his face was pale and blue from the cold, and the breath on his body was extremely weak, as if he was about to fall down in the next moment...

Ge Fei? !

There is at twelve o'clock in the evening. There should be 4k.


It's the last day of November to vote.

Monthly tickets are wasted if you don’t vote, brothers and sisters!

Everyone work hard to keep the top 20. I worked hard to collect the mountains and seas.

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