Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1480: Spring Grows Baicao, I Have No Birth

"Who pierced through the passage just now? Thank you so much." Ge Feiren thanked him before he could stand still: "I took advantage of this dark tide before it completely closed, so I got through by luck."

While speaking weakly, he looked at the people in front of the mountain path.

When he saw Jiang Wang, he shrank back obviously.

Anyone can see that they have already confronted each other, and their strengths and weaknesses are distinct.

Outside the hood of divine light, the Kuroshio surged.

Inside the divine light cover, there are leather figurines in the shape of pins and bones.

He faced these arrogances who rushed to the central mountain ahead of him, like a poor relative who ran away from the deep mountains and old forests. Eyes longing for fire.

At this time, Jiang Wang had already walked to the side of the stele, and standing not far from Dou Zhao, he picked up a piece of jade and put it in the corresponding groove.

By the way, he said to Dou Zhao: "At that time we bumped into each other to fight, it was the arrangement of Wu Ling and Ge Fei. Afterwards, they... chased me for a long time."

At this moment, Ge Fei was completely non-threatening, and he just smiled stiffly at his words, probably wanting to say something about a misunderstanding, but in the end he didn't say anything. His eyes fell on the three remaining pieces of jade on the top of the stele, and he couldn't move away.

"It's like something Wu Ling can do." Dou Zhao said casually, "But it's not just the two of them. They join hands with Zhong Liyan and Fan Wushu. First provoke us to fight, and then kill you while they come to kill you." I."

"So that's how it is!" Jiang Wang suddenly realized: "These people are really hateful!"

This conversation, it seems that Dou Zhao is saying, in fact, I don't want to hurt you, it's all the traitors who have deceived me.

Jiang Wang hurriedly answered, Your Majesty, you are really wronged. Now that the traitor is dead, let's get along well in the future.

Both of them wanted to make peace, and taking advantage of Ge Fei's appearance, they quickly reached a tacit agreement with each other.

While speaking, the jade biscuit named "Shejiang" was already embedded in the groove.

The divine light shield covering the central mountain was indeed brighter, stopping the shrinking trend. In front of the constantly invading black tide, he showed a kind of tenacity. It even looks like a living thing, with the undulating light patterns, it seems to be breathing.

During this process, Jiang Wang also understood the connection between the Nine Chapters Jade Bi and the stele.

After thinking for a while, he said, "We have a total of nine pieces of jade. Everyone can take one piece of jade to verify the authority to enter the mountain. It is a way out. Next, let's see if we have collected all the nine chapters of jade. Something changes."

He is not the strongest among these people, nor is he the one with the most background, but he is the most trusted by everyone, exists as the hub of the world, and can best unify everyone's will.

At that moment, Zhu Weiwo Zuo Guangshu and others came one by one and embedded the corresponding nine-chapter jade disc into the groove of the stele.

Fang Heling also embedded a jade disc, and after obtaining the right to enter the mountain, there were only two jade discs left on the stele, one for Chanting and the other for Missing Beauty.

Fang Heling walked back.

Jiang Wang handed the Xisong Jade Bi to Dou Zhao: "Brother Dou, your Xisong is still yours. When the world is overturned and the crisis hangs in the balance, we should join hands. If you don't have your Tianxiao Sword, if you want to come to this black tide It’s also hard to kill!”

Dou Zhao took a look at him, and without twitching, picked up Xi Chan, and re-inserted it back into the groove of the stele.

Eight pieces of jade discs in succession are combined with the stele, and the entire central mountain shines brightly!

The divine light mask became extremely solid and thick, and even expanded several feet away, pushing back the Kuroshio.

All kinds of strange roars in the Kuroshio, venomous and chaotic, but their voices are difficult to penetrate.

It also couldn't shake the hearts of these people present.

"Brother Jiang." Ge Fei, who had been staring at the jade bi for a long time, spoke at this moment, and looked weakly at Jiang Wang: "I have a heartfelt request..."

Jiang Wang said lightly: "Since it is an unfeeling request, don't make it difficult for others to say it."

"I can buy it!" Ge Fei immediately said: "There are so many people testifying, you say a price, and I will definitely pay you when I go out!"

Zuo Guangshu sneered: "Look here, who seems to be short of money?"

Ge Fei stared at Jiang Wang without speaking.

"..." Jiang Wang tapped lightly on the stone tablet with his slender fingers, looked into his eyes and said, "wealth cannot be exchanged for everything in the world, why should I sell it to you?"

Ge Fei's appearance was really unattractive, it would not be an exaggeration to say that he had a bug-like face. But he has a very stubborn, very powerful eyes.

He stared at Jiang Wang and said, "Because something has changed in this world. Because if I don't get the Nine Chapters Jade Bi, I might really die in the Mountain Sea Realm. Are you just watching me die?"

There was a sense of certainty in his tone.

It actually makes people think... what he said is right.

His world, his thoughts, his reasoning. Of course he was right.

This is a shroud of will, no invasion of blood, undetectable, but it is happening.

However, there is no one who can rush to the central mountain at this time without a strong will. So no one spoke.

"if not?"

Jiang Wang, who faced Ge Fei directly, even asked, "Or should I give you a ride?"

Ge Fei gasped heavily, and then said: "We are both monks of the human race, and we are also the future of Tianjiao. We compete with each other, and of course we have to join hands to defend against the outside world. The competition in the mountains and seas is over, and you still want to kill me? Should it?"

This is a subtle language idiom. Jiang Wang thought to himself.

With the size of the present world and the frequency of disputes among the nations, there is almost no day without war and no day without killing. Everyone has their own ideals and missions, and they fight frequently. Phrases like "we are the same human race, what should we do" are only common in places such as the Lost Realm.

And the mountains and seas have so far been the testing ground for the arrogance of the human race.

Can you imagine that in the competition in the mountains and seas, someone shouted when facing Dou Zhao, we are both human races, please stop it?

"The same race of humans", this is of course a kind of "correctness".

But when it becomes a weapon, a shackle, it is the very person who uses it who wants to disrespect it.

"When you set up a scheme against me, when you and Wu Ling hunted me down for several days, you didn't see that you were both human, so you should leave the opportunity to me." Jiang Wang smiled: "Ge Fei , did I break your mind?"

"Competition in the mountains and seas depends on each person's ability. Although I took the initiative to set up a situation for you, the crime is not enough to cause death. At least the crime is not enough to cause real death in the mountains and seas!" Ge Fei said.

Jiang Wang was amused and had a headache: "Whether you are guilty or not has nothing to do with me. There is no friendship between us, only conflicts. In addition, I agree with you that the competition in the mountains and seas depends on its own ability. Now my ability is in the Here, your ability is also here, so is there anything else to say?"

"Winning so many jade biscuits is your victory. Empty hands is my failure. In the competition between mountains and seas, no one is as good as you." Ge Fei moved his boots slightly to make himself stand more stable, and said clearly : "But the competition is over, you can't kill me here. You have no right to convict me, and you have no right to give me such an ending."

It is undoubtedly inappropriate to talk about rights in a world where the jungle preys on the weak, and to talk about qualifications in bloody and naked competition. But it has its own bright right.

He was obviously very weak, and probably couldn't bear Jiang Wang's sword.

He obviously has an annoying posture, and his words make people frown.

But at the moment he stood there, there was a kind of brilliance of ideas.

He's describing one, "his right."

And this kind of concept quietly infiltrated every living being, planted seeds, and waited for spring to grow herbs.

Wang Changji, Zhu Weiwo, and Yue Tiannu all remained silent.

Fang Heling scoffed at the fact that Kuishan's affairs were none of his business.

Zuo Guangshu wanted to say something, but stopped.

"No, I found that you have a problem with your words." Jiang Wang seemed unaware, and said with great interest: "Why is it that I want to kill you?"

Although Ge Fei was very weak, his momentum was not weak: "You obviously have an extra piece of jade, and I won't let you suffer, why don't you sell it to me? Since we don't have a life-and-death enmity, you can just watch If I die, you are killing me!"

Dou Zhao looked at him with some appreciation.

Although he and Jiang Wang had made peace with each other tacitly, it was not so easy to relieve the anger caused by the other party's fallacies and heresies.

This Gefei really helped out his anger! talent!

Jiang Wang nodded approvingly: "So you mean, my only choice is to save your life regardless of the past?"

"Man, how can you worry about trivial matters? The past is also the past." Ge Fei asked straightforwardly: "Your starlight holy building is shining brightly, what is it built? Faith? Sincerity? They all say you Jiang Qingyang Treat people with sincerity, would you rather be a villain than save yourself from death?"

Zhu Wei I raised my eyebrows.

This is already shaking the foundation of Jiang Wang's preaching.

What's more frightening is that this kind of attack will not be detected at all.

If it were an ordinary person, they would have already fallen into the ethical world constructed by Ge Fei, were infected by his ideas, and unknowingly became his "friends".

Jiang Wang didn't speak, just looked at the sky.

The central mountain is extremely broad.

Outside the divine light shield, black snow fell, and thousands of thunderbolts flashed suddenly. The dark tide gathered by evil thoughts hit the divine light shield time and time again.

"What are you looking at?" Ge Fei chased after him.

"I'm looking at my own star building, looking at the way I set up." Jiang Wang said calmly: "I looked horizontally and vertically, but I didn't see good people repaying bad people with kindness, and being a good person."

Ge Fei also looked up and said, "It's pitch black, so of course I can't see anything."

He looked back at Jiang Wang: "The Ge family has become a single lineage in my generation, and I can't die. If you don't save me, you will not only harm me, but also the future of a meritorious family. The crime is heinous, Jiang Wang , can you rest in peace of mind? If you can smile away your grievances, it will be a good story. The good thing is that I, Ge Shi, will not short you, and you have both face and face."

"You make a lot of sense." Jiang Wang smiled softly: "But I won't listen."

Picking up the last piece of jade "Thinking of Beauty", he pressed it directly to the only remaining groove on the stone tablet.

So far, Ge Fei's subtle offensive has been declared a failure.

The constructed ethical world cannot take root.

Jiang Wang was unmoved, and none of the others were affected.

This is an unbelievable result, but it is a definite fact!

Now, he must take concrete action.

Abandon thoughts and save oneself.

"you wanna die!"

Ge Fei's expression became extremely ferocious in an instant, and he stretched out his hand from the loose scholar's uniform.

His hands were as thin as chicken feet and curved, but when they protruded from the sleeves of his robe, they covered the sky and covered the earth, like a thick cloud, covering the entire mountain path of the Central Mountain!

The sky was already extremely dark.

But he even covered the brilliance of the divine light shield.

When this claw was pressed down, an invisible but qualitative force roared, and the night seemed to form a curtain, pulled out of the broken, covering the stone tablet and Jiang Wang together.

Even Dou Zhao not far away was among them.

When the claws come out, there is a long night, silence, tranquility, and the passing of vitality.

This is definitely not the strength that Ge Fei can show!

He didn't bother to cover himself anymore, he wanted to suppress it with force.

The central mountain suddenly fell into the night.

This represents the undoubted suppression of rules.

But there are cold stars in the long night.

A little bit of sharpness seemed to break the field of vision, making people unable to help constricting their pupils.

The Salary Spear stabbed in an extremely flamboyant posture, piercing the night like a tear, and lay in front of Jiang Wang.

It is a spear, but it is like a lying mountain.

If you want to kill Jiang Wang, you need to go over this mountain.

"Nanwu, Yueguang, Liuli!" Yue Tiannu put his hands together and chanted.

There is divine light on the face, and compassion in the eyes.

The power of the pure land has spread out in an instant, and the silent confrontation between the thoughts of compassion and the silence of the long night can almost be regarded as a struggle for this small world.

This battle was short but exciting, not grand enough, but extremely intense.

And in front of Ge Fei's claws that suddenly stopped.

Dou Zhao didn't even draw his sword.

Jiang Wang just stood there quietly.

This is undoubtedly the confidence of the strong.

"I asked myself that the disguise was flawless, how did you find out?" Ge Fei asked.

"Whether I find it or not, I will not give this piece of jade to Ge Fei." Jiang Wang said calmly: "The only relationship between us is that he took the initiative to ambush me, chased me, and then I killed him. .His hard work, his struggle, his centuries-old family, what have I to do with it?"

Ge Fei stared at him blankly, a smile suddenly appeared on his dark and pale face: "You are a person who has no bottom line, Jiang Wang."

"I saw an injured dog on the side of the road, and I would help it. But if the dog bit me, I would not care about it. You just have a bottom line, and it's not good to ask others."

Jiang Wang looked calm, and continued to move the jade in his hand: "You want it now? You might as well try it, can you stop me?"

His hands moved very slowly.

Because Gefei was looking at his hand.

The entanglement of sight was like a real noose, which made Jiang Wang's five fingers ache.

But his expression was calm, and his hands moved forward bit by bit.

He moved his hands as if moving his sword.

His sharpness, his sharpness, his stubbornness, how could he stop?

Even if there are bloodstains on the fingers, even if the fine dao elements jump out one by one and shatter one by one.

This is a confrontation of strength and a duel of will.


Wang Changji stepped over and blocked Ge Fei's sight with his body.

After reading the update, it is already December.

On the first day of December, order a monthly pass and keep your position on the list! Let more people see this book.

The noon update is unchanged.


Angrily cut Yan Ge twice (37/78.)

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