Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1489 Gods have their gods, ghosts have their ghosts

Chaos is dead.

Died in the river of time and space, and disappeared with those colorful streamers.

Zhu Jiuyin died and was crucified on the central mountain.

The remnant body dissipated, and the White Tower collapsed.

Countless skulls of strange beasts rolled down.

Everyone on the mountain road flew to avoid it.

There is only half of the central mountain left, and the end of the mountain road is cut off there.

No one can know what kind of scene they will see when they walk to the end of the mountain path with the jade bi.

Ironically, the divine mask still exists.

One after another, the divine light flew back to the strange beasts in the divine house, unraveling the connection of life.

Corpse Phoenix Jiaxuan and Tianhuang Kongyuan are still confronting each other.

It's just that the existence that controls them is dead, and they are fixed there, silent as two sculptures.

The rain fell on them, half flowing into the night, half steaming into clouds.

All the resentment, hatred, and emotions that cannot be dispelled in this world all fell into the rain.

Da da da da, da da da da.

It hit the divine light cover, splashing out one dense small black water splash after another.

"It's blooming." Zuo Guangshu murmured as he watched the scene on the divine light shield.

There is an indescribably cruel romance.

Rumbling rumbling, the mountain is still falling.

The world still screams.

All the rules are collapsing, and the mountain and sea realm is finally irretrievably heading towards destruction.

"What should we do now?" Fang Heling asked tremblingly.

He was afraid of death, he was too afraid that he would die before Zhang Linchuan.

Wang Changji didn't speak, but reached out and took out a piece of jade with nine chapters from the back of the stone tablet at the foot of the mountain. With a light rub of both hands, they twisted into a fishing line, wound it twice, and wrapped it around the index finger.

That's all the preparation.

But Yue Tiannu folded his palms together, and the Buddha's light appeared, with compassion on his face. The power of the pure land flows around the body, and it's time for the lonely boat to cross the sea of ​​suffering.

Jiang Wang only said: "Guangshu, follow me."

Dou Zhao's body bloomed with golden brilliance, which was dazzling. No matter when, where, or what, if he is here, he will fight for the first place...

At such a time, that sky-blue phoenix turned around!

The rain stopped.

Kong Yuan looked back, it was an extremely graceful gesture.

Its blue eyes looked at the collapsing central mountain with a flash of color.

Countless pale skulls rolled down and stopped.

The collapse of the mountain was also stopped.

The central mountain stopped shaking, and the hood of divine light was silently retracted.

The river between the virtual and the real has disappeared. The other world on the other side of the river, of course, does not exist.

The ancient stone tablet at the foot of the mountain, and the eight jade discs still embedded in the back, automatically escaped from the groove, and flew into the hands of everyone who had pressed it into the groove before.

Jiang Wang held two pieces of jade in his hands, Wang Changji took the one for himself, and the rest of them each had a piece.

At this moment, everyone looked into Kong Yuan's eyes, and their figures were also imprinted into the sky blue world.

Kong Yuan's eyes are not the rigidity of people who have lost control, as people imagined.

Or in other words, it was empty at the beginning, but now it is extremely agile.

This makes people realize that it also has a life of its own, giving birth to free will and a unique soul.

The sky is no longer snowing, and the sky is sunny after the black rain is gone. The collapsing sky is slowly rising, everything that is falling will no longer fall, and the raging thunder and lightning are hidden in the clouds...

And Kong Yuan looked at the people who participated in the trial of the mountain and sea realm, and there was neither joy nor sadness in his eyes, neither closeness nor hatred.

This glance.

The sky-blue divine light flowed around the body, and everyone who was holding the jade disc disappeared without a trace.

Disappeared in the central mountain.

Jiang Wang only felt a bright but temperatureless power, like a flat boat carrying him across the sea. He holds the Shejiang Jade Bi in his left hand and the Simeiren Jade Bi in his right hand.

The left ear can only hear singing saying——

"Young Yu is fond of this strange dress, he is old but not old.

Lu Lixi with long hair, Cui Wei with crown and cloud..."

There is also a long song in the right ear——

"...Lonely alone and traveling south, I think of Pengxian's reason!"

The radiance of the jade disc envelops him lightly, so that he can still take a last look at the mountains and seas in the blink of an eye.

Amidst the misty singing, Shengwen Xiantai caught another phoenix cry.

Its sound spread across the mountains and seas.

Jiang Wang vaguely saw——

In front of the central mountain, under the witness of many strange beasts.

The black phoenix fluttered its wings and flew, as if it was covered with a layer of night, but it left the central mountain and flew towards the ocean.

Kongyuan stayed on the mountain in the center, and then flew to the high sky.

Jiaxuan left the central mountain, and then flew to the sea.

Kong Yuan washed the sky and made thousands of miles clear.

And Jiaxuan took away the night, like a dream that has disappeared.

The beautiful black wings slid across Miaoman's trajectory, the roaring hurricane gently blew away, and the violent tsunami slowly returned.

Jiaxuan's beautiful figure gradually recedes...

Wherever you go, Haiboping.

A sentence suddenly jumped in Jiang Wang's mind - "Forever staying in this house, the name of the gods is bestowed by heaven."

Zhu Jiuyin stole the world power of the mountains and seas and created Kongyuan, but was it really created by it?

Chaos has accumulated evil thoughts for hundreds of years, struggled out of endless pain, and used Jiaxuan as his trump card. But the legend of the nine types of phoenix... Where did it come from?

To this world, what is the difference between Zhu Jiuyin and Chaos, Kongyuan and Jiaxuan?

Zhu Jiuyin and Chaos are dead.

Kongyuan and Jiaxuan were reborn as a matter of course.

A kind of enlightenment arose in Jiang Wang's heart——

Kongyuan and Jiaxuan have stabilized the world order.

Kong Yuan, who is now in charge of the central mountain, is sending them away.

Then it should be time to harvest.

Because fairness to the testers is one of the fundamental rules of the world of mountains and seas.

And this just reflects the stability of this world...

That shattering, that collapse, seemed like a phantom.

It's nothing more than Tianqing's history repeating itself again.

The plot is more exciting, or not so exciting, there is no essential difference. this the end?

In the sky-blue divine light, in the rapidly changing flow of color.

Jiang Wang felt a sense of loss.

And not just because of the trident.

But this feeling didn't last long. Under the shroud of the sky blue divine light, a huge stream of information flooded into his mind very quickly. After all, he was familiar with this feeling. He had already felt it once in Zhang'e Mountain——

He is receiving some kind of inheritance.

"Wait!" Jiang Wang suddenly gave birth to a kind of hope: "I don't want this, I don't want any inheritance! Revive me the three-pronged beast! It's the evil fighting king beast that was killed by chaos!"

But the inheritance didn't stop.

The rule itself is that there is no temperature. Just like the sun falls on you, it doesn't really care whether you need warmth or not.

Jiang Wang spread out his right hand, and shouted again: "I can return the essence and blood, erase the memory of the seal, and use this piece of jade to exchange for a three-pronged! It doesn't have any power! It's all imaginary and real, empty yuan, you It can save more power for the mountains and seas!"

The sky blue divine light did not respond.

Jiang Wang's eyes lowered slightly: "Then, I ask Zuo Guangshu to give the power of this piece of jade to help him get the Nine Phoenix Seal."

Perhaps some kind of rule has been touched.

With a flash of sky blue divine light, Simeiren Yubi had disappeared.

Judgments, diagrams, intensive annotations... all poured in in an instant, making Jiang Wang feel as if his head was swollen countless times.

It's over too.

The sky-blue divine light has begun to flicker.

Jiang Wang didn't know where the courage came from, and suddenly he pressed out with his finger, and above the tip of his index finger, a ray of dancing real fire of Samadhi pierced through the sky-blue phoenix divine light.

He felt a shattering force.

But the nine chapters of jade on his body protected him.

The sky-blue divine light flashed violently, and everything within the scope of the five senses disappeared.

At the last moment of leaving the mountain and sea environment, Jiang Wang captured a tiny piece of information——

Kongyuan and Jiaxuan have joined forces to stabilize the order of the mountains and seas, and have completed the distribution of power.

Kongyuan takes over the sky and Fushan.

Jiaxuan controls the Nanyuan and the sea.

Kong Yuan rules the day

Gaxuan rules the night.

They perform their duties and keep the name of the gods.

The mountain god is headed by Kongyuan, and the sea god is a vassal to Jiaxuan.

in a whole new order.

The mountains and seas were reborn.

But he didn't see the trident.

Didn't even find... the body that was photographed as a meatloaf.

"Gods have their gods, and ghosts have their ghosts."

"Recovering enlightenment is hard to find."

"He lives in mountains and seas, and he dies like sand."

Jiang Wang recalled the passage he saw at the God Wall of Zhang'e Mountain...

The last sentence is "Nine chapters appear together, pass on this seal method."

But when the nine chapters appear it just the seal method?

The so-called "gods have their gods, and ghosts have their ghosts."

Isn't it the embodiment of order.

Everything has its order, and everything develops according to its order.

The vast expanse of mountains and seas.

Not for chaos.

Do not die for Zhujiuyin.

Don't care about a trident.

This goes on for hundreds of years and thousands of years, until...

The great being who created all of this has returned from fantasy.

Of course there is the spark of revolution.

Of course there is unyielding strength.

But these are also part of the truth.

This is more real.

The meaning of life lies in not yielding, and the reality of the world lies in resistance.

Chaos' rebellion and Zhu Jiuyin's ambition, the confrontation and layout between them for more than nine hundred years... are all their contributions to the reality of this world.

Huang Wei really died, leaving no puppet, no remaining consciousness, and no interference in the mountain and sea environment after more than 900 years.

Everything that happens in the mountains and seas is a choice of free will.

But such an earth-shaking turmoil has passed, and the mountain and sea realm has only evolved one step forward.

No one can really stop it, no one can really affect it.

Huang Weizhen no longer exists, but he is everywhere.

The legend left over 900 years ago is still going on after 900 years.

Everything, no matter how it evolves—this is his world.

This is the great existence that stands at the end of the extraordinary and takes a crucial step towards the peak...

Peeping at such a stalwart figure, who can not feel his own insignificance?

Jiang Wang recalled what Wang Changji said - "I'm just a thief passing by, taking a sip of water to drink while my master is away."

At that time, I only thought it was Wang Changji's modesty, but now I realize that he just recognized the truth early.

Chaos, at the end of his burning life, shouted Huang Weizhen before crossing over with his body.

Maybe it saw something too.

But maybe... the last cry at the end of its life is just accumulating resources for the next evolution of the mountain and sea environment.

Although the hatred for Chaos is still there, thinking of these, I can't help but feel desperate for Chaos.

But also because of this, I can better understand the cry of chaos for freedom.

It is unwilling no matter what, it has lived under some kind of control all its life, although until the end, it did not go beyond that palm...

Zhu Jiuyin, and even the newly born Kongyuan and Jiaxuan... how can there be an exception?


Jiang Wang opened his eyes and found that he was still in Zuo Guangshu's room.

The two sat opposite each other, their posture was no different from before they left.

The two pieces of jade in his hand have disappeared.

There was only a piece of jade called Song of Orange, suspended between him and Zuo Guangshu.

And Zuo Guangshu also just opened his eyes.

With a bright smile on Mingxiu's handsome face, he immediately shared his joy with Jiang Wang: "Brother! I got the Chapter of Nine Phoenixes!"

Jiang Wang naturally followed suit.

But after being happy, I couldn't help but sigh in my heart.

The last thing that came into his mind from the Mountain Sea Realm was the secret of Huang Weizhen's divine presence. There are secret methods to condense spiritual consciousness, and Huang Weizhen's experience in achieving God's presence... It's not unreasonable.

His gains, Zuo Guangshu's gains, are all so impressive. Thinking about what Wang Changji Doushao and the others have gained, they will not be far behind.

The reason why the mountain and sea environment is so "bold" is naturally because there are enough rewards.

He will not be jealous of Huang Weizhen's achievements, and it is difficult for him to have any emotions towards Huang Weizhen who has been dead for many years.

This trip to the mountain and sea realm, from the two drops of the blood essence of alien animals, the two seals, and the secret of the presence of the gods, he can be said to have made a lot of money.


Some are lost, lost forever.

Some existences, once erased, can never come back.

For thousands of years, ten thousand years, or even more years, there is only one Huang Weizhen who has the opportunity to return from fantasy.

What is the leader of the disaster fight on the volcanic island in the mountains and seas?

It was lightly slapped to death by Chaos.

And Chaos himself was just struggling feebly.

That world has a new order, a new beginning. On the volcanic island, there will be a new wraith, but it will never be a three-pronged beast again.

Jiang Wang held the blood of Fu Dou in his hand, only to feel that it was hotter and hotter than Bi Fang's blood.

When he was in the Tiankui Mountain in the North Pole, Chaos secretly settled in his fairy palace, using his Yunding fairy palace as one of his retreats.

He never mentioned this, and after the death of the trident body, he was already ready to fight the chaotic remnant soul.

As long as the Chaos battle fails, try to activate the second hand.

He must let Chaos know how heavy his anger is.

But in the end... Chaos dug his own seven orifices to open up the five senses for the beings in the mountains and seas, allowing them to see the world, but he didn't use this ambush.

The revenge plan he prepared for the trident thus fell through.

The most frustrating thing is not that things are irreversible, not that there is no turning back.

But after the matter was irreversible and unable to turn back, he could no longer do anything for Sancha.

"Brother Jiang?" Zuo Guangshu restrained his smile and looked at him worriedly: "Are you unhappy?"

"How could it be!" Jiang Wang said with a warm smile, "Hurry up and complete the chapter of the Nine Phoenixes, and let me see what kind of supernatural power this is!"

He has long been used to clearing up his emotions in front of Jiang An'an and fighting against the wind and rain alone. For Zuo Guangshu, he also has similar emotions.

Zuo Guangshu was dubious: "I think you seem to have something on your mind..."

Jiang Wang smiled very artificially and proudly: "I was just thinking, so many geniuses are fighting to cross the mountains and seas. There are a total of nine pieces of jade, and the two of us took three pieces! What is dominance! What is skill?" Overwhelming the crowd? Hahahahaha, I really don't know how those who have been eliminated should feel!"

"Ah!" Zuo Guangshu suddenly yelled strangely, and his expression changed.

Without saying anything, he rushed out of the room with a whimper, turned around three times, and disappeared.

Only Brother Jiang, who had just led him across the mountains and seas, was left alone in the room...



There is a question that has puzzled me for a long time.

Feique, Kongyuan, Jiaxuan, Lianhong...

Why does no one praise my name for being beautiful?

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