Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1485

Jiang Wang said that he believes that the rules of this world are fair. In fact, he believes that Huang Weizhen's design is fair, and that Huang Weizhen's will can still be implemented after more than 900 years.

The fairness to the testers is the basis for the mountain and sea environment to last for so long, attracting round after round of arrogance to participate in the trial.

Those who know the truth about the mountains and seas can naturally understand this.

People like Zhu Weiwo and Kuishan who have special channels are certainly not unclear.

So Kuishan is purely picking on the thorns on purpose.

Probably I wished Weiwo earlier that he could take Jiang Wang away in the worst situation, which hurt the strong man's heart.

Wufu is more resistant to beatings, so it may not be so easy to die. But we are the comrades who fought all the way to this point. In the end, you left with the surname Jiang. What happened to throwing me in this broken world?

Damn. If it weren't for the Qianqiu lock given by the king, it would be with Zhu Weiwo. He also really wanted to find someone to say - even if the worst happens, I can take you away.

Dou Zhao only said: "Even if we can't wait for any change, why should we be afraid of it? If there is any disharmony at that time, we will see who can cut a bloody path first. I wish to fight with you all!"

He admired Jiang Wang's calm demeanor at the moment, and the eyes he looked at the Qi countryman softened a lot.

Little did he know that Jiang was already silently communicating with Wang Changji: "If there is any discrepancy, please brother Wang help take Zuo Guangshu away. I have my own way to escape."

It is one thing to have confidence in your own judgment, and another to be prepared for a rainy day.

If the central mountain collapses, he is willing to fight for it. Dou Zhao has the confidence to fight his way out, and so does he. But Zuo Guangshu was indeed restricted by his cultivation, and his strength was not enough.

Wang Changji was expressionless: "You know it's impossible, he means nothing to me."

Jiang Wang said again via voice transmission: "He is the grandson of Duke Huai of Great Chu, and he can play a greater role than me in seeking revenge from the Bone God. Duke Huai will not fail to repay you for saving him."

Even if it was just a sound transmission, one could feel the indifference in Wang Changji's tone. He only replied: "If you have a king, you will never be lonely on a long journey."

Respond to Jiang Wang with only this sentence - this is what you Jiang Wang said.

The meaning of what Wang Changji said is not such a powerful force, nor such a powerful help on the road to revenge...

It's a long night together.

It is in the night where the end can not be seen, approaching the faint sky light.

He was going to trek alone...if he hadn't learned about Jiang Wang's trek.

So Zuo Guangshu does not have that meaning.

It was really a critical moment, if Jiang Wang didn't go with him, he would rather just take Fang Heling away.

Jiang Wang understood his decision.

Just as I was about to transmit the sound to Zhu Weiwo again, I suddenly noticed an evil and piercing sound source.

Outside the divine light hood, there was a new movement.

"Wow wow wow..."

It was the cry of a baby.

From far to near, it suddenly reached the ear, and went straight to the bottom of my heart!

Jiang Wang only looked up, and he had already activated the fairy state of sound and hearing, controlling all the sounds, and directly annihilated the strange sound.

This level of strange sound is not enough to harm the people on the central mountain, but on the one hand, Jiang Wang wants to control the sound environment, and on the other hand, he also takes this opportunity to capture the movement in the black tide, trying to find out the reality of the strange beast in the chaos .

The Kuroshio had already covered the entire central mountain, tightly surrounding it with a real divine light shield.

If the Kuroshio Current is the sea, the entire central mountain is on the "bottom of the sea". These people present are even mayflies in the water.

But at this moment, the black tide on the top of the mountain receded, and most of the avalanche-like black snow was swept away. Only sporadic black snow is falling.

At this time, the snow is much lighter.

Like floating leaves, like goose feathers.

Above the golden shroud, a kind of icy romance is rendered.


A pair of huge iron claws fell from the sky and hit the top of the divine light shield, making a loud noise like gold hitting iron.

Everyone could clearly see that this giant claw had four toes, and the tip of the claw was bent like an iron hook, exuding a cold metallic luster.

Above the iron claws, there are feathers with the color of black iron, and the edges are like blades.

From that high place hung down the head of a bird with a black curved horn.

He looked extremely ferocious, with sunken eye sockets, and was staring at the people in the divine light hood with a pair of indifferent eyes.

It's like looking at the worms in the cage, the carrion on the side of the road... ready to eat at any time.

That kind of look... regards you as food, and also regards you as a dead thing.

Babies cried out from their mouths, disturbing each other.

This beast lives on the Luwu Mountain, and it is called a Gu carving.

This beast eats babies, and its notoriety has spread widely.

But there are a lot of strange beasts at the level of God's presence. It's just a Gu sculpture, and it's still covered by a god's light shield. It's not enough to put everyone on the central mountain on alert, and it's not enough for Wang Changji to wish Weiwo Doozhao. People, put on a fighting stance early.

Falcons, Nine Phoenixes, Armadillos...these powerful existences are all hidden in the Kuroshio.

If it's just a gu eagle, how can it drive away the black tide and be alone?

On the broad back of this Gu carving, there is another existence sitting.

This monster looks like a dog, with a body like a bear, with dull eyes, drooping ears, and a bulging belly. There seems to be a foreign body wriggling in it, and the whole has a crazy, chaotic and cold temperament. If it wasn't the one who guarded Nanyuan, who else?

Chaos is coming!

"Young man." It said, "Meet you again. I don't know if it's your luck or misfortune."

Daoyu's export is not at the same level as other strange beasts.

Even a ferocious warrior like Kuishan suppressed seven gestures of dissatisfaction and eight gestures of resentment.

Only Dou Zhao cast an eager look at Jiang Wang—is this Chaos?

He probably moved to capture the king first...

"Yeah, see you soon." Jiang Wang didn't dare to meet Dou Zhao's eyes, for fear of being misunderstood by him, he only looked at Chaos and replied: "Fortunate and unfortunate, it depends on how you define it."

Chaos laughed "huh huh huh": "We are destined, I have no intention of hurting you. Take the jade and leave on your own. This is not a war that you can intervene in."

Jiang Wang tentatively said: "We just killed the person under your control, but you said you had no intention of hurting us? Not long ago, you said 'you are all going to die'."

"That's not me." Chaos said only this, and then said: "I don't have time to waste with you, now take the jade and hide away, then there is still a way to survive. Otherwise, it is my enemy ... My enemies will collapse together with this ugly world! This ugly world! Ugly Zhu Jiuyin! Damn it, damn it!!!"

It probably can't keep awake and calm for a long time, and it can always fall into some kind of madness while talking.

As it is now, Ben is negotiating. As a result, while talking, they turned to cursing at Shanhaijing and Zhu Jiuyin.

"We have no intention of being your enemy." Jiang Wang silently waited for it to vent its emotions before saying sincerely: "How can we ensure our own safety? Please forgive the timidity of the weak. In front of you, that's it It really takes a lot of courage to give up the protection of the divine light shield."

Chaotic voice suddenly became solemn and solemn: "I guarantee your safety."

"How... guarantee?" Jiang Wang lowered his voice and asked.

He was very careful with his tone, for fear that a wrong tone would drive this guy crazy.

"A great existence like me..." Chaos said impatiently, "Could I lie to you? To a young man like you?"

"You've already lied to me once." Jiang Wang reminded.

"It's a last resort!" Chaos seemed to have suffered a lot of grievances, and shouted: "There is no way to do it! The vicious Zhu Jiuyin used all vicious methods to lock up Nanyuan and enslave us all! I I have to do a little trick..."

It suddenly changed the subject, and asked in a deep voice, "Do you agree with my ideal?"

This topic became too sudden, and Jiang Wang was a little confused by it, so: "Huh?"

In the chaotic tone, there was already some dissatisfaction: "If you were me, if you were in my situation, what would you do? Tell the truth!"

"Maybe try to break this world too." Jiang Wang said honestly.

"Then what are you waiting for?" Chaos yelled, "All living beings know what to look for, hurry up and take away those evil jade discs!"

"We need a guarantee of safety." Jiang Wang was not disturbed at all and stuck to his request.

Gu Diao stared at him indifferently, but he just looked at Chaos.

"I have already promised you." Chaos' voice cooled down.

Jiang Wang said calmly: "Please forgive me, we need real protection."

Chaos completely lost control and became furious: "Waste my time again and again! I should have killed you just now! You are all going to die! You are all going to die!!"

This guy's mental state is so unstable, I really don't know how he suppressed his emotions when he was withering Nanyuan, and patiently coaxed Jiang Wang to take away the withering tower.

I also don't know how long it took to prepare for the state of reading the call to action.

I don't even know how it managed to win the support of so many strange beasts with such a chaotic mood.

But no matter what, the strength of Chaos is beyond doubt, and it did dominate the war.

Perhaps it is precisely because it is unimaginable that it can do this.

At this moment, Chaos was angry.

The Kuroshio surged violently.

Feishou started hitting the divine light shield again, completely disregarding the loss of physical strength. Huge white curved horns, like battering rams.

Gu Diao also used its sharp beak to peck at the Divine Light Shield with a cold and steady frequency. Tuk tuk, tuk tuk, the rhythm is maddening. The crying of the baby that came out of his mouth became more and more ear-piercing.

In such a situation, even with the blessing of all the nine chapters of jade, the divine light flows like water for a while. This divine light covering the mountain is like a plantain gradually sinking in a shower.

Jiang Wang glared at Chaos: "You also said that it wasn't you who controlled Ge Fei just now!"

The chaotic voice calmed down instead: "I lied to you."

The turbulent waves of the Kuroshio, more and more highlighted its calmness.

It laughed again: "Hey ho ho ho are still so easy to deceive."

There are too many infuriating points, and Jiang Wang didn't know where to start to get angry.

However, although the words are poor, the skills are not exhausted.

Even the angry Chaos couldn't tell him to stand still.

Raising one's hand is a technique of the fire realm, and it goes straight to the outside of the divine light shield.

A seed of fire germinates a bright world of fire. The endless vitality of fire crashed into the black tide, making a sharp piercing sound.

Zuo Guangshu decisively summoned the Water Realm, accompanying him like a shadow.

The magnificence is in a drop of water.

The world of fire overlaps with the world of water.

Fireworks grow on a drop of water.

It happened to land in front of the beast.

Water and fire complement each other.

The two worlds depend on each other and destroy each other.

When water and fire collide, the two worlds are destroyed together, it is... the art of obliterating the world!

The world of fire and the world of water are being annihilated, and the resentment insects and souls touched are also dissolving. The huge beast continued to hit the divine light shield, only covering itself with dark yellow smoke to resist the power of this spell.

The billowing black tide engulfed.


It exploded again!

In that abrupt space, the blood pits on Feishou's body the size of a human head were clearly visible.

The pale yellow blood dripped down, making a sizzling and corrosive sound in the Kuroshio tide.

Such Taoism!


The beast was furious, and a pair of pale white horns gave birth to dark yellow complex lines. The vigorous and powerful hooves stomped in the void, and hit the divine light shield again!

"Kill them! Kill them all!"

The voice of chaos clamored frantically: "These dirty two-legged beasts treat our world as a toy, and our life and death as a game. We must let them know that playing with the price of life!"

In the Kuroshio, there was a roar of beasts responding!

"Freedom!" Chaos roared!

Boundless Kuroshio, set off a huge wave!

Whether it was Wang Changji, Dou Zhao, or Zhu Weiwo, their expressions all became serious.

This black tide, which could not be seen at an end, even covered up the scene of doomsday.

The people trapped in the central mountain can't see anything except the Kuroshio, those ferocious evil faces, and powerful alien beasts.

But also at this time, the Light was born.

That light was born in endless evil thoughts, born in an environment full of resentment. Not hot, but firm and penetrating. Through the billowing black tide, people on the central mountain can also see it.

One, two, three...

Countless lights shine in the Kuroshio!

Light has its shape, and each has its own posture.

Or there is an island shape, or a mountain shape, or a sea shape.

Like palace lanterns lit up one after another in the long night.

One after another, the "lamps" are connected by light.

They are isolated islands in the black tide, and they are the power to maintain this crumbling world among countless resentful and hated souls.

They are the projections of the great houses of the gods in the mountains and seas!

Zhu Jiuyin, who had been silent all this time, finally showed his response at this moment.

As soon as he makes a move, there are countless divine houses, illuminating the Kuroshio!

"Roar!" "Roar!"

Those hidden in the shrine, those hidden in the Kuroshio...

All of a sudden, the beast roared again and again, one after another.

If someone can see through the entire mountain and sea environment, he will be able to find that the thousands of divine lights in this world are gone, only the hurricane destroys the black snow.

Everything is dead and silent in the doomsday, and the natural disaster is only a lonely solo.

Only in front of the central mountain, the two sides are at war.

The roar full of murderous intent boiled back to the sky.

The mountain gods and sea gods in the entire mountain and sea realm do not follow the chaos, but follow the candles and nine shades.

This world is so vast that no one can stand outside it.

"Zhu Jiuyin!"

Sitting on Gu Diao's back, Chaos yelled angrily: "I have endured for nine hundred years just to see you! Why do you let these useless puppets, clay sculptures and wood sculptures come to see me?"

Everyone on the central mountain watched silently.

Those so-called mountain gods and sea gods, none of them can intervene in the dialogue between the two.

However, no response.

It seems that the thousands of "lamps" in the Kuroshio are Zhu Jiuyin's only response.

This is the silent answer.

It seems to say that it is chaos.

It's hundreds of years of waiting, hundreds of years of planning, hundreds of years of struggle...

Doesn't deserve a response!

"Uh huh huh..."

Chaos laughed nervously again.



It sits on the broad feathered back of the gu carving, through the black snow, it looks ugly and dull. A pair of dull eyes, a pair of lop ears that can't hear a sound, a nose that can't smell...

And a bulging belly.

"Don't think are maintaining the order of this world, so you can be equal to the one who created this world."

It used the pair of heavy bear claws to rest on its bulging belly, and suddenly tore it——

In the ear-piercing screams, countless red-eyed crows flew out!

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