Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1484 Total War

It is not accurate to say that the eyes are open.

Because this black phoenix was always there with its eyes open.

It is dead.

It was a hollow eye socket with nothing in it.

The time measured by hundreds of years used to shuttle lonely, without any echo.

At this moment, the soul fire was ignited.

The dark flames were beating and lively, describing a certain long-silent... power.

Now, the existence of the nine types of phoenixes, the black one named Jiaxuan, has revived in this clean withered South Abyss.



Central Mountain.

All the people under the protection of the divine light shield heard the voice of chaos.

That may be a call to action, a declaration.

An ideal in words.

Kuishan grinned, and said, "Our blood boils when we hear this."

Jiang Wang and the others already knew part of the truth about the Mountain and Sea Realm, and Zhu Weiwo and Kuishan had another way of understanding.

For a while, there was a tacit silence.

Only... Dou Zhao.

After repeated battles, even the best battle clothes could not stand the toss and became a little damaged.

But the color of the red background and gold border is still brilliant and dazzling on the body of this one-armed man.

He looked left and right, and then said: "You seem to know something... I don't know. Is it related to the changes in this world?"

He didn't care much about the changes in this world at first, but when the accident happened, he couldn't care less.

Especially at this moment, it seems that the whole world is waking up to me alone, which is really uncomfortable.

Jiang Wang glanced at Zuo Guangshu.

As the son of a top aristocratic family of Great Chu, Guang Shu himself should be more able to grasp the measure and know how much to say.

Zuo Guangshu said: "We have indeed noticed some clues, and understand that the mountain and sea realm is an illusory creation, and it is the work left by Huang Weizhen in the past."

Dou Zhao looked at him, noncommittal. This kind of saying has always been said, which is not surprising.

"And Chaos is one of the strongest existences in this world, and its priesthood is to guard Wither Nanyuan. This Wither Nanyuan has some similarities with Huoshui, so the power of Chaos can probably be imagined..." Zuo Guangshu continued : "But it is not willing to be trapped in this world. You heard its declaration just now. It wants to break the shackles of this world, go to the present world, and make the virtual come true. It wants to change from the illusory creation created by Huang Weizhen to become The chaotic beasts that really exist in the world have also started this war. The black tide surrounding the mountains at this moment is its masterpiece, and these resentful insects and hatreds are rushing from the Withering South Abyss."

"It strikes as soon as it comes, I thought it wanted to do something! Isn't it going to the world, why should we stop it?" Dou Zhao smiled: "With its strength, what storm can it cause?"

Why did Jiang Wang say before that, for Zhu Jiuyin, at the critical moment of fighting against chaos, holding the Nine Chapters Jade Bi in its hands is more reliable than holding it in the hands of these trialists.

It is because, from beginning to end, they are indeed just passers-by in this world. Don't care what happens in this world at all. As long as their own safety and gains are guaranteed, they don't have to care about anything.

Just like what Dou Zhao said, even if Chaos is real, if it really enters the world, what kind of trouble can it cause?

In the territory of Chu State alone, there are more than one or two true monarchs. It can be crushed with a flip of the hand.

"That's the way it is said..." Jiang Wang said: "But the problem is that it blocked the rules of departure first, so that the rest of us could not exit safely. Chaos' behavior style is hard to be trusted. It breaks the world forcibly, and our safety becomes an issue."

Dou Zhao smiled, but didn't speak.

"I think the problem now is..." Zuo Guangshu frowned and said, "As a defender of the world order, why has the world order collapsed to this extent, and Zhu Jiuyin still hasn't moved?"

"Maybe it's because it's weak now?" Yuetian Nudao pondered: "It's different from abandoning the name of God early in the morning and relying on one's own understanding to fight against the chaos of the world. It is more integrated into this world, maintains world order, and abides by the priesthood The Zhujiuyin of Zhu Jiuyin will definitely suffer the most damage at the moment when the order of heaven and earth collapses. It is the strongest when the world is stable. Then it is the weakest when the world collapses. This is the simplest truth. "

Zhu Jiuyin holds the most powerful force in the mountain and sea realm because of maintaining the order of the world, but because of this, it respects the rules of the mountain and sea realm more than anyone else.

It can't cause too much interference to the testers who acted on behalf of "God's Will". To some extent, it can also be regarded as one of the reasons for the collapse of the border of Shun Nanyuan and the advance of the sky.

Seems like a sudden accident.

But the choices made by Chaos and Zhu Jiuyin more than 900 years ago determined the experience of the Mountain Sea Realm for more than 900 years, and of course it also determined everything today.

Zhu Jiuyin, who used to be the strongest in the mountains and seas, may be too weak to move at this time...

Perhaps this is the reason why the chaos spreads across the mountains and seas, and there is no one to resist.

Yue Tiannu's analysis makes sense.

But Jiang Wang would definitely not be that simple.

Even at this moment when the world is turned upside down, Zhu Jiuyin will never be powerless to resist.

Previously in Withered Nanyuan, being able to mobilize the will-eating beasts to prevent the Withering Tower from going out of bounds is a kind of proof - it proves that Zhu Jiuyin can also circumvent the rules of the world of mountains and seas to a limited extent!

This does not violate its respect for the rules of the world. For example, under the highest rules of maintaining the stability of the mountain and sea environment, can the safety of the testers be indirectly and slightly affected?

It is impossible for anyone to figure out all the rules that Huang Weizhen made when he created the Mountain Sea Realm.

But Jiang Wang decided that Zhu Jiuyin's impact from the collapse of the world may not be as amazing as imagined.

So why is it silent?

Why give up the right to speak to chaos? doesn't matter.

What Chaos said, those impassioned, hot, unyielding...isn't it important?

Even if in fact he has already stood on the opposite side of chaos, this kind of speculation is still horrifying.


An earth-shattering loud noise broke Jiang Wang's thinking.

The first thing he saw was a pale, corkscrew-shaped object.

Then began to clear, revealing more details.

In the billowing black tide, a pair of huge curved corners with a length of several tens of feet protruded, bumped into them suddenly, and hit the already solid divine light shield.

The divine light shield, which had been motionless in front of the Kuroshio for a long time, knocked out waves!

This pair of huge curved horns is pale in color, with deep swirls on them.

The power and strength it represents has been proven by the reaction of the divine mask.

Who does it belong to?

Who is that?

Everyone on the central mountain has raised their vigilance.

Know that the real offensive of Chaos is coming soon.

After spreading the message to the world, it will naturally be an all-out war.

In the huge waves colliding between the corner and the divine light shield, the rolling black tide is inevitably turbulent, and those resentful insects and hate souls are scattered and reunited under the fluctuation of powerful force, just like the ebb and flow of the tide... Then two people appeared. Strong and strong front hooves.

The blue-black hooves are like two pillars, supporting the unknown existence whose body is still in the Kuroshio. Stepping in the Kuroshio, conveying infinite power.

And the pair of corners retreated back and then bumped forward again.


It has the momentum to knock down the central mountain with its own strength.

Huge ripples, centered on the two points of contact between the corner and the divine light shield, quickly rippled toward the entire divine light shield. There is a sense of shaky horror.

Dou Zhao took a step forward, and raised Tian Xiao's saber slightly.


Like the sound of cloth cracking.

After all, the Kuroshio is not a real tide, but resentment insects, hate souls, and the aggregation of countless negatives. It can even be understood as countless lives.

Then this crackling sound is the wailing of their gathering together.

Of course many were killed.

In the boundless black tide, a huge crack in the sky opened. Like a "canyon", the tide came here and fell into the void. While engulfing countless resentful insects, hated souls, and rotting limbs, it also revealed the true body of this mysterious giant beast——

It was a huge strange beast with a body length of several hundred feet and a shape like a cow.

Its head is white, with only one vertical eye between its brows, its four hooves are in the air, it is strong and powerful, but its tail is a black vicious snake, still hissing and spitting out letters.

"Cough, cough, cough! Cough! Cough!"

The moment he saw this strange beast clearly, Fang Heling suddenly coughed violently.

Wang Changji glanced at him, then pressed his hand casually, and a cloud of dark thunder appeared in the sky, and went straight to Fang Heling without a sound.

It's hard to describe Fang Heling's mood when he saw this thunder light.

Especially the one who pressed the thunder light... this face.

Every muscle in his body was resisting, and his pupils almost shrank to the limit, but he stood still and suffered from the thunder.

The black thunder light landed on Fang Heling's body and quietly exploded. Amid the flashes of thunder, a wisp of dark yellow smoke emerged from Fang Heling's head and dissipated in an instant...

His coughing also stopped.

Only then did he realize that Wang Changji was trying to drive him away from the epidemic.

The alien beast that is hitting the divine light shield at this moment is the monster in the legend that "running water will dry up, running grass will kill you", a powerful existence named "Fei", and "seeing it will cause a catastrophe in the world".

And as we all know, the heir of the Ge family who has longed for beasts for thousands of years, the proud man named Ge Fei... At this moment, there is only one piece of human skin left paralyzed there.

Running around hard, fighting to the death, and then the edge of Keng side.

Fate is crueler than this.

None of the people present knew whether Ge Fei had successfully left before Tianqing. With only one human skin left, did he really die in the mountain and sea realm? But Ge Shi and Fei seem to have no predestined relationship. Over the years, from disasters to mountains and seas, I have returned without success time and time again.

The name Gefei also shows a natural sense of sadness.

But in the boundless and vast present world, how insignificant is a mere Gejia.

The rolling Yangtze River flows eastward, and Gefei, which is named after the country of Yue, is not even a wave.

In the hearts of everyone, it may not be able to set off a slight wave.

The rift in the sky cut by Dou Zhao cut through the Kuroshio for a short time, showing the appearance of the beast, but it failed to hurt the beast at all, and did not even leave a white mark. After all, this is a genuine and powerful beast with divine power. If they really want to fight, they are no weaker than Ge Fei who was possessed before.

A single punishment from heaven is not enough.

"How to do it?" Dou Zhao looked at everyone, his eyes were full of eagerness to try.

Although he was asking for everyone's opinions, that posture, the posture of holding the knife, clearly intended to directly enter the Kuroshio. In fact, the question is - who will follow me?

Jiang Wang hurriedly said: "You might as well chop a few more times and see the surrounding situation."

Dou Zhao curled his lips, turned his head casually, and swiped the knife across the sky!

In an instant, a full nine rifts of heaven were cut out.

In the Kuroshio tide that covered the sky and even covered the dome with black snow, nine long and narrow gaps were created.

So everyone can see clearly——

In the rolling black tide, it really doesn't stop at scandal.

There is a nine-headed beast with a human face and a bird body, and the nine heads are whispering to each other. After noticing that the Kuroshio was pulled away and he was discovered by the people in the Central Mountain, one of the heads still sang enthusiastically.

The singing voice sang: "Who will kill me in Fengqiu? I hold the soul to ask the murderer. Yesterday has become yesterday. Come, come, come, there is no me..."

There is no doubt that this is the Jiufeng that Jiang Wang and others rushed to the North Pole Tiangui Mountain but failed to find. It turns out that it is also in the camp of chaos.

Chaos has been sitting and sleeping in Nanyuan for these years, but he really has never been idle!

It's just that the singing is really weird, the tone is weird, and the content is also weird. It says that it will be killed in the future, and it comes to find the murderer with its own future soul...

Zuo Guangshu stared at it blankly, and suddenly burst into tears!

Jiang Wang strode over and pointed his index finger between Zuo Guangshu's eyebrows. The red-gold immortal light smudges the Tongtian Palace, clarifying the Dao Heart. Zuo Guangshu broke free from the grief and sadness.

Zuo Guangshu's strength and talent are undoubtedly far superior to Fang Heling's, but in terms of will, he is not as tenacious as Fang Heling, who has been submissively not showing his presence among the crowd.

So he was not affected by the Flying Beast, but he didn't pay attention, and was disturbed by Jiufeng's singing.

As for the others, they are more calm than the other.

"This singing is worse than our broken voice!" Kuishan still had the mood to criticize.

Jiang Wang didn't ask Zuo Guangshu what he thought just now, but stood in front of him silently, giving him room to wipe away his tears quietly.

The rift of the nine heavens just disappeared in a flash in the black tide.

But there was more than one Jiufeng who showed his signs.

There is also a strange animal shaped like a rabbit, with a beak, eagle eyes, and snake tail. Around it, there are dense grasshoppers and locusts hovering.

It should be the legendary armadillo (qiú yú).

This beast calls itself the name, cunning and cowardly, but it is the main messenger of the locust plague. Farmers in many places in the world have traditional customs of driving armadillos away.

The strange beast in the black tide is indeed more than just a villain!

Although I didn't see anything other than these three, the field of vision opened up by these nine cracks is only a narrow corner compared to the vast Kuroshio.

Who knows how many powerful alien beasts are hidden in the Kuroshio?

It's just frightening.

One beast can still be fought, but what about the two? What about three heads?

Even if he is belligerent like Dou Zhao, he temporarily loses the thought of going into the Kuroshio.

The issue of life and death is no longer a matter of planning for a rainy day, but a bloody and cold reality before us.

We must face it!

Zhu Weiwo said: "As soon as Chaos made this declaration, it really has the momentum to rise up and the world will follow!"

"If Zhu Jiuyin doesn't show up, the Central Mountain will definitely not be able to hold on." Kui Shan laughed and said, "Have you, Brother Jiang, thought out a way out?"

He was facing Zhu Weiwo, and he was questioning Jiang Wang.

The people in this mountain and sea environment are really awkward.

Jiang Wang blinked.

This brawny man seemed to have some opinions about him for no reason. But for Zhu Weiwo's sake, he didn't intend to care about it.

He just said, "Just wait and see."

"What are you waiting for?" Kuishan asked.

"There are two reasons worth waiting." Jiang Wang said firmly: "First, at the level of the outer building, we have achieved the limit of what the mountain and sea realm trialists can do by killing the possessed Ge Fei .And I believe that the rules of operation of this world are fair, so we who hold the Nine Chapters Jade Bi...should not be embarrassing anymore."

When he was speaking, he calmly looked at the Kuroshio, as if he was facing the chaos hidden somewhere, as if he was saying, come on!

His voice was not impassioned, never pretending to be powerful, but clear and confident: "Second, we are by no means the one who least wants the Central Mountain to fall. There is no reason but we are here to do our best."

Surrounded by so many powerful beasts, and the world collapsed like this, like Zuo Guangshu, Fang Heling and the others, it's hard to say that they don't have no worries. But Jiang Wang's calm and confident attitude undoubtedly gave them confidence.

"No matter how fair the rules are, it is only meaningful if they can be maintained." Kuishan said: "The world has collapsed..."

Zhu Wei, I turned my head and glanced at him. The strong man rolled his eyes and swallowed the rest of his words.

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