Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1492

My lord Niangqin's teasing eyes narrowed.

Zuo Guangshu's face turned red all of a sudden, and he hesitated.

But he hesitated for a long time, but he couldn't figure out why.

Princess Da Chu Yuyun stared at him, tilted her head and stomped her feet and glanced over, her tone full of disappointment: "There is nothing wrong with it."

Zuo Guangshu was ashamed and annoyed: "Mom! What are you talking about!"

Xiong Jingyu discovered the new world: "Hey! You really understand it!"

He sighed pretending to be sad: "Oh, the child has really grown up, but the mother is old."

"What's the matter?" Zuo Guangshu said angrily, "For a cultivator of God's Landing, living for hundreds of years..."

The sound stopped abruptly.

He realized he had said the wrong thing.

It is normal for a cultivator to live only a few decades.

Like his father.

Like his brother.

Extraordinary power also means extraordinary responsibility and extraordinary commitment.

The reason why some people cannot live safely to the end of their life is because they give their stability to the people behind them.

"Speaking of it." Holding his mother's arm, Zuo Guangshu said, "I remember that the favorite food of the phoenix pattern sleeper ant is the golden feather impatiens, right?"

"That's right." Xiong Jingyu said cooperatively, "I have to spend a lot of money to buy some of the famous flowers in Qidi every year."

"Have you bought less in recent years?"

"It seems that their output is not enough. There are not many that can be distributed to us."

"I remember that we have a fixed amount, and the money is not small every year."

Xiong Jingyu said with a smile: "Although fewer flowers are sent, the price has increased a lot."

"That was really a relief to my son."

"Stupid child. How can there be anything that remains the same in this world? I heard that there is also a change of people over there."

"Oh. So..."

The mother and son chatted like this, walking slowly on the path under the sun.

Sometimes time is static, and sometimes it really passes.

Some pains cannot be touched.

Think once, cry once.



Huangliang Terrace.

See me upstairs.

It was still the table from last time, but this time it was Chu Yuzhi who came late.

Although he is not very close to the family, he has a good personal relationship with Zuo Guangshu and Qu Shunhua, and he can often come to Huangliang Terrace for a meal.

"I'm late, I'm really sorry." As soon as he came upstairs, he apologized repeatedly.

"It doesn't matter." Qu Shunhua said with a smile: "Anyway, we didn't wait for you, so we found a seat by ourselves."

Today, Duke Yu did not sit in Huangliang Terrace, and everyone ate more casually.

Still sitting in the same position as last time, Chu Yuzhi looked left and right, and suddenly sighed: "It's full of officials!"

After the Duke of Chu, the third-rank senior officials of Qi are indeed all prominent.

Look at their brilliance, what they eat is worldly delicacies, and what they enjoy is the top wealth. Get what you want in the mountains and seas...where can you not get what you want?

It's really flowers blooming brocade, extravagantly covering others.

"I'm not a public servant." Ye Lan'er's eyes drifted carelessly: "Why, was your ambition broken by Dou Zhao?"

Chu Yuzhi didn't expect that when he sighed casually, he would be caught out of emotion, and for a moment he felt that Ye Lan'er was paying close attention to him.

Of course he knew it was an illusion.

The biggest illusion of human beings is that "she is interested in me".

Especially when this "she" is Yelan'er.

"Not at all." Chu Yuzhi smiled and said, "I have long had a psychological expectation for the gap between me and Dou Zhao, but now it's just a little bit more exaggerated than my expectation...the road has to be slow. "

"Then why are you sighing?" Ye Lan'er asked leisurely.

"The road... is too long." Chu Yu said.

The gap between Chu Yuzhi and Dou Zhao, and the gap between Zuo Guangshu and Qu Shunhua, is the gap between a commoner monk and a child of a top aristocratic family. Much more than what is visible to the naked eye.

Those visible and invisible gullies take a long time and hard work to fill.

I know the road has to be walked slowly, but this road is really too long...

This was the reason why a determined person like Chu Yuzhi couldn't help but sigh.

"I'm not a public official either." Jiang Wang said: "A few years ago, I was just a grassroots person. Now I think of myself, but there is not much difference."

Chu Yuzhi took a deep look at him: "Brother Jiang, you are not from Chu, you don't understand."

Jiang Wang heard the unusual meaning in his words, but he just smiled and didn't speak.

But Chu Yuzhi seemed to be aroused by a certain emotion, and he couldn't vomit quickly, and he couldn't speak smoothly. He looked at Jiang Wang, but it didn't look like looking at Jiang Wang. He just continued: "Chu's millennium evils all started from the aristocratic family!"

It was so sudden.

This sentence is too sudden.

This attitude is too sudden.

This sound, like the sound of tearing silk, and the sound of knives and guns, instantly changed the atmosphere in the field.

Qu Shunhua sat on the head, expressionless: "Brother Chu, you are already drunk before drinking."

Chu Yuzhi grabbed the wine glass and held it tightly: "Yes, I'm drunk."

When friends meet, the atmosphere is really uncomfortable.

When he was with Qu Shunhua, Zuo Guangshu was always the one who talked less.

But today he rarely looked at Chu Yuzhi proactively: "Brother Yu, Shunhua and I treat you sincerely. Why did you come here suddenly in front of my Brother Jiang today, and embarrass me?"

Chu Yuzhi was silent for a moment, and said, "Guangshu, I'm sorry."

He pulled away the chair, stood up again, and said seriously: "Shunhua, I'm sorry."

He bowed his head one by one to apologize: "Brother Jiang, I'm sorry."

"Miss Ye, I'm sorry."

"I spoiled everyone's happiness."

He was alone, standing in front of the dining table, facing the table full of delicacies, and facing the people sitting, his tone was low: "Originally, it is very happy for friends to gather to eat and drink. We all wish to be happy together."

"But I can't be happy."

"I seriously wanted to have a drink with everyone, but I opened my mouth and couldn't say a single nice word."

He reached out and pressed his heart: "I can't speak, my heart is full of grief!"

Zuo Guangshu looked at him very seriously: "Brother Chu, if you have something to say, there is always a way to solve it. Do you have to act like this... like this?"

Chu Yuzhi looked at him, twitched the corners of his mouth, and shook his head again: "Brother Guangshu, I'm not sad for myself. I'm not hurting for myself."

"Do you know Xiao Shu?" He asked.

He said: "My good friend, Xiao Shu. A genius who was born in Dan country, he has paid a lot to participate in this trial of mountains and seas. We have invited 1,200 fighters from the Republic of Mao to block the central mountain. I want to use this to negotiate terms with people and keep at least one of the gains. But as you all know... I was cut to pieces by Dou Zhao alone."

"I'm not here to complain or seek sympathy. I'm not trying to say how good Dou Zhao is. We can't blame anyone for our inferior skills. Sitting in the sky and looking at the sky, it's our own problem."

"But ah."

Chu Yuzhi took a deep breath, and then said: "Before I went out, I just got a piece of news. Because Xiao Shu spent a lot of resources in the mountains and seas, but in the end he failed to harvest, and his soul was damaged... he has been stripped of participating in Yuanshi Dan will be qualified."

"Dan Dao is prevalent in Dan Country. This Yuan Shi Dan Meeting is their most important ceremony. It is also a ceremony for cultivating young monks and allocating important cultivation resources."

"Xiao Shu is a genius second only to Zhang Xun among the younger generation of Dan Kingdom, but he was excluded from this list."

"Stupid isn't it? Ridiculous isn't it?"

Chu Yuzhi grinned: "But Dan Kingdom has limited resources, and only give them to those who can prove themselves again and again."

Everyone at the table looked at him in silence.

"Of course there are exceptions. For example, Zhang Jing from the Zhang family of the Dan country, and Li You from the Li family of the Dan country..."

Chu Yuzhi looked at the eyes of everyone and smiled: "Strange, isn't it? Strange is fine. You don't need to know who they are, because they are just waste fed with pills."

"Ten years ago, at the Yuanshi Danhui, there was a Tianyuan Great Pill. Xiao Shu was the first in all the tests before the Danhui. The last Tianyuan Great Pill was given to Zhang was the thirty-year-old Tianyuan Pill. The first person under the age of 10, Zhang Xun's younger brother."

"Zhang Xun opened his mouth, who dares to disagree? Elder brother is for his younger brother, of course there is nothing wrong with it. Children of aristocratic families always have more background. Although it is not obvious before the opening of the veins, there must be a future after the extraordinary!"

"It's a pity that Zhang Jing only opened the First Inner Palace last year, and even Xiao Shu's finger is not as good as it."

Chu Yuzhi shook his head: "Ten years later, at the Yuan Shi Pill Association, there will be a Six Consciousness Pill, which is of great benefit to condensing spiritual knowledge. Xiao Shu directly has no chance to participate in the competition..."

"Because he was dragged by me to participate in the Mountain and Sea Realm. In order to prepare for this trial in the Mountain and Sea Realm, he borrowed a lot of resources...but he lost all his money. I also don't have the resources to make up for his loss."

"My chance to participate in the Mountain Sea Realm was won by me in the military competition. I won this opportunity with my sword and one victory after another."

"Xiao Shu didn't have such an opportunity in Dan Country, so he accepted my invitation."

"Some of our army are colleagues, some are powerful monks. Some of them are the sons of generals, and some are nephews of Lord Marquis... But I chose Xiao Shu. Because this quota belongs to me. Because Xiao Shu is stronger than all of them, That will bring me closer to victory."

Chu Yuzhi spread his hands: "But as you can see, we lost."

"Everyone has to bear the consequences of their own choices, and we also have the awareness to face these."

"But I think, I can't help thinking."

The lowered eyelids could not cover his powerful eyes.

He said: "Why do those children of aristocratic families have countless opportunities. But people like Xiao Shu and I can't afford to lose even once? Why do we have to be trampled into the mud when we lose once?"

He asked, "What's the difference between Dan and Chu?"

"Today's Dan Kingdom may not be tomorrow's Chu Kingdom. Can you see it?" He looked at Zuo Guangshu and Qu Shunhua: "I am saddened by this!"

"I don't know what's going on in Dan country, and I don't know how unfair they are. But Dan country is Dan country, and Chu country is Chu country." Zuo Guangshu said as calmly as possible: "Since Zuo's past dynasties, the There are countless people who died in the country. Needless to say, the honors of the past, I have searched the history of the country, and the blood of my Zuo clan is red! My father died fighting for the country. My elder brother died fighting again in armor. If there is a need, I, Zuo Guangshu, also have the consciousness to die. From ancient times to the present, I ask myself that the Zuo family is not responsible for Chu!"

His clear eyes couldn't completely conceal his anger: "Now you say that the evils of Chu all started from the aristocratic family?"

"The Duke of Huai's mansion is full of loyal families, of course I know it! I am full of admiration!" Chu Yuzhi said sincerely, "I also understand what kind of person you Zuo Guangshu are, otherwise how would I have made friends with you?"

He stood there with a mountain on his eyebrows.

"The generation of the Zuo family has Zuo Guanglie and you. The generation of the Qu family has Qu Shunhua, and the Dou family has brothers Dou Zhao and Doumian... My great Chu family is full of talents! But..."

He sighed and said, "If you were not so outstanding, maybe Chu State could still be saved."

The word "saved" is really ridiculous.

Although Da Chu lost the Battle of the River Valley, he is still the overlord of the Southern Region and one of the top six in the world. Every move can stir up the world, and it is far from the time to mourn for it.

But Chu Yuzhi's expression was very serious.

"Guangshu, Shunhua, have you ever thought about what would happen if you were two mediocre people? What would happen to this world? What would happen to you?"

"I'm here to tell you that nothing will change."

"You will still enjoy so many resources, and you will still have so many opportunities left to you.

You just need to be together and have a baby.

The three-thousand-year-old family of Dachu has enough background and time to wait for the next generation to become talents.

The next generation will not work, and there will be the next generation.

Even if it doesn't work for several generations, you can still find a side branch to help you just like Xiang's. Even if some family falls, it is another family that swallows it.

Most of the resources and opportunities in this country are reserved for you. Leave it to your children and grandchildren, generation after generation. "

He asked, "But the tens of millions of civilians like about us?"

Seeing me upstairs, everyone was silent.

"The minister in the court might say, didn't you give you a chance? Didn't you, Chu Yuzhi, enter the Mountain and Sea Realm? Who is to blame for your incompetence?"

"But let's take the trial of mountains and seas as an example. Of the seven yuan and nine chapters of jade, only one piece was won for people like me. The remaining six yuan are all in the hands of the aristocratic family. But how many noble families are there in the world, and how many common people are there?" ?”

"Several dozens of aristocratic families sat around to share the cake, and hundreds of millions of common people rushed to grab the only piece of cake with bare feet and blood. This is the current state of Chu!"

Jiang Wang opened his mouth and was about to speak.

Chu Yuzhi has already looked at him: "Brother Jiang, don't talk about hard work and struggle with me. Your hard work and struggle are just a special case. Many people struggle for a lifetime, but they can only eat one bite and get a piece of food." Wa Zheshen. If you were in the state of Chu... you wouldn’t be able to go so fast.”

"Oh no." He shook his head: "You have such a good relationship with the Duke of Huai, you will go faster. Look, this is the current state of Chu. It is really prosperous in all directions, and the world is beautiful!"

"Chu Yuzhi! You talk like this, it's so chilling!" Qu Shunhua looked at him and said, "Do you know that Guangshu specially brought you Yuanpo Pill today? Otherwise, why do you think we invited you at this time?" Come to the banquet? You have your difficulties, you have your grievances, but are your difficulties and grievances caused by us? Don’t we treat you sincerely? Have we ever insulted you so much that you You want to use these words to hurt people!?"

"So I said sorry."

Chu Yuzhi shook his head, and then shook his head again: "Guangshu, Shunhua, I know you are very kind and treat me very sincerely. I can fully feel your sincerity! But we are in Chu State, we were born with It’s different. I thought I could rely on my own efforts to interact with you on an equal footing. In fact, you have been accommodating me and taking care of me. I know you still regard me as a friend now, but I, who has repeatedly accepted pity, just In fact, a vassal of the family. Not today, but tomorrow."

"This country has a history of thousands of years, and the history of thousands of years only describes one thing - this country belongs to the aristocratic family and belongs to you!"

Chu Yuzhi looked at them: "The Yuanpo Pill that Guangshu took out just proved what I said, didn't it?"

He bowed deeply: "For my personal rudeness and for the harm I caused you, I apologize to you again."

"I'm terribly sorry, but I've made up my mind to do so."

"Farewell, everyone."

After saying this, he turned around and walked downstairs.

I didn't drink a glass of wine when I came, and I didn't drink when I left.


Zuo Guangshu stopped Chu Yuzhi, stood up, and took out a beautiful jade bottle from his arms.

Holding the jade bottle in his hand, it has its own precious light.

"Although the road ahead is different, we see each other today. After all, we met." Zuo Guangshu said: "You should take this Yuanpo Pill to make up for the loss of the soul, so that you can do what you want to do."

Chu Yuzhi's figure stopped at the stairs.

Zuo Guangshu really regarded him as a friend.

In fact, he didn't have many friends in Chu State.

The path he chose was destined to be lonely for a long time.

"Guangshu, I was never targeting you. I have no dissatisfaction with you. No one would hate a clean person like you. I also cherish the friendship you and Shunhua gave me...but that's it."

"We're cutting seats here."

"Your soul pill, I won't take it."

"Please don't give up your sympathy and help."

"If I fall in the mud, let me fall in the mud. Someone will walk over my dead body."

"I want to find a way for the common people of Chu State. This way starts with myself first."

He went downstairs without looking back.

The sound of footsteps knocked away bit by bit.

Jiang Wang, who had been sitting for a long time, got up silently.

Eye contact.

Seeing the second floor of my building, the curtains are closed, and the four sides are open.

If a person sits on a high place for a long time, it is inevitable that he can only see the distance.

Ye Lan'er, the number one beauty in Dachu, looked at Chu Yuzhi's leaving back, her eyes changed slightly, as if she was meeting this person for the first time.

It's no secret that Chu Yuzhi is interested in her.

The young Jun Yanli of Chu State, who is interested in her, can line up from Ying City to Linshang City. If the limitation of "Youth Talent" is taken away, it is not uncommon to line up in Xianyang City.

Chu Yuzhi has never concealed his affection, and has always expressed it in a very measured manner, never annoying.

So she doesn't mind occasionally sitting down to eat and chat together.

Only today he turned and left without looking at her more.

In the face of ideals that can be fought for a lifetime, other things don't matter-men are always like this.

"Eternal hatred is not as good as water, let's wait for waves to rise." Ye Lang'er smiled lightly, shook her head, and didn't know whether it was a sigh or annoyance: "Okay, let's cut the mat."

Her laughter was surrounded by the wind, turning into strands of entanglement.

No one knows whether she cares or doesn't.

"I think he's just using this method to strengthen his path." Jiang Wang withdrew his gaze and sat back.

There are many problems in this world.

There may be more than one way to solve a problem.

And many people believe that they have found the only way.

Some people struggle all their lives just to practice a possibility.

In any case, a person who has lofty ideals and is determined to move forward is worthy of respect.

This is why Jiang Wang got up and watched.

Zuo Guangshu held the jade bottle in his hand, and sat down slowly, as if he was explaining to himself: "He entered the mountain and sea realm this time, and he also won a place in the army. After rejecting the arrangements of so many people, he ended up I didn’t get anything, and my soul was weakened... I’m sure I’m going to be under some pressure.”

Qu Shunhua rolled his eyes at him: "He spoils your mind so badly, yet you still speak for him."

But he also continued: "This time when he came out of the Mountain Sea Realm, Xiang Bei closed the barrier of life and death directly in the Xiang family's ancestral house. It is said that he is very determined and will not break through. Perhaps Chu Yuzhi also needs to strengthen his belief."

She said, and smiled to herself: "So today I came here specially to cut off our robes. After all, if it was later, your Yuanpo Pill would have been sent out."

Both Zuo Guangshu and Qu Shunhua have their own natural positions.

They were born in the family of Zhongming Dingshi, they were born as officials, and they died as officials.

This is an unalterable fact.

There are dozens of generations in their family, and they have struggled for the family business from generation to generation, each of them risking their lives. Isn't it for today's fragrant cars and BMWs, and for future generations like them to have what Chu Yuzhi called "endless opportunities"?

It is impossible for them to give up these.

But they also understood Chu Yuzhi's choice.

With the talent shown by Chu Yuzhi, once he falls to any family, he can quickly get support. But that also means that Chu Yuzhi will become part of the Chu family.

Chu Yuzhi, an orphan who came out of the army, does not cling to any family, takes the country as his surname, sticks to his own way, and has long chosen the most difficult path.

It is precisely because Chu Yuzhi's journey has not been easy, so he knows better what those people like him who start trekking from the beginning need.

They have different roads under their feet and different roots behind them. They are in the same country but in completely different worlds.

Perhaps it was doomed from the beginning that their friendship would not last long.

It's not about who.

Sometimes no one is wrong.

But as Chu Yuzhi said——

"That's it."

All the partings in the world are like this.

Another stab at Brother Yan (41/78.) (This author is working too hard.)

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