Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1490 Rainy weather

To the south of Chen State and to the west of Yong State, there is a country named "Jiao".

Stone and coke once shared the world. The ancestors of the two surnames joined hands to establish the country. Of course, people also know the story later.

The surname Shi sat firmly on the dragon chair, and the descendants surnamed Jiao fled to Yong State.

It is a good story that Emperor Yongming Han Zhou was surrendered alone. It is also a fact that the Jiao family was stationed in the isolated city without help.

After that, Jiao's surname was Shi Yong, and he was loyal.

In the generation of Weining Marquis Jiao Wu, they even led troops to attack the reefs, vowing to destroy the royal family surnamed Shi.

At that moment, Han Xu, the new ruler of the Yong Kingdom, saved the country and forced Emperor Zhuang to retreat. Established the Mohist school as a national study, and received strong support from the Mohist school. There are one prince and eight princes in the country, all of whom are surrendered. Reform the government, make the country reborn from the ashes,

Emperor Yong wants to reflect the achievements of the New Deal, and Marquis Wei Ning wants to prove his loyalty, which is the so-called unity of the monarch and his ministers. Cutting down weak reefs with strength is tantamount to crushing eggs with stones. The right time, place and people are all there, and this battle should be a matter of course.

But in the end, there was a lot of thunder and rain, and nothing happened.

It's really puzzling.

It was rumored that it was Chen Guo who intervened to make Yong Guo retreat.

However, a mere Chen country is not much stronger than Jiao country, so how can it rely on it to make Yong country stop fighting?

The huge Yong Kingdom had just risen to become a regional power after it was also a battle among other kingdoms. Even though they lost the battle of Zhuang Yong, and fought three or five Chen Guo, there would be no problem in thinking about it.

In front of Han Xu, the Lord of the Kingdom of Chen, how could he have any face?

Therefore, it is only wild news, and few people believe it.

The real reason is probably only known to those high and mighty figures.

But then again, although the national situation of the reef country is getting worse day by day, the life of the people in the territory is still stable.

There is a Wenshan County in China. The Wenshan County is not happy with the mountains. There are many dangerous peaks in the county, so it is named.

At this moment, on the top of a dangerous mountain piercing through the clouds, two figures showed traces.

The Nine Chapters Jade Bi called Beihuifeng floated between the two of them.

Fang Heling forcibly suppressed the joy of harvest, and when he opened his eyes, the muscles on his face were already relaxed. Then he saw Wang Changji's eyes.

So calm and detached.

The face originally belonged to Zhang Linchuan in memory, but because of the difference in eyes, it showed a completely different temperament.

Fang Heling didn't know why, panicked, and immediately said: "I have harvested a seal method passed down by Huang Weizhen, called the Armadillo Seal, which is extensive and profound. My talent is limited, and it is difficult to understand its mysteries. I also ask Senior Brother Wang to give me some pointers. "

When he said these words, he looked sincere.

Wang Changji just glanced at him indifferently: "You can collect what you have gained."

It takes a long time for a person's sense of security to be established. And to break it, often only one thing is needed, even just a moment.

Fang Heling's vigilance and vigilance, inferiority complex and what he wants.

Wang Changji could see it clearly, but he didn't care too much. Saying this is the limit.

At this moment, he was standing on the top of this unnamed and dangerous peak, looking at the sea of ​​clouds under the night, and casually raised a finger in front of him.

On the fingertip is a Kui Niu Yuan Dan, hanging like a pearl, jade and amber, with thunder hidden in it.

Fang Heling stood beside him silently. Of course he didn't dare to ask Wang Changji what he had gained, but he guessed that it should be the top gain such as the secret of Huang Weizhen's presence——

If the rules of the Mountain Sea Realm are fair, it is self-evident who has done the more difficult thing.

The mighty wind blows the nameless mountain.

The nameless follow the nameless.

Wang Changji looked ahead quietly, with distant eyes, and made no other movements.

Fang Heling didn't know whether he was looking at the sea of ​​clouds or Kui Niu Yuandan.

I really want to discuss something, but I don't know what to discuss with him.

Just stood quietly with him.

Silently counting the passage of time.

When the sun jumped out of the sea of ​​clouds, the stratus clouds were dyed golden.

Wang Changji just broke the silence.

"It's time," he said.

With a slight hook of his finger, he opened his mouth to swallow the Kui Niu Yuan Pill.

The flashing thunder suddenly jumped on him!

Fang Heling couldn't help but take a step back when the terrifying aura was only leaked.

"Don't be nervous," Wang Changji's voice was still calm as the lightning that traveled through the body had gathered to a dangerous level: "I just make up for the shortcomings of this body."

The same thing, Fang Heling seems to have heard Wang Changji say it, but he doesn't remember when. But he always felt that it was just a self-deprecating word.

As strong as Wang Changji, where would there be any "shortcomings"?

"You are already the top genius I know." Fang Heling said sincerely.

Wang Changji said in a low voice: "This is a body that has not even touched the supernatural powers in the fourth mansion, so Zhang Linchuan gave it up and tried to seize the body of bones. But in the fifth mansion, I captured [Thunder Pool]."

Lei Chi?

Fang Heling was faintly disappointed.

After spending so long in Wuhui Valley, he is no stranger to the world of practice. He had heard of Lei Chi.

Although it is said that there is no strongest supernatural power, only the strongest person.

But in terms of the personality of the supernatural power itself, Lei Chi is definitely not as good as a dominant supernatural power like Lei Xi. After all, Lei Xi is known as "one seal seals the world, and I am the Lord of Thunder". Of course, Lei Chi should also be controlled by him.

He felt... such supernatural powers were not worthy of Wang Changji.

The physical body of supernatural powers could not be found even in the fourth mansion, but was picked off by Wang Changji in the fifth mansion. This is the deed that Wang Changji's name should match.

The supernatural powers harvested by people like Wang Changji. Not to mention the pinnacle, at least it should be a personality with supreme supernatural powers...

Fang Heling didn't let his disappointment show, he just looked at those thunder lights very seriously, wanting to see something extraordinary.

Wang Changji may not be aware of Fang Heling's emotions, or he may be aware of it but he doesn't care. He just continued: "Lei Chi is a very interesting supernatural power with very broad possibilities. I have had many ideas about it, and the most wonderful one is Only today have the opportunity to verify."

His index finger was a little weak on his chest: "This is Lei Chi."

Within the five mansions, the fifth inner mansion appeared rumblingly, with lightning flashing in it!

And at the position on the chest, a bright spot of lightning jumping appeared in response.

Hover there, dazzling.

Wang Changji's finger moved slightly diagonally downwards, and unexpectedly, a flash of lightning moved along with it. Between the chest and abdomen, there was a clear line of electric light...

It looks like an ancient divine pattern, and it depicts something mysterious.

When the finger stopped, there was a slight pause, and another lightning spot was born!

In the five mansions that outsiders cannot see, the fourth inner mansion also appears in the high sky. And in the fifth inner mansion, a thunder light jumped out immediately, shining like a bridge, spanning the mid-air, and erected on the fourth inner mansion!

The Fourth Inner Palace was instantly bathed in thunder.

At the dome of the Fourth Inner Palace, the almost endless thunder light rushes like a waterfall, and it is compressed into a light spot, hanging there high. At first glance, it looks like a supernatural power seed!

Then came the third inner palace, the second inner palace...

Wang Changji's fingers also continued to use the thunder light as ink to draw between his chest and abdomen.

Although Fang Heling couldn't see Wang Changji's Wufuhai, he could guess something just by looking at the changes in his chest and abdomen, and was so shocked that he couldn't speak for a while.

No matter how violent the thunder light inside and outside his body is, no matter how the power enough to destroy this mountain moves in the muscles and flows in the blood vessels... Wang Changji's fingers always remain stable, moving meticulously at an almost uniform speed with.

The second light source, the third light source, the fourth light source...

His finger swiped calmly, lighting up all five light sources. Between his chest and abdomen, a blazing light shone brightly for a moment. The five light sources are connected into one body, making him feel like a furnace and thunder like fire.

And this is what Jiang Wang once showed and what Fang Heling has seen... the body of heaven!

"This..." Fang Heling struggled to speak: "Heaven... Tianfu?"

There were so many things that shocked him. It's not just that Wang Changji only took off one supernatural power, but achieved the brilliance of Tianfu.

What's more, Wang Changji is already in the realm of Wailou, and he can go back and achieve Tianfu!

This is completely inconsistent with the common sense of the practice world!

Wang Changji closed his eyes, guided the light of the five supernatural powers to quench his body, and said calmly: "It's just a state of pseudo-Tianfu, not the real Tianfu."

The muscles and bones all over his body cracked and exploded, thundering away, frantic video game, it seemed that an unprecedented war was taking place in his body.

"This... how did you do it?" Fang Heling heard his own voice asking.

Even after witnessing all this with his own eyes, he still couldn't imagine the cause.

Wang Changji said in a low voice: "Thunder pool supernatural power has its own particularity. It has the characteristics of inclusiveness and openness. I just borrowed the power of Kui Niu Yuandan to reproduce the four thunder pools... that's all."

In his body that didn't look strong but hidden with endless power, there seemed to be thousands of rapid sounds, like horse pedaling, like a war drum, and after his words came to an end, there was a sharp bang.

It came to an abrupt end.

In the time of two sentences, the quenching of the light of the five supernatural powers has been completed.

Wang Changji opened his eyes, the thunder light all over his body suddenly stopped, and the blazing light on his chest and abdomen went out one by one. He stood there, still calm and distant, as if nothing had happened.

But definitely, there has been a change, forever.

At least Fang Heling will never forget this day.

right in front of him.

Wang Changji took advantage of the particularity of the thunder pool supernatural power and the power of Kui Niu Yuandan to re-carve four thunder pools in his inner palace. Using a supernatural seed, illuminate the five inner mansions, thus forming a pseudo-heavenly mansion state, achieving the effect of the five mansions shining together!

This has never been seen before!

History books have never heard of it!

He knows, he has witnessed history.

But at this moment, he still doesn't know that what he sees is just the beginning of a chapter.

Fang Heling swallowed hard, but still felt his throat was a little dry: "Next, we..."

Wang Changji calmly felt his body, felt the power of the Abundant Body.

"After making up the last shortcoming, I can't do more. So..."

He jumped into the sea of ​​clouds.

The sea of ​​clouds is boundless, and his posture is free.

Its body turned into a huge bolt of lightning, as if tearing apart the sky.

Rumble rumble rumble!

Lightning is thousands of miles away.

In the 3920th year of the Dao calendar, the second day of March.

According to the sky, the sun is shining brightly.

But there was a heavy rain in the reef country.



Rain in the west, sunny in the south.

Tuk tuk, tuk tuk.

Outside a boudoir in Duke Yu's mansion, there was a bold knock on the window.

Not only is it crisp and crisp, but it is also continuous, with the momentum of knocking on the sky without opening the window.


In this room on the attic, a window was finally opened, revealing Qu Shunhua's bright and generous eyes.

It seems to be filled with sunlight, which is a little bit bright and scorching.

Turning his eyes, he muffled his voice: "Why do you come to climb the window of the girl's house in broad daylight? I'm not afraid that someone will break the dog's legs!"

The ending sound falls, which is very fierce.

"Let me go in." Zuo Guangshu said and squeezed in.

But the window was firmly stuck.

Qu Shunhua firmly held the window with both hands: "I can't let you in, do you still want to be famous when word spreads?"

Zuo Guangshu pouted and knocked on the window sill for a long time, already anxious: "Why didn't you consider my reputation when you opened the window of my house?"

Qu Shunhua burst out laughing, but soon became serious again.

"Nonsense! I, Qu Shunhua, a lady from a famous family, would not do such things. Don't talk nonsense and daydream!"

Zuo Guangshu puffed his mouth, but didn't say anything.

Qu Shunhua asked again: "The weather is so bright today, it's a great time, why didn't you accompany your brother Jiang to practice?"

There seemed to be a maid walking downstairs.

Zuo Guangshu said in a low voice and shyly: "You let me go into the house quickly, go in and say... people will see it."

Qu Shunhua tilted his head, looked through the window for a long time, and said, "Are you afraid that people will know?"

Zuo Guangshu groaned for a long time before saying: "I'm not afraid. We have a marriage contract! It's's not good looking here."

Qu Shunhua snorted, and then Shi Shiran let go.

Zuo Guangshu quickly turned into the window, then turned around and closed the window.

Then he leaned in front of Qu Shunhua, holding out the Mingkong Jade from his bosom as if offering a treasure.

"Sister Shunhua, look..."

Qu Shunhua looked at the Mingkong Jade obtained on the Tianshan Mountain, and his eyes softened: "What about you?"

"I'm fine." Zuo Guangshu held the Mingkong Jade in both hands. The eyes of this handsome young man are extremely bright, as if in the light: "Look, it's not broken at all."

Qu Shunhua stretched out his hand to pick up the Ming Kong Jade, and felt the warmth on it, which was the temperature warmed from his heart.

"Of course I know you are fine." She smiled very gently, and put her hand and Ming Kongyu into Zuo Guangshu's palm: "I'm about you? Wish?"

Zuo Guangshu felt the touch from the palm of his hand, and the roots of his ears turned red.


Only then did he realize what Qu Shunhua asked.

Hastily said: "I got the Nine Phoenix Chapter!"

"How is the effect of the Chapter of Nine Phoenixes?" Qu Shunhua asked with a smile.

Zuo Guangshu felt a little embarrassed: "I haven't started practicing yet. I just came out of the mountain and sea realm, and I ran over to find you..."

Qu Shunhua took his hand very naturally: "Come on, sit here, let's talk slowly..."

Thanks to the book friend "Rebel" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 264th League of the Chixin Sky Survey!


The epidemic is repeated, everyone pay attention to protection.

I went for a booster shot today.

My arm still hurts a bit, I think...

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