Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1491 The sun is shining and everything is amiable

The attic where the dignified Duke Yu's granddaughter lives is naturally elegant and chic.

Naturally, the rhyme of poetry is like water, and it is naturally the warm wind that sends fragrance.

But Zen Master Xiyuean, who was standing on another window sill in the suite, obviously couldn't enjoy it.

Especially when the young couple in the room became more and more affectionate.

She gently pressed the corners of her eyebrows, and unexpectedly found a few embarrassing fine lines on her puppet body.

She wanted to cough, so as to wake up the young men and women who had no one in their eyes.

Or pretend to have just seen the person coming, and go up to say a few words of greeting.

But after thinking about it, after all, he didn't say a word, jumped downstairs silently, and closed the window with his backhand.

After all, I am Buddha compassionate.

She passed the wind, leaving no sound of the wind.

When she landed on the ground, it was as if the two feet were growing on the ground, and they took root when they landed.

The relationship with Da Chu Yu State Duke's Mansion has been established for many years, but there is no need to explain anything.

Yue Tiannu, who was covered in gray robes, walked out of Duke Yu's mansion alone.

In view of the magnificence encountered in the mountains and seas, I wanted to say something to Jiang Wang, but there was nothing to say after thinking about it.

That's all.

Chu has always been prosperous, and Ying City is known as "the world is prosperous".

With light steps, she stepped into the endless stream of people.

Since then, all the way to the north, return also.



Zuo Guangshu ran away without saying hello, leaving Jiang Wang alone in the room in a daze for a while.

Then follow the trend to practice...

The two seals passed down in the mountains and seas are both unpredictable and cannot be easily controlled.

Moreover, there is not much time to study in the mountains and seas.

Therefore, although it has been a while since I got it, I still only stay at the point of general understanding.

This time, his main research is the Huo Dou Yin.

Sitting alone on the chair, with his hands folded in front of him, his fingers are changing rapidly.

Those dazzling printing decisions are not difficult for him now. What really needs a lot of time and energy to explore is the... rules behind those complex printing decisions.

Yes, Jiang Wang can now vaguely feel that these ever-changing and complex seals are like a winding road, allowing people to reach the top of the mountain through time and energy when their realm is insufficient.

He needs to explore the connection between them, and truly comprehend the process of mountain climbing, in order to be able to grasp the profound meaning of this seal method.

tuk tuk.

There was a knock on the door.

This sound is just right to wake people up, but it is not harsh or frightening.

Jiang Wang received the seal and looked up, and saw the thin and elegant Duke Huai standing outside the door.

This is the Duke's Mansion of Huai State, and the door is also open, but he didn't come in directly.

Jiang Wang hurriedly stood up and saluted: "My lord!"

"You don't need to be too polite." Zuo Xiao waved his hand and crossed the threshold: "The old man just came back and heard that the mountain and sea realm trial has ended, so I came to have a look, thinking that you may have some questions that need the old man's advice... Guangshu? ?”

"That..." Jiang Wang said with some embarrassment: "I just went out not long ago, maybe I can come back at night."

The old man smiled with relief.

Then said: "It seems that your harvest is good."

Jiang Wang said honestly: "Guangshu won the chapter of Nine Phoenixes, and I got the secret of Huang Weizhen's Divine Presence. I also had to pass on two seals and got two drops of the blood of strange beasts."

Zuo Xiao looked at him, and said in a gentle voice, "It's not easy to achieve this level. Although the old man knows that you can definitely do it... Thank you for your hard work, child."

Jiang Wang has long been used to people's praise.

But I don't know why. When the old man said "Thank you for your hard work", he still had a feeling of excitement, and a warm current flowed through his heart.

He said with a smile: "It's not hard work, but for the juniors, this is also a rare experience."

"I know, Guangshu is still inexperienced and naive, and must have caused you a lot of trouble..." Zuo Xiao said, waved his hand, stopped Jiang Wangyu's modest words, and continued: "Say Thank you very much, but as Guangshu's grandfather, I should really express my gratitude."

He paused for a moment, then said: "If there is nothing too important, you can stay in the mansion for a few more days. Although the old man has some extravagant money, but I'm afraid it will hurt your sincerity, so it's not good as a thank you gift. I will rely on the old to sell the old, fight As the years go by, I will teach you how to practice for a while... What do you think?"

This kind of formal pointing practice is different from the kind of pointing before entering the mountain and sea realm.

The latter is like when Cao Jie casually mentioned a few key points during the battle when he was preparing for the battle at Guanhetai.

The former is similar to Yi Xingchen and Chongxuan Chuliang's all-round guidance on the point of view before going to the Guanhetai.

Duke Huai of Great Chu personally gave instructions on how to practice!

This thank you gift is not only heavy?

For a person of Duke Huai's level, no magical artifacts, no amount of primordial stones and elixirs are as precious as his time, energy, and true feelings.

Jiang Wang bowed down sincerely: "How dare I have such an extravagant request? It is my great honor for you to take the time to give me advice."

Zuo Xiao stretched out his hand and helped him up: "When the old man looks at you, he always feels that there is a kind of fate..."

He patted Jiang Wang's arm lightly: "Just don't make a difference."

Jiang Wangdao: "When I come to the mansion, it's like coming home. When I see the father-in-law, I just feel that I am my elder, and I am very amiable."


Duke Huai has been in the army for a long time, and he pays attention to swift and resolute actions.

Dang even let go of Jiang Wang's hand, and turned sideways to make room.

"Let's start with the Indian method you just practiced..."

"The root of this seal method is Huang Weizhen's Dao-level seal method, named [Shan Hai Dian Shen Yin], which is known as the best seal method in the world. It is a set, and there are 871 kinds Sealing method, combined to become the God of Mountains and Seas. Huang Weizhen deduced it to this extent back then, and fought it all over the world. According to what he left behind, the deduction of this seal to the end should be a total of one thousand two hundred and ninety-six kind……"

"The biography you got is one of them, and it is suitable for your realm. Come on, like me, you pinch the seal just now again, and only use the power of your soul to feel it..."



I don't know when to practice.

The sun and the moon are suddenly too late.

Time is in the eyes of lovers, so it is...

When Zuo Guangshu finally remembered his big brother, he jumped back to the mansion briskly. Under the guidance of the old man, his elder brother Jiang has roughly gone through both Huo Douyin and Bi Fangyin.

Not to mention that it has been fully mastered, it can almost be used to deal with conventional battles.

One sentence is true, but thousands of books are false.

There is a world of difference between someone pointing and no pointing.

The obscure and mysterious seal method passed down by Huang Weizhen is as simple and easy to understand as the Three Character Classic under the guidance of Duke Huai.

"came back?"

Zuo Guangshu turned sharply on the spot, and when he stepped out, such a voice came from his ear.

"Ah, I'm back!" Zuo Guangshu turned around obediently, and greeted politely: "Hello, Grandpa, Brother Jiang."

He looked at his grandfather cautiously, feeling a little apprehensive.

As soon as he finished the mountain and sea environment trial, he slipped out and couldn't get home, and he would be reprimanded no matter what he thought.

But Zuo Xiao just looked at him with a smile.

"Go to the other courtyard and rest." The old man waved his hand: "Brother Jiang and I still have some cultivation issues to discuss."

Zuo Guangshu turned around hesitantly: "Then I... left?"


As soon as two feet stepped out, the courtyard door was already closed.

The thick gate with gorgeous carvings has a kind of trance like a dream.

Zuo Guangshu was stunned for a moment.

I just went out for a walk... what happened?

He didn't leave right away, but stopped outside the door and listened for a while.

From the yard came the voice of Big Brother Jiang seriously asking for advice, and the old man's kind laughter sounded from time to time.

He curled his lips. When he usually gives advice on his practice, the old man doesn't laugh so much...

I don't have any sour emotions in my heart, but I suddenly remembered... I have been to the mountain and sea realm for so long, my mother must have been waiting very anxiously!

Zuo Guangshu shook his body.

As if the feet were oiled, they ran from one side to this side, and then from this side to the other side.

The courtyard where Niangqin lives is not so much a courtyard as a small palace.

In fact, when they got married that year, Emperor Chu specially ordered the master craftsman to recreate it in the Huai State Duke's mansion by comparing it with the Shaodian where Princess Yuyun lived in the palace.

I am afraid that my sister will not be used to living after she gets married.

So the name of this courtyard is Shaoyuan.

I heard that when his father was still there, Emperor Chu would sometimes visit him in private.

But Zuo Guangshu no longer had any impression.

The fertile land of Dachu is thousands of miles away, with countless heroic past stories and endless heroic epics.

There are not many people who can still be remembered after death.

Zuo Guangshu ran very fast, and in the blink of an eye he was in Shaoyuan.

There is a flower garden surrounded by glazed covers in Shaoyuan.

The flow of air is done through the magic circle, and the temperature inside the glass cover is kept constant...

It may be hard to believe.

What Princess Da Chu Yuyun likes is not exotic flowers and plants, but ants.

This flower garden, which costs a lot of money and consumes a lot of money every month, is actually the petting garden of Princess Yuyun.

It is said that it was because when she was a child, she often stayed alone in the palace, very deserted, and often watched ants move to pass the time. Gradually, I developed this strange preference.

As for Zuo Guangshu's father, Zuo Hong, the famous general of Chu who died in the battle, because his wife likes ants, he spent a huge amount of money, searched the world, and found the most beautiful ant in the world——

Phoenix pattern sleeping flower ant.

These ants are very fragile.

Can't stand the cold, can't stand the heat. Don’t drink anything but nectar, don’t eat anything other than famous flowers, don’t eat it, don’t eat too much…

It is more expensive to keep it than to buy it.

But the Duke of Huaiguo kept it in this way, using a garden of famous flowers to raise such a litter.

There are twelve servants in the Duke's mansion, who do nothing but serve this nest of phoenix-patterned sleeping flower ants.

Even Zuo Hong would take care of them himself whenever he was free.

It is said that……

It is said that.

Mother is always talking.

So Zuo Guangshu also remembered some intermittently.

He has never participated in the stories of his parents, but images often appear in his mind. They are all mother's long memories.

He doesn't remember much about his father.

But in a trance, I can always remember such a scene——

I was grabbed by the back of my neck by a big rough hand, and planted in front of this broken flowerbed like a seedling.

My brother is by my side... the same is true.

The tall figure holding the two brothers in the middle, his face is always shrouded in a layer of light, making it hard to see clearly, but the voice is still remembered——

"If you don't sweep a house, how can you sweep the world? Even your mother can't coax you well, so why should you send troops and generals to convince people? Brats, dare to make your mother angry, and don't put someone on my left. In your eyes! Remember your mission today, and take care of this nest of ants! If one of them gets sick and wilts, then..."

What is it?

Zuo Guangshu remembered that the punishment seemed to be a slap on the palm.

But my brother said no, the punishment was to confiscate a month's pocket money.

Although at that time, he didn't want to understand why the brothers were confiscated pocket money, but the punishment was carried out by the elder brother...

Zuo Guang remembered it very well.

At that time, my brother always said: "This difficult task is entrusted to you."

And I always give a military salute in a proper manner: "Follow the order!"

Then my brother disappeared in a flash.

Looking at the beautiful sleeping flower ants with phoenix patterns in the glass cover, I watched them with great interest, and stayed for an entire afternoon.

It was a splendid afternoon.


When Zuo Guangshu ran to the glazed flower garden, he saw a familiar figure, with his hands on his knees, squatting halfway in front of the flower garden, staring at the beautiful ants crawling in and out, in a daze.

The long skirt was dragged on the ground, but he didn't notice it.

He seemed to have just discovered today that his mother was already in the state of divine presence, but she still couldn't stop the fine lines around her eyes.

Shenlin is indeed a fake immortality.

The promised youth will stay forever, how can you still feel sad?

Zuo Guangshu had an uncontrollable sore nose.

But after all, he laughed: "Mom! I got the Chapter of Nine Phoenixes!"

He smiled brightly and sunny, from head to toe, without a trace of gloom.

"Yo!" Xiong Jingyu Shi Shiran turned her head, looked at her son, and looked up and down: "Why does the young man have to go back to the house today?"

Zuo Guangshu pretended to be dissatisfied: "I haven't seen you for so long, you don't care about me?"

"Oh, it's not my turn, right?" Princess Da Chu Yuyun turned her head to look at her ants again: "I still care about my phoenix-pattern sleeping flower ants, after all, I'm the only one of them. Sympathy."

"Mother, look at how careless you are, your skirt is covered with mud." Zuo Guangshu hurried forward and helped his mother up: "Come on, stop squatting here, I will help you Go and sit over there."

The mother and son walked to the open garden on the other side, stepping on the gravel path, the wind, flowers and leaves were gentle, but mother and son were very filial.

Only Xiong Jingyu seemed to have air-conditioning between her teeth: "It's not time for you to help me, otherwise, if I can't do it every day, the land is bad, and I can't find anyone everywhere, what should I do?"

Zuo Guangshu couldn't stand it at all, so he had to change the topic again: "Mother, don't you care about what your son has gained this time?"

"That's my mother's concern." Xiong Jingyu turned her head to look at him, with a half-smile in her eyes: "Excuse me, Mr. Zuo, what did you gain in the Duke Yu's mansion?"

Thanks to the book friend "150414005514504" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 265th League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

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