Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1486 Life and Freedom

Crows are flying all over the sky.

Those scarlet eyes were like blood.

Some of them flew up to the high sky, opened their mouths to catch Heixue, and swallowed heavily.

Some raged like sharp arrows, shot into the Kuroshio, and instantly collapsed into a part of the Kuroshio.

And more, it was like rain falling, falling on the divine light shield——

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Flesh and flesh into mud.

They fell into black round cakes one by one!

In the middle of each black round cake, there is a scarlet dot. It was as if one eye was staring at everyone coldly.

These red-eyed crows that emerged from the belly of the chaos were also insane.

As if exploring different ways to die.

In the blink of an eye, thousands of black round cakes were pasted on the top of the divine light shield, like pieces of dog skin plaster. Amidst the ugliness, there is another sinister and eerie vibe.

"What is this doing?" Zuo Guangshu murmured.

"Back to the mountain path." Wang Changji said, then turned around and walked up the mountain path.

"Back!" Jiang Wang yelled, "Everyone retreat to the mountain road!"

Behind the ancient stone tablet is the winding mountain road.

Everyone's location is in front of the stele, which belongs to the open space at the foot of the central mountain.

The main body of the entire central mountain is always covered with a layer of shadow, making it hard to see clearly.

Even if the huge divine light cover completely covers the central mountain, its height and breadth are hard to measure.

But you can see the end of the divine light shield, but you can't see the top of the central mountain.

It seems that when I look at that place, it disappears. No one questioned that either.

It is lost in sight and lost in imagination.

Perhaps only by walking to the end of the mountain path with the jade bi and actually entering the central mountain can one see the true face of this mountain.

At this moment, more and more "crow cakes" were pasted on the dome of the divine light cover, and the brilliant divine light was being desecrated. A group of people waited for three steps and two steps, and set foot on the mountain road.

Fang Heling looked up again.

Just in time, I saw a piece of leaf-sized, black snow falling, right at the position of the black round cake, and then unexpectedly... fell into the divine light shield!

The divine light shield has not been broken yet, but the existence of this "crow cake" is useless!

Flying snow can enter, and of course the Kuroshio can also enter.

The Kuroshio can enter, and those powerful beasts at the god's level, including the original chaos, are naturally not a problem.

The Central Mountain can almost be declared breached! Even if the divine light shield still exists, even in the dark tide, the alien beasts belonging to the two camps are still confronting each other.

Chaos entered the central mountain, what will happen next?

On the mountain road, there was a chill.

No one is sure of fighting the true self of Chaos, but all are ready to fight.


At this moment, a sigh suddenly sounded. This sigh is so ethereal and so close, as if... the sigh is in your ear.

Everyone who heard this sigh felt like the hairs on their ears were trembling. That may be an illusion, but there is no weak person present, so how could it be easy to have an illusion?

The peak of the central mountain has always been hidden.

After this sigh, it became clear.

And it also caused people to see a powerful existence with a human face and a snake body on the top of the mountain, and the whole body was red.

It has a huge, red python body, coiling around the mountain. There is also a kind, old woman's face, the wrinkles are full of traces of the years, and there is a kind of insight into the world in the deep eyes.

It is entrenched on the top of the central mountain, as if on its throne.

It turned its gaze, as if overlooking its subjects.

It is Zhujiuyin.

The central mountain was originally Zhongshan.

The top limit of the divine light shield is almost a position that Zhu Jiuyin can touch as soon as he raises his body.

But Zhu Jiuyin kept raising his upper body, and the divine light shield didn't see an end yet.

It's an absurd optical illusion.

The divine light shield covers the central mountain, so the Gu sculpture standing on the top of the divine light shield, and Chaos on the back of the Gu carving's feathers, should be located above Zhu Jiuyin on the top of the central mountain.

But Zhu Jiuyin was entrenched there, looking down at the chaos.

It appeared after a sigh, and it didn't seem to have any movement.

Outside the divine light hood, the golden glow was hot, dazzling, flowing like water, and even washed away all the "crow cakes" knocked out by those red-eyed crows.

It's as simple as washing away a few fallen leaves.

The entire divine light cover has a new look again, with an unbreakable texture.

And the chaos on Gu Diaoyu's back, and Zhu Jiuyin at this time, are only separated by a layer of golden light.

How close it is.

It seemed very far away.

"You're here!" Chaos said happily, as if reunited with an old friend who had been with him for many years.

Zhu Jiuyin responded with an old voice: "Nursing evil with your soul and impregnating evil with your body, is this what you rely on, Chaos?"

"You can't see me." Chaos said with a smile, his tone like a naughty child.

"You can't see me." It emphasized again.

Zhu Jiuyin's face suddenly changed to that of a middle-aged majestic man, and his voice also became magnificent and powerful: "Back then, the mountains and seas were separated, and the abyss withered to the south. Seal your five senses, break your body, and shatter your body." I have done my best to think about it! Unexpectedly, the cycle of spring and autumn has lasted for more than nine hundred years, and you have never died, and your ambitions have not been shattered, and you can still achieve this step today, which really makes me sigh!"

"Hey hey hey, tortured me to the point where I'm not a monster, a ghost or a ghost, or a monster..." Chaos swallowed his laughter in an instant, and let out a low growl of hatred from his throat: "How dare you claim credit for it!"

"Maintaining order in this world is the greatest achievement." Zhu Jiuyin said in a majestic voice.

The calmer it is, the more majestic it becomes.

The more angry you are, the more frustrated you become.

When they communicate in the language of Tao, it is also a collision of "Tao".

"Speaking" means fighting.

But seeing the sky full of snow, one side is already black and the other side is white.

Kuroyuki fell into the Kuroshio and assimilated with it. Bai Xue fell on the divine light shield, making it even more radiant.

The silent collision happened in every detail, and gradually spread from the layer of golden light where they confront each other to the entire central mountain and the entire mountain and sea environment.

The battle between the two strongest in this world has lasted for more than nine hundred years, and today, at this time, is entering the final chapter.

A thunderbolt suddenly appeared, and disappeared without a sound.

A hurricane was about to take shape, but suddenly it spun and spread out gently.

The black and white snowfall all over the sky actually showed a kind of romance and tranquility.

However, one only needs to look at the strange beasts and ghostly shadows of the divine house that are constantly receding in the black tide to get a glimpse of the danger in the meantime.

Yue Tiannu folded his palms and sighed softly: "If it wasn't for the mountains and seas, they would indeed have achievement holes."

Kuishan stared intently and did not speak.

"Yes." Jiang Wang felt the same way.

Kuishan snorted immediately: "If they weren't in the mountain and sea realm, they might not have such power."

Jiang Wang: ...

Above the dome, the battle continued.

"You can imprison me, you can knock me down, you can tear me apart, but you will see me stand up, and you will see me come back to you." Chaos' voice was cold: "How dare you claim credit for yourself!"

Zhu Jiuyin's majestic voice replied: "There will be no next time... There will be no next time, Chaos! My kindness has its limit!"

" ask..." Chaos laughed wildly: "You ask them, do you agree or not!"

"Wow wow wow!"


"I don't agree, I don't agree~ We don't agree today~"

"Armadillo Armadillo!"

"Ho Ho!"

Gu carvings, beasts, nine phoenixes, armadillos...

Those alien beasts who are determined to be free.

In the Kuroshio, one after another sound!

"You're always so childish." Zhu Jiuyin's face was replaced by a male and female child, his eyes flicked in the black tide, and he said in a childlike voice: "There are so many mountain gods and sea gods who foolishly betrayed the name of gods. Come and follow. Over the years, you have worked hard secretly. Your ability to bewitch has greatly improved."

The huge crimson python's body was wrapped around the top of the mountain, its tail was in the air, and it just waved lightly.

Like a whip, it is the rules themselves that whip.

In the endless black tide, one after another, the phantoms of the divine house become clearer and more radiant! Instantly suppressed the continuous beast roar.

Among them is a phantom of a divine house, leaning against the edge of the hood of divine light, shaped like a volcanic island.

The phantom of the shrine is becoming clearer and clearer, as if it has been embedded in reality.

In the half-empty and half-real, a majestic black dog-like beast stood on the top of the mountain, with a three-pronged tail, glaring at the front, as if confronting some terrifying existence, as if it was about to face off with the other party at any time.

"Three forks!" Jiang Wang exclaimed in surprise.

"Three-chased?" Kuishan laughed unceremoniously when he heard the call: "We rough people also know that it is a scourge. It is also a king beast in a scourge. It barks based on its tail, why don't you bark?" It’s a puppy hahahaha.”

He also bumped Zhu Weiwo with his arm like a rock: "Aren't you guys not interested in studying at that time, hahahaha..."

Zhu Weiwo silently moved his hand to the most convenient position on the gun body.

Kuishan's laughter stopped.

But just happened to see that the Huo Dou Wang Beast in the phantom, as if it heard something, turned its head. His ferocious eyes glanced at Kuishan and the others, and when he saw Jiang Wang, he softened instantly, and even let out an affectionate "ow".

"Oh. Sancha is my nickname for it." Jiang Wang said calmly.

Then he beckoned to Sancha: "Be careful!"

Kuishan kept his mouth shut.

The phantoms of the divine houses became clear one after another, representing those strange beasts who accepted the name of the mountain and sea gods, and projected their power here one after another. Feel free to take part in this war!

The god's house they guarded, together with the central mountain, still supported the foundation of this world at this doomsday moment when the sky collapsed and the earth collapsed.

Of course, they also have a natural position.

Above the dome, black and white snowflakes danced.

Zhu Jiuyin's childlike face was facing the chaotic and evil dog's face.

"Stupid?" Chaos said fiercely, "You call sobriety stupid, but cowardice is loyalty! You control black and white but reverse black and white, who on earth has bewitched the world for nine hundred years!?"

Zhu Jiuyin turned into the face of an old woman again, and sighed in a sad tone: "How unwise. You are bewitching all spirits for your own selfishness. If there is no rebellion by you, we can all survive this winter in peace. .Now the world is collapsing, and the rules are obliterated, but I don't know, how many people died, how many people lived, and how many god houses are empty!"

Who is more "reasonable"? Who can support the world better?

Among them is a debate of positions, a collision of reasons, a struggle for "Tao", and a competition for world rules. Of course, they are also competing for the approval of other mountain gods and sea gods in the mountain and sea realm.

"You don't understand at all, you don't understand at all, why I can sit in front of you today."

Chaos laughed for a while.

Its voice sank: "It's not that I know how to persuade better than you."

"It's not that I'm more seductive than you."

"It's not my ghost-like posture, which is more majestic than you."

"It's not that I was tortured unconscious by you, it is easier to win trust than you."

"It's that every life longs for freedom."


"I'm tyrannical, I'm crazy, I'm insane...but I set them free. I want to be free more than any of them."

It opened the pair of bear claws, let the dissected belly be exposed to the wind, and roared to the sky: "The mountains and seas have been suffering for you for a long time!"

Chaotic words are too provocative.

They are all alien beasts who have mastered the power of God's Promenade level, and they all know that they are just illusory creations, and they all have independent will and thoughts. Those existences that manifested in the phantom of the god's house... how could those mountain gods and sea gods who stick to their priesthood remain completely unwavering?

But Zhu Jiuyin is still very calm. Compared with the agitation of chaos, it is a little scary: "Then what about those creatures who want to survive? What about those creatures who pursue stability? What about their survival instinct? Isn't their desire Longing? Is it just ignored by the ambitious Master Chaos?

"No one will die if you break this cage!" Chaos said eagerly, "Except for you Zhu Jiuyin! For nine hundred years, you have been in charge of the order of this world for nine hundred years! How much have you saved? How much have you saved! A whale Fall, all things are born. After eating you, everyone can break the void and become real!"

As soon as these words came out, many strange beasts in the phantom of the divine house couldn't help looking at Zhu Jiuyin. Some even couldn't hold back the fierce look in their eyes.

Zhu Jiuyin's face changed back to that majestic middle-aged man.

"No." It said, "What I'm saying is, if you break the light shield, they'll all die."

It speaks calmly, so it is grim.

But seeing the phantoms of the divine mansions in the billowing black tide, they solidified in an instant.

Strange beasts one by one, fully revealing their bodies, came to this place.

And all of them jumped out with a divine light, falling on the divine light shield covering the central mountain. Like a criss-crossing blood vessel!

This divine light disappeared, but their souls were connected to the divine light shield of the central mountain.

From this moment on, the central mountains are, they are. The landslide in the center, they perish. While choosing the name of God, you also surrendered your destiny!

This is something these mountain gods and sea gods never thought of.

They are angry, they hate, they can't wait to eat them immediately!

But they cannot be changed.

Almost all the strange beasts who stick to their priesthood cast a fierce light on Zhu Jiuyin.

Thousands of people point at it, but die without illness.

Hate can kill.

Zhu Jiuyin's majestic face was extremely calm: "Then come, freedom and life. Let us see how much you are willing to pay for it!"

It is not only speaking to these alien beasts who stick to their priesthood, but also to those alien beasts who rebelled with Chaos.

Chaos gathered a large group of mountain gods and sea gods with ideals, and mixed interests with ideals, trying to instigate the remaining mountain gods and sea gods.

But it Zhu Jiuyin... directly linked the life of every god who received the priesthood. Tie it together with the Divine Light Mantle of the Central Mountain.

freedom and life.

An innate instinct of living beings.

Which one is worth paying more for?

Which one will inspire more power?

It expects, it witnesses.

This is too cold a confrontation.

This is too cruel war!

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