Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1482: Between Heaven and Man

The realm of God's presence is the separation between heaven and man.

Practitioners trek all the way, only at this point can they have a breakthrough in the life limit and truly get rid of the mortal body. With a golden body and chalcedony, the gods are enlightened, and their lifespan is five hundred and eighteen years.

As strong as Taoist Yin Guan, in the face of Yue Leng, he could only fight to the death and fight for a temper. After becoming a god, he turned and ran.

As strong as Zhong Xuanzun in the outer building of the Tianfu, facing King Chongyi of the Hai Clan, he escaped desperately after the battle, and his reputation has spread overseas.

There is an essential gap in life between God's presence and God's presence.

So 'Ge Fei' has no doubt that he can kill these people in front of him.

How can a mere outer building, no matter how strong it is, be able to overcome the natural moat?

This is the truth that has been verified for tens of thousands of years and hundreds of thousands of years in the practice world!

But these people in front of them are more arrogant than the other, and they are more arrogant than the other.

There is no retreat, no avoidance, and no one is even willing to negotiate!

The knife came to the cranium, and the sword stabbed to the heart.

Fist to throat, slap to face!

Not to mention that there is a long spear piercing the sky, and someone directly collided with his spiritual consciousness with the power of the soul!

Who is the underdog?

Who is God?

It was a fierce battle, but also an absurd matchup.

It almost subverted the practice cognition of 'Ge Fei'.

Of course he was angry, but in the midst of his anger, he felt chills—what kind of people are these?

The last trial was only thirteen years ago. Has there been any drastic change in the world outside the mountains and seas?

At this moment, all the vital points of his body were shrouded in what could be called a terrifying offensive.

Every muscle felt a tingling sensation.

And the "field" covered by his spiritual consciousness can't suppress it at all.

These people are all flying like a dragon and flying like a phoenix. Shredding the rules and driving forward vigorously.

The chaotic ones are cut into pieces, and the upside-down ones are straightened out.

Only the light of swords and swords, the shadows of fists and palms, and the eyes that were condensed into reality, and the gun light that pierced the long night... are moving forward recklessly!

Dou Zhao, Zhu Weiwo, Kuishan, Yue Tiannu, Wang Changji, Jiang Wang, what kind of lineup is this?

A proud son of heaven like Zuo Guangshu, a Taoist genius, can't even intervene in the battle because his cultivation is only at the inner palace level. You can only avoid it far away, so as not to disrupt the offensive.

This is the power that has reached the strongest level of the outer building, no matter whether it is sword skills, gun skills, sword skills or martial arts, Buddhism, and spirit.

Except for Kuishan's slight shortcomings, everyone is qualified to compete for the first place in Wailou!

Even the 'Ge Fei' at this moment, with such power, felt the pressure. He had to face up to the pressure.

His blood began to flow, like a big river, rushing mightily.

In the rush, it brought him infinite power.

This kind of power makes him feel like he is in the clouds, and he can commandeer and overlook all living beings.

See the disillusionment of life and death, holding countless struggles to nothing.

When he opened his eyes, he saw thick and continuous dark clouds, connected to the clouds, far away in the sky, with no end to speak of. He looked forward, and there was a circular hole circled in the endless sea of ​​clouds, and he didn't know where it led.

On the edge of the dark clouds, there is a man with a cold temperament, with his back to him, holding a fishing rod, sitting alone fishing.

The hole in the dark cloud is like a round pond.

'Ge Fei' looked up, down, left, and right, with a bit of admiration on his dark and pale face.

"We have never heard of such wonderful use of spirits! What kind of secret technique is this?" he asked.

The man fishing did not move or speak.

Holding the fishing rod, it seemed to be frozen.

Maybe he was just a quiet person.

He never bothered the world, and the world did not tolerate him.

'Ge Fei' was fearless at all, he strode forward on his own, walked to the edge of the cloud pool, and looked down. All I could see was frost, wind, black snow, and thunder in the sky under the dark clouds. In the crazy doomsday scene, a long fishing line stretches to an invisible end.

"What are you fishing for?" 'Ge Fei' asked again.

Wang Changji raised his head, looked into his eyes, and said softly, "You."

In an instant, the sky was dark and the ground was dark, and the situation changed suddenly.

The dark clouds that could not be seen at a glance dissipated in an instant, and the two fell in the doomsday mixed with wind, snow, thunder and lightning. Passing through hurricanes and blizzards, skimming over shattered floating mountains, and black fissures constantly exploding in this space...falling endlessly.

'Ge Fei' is very calm, through the wind and snow, he has enough strength to face all changes. So he is calm.

But Wang Changji, who kept looking at him, was calmer.

The determined eyes that fixed him seemed to be describing a fact that couldn't be more real - I've caught you.


There was no concept of sound at all at this point, but something exploded.

The power of the soul is manifested in the world, and it is condensed as one, which is the spiritual consciousness. It is a power that can manifest itself in this world and can directly interfere with matter.

It is the sublimation of the power of the soul, the transformation of the essence.

It is also one of the fundamentals that distinguish the monks of God's presence from mortal bodies.

'Ge Fei' spread out his spiritual knowledge directly, without any hesitation, and exploded this mysterious and unpredictable soul battlefield with the power of massive spiritual knowledge!

He really doesn't need to be obsessed with the confrontation at the soul level.

He also has enough spiritual power to crush everything.

But the reality is that he has no way to crack that soul battlefield in a short period of time with the skills applied by the soul...

'Ge Fei' didn't care.

Life and death are the only explanations, and any other aspect cannot explain the battle.

Now he had wrenched himself free from those calm, detached eyes.

Then he had to face the gun that was first pointed between the eyebrows and then shot at Tianling.

Not only that.

There are knives splitting the skull, and there are swords hitting the heart...

All the attacks happened almost at the same time, and they never interfered with each other. Even in such a violent situation, they could echo to a certain extent.

In a trance, he seemed to be facing not six people, but the same person, unleashing six attacks perfectly.

very exciting. he thinks.

In the "field" shrouded in spiritual consciousness, everything is in order.

Start at the same time, not necessarily at the same time, happen at the same time, not necessarily come at the same time.

'Ge Fei' was methodical, he only took half a step forward, and temporarily got rid of his punch, dragging the distance from the spear point by an inch. He raised his right hand, and pushed out a dark vortex like an abyss, to meet the sharp knife.

But the vortex in the palm was directly split!

The light of the saber, representing the extinction of divinity, fell on his palm like a broken bamboo, and was resisted by his sudden infusion of divine power.

'Ge Fei' had a bad idea in secret, and there was a disagreement at the first step!

No... It's already the second step, the second omission.

He underestimated Dou Zhao's knife.

A shadow quietly cast over his heart, but 'Ge Fei' still showed a reaction worthy of the divine presence level.

The turbulent divine power that had rushed out of the palm of his hand, like a noose, resisted the light of the saber that destroyed the divine nature, and entangled it deeply.

With a backhand grab, he forcibly grabbed the blade!

Turn omissions into opportunities, use the power of God's presence, grasp the knife in the spiritual realm covered by oneself, move down resolutely, and rely on it to resist the sword that hits the heart.

Everything is in order, and within the scope of spiritual insight, there are no secrets at all.

'Ge Fei' grabs Tian Xiao forcefully to welcome Sauvignon Blanc, and at the same time raises his eyes slightly to look at the puppet Zen master who is rushing in the air.

As far as the line of sight goes, the spiritual consciousness has already rushed to it, like a rainstorm drenching this puppet Zen master, crushing the power of pure land in his body! After forcibly blasting the battlefield of the soul, the power of spiritual knowledge is no longer sufficient, but to solve this "false pure land", it is still appropriate to apply the right medicine.

While looking at Yue Tiannu, his left hand has already pushed out a group of high-speed rotating dark vortexes, which is turned back on Tianling, and directly meets the spear point that has been slowed down by an inch.

When the other side falls, welcome at this time.

With the lesson of that knife, this time he poured more power and left more leeway, so he would not let the spear go further.

The power at the level of God's presence allows him to use it to his heart's content without having to worry about it.

The bright cold star fell in the center of the high-speed rotating black vortex, and it was just one more spot in the long night.

Guns and people can no longer enter.

'Ge Fei' grabbed the knife with his right hand and held the gun with his left hand, showing a kind of crushing power, while twisting his height and raising his legs!

With this kick, he directly raised it to the height of his neck, and kicked right at the iron fist that was coming. The terrifying power poured into it exploded the trouser legs and the air, still agitating with a dull explosion!

But also at this moment.

The Tianxiao Dao that 'Ge Fei' held in his right hand suddenly exploded with an unimaginable light, and it was so sharp that it condensed into substance. This knife seemed to be covered with iron thorns!

This sudden sharpness, like waves, struck away layer by layer. The knife's strength became faster and stronger, and became more and more fierce, which made his hand grabbing the knife shake a little bit.

It was such a slight wavering.

The weary dragon has leaped into the sea,

The Tianxiao knife squeezed out of the confinement, and twisted it forcefully in the palm of 'Ge Fei'.

A faint light flowed over the edge of the blade, and Dou Zhaoren spun in the air, drawing the sword with momentum, and using the sword as a slash, he cut out the skin and defeated!

The shattered light immediately invaded the palm of 'Ge Fei', and even the golden chalcedony would start to decay from then on.

In this extreme confrontation, Tianxiao's sword was drawn to the end, and the sword's momentum also cut to the end.

'Ge Fei' had an empty right palm, and his body involuntarily leaned back slightly.

The blade of Dou Zhao's Wailou cut open his disciples!

This opportunity is like a flash of light, and a blink of an eye is enough to disappear thousands of times. But it happened after all.

For some, just showing up is enough.

As long as it appears, you can grasp it!

At the same time when Dou Zhao drew his saber to the limit, the sword that 'Ge Fei' wanted to block with Tianxiao Dao clearly penetrated into the battlefield.

Jiang Wang, who came with a cloak in the flames, seized the opportunity of this flash of light, and at the same time as 'Ge Fei' leaned back slightly and opened his right palm...

A sword pierced through it!

The sword intent is roaring, and the sword energy is bursting.

Jiang Wang holds a sword in his palm, flowing fire surrounds his body, and the frost coat spreads behind him!

He looks like a fairy, but his sword is extremely cruel. His men are still moving forward, his sword is still moving forward, Chang Xiangsi took the right palm of 'Ge Fei', and nailed 'Ge Fei' straight to the heart with an irresistible momentum!

Dou Zhao's saber was paving the way for this sword!

'Ge Fei''s right palm was stretched backwards like this, and it was nailed viciously in front of his own heart, less than half an inch away from his heart.

But stopped.

'Ge Fei''s right palm stopped, like a mountain, like a wall, refusing to move any more.

His knuckles were hardened, his muscles tensed, and the majestic and unimaginable force imprisoned this majestic sword. As if the heaven and the earth were united, it was the instantaneous concentration of the power of the entire spiritual domain, which led to this extremely dangerous situation!

The sword that tilted like a pillar of Optimus was overturned by heaven and earth.

The bones of the hand are like shackles, which will not make Sauvignon Acacia progress an inch.

Anyway, whatever...

If you don't become God, you will end up with falsehood.

'Ge Fei' thought silently.

He has too much advantage, too much leeway, too much buffer. There is always power to make up for accidents, and there is always power to smooth out negligence.

And these opponents in front of him, as long as they make even one mistake, it is enough for him to send them into the abyss!

This kind of error is not some obvious loophole, not an accidental stupidity. In front of a strong man like him, as long as these people are not at the peak and subtle enough to deal with it, it is already a mistake!

Under such circumstances, he did have the confidence to kill these people.

But I don't know why, but there is a slight uneasiness in my heart, like weeds overgrown.

He used the bone of his hand as a yoke to hold the sword in front of his heart, and his response was wonderful.

But also at this time...

The puppet Zen Master, who was caught by him at a glance and extinguished the power of the pure land with the power of spiritual knowledge, picked up his ten fingers like a lotus flower, and directly tore all the power of spiritual knowledge that was surging like a waterfall.

Stepping in the void is like jumping over the clouds.

Take a step closer, and face to face with a palm!

This puppet Zen master...has an extraordinary understanding of spiritual consciousness, and is very familiar with battles at the level of gods!

'Ge Fei' judged the situation calmly, grasped every nuance in this battle, and looked for the optimal battle trajectory.

Directly use the left palm of the anti-Tianling, hold the gun from top to bottom, and move forward!

The dark vortex spinning at high speed, with the tip of the spear, went to meet the palm that the puppet Zen Master threw in his face.

With his spear-pointed left palm, he will have a brilliant intersection with the puppet Zen master in front of him.

The beautiful trajectory is also completely outlined in his eyes.

And it is unquestionably realized.

So move.

But that's it.

The brief but persistent confrontation was over.

The confrontation between the exhausted gun and the dark vortex, of course, only happened in an instant. But for a character like Zhu Weiwo, it's already too long!

Regardless of the mountains, rivers, lakes and seas in front.

How can it be hindered when the salary is exhausted and the gun is gone without looking back?

So 'Ge Fei' saw that the spear he greeted with the dark whirlpool in his palm suddenly burst out with golden fire from the tip of the spear.

Hot, brilliant, golden...

It was an unimaginably huge amount of supernatural flames, like a whole sea of ​​supernatural fires, pouring into the dark vortex he created, directly bursting it!

'Ge Fei' clearly has some leeway, a huge leeway, and he has greatly expanded the power of this dark vortex. But still not enough!

The dark vortex spinning at high speed was extinguished like a candle.

Then the tip of the spear protruded from the shattered vortex, and approached the left palm of 'Ge Fei'.

At this moment, 'Ge Fei' realized that he didn't underestimate anyone, he underestimated everyone.

Because I have never seen such an outbuilding before!

The gun light has fallen like a dragon's light.

'Ge Fei''s left hand turned sideways in an instant, the five fingers spread apart, and then fell down one by one. In the visual performance, it blooms slowly like a flower, and falls firmly like a mountain.

With five fingers down, he just grabbed the tip of the gun!

This gun is less than an inch away from Tianling Gai, but an inch away is already a natural moat.

The power of God cannot be underestimated!

All these battles, although they were wonderful to say the least, only happened in a specific moment.

He held the gun in his left palm and grabbed the gun again, which was actually less than a breath.

Still fighting at this time.

'Ge Fei' keenly grasped all attacks.

He fought against Jiang Wang's sword with his right hand, and against Zhu Weiwo's spear with his left hand. Both of them have entered the stage where the bayonet is popular. If he moves a little, it will shake the whole battle situation, just like what Zhu Weiwo did just now... …these guys are too good at taking a chance!

And the puppet Zen master came towards him with his palm outstretched, and the power of spiritual consciousness couldn't block him, so he had already declared a failure.

how to respond?

Everything is in order, but not everything is under control.

From the first glance in the Soul Battlefield, the battle seems to be getting out of control...

'Ge Fei' grabbed the tip of the spear, felt the sharpness of the spear, and didn't want to try again.

Also at this time.

The kick he lifted up had already kicked towards the fist that fell like a meteorite.

The strong man like the mountain has come!

The confrontation of pure power and power produced a terrifying sound, like thunder exploding in the ears, almost destroying the sense of hearing for a short time.

And this kick of his kicked the burly and strong man into the air, and his huge bear-like figure almost knocked out of the divine light shield!

The raised kick of 'Ge Fei' directly turned into a whip leg, whistling in the air and backed away.

He wanted to compete for speed, and with this whip kick, he wanted to send the puppet Zen master flying.

But Yue Tiannu's palm that bloomed like a lotus flower has covered his face.

Within the scope of spiritual insight, there are no secrets. But he was lucky, and he hoped for the suppression of 'Yu'.

But the truth is...

When he chose to move his left hand first, intending to bring the tip of the spear to meet the enemy, but was held back by the reverse, he had already was too late.

Even if he is like a god in this domain.

But all those who were his enemies have grasped their freedom!

The truly strong have the freedom to deal with the gods.

And some strong people, just like that, treat them like gods!

At this time, Yue Tiannu's brass-colored face had a brilliant divine light flowing, appearing solemn, solemn, and full of compassion.

She looked at the world with pity, and looked at the poor Shenlin in front of her.

Pressing her palm gently, it was as soft as a gust of wind. She seems to be comforting the sorrow of the believers, as if she wants to ease the suffering in the world.

How can the suffering of the world be exhausted? Who can break free from the torment in the world?

Birth, old age, sickness and death, separation of love and hate, has been like this for eternity.

Only the bright and clean moon is free from dirt and dust, without love or hatred, without sorrow or suffering.

Last night, tonight, tomorrow night.

Moonlight... like a lotus flower.

Yue Tiannu's unattractive face has a divine beauty. And her not-so-soft palm pressed softly on the face of 'Ge Fei'.

It is inevitable.

The vast and majestic power surged towards the face, and 'Ge Fei' simply took over the palm with his face, and with the support of his golden body and chalcedony, he accepted and even resisted the palm.

People often satirize failure with a slap in the face, but with the power of a god, what is impossible?

'Ge Fei' opened his mouth, met the palm with his face, and bit it away with his teeth.

But he felt that he was covered by a force of compassion.

That kind of compassion is like water. Inclusive and soft.

like a dream. Fluttering, come and go.

Like the warmth that appears by chance in the boundless darkness. Once is enough to recall for a lifetime.

Of course he won't budge.

But there was a warning sign in my heart.

The warning signs came again and again. That kind of fear, that kind of sensitivity to danger, like a shower of plantains, exploded densely and continuously.

It is difficult to hold on to the state that makes him divinely clear.

Danger! Danger! Danger!

Everywhere is murderous intent, everywhere is danger!

Every muscle in the body felt threatened.

But where does the danger come from?

In whose hands?

How to deal with it, who comes first?

The head of 'Ge Fei' was tilted back, and he was pressed backwards by Yue Tiannu's merciful palm.

The posture of the whole body was shaken at this moment.

The tip of the gun that he held tightly in his left hand suddenly became hot and hot, like red-hot iron.

And cruel, resolute, sharp, like a person who refuses to look back.

In just an instant, his hand was stabbed.

The tip of the gun continued to move forward, and the five fingers of 'Ge Fei' were already dripping with blood.

What kind of gun is this?

What kind of person is holding a gun?

'Ge Fei' didn't hesitate any more, just waved his hand, and his left hand broke off at the wrist. While the gun tip was thrown away by a huge force, the severed palm that was still firmly holding the gun tip exploded!

Just a skinny and ordinary severed palm, how much bone, how much flesh, how much blood can it have? But the almost endless blood mist exploded——

It was a dark brown blood mist.

You know it's blood, and you can feel its filth, its filth, its evil.

With despair, with confusion, with pain.

Such endless black blood mist enveloped Zhu Weiwo in an instant.

'Ge Fei' cut off his hand to imprison me, but there was still a sword in front of his heart.

His finger bones were like shackles, locking the tip of the sword, but the threat never ended. Just at this moment, taking advantage of the momentum of breaking his hand and trapping the enemy, his right hand began to push out, pushing out against Jiang Wangjuedian's sword.

Resolutely extrapolate!

His face was still covered with a brassy hand.

The lotus blooming in the hand refuses to leave.

He opened his mouth, and the terrifying dark power surged out, his fangs were pulled out, bloody and dark, and he went to pierce the lotus Buddha's palm.

Any gods and Buddhas will also be reduced.

The fangs were pulled out, the right hand was pushed forward, everything was firm.

Jiang Wang, who was in the fire in his cloak, had to retreat at this point.

But in the helpless retreat, suddenly he was like a floating weed.

The whole person swung lightly, dancing like the flowing fire around him.

The figure is light and nimble, but the momentum is heavy. It seems helpless and innocent, but it is full of freedom.

The involuntary sword momentum is all evolved in this fluttering dance.

Then the sword strikes!

The sword posture has been converted.

A vigorous, high-spirited force. A courage that never yields, that never fails.

This sword supports the sky above, and stands on the ground below.

It's a word for people, it's a sword for people!

This sword, right between the finger bones of 'Ge Fei', lifted his whole body a bit upwards, causing his feet to leave the ground an inch.

If the heaven and the earth are in harmony here, I will prop up the heaven and the earth again.

It is this sword!

Wonderful sword posture transformation!

The face of 'Ge Fei' was already pushed back, and his posture was already shaken. When it was picked up, it immediately lost its roots.

The old tree has lost its roots and is dead.

And there was a blade, which almost fell against his raised body, perfectly matching his posture, as if he was invited by him.

This knife has a heavy back and a thin front, and it is born to be unruly, and it is cut down with the attitude of killing chickens and dogs.

The knife opens for the sword, and the sword starts for the knife.

There is no words between Jiang Wang and Dou Zhao, but they cooperate with each other like a natural success.

Ka Ka Ka!

At such a moment, terrifying power surged out, instantly destroying the sword's momentum. 'Ge Fei' flicked his right hand, throwing Jiang Wang away even with his sword!

It certainly wasn't easy to shake off.

The bones of the hand and the edge of the sword rubbed and collided thousands of times, and finally they made such a piercing sound.

All of this actually happens while the feet are off the ground.

All the confrontations are hidden in the instantaneous changes.

People must use life and death to verify the changes between lightning and flint.

'Ge Fei''s bloody right hand, where the bones were visible, was covered with a layer of black light quietly, and grabbed the falling knife again!


The entire palm of his right hand was turned into fly ash!

He misjudged this knife again, he couldn't handle this kind of hand in this state!

Dou Zhao, whose golden light was as blazing as the scorching sun, had already slashed at his chest.

It is the five declines of heaven and man!

The golden chalcedony of 'Ge Fei' began to crumble almost immediately.

It is true that he has a combat power far superior to that of ordinary gods, and it is true that his understanding of the rules is far beyond everyone.

But this just Ge Fei after all.

No matter how to strengthen the muscles and bones, no matter how to instill strength.

After all, only such a short time has passed.

After all, he was just the body of Ge Fei!

The limit of this body is not far away.

The blade landed on the chest.

'Ge Fei''s long hair withered and fell down in an instant, and a stench came out of his body. The clothes were already dirty, but at this moment it was even more disgusting. The whole person was moving restlessly when he was off the ground.

The blood rushing like a river stagnated.

His breath of life withered instantly...

And resurgence!

An unimaginably terrifying power was injected into this body from a distance.

Rejuvenate his vitality, protect his body, and resist the knife force that almost wiped out everything.

But also in this moment.

The place shrouded in endless black blood mist high in the sky.

Suddenly, tens of thousands of lights burst out!

The fog is infinite, and the light is infinite,

The blood mist was torn apart.

The endless blood mist of demons and sprites was swept away in one sweep!

People were stunned to see that above that high altitude, the man with the gun was flamboyant, sharp and mighty.

Surrounding him, exploding around him...

It is the boundless golden flame, the boundless gun light.

He stands high in the sky with the pride of a god.

Behind him, a majestic and luxurious three-legged Golden Crow with condensed golden flames, condescending, ignoring all living beings!

He was hanging upside down under the cover of the golden flame and gun light.

There is great misfortune in the world, so the sky is blue and the sun is bright, and meteors fall from the sky.

The boundless golden flame and the boundless gun light shrank into a single point in the roar.

Condensed at the tip of the spear.

The phantom of the three-legged Golden Crow swooped down together with Zhu Weiwo.

He has only just begun to fall, but the tip of his spear is already there!

'Ge Fei' still has the saber force of the five decays of heaven and man raging in his body, how could he avoid it?

The point of the gun, which was exhausted, was aimed at his spirit. It pierced through the skull, and the tip of the gun went straight into it. Terrifying real fire and gun power mixed together, rushing like magma in the body of 'Ge Fei'.

The eyes of 'Ge Fei' were instantly darkened, and even the whites of the eyes were eroded.

It looks like two black stone beads are embedded, but there is no light at all.

"Uh... ah..."

A painful and difficult roar came from his throat.

With great willpower, he resisted all the pain, and with unimaginable power, he resisted all the forces raging in his body.

How could he be defeated here!

At this moment, Jiang Wang, who was thrown away by his slap, was like a feather in the air, flying very slowly when flying away, and very fast when flying back. With a little tiptoe, he smashed the blue cloud, and the whole person turned around like lightning, facing the side of 'Ge Fei', at the most appropriate moment, with just the right strength, a sword penetrated into 'Ge Fei' neck!

Simple, crisp, direct!

The long sword pierces the flesh without a sound, and the blood is cut without separation.

The sharp sword edge of Sauvignon Blanc just happened to pass by the tip of the gun that had been pierced so far.

They do not interfere with each other and reach a perfect balance.

They wreak havoc on their own, and move forward on their own.

How can it be!

How can it be? !

There was such an angry voice in Ge Fei's heart.

He couldn't believe it.

As strong as a god, how could he fight like this!

Power... more power. he called.

Boom boom boom!

Outside the divine light hood, the Kuroshio violently rolled.

His tendons, his bones, and every muscle in him were released to the limit, attracting a force far beyond the limit of this body.

These forces should have directly exploded himself.

However, under his divine insight, most of these forces are being consumed by the forces invading the body, so a certain delicate balance has been reached.

This is exactly the superb grasp of power of the strong man of God's presence, and it is one of his powerful strengths.

But at this moment.

He saw a pair of eyes.

His face was obviously covered by Yuetiannu's Buddha palm lotus, and his fangs were still sticking out like spears, trying to pierce through the pressure.

But he saw those eyes.

Those calm, distant eyes.

They didn't look at each other at the moment, but they kept looking at each other.

So he also noticed behind him at the same time.

A slender hand reached out.

Slant your palm as a knife, and wipe it lightly.

Wiped his back.

That power is not great.

But that extremely delicate balance was broken.

The power poured from afar was temporarily suspended for a ten-thousandth breath.

The power in the body is instantly out of control!

At this moment, 'Ge Fei' seemed to suddenly remember what this person said to him in the battle of spirit and soul——


That means, I got you...

The five declines of heaven and man, the exhaustion of salary, and the longing for sauvignon blanc.

The terrifying power produced all kinds of sounds in his body, like a water and land ceremony where Buddhism and Taoism were held.

There seems to be the sound of bowls, gongs, drums, bells, explosions, singing...

Colorful, noisy world.

His fangs rested on Yue Tiannu's palm, but he could never enter again.

Zhu Weiwo, Jiang Wang, and Dou Zhao drew their guns and drew their swords almost at the same time, and each took a splash of blood, leaving a chic trajectory.

Zhu Weiwo was still in the sky, and Dou Zhao dragged his knife to the ground.

When the frost cloak was unfolding, after Jiang Wang returned to the sword, he had already rushed behind 'Ge Fei', and happened to be standing with Wang Changji.

It's just that the two people are facing each other and standing in opposite directions.

Kuishan, who was kicked away, was still far away.

In the air, Yue Tiannu who was obliquely facing 'Ge Fei' retracted the Buddha's palm.

The body of 'Ge Fei' was put in place.

Viscera, muscles, bones...everything in the body was crushed and turned into a turbid and foul-smelling fluid, which rushed out from the seven orifices and the torn wounds.

cluck cluck...

In the end, only a shriveled human skin remained.

fall down.

It could have been dismantled, or kept as a manuscript, or given a day off for myself.

But considering the reading experience, I simply posted it together.

There is no room for revision of the two chapters of the manuscript, I am walking on eggshells...

Having said so much, do you know the monthly pass?



Slash Brother Yan twice (39/78.) (Fuck, it's finally over half!)

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