Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1483 The world is not only mountains and seas

The roaring black tide came and went outside the divine light shield, and it seemed powerless.

Of course, the doomsday scene outside the central mountain is still fierce, but looking at it from the other side at this moment, there is more of a kind of magnificence.

The sky is black and snowy, which is a wonderful sight.

Things in the world have always been like this, nothing more than enjoying the snow while enjoying the fire, and being cold in thin clothes.

It's hard for anyone to understand anyone.

Wang Changji, Yue Tiannu, Zhu Weiwo, Kuishan, Dou Zhao, Jiang Wang.

These six people have never had the experience of joining forces against the enemy before, and some of them even just met for the first time.

But there is no need to communicate at all.

Their powerful strength allows them to show off to their heart's content, and their outstanding fighting talents make their offensives flow like clouds and flowing water. One rises and the other falls, colliding with all kinds of splendor. Where swords, swords and guns walk, fists and feet are thrown to the gods, it is completely a kind of fighting aesthetics!

Watching this kind of battle is like admiring a talented freehand brushwork, like listening to a rare piano sound in the world, the aftertaste is endless.

It is endless romantic, endless chic.

Zuo Guangshu, who watched the battle silently, only felt yearning for it, and wished he could immediately build an outer building, participate in it, and play this magnificent song together.

The 'Ge Fei' who is attached to the body by the strong can't be said to be powerful. At this level, there is little weakness to speak of. But by this group of people, he was beaten out of empty door and weak point.

Every knife, every sword, every gun...all just right, not only showing his brilliance to the greatest extent, but also creating and capturing opportunities to the limit during the battle.

For example, when Jiang Wang's sword turned like a magic pen, Dou Zhao's five declines of heaven and man were directly filled in.

Yue Tiannu's Buddha's palm covering his face, isn't it paving the way to wish Weiwo the ultimate splendor?

The body of 'Ge Fei' itself is probably the only trap, but if it weren't for such a group of top-notch figures who fought against each other, how could they capture the gate of life?

The four words of adapting to circumstances are easy to say.

With an ant you can certainly adapt easily.

How many people can show themselves under the pressure of the gods?

There was absolutely nothing wrong with this battle, and there was nothing not wonderful about it.

From Zuo Guangshu's perspective, looking at those famous and unknown battles, this battle can be regarded as a model battle in the cultivation realm of Wailou.

If it is recorded and passed down, it can be called a famous game through the ages!


Zuo Guangshu just woke up like a dream, and realized that he had never thought of using the photo stone at all.

After all, before the battle suddenly started, he didn't expect that he couldn't find a chance to make a move...

The gap between the inner mansion and the outer building is indeed the most often bridged.

But that's because of the existence of supernatural powers. As a result, the upper limit of the realm of the inner palace is too high. The sages anchored the Four Spirits Starfield and passed down various orthodoxy, which made the Lixing Building no longer a matter of narrow escapes. While expanding the boundaries of practice, it also made the lower limit of the realm of the Outer Building very low.

In the same rank as the top Tianjiao, the gap in cultivation is too real, big enough to crush people to death.

As a bystander of this battle, Fang Heling felt differently.

He couldn't see the details of many battles clearly, and he couldn't understand some battle choices.

It wasn't until he saw such a strong man who showed the strength of the gods, was beaten into a piece of human skin and fell, that he was surprised that the battle was over.

But the things he saw and the things he remembered were enough for him to chew for a long time.

So in his eyes, there is also the joy of victory.

People are different from each other.

In the same world, people see, experience, and feel differently.

Although in one life, there are thousands of things.

Clang, clang.

Dou Zhao tilted the Tianxiao knife, and knocked casually on a rock at his feet.

"Who can tell me what happened to this Gefei?" he asked.

A wonderful battle ended, and everyone who participated in the battle felt an unspeakable sense of joy.

It is really a pleasure to fight side by side with people with great fighting talents.

All your fighting intentions can be understood and cooperated. Every shot you make is the most comfortable angle. No matter how the antelope made a move with its horns, there was a natural response.

You can use all your talents to your heart's content.

Fighting in such a situation, at least 120% of the previous 100% combat power can be used.

Dou Zhao's body language also appeared much lighter.

Of course, he was clearly looking at Jiang Wang, but in fact he was asking Jiang Wang, but the stinking behavior of not naming names also had his fighting style.

Jiang Wang did have the most say on this issue. After all, 'Ge Fei' came to the Central Mountain, but no one was looking for him, only a few rounds of "cordial conversations" with him.

"I just beheaded Wu Ling and told Ge Fei to escape. I don't know what happened to him afterwards." Jiang Wang shook his head, then looked at Wang Changji: "Brother Wang said he was Chaos or Zhu Jiuyin?"

At this moment, 'Ge Fei' is dead. There was only a piece of human skin floating on the turbid fluid.

On the back of the ancient stele, all nine chapters of jade are embedded.

The divine light shield is like a real golden bell, it seems indestructible, no matter how much the black tide outside the mountain rolls, it can't get closer.

A crisis seems to be over.

However, Jiang Wang, who had personally visited Zhuo Nanyuan, did not dare to ignore it.

"I can't see clearly." Wang Changji said, "I just saw a strange beast like a bear sitting alone in front of a piece of black jade in a deep sea. Its body was covered with long hair and its belly was protruding. I also saw that on a steep floating mountain, there was a crimson beast with a human face and a snake body, quietly entrenched on the top of the mountain."

"The one you mentioned earlier is Chaos, we have seen it in Withering Nanyuan." Zuo Guangshu said: "The one behind is Zhu Jiuyin, which is recorded in "Shan Hai Strange Beasts"."

"But I'm not sure where the power to manipulate Ge Fei comes from." Wang Changji said: "This world is too chaotic now, everything is very chaotic. I just captured the rules of transmitting that power in the process of fighting channel, and then interfere slightly."

He spoke calmly.

But even if he was as arrogant as Dou Zhao, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

"Based on common sense, the one controlling Ge Fei's body should undoubtedly be Chaos." Jiang Wang said, "It will definitely overthrow this world, and the central mountain is the place it must conquer. Now that the nine chapters are gathered, The central mountain looks unbreakable. Not sure what it will do next."

"What about the unreasonable situation?" Zhu Weiwo asked with great interest.

Jiang Wang said: "In such a chaotic time, Zhu Jiuyin may also be able to find a way to bypass the rules to deal with us. For example, borrow Ge Fei's body? At the critical moment of fighting against chaos, the Nine Chapters Jade Bi is held in its hands, like holding More reliable in our hands. Stability will always be paramount as defenders of world order. And there is precedent for its style of conduct.”

Zhu Wei, I thought about it, and looked at Wang Changji: "Just outside in the black tide, there is also a monster. I'm sure I stabbed it, can you see who it is?"

Fortunately, he didn't ask Jiang Wang, what is the precedent of Zhu Jiuyin's behavior style, otherwise he would have realized immediately, who let his boiled duck fly.

Wang Changji was silent for a moment, and said, "I don't know which one you are talking about, because there are more than one monster in the Kuroshio."

This sentence makes people's hearts jump, and this sentence seems to sound the horn of war.

As soon as Wang Changji finished speaking, a sky-shattering roar sounded in the endless black tide!



It has been more than nine hundred years since Huang Weizhen's death, and the Mountain Sea Realm was opened to Great Chu Tianjiao.

The history of the Mountain Sea Realm is more than nine hundred years old.

In the vast mountains and seas, there is no boundary in the world.

But the great power drew a line in this corner of the extreme south, and it became the South Abyss.

The ancient Zhu Jiuyin is in charge of the alternation of day and night and the rotation of the four seasons.

The same ancient chaos sits here to sort out the negative aspects of a world.

Creatures are born and die, and vegetation withers and grows.

The world is constantly evolving and dying.

All the negative and death forces flow to Wither Nanyuan, so that the whole world can have a more vigorous appearance and a faster development.

Of course, in this process, there will inevitably be some painful parts, some... sacrifices.

The word "sacrifice" speaks with a ray of light!

The earliest refers to the animals used for sacrifice to gods.

Later, it was referred to as each other.

It landed on the lips with a soft sound.

Put it on paper, just two words.

However, the victim must truly experience the long-lasting pain and feel the long sleepless night carefully.

Those thousands of drops of blood and tears... cannot be easily erased after all.

In such moments.

The boundary of Shuo Nanyuan has been washed away long ago, but the white tower that hit the high dome and smashed the sky still has a metaphor of the boundary.

It means that this is the end of the south...

The mountain and sea realm is a place that most mountain gods and sea gods are unwilling to mention.

But look at the world now.

The completely collapsed power of heaven and earth, the power of resentment wandering around, the natural disaster that seems to never stop...

At this time, the sky is dark and the mountains and seas are dark, where is it not withered Nanyuan?

The Tower of Withering had already stopped expanding, but the sky at that extremely high place was still falling and falling.

Further south of the Withering Tower, the once turbid, gloomy and oppressive Withering South Abyss sea area is now exceptionally clear.

The resentful insects deposited in this area, hidden deep in every drop of water, have already rushed to the mountains and seas wantonly.

After releasing hatred and anger, the darkness is also clean.

"For whom do you live? For whom do you die?"

In the darkness, a voice said and asked.

"Candle Nine is cloudy, tomorrow and night, but what's the difference between day and night?"

This voice is wandering, wandering between mountains and seas.

"Heaven gave me the name of a god, but I just feel like I'm wrapped in a noose, I can't breathe, and I can't say a word from my heart!"

"Besides priesthood, we have endless freedom in this world—but what is freedom?"

This voice is hovering, hovering in the wind and snow high above the sky.

"I speak without an audience."

"I speak without an audience."

"This is the rule of this world."

"I have freedom, but I have no freedom."

"All the magnificence and brilliance are in vain, this world is like a giant reptile, it excretes in the South Abyss!"

"Innocents languish in a cesspit while being called a grudge."

"But the world outside Nanyuan is really clear and brilliant?"

This voice was not resentful, but passionate, grand, and sacred. Like a light, illuminating the way forward.

"You are the lord of Tianshan Mountain, you are the mountain god of Zhang'e Mountain, you are the water lord of the Yellow River... and you, you, you! Tell me what is your divine duty? Tell me what you need to contribute? Tell me what you will do after you die. be preserved!"

"You have nothing, because you are nothing. It is dust, illusion, bubbles, insignificant things that are not cared about at all, and it doesn't matter whether they exist or not, and I am the same!"

"We were born in mountains and seas, this is our world."

"Those people who don't know the so-called travel here, we accompany and see each other for a ride."

"What are we?"

"We are grit, we are worms. We live and die meaninglessly!"

"Why did I abandon the name of the gods, grow grass on my body, accumulate dust into mud, and sit in prison for nine hundred years?"

"Why am I breaking the day?"

"Why should I overthrow the world?"

"Because I don't recognize it!"

"I don't believe in God's will, I don't believe in predestination. Even if the world submits, I will not submit! Even if the whole world submits to it, I will not submit!"

"Chaos can die, but it cannot die silently."

"Finally, I want you to know...the sky is not only clouds and smoke, and the world is not only mountains and seas."

"We are born this way, but we don't have to be this way."

"We were born in a cage, we will never die in a cage!"


The entire mountain and sea environment, in all directions, is like the sound of war drums.

It sounds like thunder, but it's not just thunder.

The Withered Tower is more of a pillar than the Central Mountain.

And the voice of chaos has spread all over the mountains and seas at this moment.

Jiang Wang heard it, Zhu Wei heard it, and Dou Zhao heard it.

The gods of mountains and seas, the gods of the mountains and seas... hear it all!

These voices could not have been heard, and now it is impossible not to be heard, and this is the embodiment of the alternation of power in the world.

The world is waiting for a voice.

And that Zhu Jiuyin, who is dark day and night, breathing winter and summer... is always silent.

This kind of silence made many mountain gods and sea gods guarding the mountains and seas unavoidably frightened!

When a world has only one voice, who can compete with it?

For more than nine hundred years after Huang Weizhen's death, Zhu Jiuyin controlled the world just like this.

Now the situation has been reversed.

The black tide is raging and has surrounded the central mountain.

There were endless roars, and the evil thoughts appeared.

And in the depths of the Withering South Abyss, a certain place on the surface of an extremely calm sea.

The shadow of the sky and the shadow of the sea overlap here.

The mountains and seas are undergoing earth-shaking changes, and this place has become a pure land.

Can not help but be a little ironic.

The huge black phoenix on the sea has been dead for an unknown number of years.

Its body lay there quietly.

Like a silent mountain.

It has an extremely graceful figure and extremely gorgeous wing feathers.

Those remnant souls and evil spirits who once desecrated the noble corpses here have already abandoned this "empty nest".

But at some point, this black phoenix...

Suddenly opened his eyes!

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