Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1488 Tentacles...unreachable

"Brother Jiang? Brother Jiang?"

Jiang Wang came back to his senses, looked at Zuo Guangshu's anxious expression, and soothed his eyes: "I'm fine."

He looked out of the light shield.

The meatloaf that was photographed by the trident of Huo Dou Wang Beast has already fallen to nowhere.

In this post-apocalyptic world where the rules have collapsed, the living can't protect themselves, let alone a mass of dead flesh?

It's just that in his heart... there is inevitably hatred.

Whether it's for freedom, or for ideals, no matter how many great excuses there are.

Trident is his friend.

He hated Chaos because of it, that's all.

Whether it is for order or for loyalty, no matter how grand the reasons are.

He resented Zhu Jiuyin because of this, that's all.

Trident's hatred is real, but it's never been such an easy-to-lose existence. It hated Bi Fang deeply, but it took a long time to make a move.

But just now, she was instantly swallowed up by hatred...

Of course, Zhu Jiuyin couldn't escape the relationship.

And can't Chaos see it?

It just doesn't care. Or, too lazy to bother.

Now that Sancha has confirmed the truth and developed hatred, he should die.

Jiang Wang hated both of them deeply.

Sometimes it is right or wrong, how can it be so easy to talk about right and wrong?

Different angles are different worlds.

Different rulers have different measurements.

Specific to each person, it is nothing more than your principles, your persistence, and your feelings.

But Jiang Wang also understood very well that with the strength shown by Chaos and Zhu Jiuyin, it was difficult for him to even get close.

So he can only keep silent.

It's just that in this war, no matter which side is defeated, he can always contribute... always has to contribute.

He devoted himself to this war with the greatest concentration, not just thinking about how to leave safely.

The war between Chaos and Zhu Jiuyin has been going on until now, and all the creatures present can see the clarity of the situation, and the almost crushing advantage of Zhu Jiuyin.


That sound of Fengming.

The phoenix sings for nine days, walking in the mountains and seas.

Announce to the world the true power born from the Abyss of the Extreme South.

This is powerful enough to compare with Chaos and Zhu Jiuyin.

It is the real trump card of Chaos!

In fact, Jiaxuan never existed, and it has always been just a legend. It was the power of chaos and even darkness that created Jiaxuan's body and let it sink into boundless resentment.

Hundreds of years of cultivation, hundreds of years of carving, until today.

It clears away all the evil thoughts of Withered Nanyuan, causes the sky to tilt ahead of time, rolls up a boundless black tide, and submerges the central mountain. While attacking Zhu Jiuyin, it is also to use the purest Withered Nanyuan as its nest to attract the real birth of the corpse phoenix Jiaxuan.

The great existence who created the world will take a long time to evolve the mountains and seas into reality. His will will last forever, and the rules he left behind can use the power of mountains and seas to give real gains to those who try.

The young man fishing with a pole can use this power to pretend to be a real Kui Niu.

And of course it can...create Gaxuan!

Anyone who is willing to spend a hundred years can study one thing thoroughly.

And it was chaotic, and it took more than a hundred years.

Among all the legends in the Mountain and Sea Realm, the nine types of phoenix are the most likely to be real, and they are the most capable of giving birth to extraordinary power.

The struggles of other mountain gods and sea gods can't shake the fundamentals at all, they are all just buying time.

And now, is the last moment.

"Zhu Jiuyin, enjoy this world!" Chaos said in a sighing tone, "Because from now on, you no longer have it!"

There is Feng Laiyi, who lives in the mountains and seas.

The corpse phoenix Jiaxuan flew from the abyss of the extreme south, spread its noble and gorgeous wings, swept over the billowing black tide, pushed away all the strange beasts that passed by, and rushed towards Zhu Jiuyin with all the power!

Its wings that cover the sky and the sea seem to bring in a piece of night.

The boundless night spread behind it.

Chaos and Zhu Jiuyin have been fighting each other for a long time.

And when it flew over at this moment, what was blocking it from Zhu Jiuyin was nothing more than a layer of divine light.

It's like a ridiculous bubble, just waiting for it to pop gently.

Of course, the alien beasts who have fought fiercely for a long time cannot allow the shattering of the divine mask, because their life and death are entrusted to it.

There was a bird-headed and snake-tailed being named "Spinning Tortoise", whose voice was like chopping wood, and directly retracted its head and tail, blocking Jiaxuan with a tortoise shell.

But it disappeared without a sound.

Be part of that shadow.

Its power is as chaotic as a candle, and it is by no means an existence that other strange beasts can match.

It flapped its wings unstoppably, across the mountains and seas, to mark the final end of this war.

Just at this time!

Its daybreak.

In the end of the world, the gloomy mountain and sea environment suddenly became clear.

The black tide surged, as if bathed in the morning light. The hood of divine light is also in the sky.

The world is bright and splendid.

All of them are announcing the coming of day.

But where is the daytime?

The people on the central mountain couldn't help looking up. The alien beast that was fighting forgot to fight for a while.

only see-

At the extreme height of the sky that is constantly breaking and collapsing.

There is a sky-blue splendor flowing.

For a time, the black snow and white snow were all dispersed.

The precarious filth fades away.

Yuyu clarifies Wan Liai!

In the sky-blue waterfall-like splendor, a noble and beautiful phantom gradually solidified.

It has a graceful neck, gorgeous tail feathers, mysterious feather patterns... and a pair of sky blue, noble eyes.

Except for the color, it is almost the same as Jiaxuan, equally beautiful, equally noble, and equally powerful.

It's a sky blue phoenix!

It is the existence of the nine types of phoenixes, and the blue one is named Kongyuan.

As soon as it appeared, it landed in front of Jiaxuan, and as soon as the blue light and dark light came into contact, Jiaxuan who was already close to the divine light shield was knocked back!

Two extremely beautiful phoenixes, one black and one blue, confront each other outside the hood of divine light.

The light is like a streamer, and the feathers are like jade carvings.

The legend came into view.

The myth is painted into a scroll!

"Kong Yuan!?" Chaos' voice was startled and angry. It has been angry more than once, but only this time, it is the most real emotion under its mad shell: "You are also... Stealing the power of this world!"

How can it not feel the power of Kong Yuan?

How could it not be able to tell that this Kongyuan, like Nagaxuan, is also a completely legendary creature?

Just as Jiaxuan is controlled by it, this Kongyuan is also a creation completely controlled by Zhu Jiuyin!

But why?

But why?

It turned its back on the name of God, endured nine hundred years of torture, swallowed the pain of madness, and fought against the world alone, only then did it gain the power to create Jiaxuan. However, Zhu Jiuyin, on the premise of maintaining world order and controlling world power, also stole the power to create Kong Yuan!

"I'm just trying to maintain the order of the world, and the supreme being will forgive in the end." Zhu Jiuyin's face at this time was that old woman with a kind voice and a kind voice.

"Uh ha ha ha ha ha!" Chaos couldn't help laughing: "What did he create, what did he create! I responded, and countless mountain gods and sea gods rebelled. And his most loyal jailer was also his most loyal jailer!" Vicious traitor!"

The black Gaxuan confronts the sky-blue Kongyuan.

The dark soul fire danced in the sapphire-like eyes.

Chaos was laughing, but Zhu Jiuyin was still calm.

Zhu Jiuyin, entrenched on the top of the central mountain, looked at the chaos with those kind old eyes, as if staring at a child who had gone astray: "Those who know me say that I am worried; those who don't know me say that I What do you want! You peep at me with a poisonous heart, and those who are rebellious will see their rebellion, it is really lamentable."

Chaos's frantic laughter ended, and he said in a deep voice: "I have treated you as a jailer for so many years, I really underestimated you, Zhu Jiuyin! I only discovered it today, and I understand it! I just want to pretend to be a jailer. Really, you have gained your own freedom, but you are trying to steal the layout of creation and occupy its myth! After thousands of years, you want to replace him and return!"

This statement is like a stone breaking the sky.

Jiang Wang and others, who had already learned part of the truth about the mountain and sea realm, were terrified.

The world Huang Weizhen created is too vast, too vast... and too real!

An existence like Chaos, with its five senses closed, its thoughts shattered, and its madness endured all the time, can still do what it is now... If it is a human body, it is also a hero.

And Zhu Jiuyin is even more so thoughtful, it is almost a self-respect for Chaos!

Chaos is constantly destroying the world, it is constantly repairing the world.

Chaos is constantly accumulating strength, and it is also constantly planning to deal with it.

Under the highest rules of maintaining the stability of the world, easily circumventing the various restrictions of the mountain and sea realm, stealing the power of this world, and finally occupying the myth, replacing Huang Weizhen and returning from fantasy...

Zhu Jiuyin's plans are farther-reaching and ambitious than Chaos!

No matter how wonderful a person is, no matter how great an existence is, after all, he has been dead for more than nine hundred years. Huang Weizhen's will withered in time.

All kinds of beings in the entire mountain and sea environment have more or less their own thoughts.

The two strongest among them have embarked on completely different paths, but they are both called abandonment paths. And collided until today.

The layout of more than 900 years and the confrontation of more than 900 years only showed a clear outline at this doomsday moment.

This is really a wonderful story!

But Zhu Jiuyin only showed a majestic face, and said solemnly: "Nonsense words, deceitful words to confuse people!"

Kong Yuan heard a phoenix cry, and the sky was clear.

Jiaxuan raised his head and screamed, the profound energy invaded the sky like night.

Two luxurious and beautiful phoenixes are fighting outside the hood of divine light.

The aftermath of the battle has already caused the other mountain gods and sea gods to stagger.

And Zhu Jiuyin, who was in the divine light shield, jumped up directly. The gigantic python body broke away from the mountain, leaped out of the divine light shield, and rushed towards Chaos.

At this moment, the two sides have played all their cards, and it only needs to crush Chaos.

And it will reveal its true power.

These mountains and seas are thousands of miles away, and new legends will eventually be left behind!


The mountain is shaking.


The sea is trembling.

Everything in this world has been watched by Zhu Jiuyin.

The so-called dark day and night blowing winter and summer is the proof of holding the power of heaven.

What natural disasters, what doomsday, what collapse of the world...

It supports the sky, and the sky cannot fall again. If it gives up, this life cannot last forever!

It is the lord of mountains and seas, and of course it shares the same glory with the world.

It is the refuge of all great powers, and it will also become the end of all legends.

Chaos is its food, and Gaxuan is its fruit.

It jumped outside the divine light shield and soared above the central mountain.

The mighty crimson python's body unfolded to its fullest, stretching to the end of the field of vision, piercing into the sea of ​​clouds, mountains and mist.

This mountain, this sea, this world!

All things return!

It rushes towards the chaos, it is the power that engulfs the rules of the world, as if everything in the world is following.

Everyone needs to know now that the outcome has been decided.

On every level, it has done enough preparation.

Chaos lost completely.

This time, I can never turn over.

"Wow wow wow."

The Gu carving screamed sadly.

Xiao moved his body and soul, igniting an irresistible force.

The iron wings fluttered and flew high——


It only flew a few tens of feet, and it was easily punctured like a bubble.

Even the sound of destruction was so slight, as if it had no right to bother anyone.

No screams, no resistance in sight.

Only a bare skeleton fell.

Then the sky is full of feathers.

As strong as a Gu carving, in front of Zhu Jiuyin, he couldn't even escape.

And the chaos that can't protect the Gu sculpture... so what?

In the black floating feathers, Chaos with a dog face and a bear body is also falling.

It has always maintained a sitting posture, until now, has not moved.

It can't feel the cold and warm, and can't touch the changes in the world.

Its eyes can't see anything.

Its ears can't hear anything.

Its mouth, in fact, has no sound.

What it captures is "expression" and what it conveys is "information". It doesn't pass through the sound, it just manifests itself as sound.

This is its "listening" and "speaking".

It can't actually move either.

Nine hundred years have passed, but it is only able to move the bear's paw.

It also can't think calmly, because the mind is tormenting itself every moment, fighting in chaos, and falling into madness from time to time...

And these are all masterpieces of Zhu Jiuyin.

Not long after Huang Weizhen's death that year, they had a big battle.

As a result of the great battle, there was a wound on Zhu Jiuyin's abdomen that had not healed yet. And it lost all five senses, and retreated to Nanyuan, until today.

God knows how it didn't go completely crazy!

God knows how it's struggled till now!

Huang Weizhen had never assigned a priesthood to anyone back then. Nothing remains but the rules of the world. All priesthoods are contested and chosen by the creatures in this realm.

The so-called god-given name is actually for everyone.

All kinds of frost... Compete for freedom.

The chaos in the fall is too ugly to describe, but its posture is like a Buddha.

Let people feel its solemnity and solemnity.

The pressure of the world is overwhelming, rolling in. This collapsing world still gave Zhu Jiuyin great support. At the level of world rules, Zhu Jiuyin is still "maintaining" the world.

And this kind of power, it can no longer resist.

Both it and Zhu Jiuyin understood.

So it is indeed majestic at the moment.

"Zhu Jiuyin." The chaotic words sounded: "Tear off your mask today!"

Behind it, a white tower suddenly appeared.

At first it was just a phantom.

But when the phantom appeared, it had already solidified.

This tower hits the sky and hits the ground.

The dense whiteness directly shakes Zhu Jiuyin's definition of this world and breaks the rules of the world itself.

Of course Jiang Wang recognized it. This was the withered tower that broke through the sky in the mountain and sea realm.

But at this moment, how could this be a tower?

It was clearly one skull after another—from all kinds of strange beasts.

Layer upon layer, stacked high.

It is the scale itself.

It is the anger of centuries and thousands of years, the hatred accumulated over time, and the pain that cannot be vented for a long time!

This is a world that is getting closer to reality and gradually becoming more vivid. In the process of growing up... the dust that is really crushed.

Scattered into mud, crushed into dust... piled up into a tower of withering.

It turns out that this is the so-called "withering".

For the first time, a frightened look appeared on Zhu Jiuyin's majestic face.

Red tendons popped out on its forehead, twisted into majestic lines.

Thin scales grew on its python body, and with just a flick of it, it was already close to Chaos.

Two muscular human arms emerged from its upper body, and above the human arms were engraved with divine patterns!

With one left hand, he grabbed Chaos's neck, and held it up like a dog. Digging forward with his right hand, he directly dug into Chaos' heart!

And Chaos...

Opened his mouth.

The staggered canine teeth were exposed, and the half-broken tongue was exposed.


It made a sound!

It is not the rule of Tao, nor the appearance of "telling".

It is real, the sound classified in the five senses!

"You're scared!"

It's such a laugh.

Obviously Zhu Jiuyin captured it and was about to kill it.

But it is so arrogant as if it is the winner!

"If I want to be free with all my sins, I deserve to die!"

Its voice spreads all over the mountains and seas, and everyone can hear it.

"You pay me with your life, I eat evil to survive, and open the way by committing crimes, now I must pay for it!"

"I will open the seven show the world!"

Chaos looked up at Zhu Jiuyin!

Suddenly there was a divine light in those godless eyes.

Zhu Jiuyin showed panic, and immediately wanted to retreat.

But the two bear claws firmly grasped its wrist!

Of Zhu Jiuyin's two human arms, one was still strangling Chaos' neck, and the other was still in Chaos's heart, and they couldn't move at this moment.

And Chaos' drooping ears perked up.

The wooden plastic-like nose is moving greedily at this moment.

At such a moment, it forcibly opened its seven orifices, which is the sensory world that has been dusty for more than 900 years!

Because of this, he gained the power of terror!

It finally felt the pain of the body, but the perception of pain fascinated it!

It distorts its ugly face.

In pain and enjoyment, he roared fervently: "The world I see, you can see. The world I hear, you can hear. The world I feel, you can feel. Look! Listen! Feel it! What does the real world look like!"

The two bear claws twisted hard, and directly pinched Zhu Jiuyin's two wrists.

Then grabbed its majestic-faced human head and crushed it on the spot!

Pull its python body, lift it up and smash it down!

Space is broken.

The rules of this world no longer apply.

Zhu Jiuyin's powerful body fell down, the neck was shaking, and a new old woman's head quickly grew out. Its eyes flickered sharply, thinking about a way to break the situation. Its arm is broken, but its scales are still shining.

It still has to capture the rules of this world, it may be able to appropriate the power of the Nine Chapters Jade Bi, and it still has to call Kong Yuan to turn around...

But the gigantic withered tower made of thousands of skulls suddenly appeared above it. Like a seal, it ended this official document.

The skulls are all gone, and the Withering Tower is still a pure white tower. It's just that the top of the tower hangs upside down, piercing Zhu Jiuyin like a spear!

"Follow me...together..." Chaos whimpered in pain.

"Feel... the world!"

The huge white tower pierces through Zhujiuyin, quickly withering its vitality, and whizzing down with it.

The divine light shield seems to be a layer of phantom, and there is no barrier at all.

Just like that, the Withering Tower fell with Zhu Jiuyin's dying body, and the miserable white spire directly hit the central mountain!

Rumble rumble!

Zhu Jiuyin's face split open on the spot, blood gushed like a river, and the huge red python's body disintegrated piece by piece.

But seeing that the pillar of heaven is broken, the dimension of the earth is broken.

So the sky is tilted to the northwest, and the earth is dissatisfied with the southeast!

Therefore, the clouds and smoke in the floating mountains move away, so the dust in the sea returns.

Therefore, the world of this side collapsed completely, and the visible and intangible were shattered together.

Including the limitations of thinking, including the end of space, including the flowing river of time!


All the mountain gods and sea gods in this world have glimpsed the present world from this world.

Seeing Chaos Seeing, Hearing Chaos Hearing, Feeling Chaos Feeling.

They have since become aware of...the real world.

At the truncated position of the central mountain, there is a light and shadow between virtual and real, flowing slowly. Strange and grotesque, tens of thousands of moments, it is the river of time and space.

The other side of the river is the truth. It is the real world.

The leaders of the quest for freedom are dying.

The free fire burns in the heart of every creature.

From now on... forever.

The mighty central mountain collapsed.

The powerful Zhu Jiuyin was disintegrating.

The boundless black tide dissipated.

The bewildered mountain gods and sea gods were still outside the veil of divine light, speechless to each other.

The testers in the divine light hood gathered together in one place, preparing for the final self-rescue,

In the chaos at this moment, his abdomen was cut open by himself, and his heart was hollowed out by Zhu Jiuyin.

But the other person stands in the air, with all seven orifices open.

Its power is fading, its life is dying.

It looks into the distance, in the collapsed world, and looks at the other world that has been imagined for countless years.

It can't wait, it feels a kind of inherent freedom.

The breath of life is declining, but its eyes are getting brighter and brighter.

There was no chaos, no tyranny, no cruel emotions... just pure light. The most genuine yearning.

It flew up, spread its bear claws, and flew high like wings.

The huge figure crashed into that distant place.

In the boundless broken.

Cross the river with your body.

But that long river is between reality and reality. But that long river is not to be approached.

Freedom always seems within reach, but in fact it is never far away.

It clearly has its seven apertures opened, but it looks like a deaf, dumb, or blind person who can't find a target at all.

forward, forward...

Never be able to get close.

You can hear it, you can see it, you can feel it.

If there is a natural moat in it.

At the burning end of its life, it cries loudly, crying, howling, and mourning——

"Huang Weizhen!"

"Huang Weizhen!"

"Huang Weizhen!"

Shout three times.

Jump up!

It threw itself on the river!

Between that reality and illusion, in that trance light and shadow, collapse.

Its ugly and weird body shattered into billions... colorless and lightless motes.

scattered in the wind.


The wind is blowing lonely.

Er Er patter, the sky began to rain.

black rain.

Light rain, heavy rain, torrential rain.

The evil of the world, the sins of the world, are all in it.

What will the world be like when the rain is over?

Chaos can never be seen again.

Chaos reveals seven orifices and dies.

It did not die in the cage.

A small poke at Brother Yan (40/78.) (This can be said halfway!)

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