Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1487

The so-called rebels are driven by ideals.

The so-called maintainers of order are driven by life.

Right and wrong, light or dark, it's really hard to say.

Only every individual existence has its own place. Where was he born, where did he serve, relatives and estrangements, personal likes and dislikes...

All thinking has a fundamental standpoint based on "self".

Even though there are eternity, there are ten directions, no one can be an exception.

If God has "I", God also has selfishness.

Just like at this moment, the people on the central mountain, no matter how they feel in their hearts, must stand on the opposite side of chaos and help Zhu Jiuyin guard the central mountain. For this is the place of death and life, of life and death.

Because Chaos is going to kill them. And Zhu Jiuyin, who abides by the rules of the world of mountains and seas, must respect their lives.

This is the position, where the ass sits, the thinking of the head that decides.

The same is true for those mountain gods and sea gods who descended with the power of the divine house.

They want a stable life and are unwilling to take risks, so they are undoubtedly the opposite of chaos.

But this kind of confrontation also has a limit. If you don't want to take the risk of the world collapsing, how much are you willing to take the risk of fighting with the Chaos side?

Now Zhu Jiuyin has played such a trick.

Linking their life and death with the divine light shield of the central mountain, it is impossible for them to work without exerting their efforts.

"Your so-called achievements are built on piles of bones! Your so-called world order is to maintain this monotonous cage. You are willing to be a slave, but let us be prisoners with you!" Chaos lips did not move, but Dao The condensed roar was crazy: "Zhu Jiuyin! You deserve to die! You deserve to die a hundred times! You will not be redeemed if you die!"

Zhu Jiuyin just looked at it calmly: "You can't kill anyone by cursing."

The chaotic dog's face was flushed, but the maddened roar stopped abruptly.

And the boundless black tide surrounding the central mountain suddenly retreated, shrank, and gathered! In the blink of an eye, all the black waves were subdued, and turned into a huge, pitch-black, ferocious beetle.

Its height is almost as high as the central mountain. The carapace is flowing resentment, and the surface of the carapace naturally forms crazy lines. In the blood-colored compound eyes, there was a whirl of chaotic emotions, and malice surged.

As a result, the world suddenly opened up!

The entire Kuroshio shrank into one, and the beetle formed from endless resentment and hatred was so powerful that it could hardly be contained by the space. I can't tell whether the black lines scattered around are tentacles or cracks in space. Its terrifying aura swept through like a gust of wind, making those mountain gods and sea gods who were confronting each other silent.

Undoubtedly, this black beetle was prepared by Chaos painstakingly and was like a killer weapon.

But on Zhu Jiuyin's majestic face, there was only an undisguised mocking expression.

It just turned its head and looked at the beetle from a distance.


The huge pitch-black beetle collapsed on the spot. Turning back to the Kuroshio again, the waves surged.

Such a powerful backhand did not have any effect, as if nothing had happened.


After all, something happened.

For example, the Kuroshio tide has receded three hundred feet, which is a long way from the central mountain.

For example, those alien beasts who followed the chaos rebellion saw the strength of Zhu Jiuyin more intuitively.

From his appearance to the present, no matter what methods Chaos uses, Zhu Jiuyin seems to have been prepared and always has the upper hand.

At this moment, it raised its eyes to look at the chaos, and turned to the face of the old woman, but there was a kind of compassion looking down: "In a drop of water, there are a hundred and eight thousand insects. Can you see the resentful insects, can you see others?"

In the boundless black tide, there is also the foreshadowing of its candle nine shades. Open it at this time, killing Chaos by surprise.

Gao Qiong, the two strongest men in the mountain and sea realm, fought with each other.

Everyone in the Central Mountain watched intently.

Jiang Wang has his own different concerns.

As soon as the Kuroshio receded, he hurriedly went to see Sancha's opponent, thinking of doing Sancha a favor or something.

But after the Kuroshio receded, the position where the trident was facing...

It's empty.

Jiang Wang was speechless for a moment.

As expected, Sancha didn't need him to worry... He grinned for a long time over there, and what he was dealing with was air!

The black tide shrank in an instant, gathering into a terrifying black beetle. When the vision was exposed, Sancha was also startled, and quickly turned around, aiming at a strange beast from the Chaos side, staring at it like a tiger.

It doesn't matter that this strange beast has already been targeted by two magical beasts...

Of course, its state at the moment is not easy.

Even if he is as cunning as it is, under the bondage of Zhu Jiuyin's fate, he has to make a choice to show his strength.

The tide receded three hundred feet, and naked swimmers had nowhere to hide.

The confrontation between nearly a hundred alien beasts at the divine level was so clearly displayed in the eyes of everyone.

One is life and the other is freedom.

The air soared into the sky and the sea, and the natural disasters that ravaged the mountains and seas could not get close.

The instant crushing of the black beetle did not make Chaos lose his composure.

In other words, if you are as crazy as it is, it is a kind of gaffe if you don't lose your composure.

At this moment, it is still sitting upright, with a very calm voice, and just said: "Then let's start. Let's see how much enlightenment each of us has, and see which side can better represent the future of the mountain and sea realm!"

This was undoubtedly the final order.

Cruel order.

As the leaders of the two parties, Zhu Jiuyin and Chaos, both chose to fight hand-to-hand.

Just outside this divine light hood, under the tense gaze of everyone.

Nearly a hundred alien beasts at the level of gods came together to fight together!

With just one collision, a terrifying turbulence of Yuanli has already been formed.

Roaring, howling, hissing, the collision of supernatural powers, the sound of blood splashing from limbs...

Countless voices are superimposed in one place in an instant!

Zuo Guangshu let out a long breath: "It's obviously just a group of strange beasts fighting, but I can't bear to look at it!"

Yue Tiannu folded his palms together and silently recited scriptures.

"Because the life and freedom they are fighting for is no different from what the human race has been fighting for for thousands of years." Jiang Wang said while staring at the trident.

In the chaotic battle situation. Sancha was cunningly attacking more and less, together with the other two beasts from the divine house, besieged a beast shaped like a tiger with wings on its back, and did not need help for the time being.

"Don't be in a daze." Zhu Jiuyin's majestic face suddenly looked down at the foot of the mountain: "You should also fight for your own safety, shouldn't you?"

The crowd crowded on the mountain path, although none of them had achieved God, but all of them possessed good lethal power, and under the protection of the god light shield, they were enough to intervene in the battle.

As for their feelings... Zhu Jiuyin didn't care.

Indeed, there is no need to bother.

No one will fight against their own safety.

Once the world of mountains and seas collapses, for these testers, it will not only mean that all the gains from this trip will be wiped out, but they will also face unknown dangers.

So no matter how much dissatisfaction there is in my heart. The people on the mountain road dispersed in an instant, each showing their abilities, and began to intervene in the battle situation.

Jiang Wangyao glanced at Chaos, but said nothing. With a string of flame sparrows in his hand, he pressed it on the three-pronged opponent.

This war has been going on until now, and everyone has seen the decline of chaos.

Zhujiu Yin is unfathomable, but also extremely stable.

Every counterattack after entering the field hits the vital point of chaos.

And it doesn't leave any chance for Chaos at all.

Even though the scene is dominant, the number of the alien beasts in the divine house far exceeds the number of the rebel beasts. It still chooses to connect the lives of the alien beasts in the divine house to the divine mask, forcing the alien beasts in the divine house to fight to the death. Directly use the threat of life to collide with the pursuit of freedom.

The beetles condensed by the chaos and the black tide were obviously defeated in an instant. At the moment when the two camps were fighting hand-to-hand, there were many cases of two-on-one and three-on-one odd beasts in the divine house, and they already had the absolute upper hand on the scene. Zhu Jiuyin still didn't let the testers on the central mountain idle, urging them to join the battle.

Its layout style is very ruthless, and it does not care about the feelings of those who are driven by it. It is to directly throw out a reason that you cannot refuse, let you make a choice, and force you to do so.

It is precisely because of this that Chaos hates it so much...

Yet grimness also exhibits grimness.

The situation of the entire war is very resolutely tilted towards Zhu Jiuyin, and it seems that there is no possibility of any change.

The locusts around the armadillo had been devoured, and one ear was directly bitten off.

Jiufengsheng has nine songs, and there is no more free head to sing. A total of four strange beasts from the divine house circled around it.

Under the continuous bombardment of the three magical beasts, the beast kept retreating...

In such a situation, Zhu Jiuyin said loudly with the face of a middle-aged majestic man: "This time to put down the chaos, only the head of the villain will be punished. Those who regain the name of the gods will not be blamed for the past! In the name of Zhu Jiuyin, I pardon you all." , this statement is evidenced by mountains and seas, and it will not change!"

Outside the veil of divine light, the Kuroshio finally rolled back. These powers of resentment and hatred can greatly supplement the strange beasts of Chaos. It can suppress the influence of the divine house even more.

But there are still many rebellious beasts, and their eyes have changed.

"To pardon or to put on the shackles again? Zhu Jiuyin can't tell, you have to see clearly!" Chaos voice spread everywhere: "You might as well ask yourself, are you going to struggle for yourself, fight for freedom, or do you want to be like these? Like a slave who has to work hard, life and death are controlled by Zhu Jiuyin?! We have been dormant for so many years, endured so many years of pain, how can we be slaves all the way here!!"

"Really!?" Zhu Jiuyin's face changed into that of a child with indistinguishable sex, and said with a smile: "Chaos, Chaos, although you are ugly and embarrassing, cruel and hard to describe, you are very good at flaunting yourself! Although you are tyrannical, although you are crazy , but you are a great hero, aren’t you?”

It was entrenched on the top of the mountain, and suddenly turned its head: "King Huo Dou, do you remember this scene!"

Sancha, who was "struggling hard", looked up, only to see a golden light curtain appearing in the sky.

In the light curtain, a one-legged divine bird is spewing flames, wreaking havoc on a huge island. On the open space of the island, a group of beasts gathered together to fight against the fire with dim light.

The one-legged divine bird spit out real fire, but it just passed by. Grab a small scourge and spread its wings away.

The scene in the light curtain turned, and the one-legged divine bird stood in the dark cave, holding a small dog skull in its mouth, and seemed to be dazed for a while. A ray of chaotic dark light floated out from behind its head and penetrated into the cave wall.

The one-legged divine bird spat out the skull in its mouth, and flew out in some confusion.

The golden light curtain disappeared.

The change of light and shadow is short and quick, and from beginning to end, it just tells a very simple story.

"This is fake." Chaos said directly: "You are in charge of this world day and night, and the light and shadow will naturally be fabricated by you."

Zhu Jiuyin laughed in a child's voice: "The King of Disaster Fighters will judge whether it is true or not. It is not as easy to deceive as young humans."

Chaos roared angrily: "That's not my divine light! You forged it!"

The others were bewildered.

Jiang Wang immediately looked at the Huo Dou Wang Beast: "Three-chased! Don't!"

He even forced out a sea of ​​flames, trying to intercept it.

But it's too late.

The trident, who has been paddling and pretending to preserve his strength, has red eyes and rushed towards the chaos like crazy!

Its hatred was ignited in an instant, and it burned wildly.


It roared mournfully, like a sharp black arrow, piercing through the space in an instant, and shot in front of Chaos, wrapped in gloom, and bit it away!


Chaos lifted the bear's paw once.

The gloomy light crushes, the divine power collapses, the long hair is subdued, the flesh and blood are turned into mud, and the bones are shattered...

All this happens at the instant of contact.

With just one slap, Chaos has already slapped this powerful King of Disaster Beast into meatloaf in the air!

"I told you it wasn't me!" Chaos showed his fierce face, and shook his bear's paw: "You won't go down even if I give you the steps!"

Jiang Wang stared blankly at the "meat pie" and remained silent for a moment.

It's such an ugly death that people can't even remember its majestic appearance.


He seemed to hear a voice calling like this.

Possibly calling the cook.

Or maybe calling... a friend.

But the savanna told him that there had never been any sound.


On the high sky, Zhu Jiuyin's face turned into an old woman: "You have done a lot of evil, but you consider yourself a hero. You have lost countless lives, but you claim to be fighting for their freedom. Chaos, if you don't die, this world will never be peaceful!"

"Hey hey hey." Chaos laughed.

For a long time, it has to follow the rules of this world, and cannot directly do something.

Therefore, he chose to guide secretly and let Bi Fang eat Sancha's child. Using methods like this to provoke a fight in the mountains and seas. Abrade the foundation of this world, destroy the existence foundation of this world, and shake the rules of this world.

So Bi Fang died, Qiang Liang died, Zhu Yan died...

Too many mountain gods and sea gods fell one after another.

And withered Nanyuan, who already carries the negativity of the world, has accelerated the accumulation of negativity, and has long been full of complaints.

That's why today's Kuroshio Liyuan encircled the central mountain.

Chaos's laughter stopped, and he said angrily: "A prisoner like you is not qualified to comment on everything I have done! After thousands of years, they will naturally know who is really fighting for this world!"

"Then now, I have a question for you." Zhu Jiuyin looked at Chaos with a majestic middle-aged appearance, and there was a sense of judgment in her voice: "The great supreme existence created you from nothingness and gave you life , give you the name of God, give you wisdom and authority, territory and ocean. The future of this world has been clearly drawn, why do you betray the will of the Supreme God?"

This question silenced Chaos.

It is indeed an illusory creation, and Huang Weizhen gave it everything.

In any case, it cannot say that the supreme being in the mountain and sea realm is not qualified to judge it.

But after a long silence, it just said: "He shouldn't have taught me freedom, let me see freedom, but didn't give me freedom."

The line written on the wall of the Sea God in the South Yuan——

"Mountains and seas have withered to the south, and the four corners of the world, only the south will not submit!"

That is the spirit of Chu people, the spirit of Huang Weizhen.

It is also the engraving that it has sat and watched in chaos for nine hundred years, and has never forgotten it for a moment.


Chaos sat on the Gu carving's feathered back, with its head hanging slightly, and bear claws resting on its cut belly.

It's ugly, embarrassing, hideous.

But strong, brave, self.

This moment is like a god like a demon!

"Roar!" it roared.

So people see.

At the end of the endless black tide.

There is a huge shadow flying above the Kuroshio, skimming the sky.

It has black wings, a noble figure, and a pair of eyes jumping with soul fire.

It was born from nothingness, and flew from the abyss of the extreme south, soaring so clearly in the mountains and seas——

Corpse Phoenix Gaxuan!

Thanks to the book friend "Bu Zhi" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 263rd Alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

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