Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1493 The top five things I have seen in my life

Zuo's Yuanpo Pill was naturally prepared for Zuo Guangshu and Jiang Wang's trip to the mountains and seas. Although they successfully left the country and did not need this pill to make up for their souls, the value of Yuanpo pill is still immeasurable.

Zuo Guangshu also heard about Chu Yu's difficulties in the army after his defeat in the mountain and sea realm.

He and Qu Shunhua held a banquet today, not only to give Yuanpo Pill to help Chu Yuzhi make up for the loss of his soul, but also to intervene to help him deal with the current predicament.

But their origins are there, and the family they represent behind them has stood in the state of Chu for three thousand years.

As long as Chu Yuzhi accepts this kind of help, he will never be able to get rid of the brand of the aristocratic family for the rest of his life. This point does not shift because of his personal will.

Who would believe that a young man who was protected by the Zuo family or the Qu family would actually fight for the interests of the common people's children all his life?

He could have argued with Zuo Guangshu and Qu Shunhua on an equal footing, he could have - if he hadn't lost this time.

He won the Mountain Sea Realm, and he is still one of the best young people in the Chu Kingdom, and he can still see the distant light just like Zuo Guangshu and Qu Shunhua.

But he lost.

There is no difference between him and Xiao Shu of Dan Country. They all only have one chance to lose.

The world is never fair.

Not saying it's fair to draw an identical end point.

Some people ride horses, some drive cars, some fly... some people can only drag their legs and walk barefoot.

Someone's starting point is on the finish line.

So he came to the banquet, and he came to cut the banquet, which is precisely a kind of honesty and determination.

He is not trying to equalize wealth, but to equalize opportunities.

But if you want to ask him how to do it, he actually has no answer now.

Who can say that he will be able to come up with the correct answer in front of the predicament of a hegemonic country for thousands of years?

The huge historical inertia sometimes crushes all amazing and brilliant characters.

He just knew that he had to rely on himself to walk the path of a commoner.

In the most difficult moments, he was more determined than ever.

Because he once again realized why his situation is so different from others.

So he wanted to tear away the illusion of peaceful coexistence between the poor family and the aristocratic family, and even cut off his only friendship in Chu State with his own hands, and pushed away the two people who might be the only ones who cared about him.

He may fall in the mud, and may never get up again. But he still decided to do it.

He certainly deserves respect.

But understanding belongs to understanding, and position belongs to position.

Farewell today, from now on we will be enemies and not friends.

Although everyone is a strong-willed person, they can also think clearly about the cause. But after Chu Yuzhi came here like this, the crowd lost their mood for a feast after all, and reluctantly agreed for a while, so they had to leave.

Today's table was originally to solve Chu Yuzhi's problem.

Now it's a solution to break off the relationship directly.

But Ye Lan'er turned her beautiful eyes, and said softly: "I have some questions, I want to ask Mr. Jiang for advice alone."

Her watery eyes flowed over Qu Shunhua Zuo Guangshu. "Lend yours to meet my building, borrow your Brother Jiang, and use this good place to meet your don't mind?"

"You have to ask Brother Jiang if he is free." Zuo Guangshu said gently, "His time is very tight. Later, my grandfather will have to give him a practice class."

Duke Huai personally gave Jiang Wang a practice lesson!

The relationship that this embodies is extraordinary.

Although the friendship between Zuo Guangshu and Jiang Wang no longer needs to be verified, is the importance of Duke Huai comparable to Zuo Guangshu?

Ye Lan'er's eyes turned slightly, and she just looked at Jiang Wang with a smile: "Is Mr. Jiang a compliment?"

Jiang Wang had already got up, so he sat down again, and said with a little helplessness: "It's just a chat, can I still jump out of the window now?"

So everyone laughed.

Jiang Wang himself had already agreed, and Qu Shunhua naturally didn't mind, so he graciously led Zuo Guangshu to leave.

The two had just lost a mutual friend, holding hands together, feeling each other's warmth more and more.

Their origins, backgrounds, talents, talents, and everything are the same... They are in love with each other, and they also share the same goals, which is really a rare fate in the world.

The young couple chatted while walking.

"Are you still afraid that she will eat your Brother Jiang?"

"Yes." Zuo Guangshu nodded honestly: "She is God's Realm, Brother Jiang can't beat her."

"People are just asking a few questions, what does it have to do with being able to fight?"

Zuo Guangshu said seriously: "I think they are alone in the same room, and brother Jiang likes to fight very much..."

"What are you talking about!" Qu Shunhua reproached him and hit him.

"What do you say?" Zuo Guangshu was inexplicable: "Brother Jiang really likes to fight, I won't lie to you. In the mountain and sea realm, he fought back and forth with Dou Zhao."

"Oh, like this……"

"What's wrong with you?" Zuo Guangshu looked at her.

Qu Shunhua only looked back with affectionate eyes: "That's great."

Zuo Guangshu couldn't help it, his eyes dodged for a moment: "Why, why suddenly..."

"It's good that you protect Brother Jiang like this." Qu Shunhua's voice got closer and closer: "I thought, if there is a need, you will protect me like this, that's good."

Although Zuo Guangshu was a little shy, he still gave a resolute "hmm".

Immediately, he felt a kind of tenderness on his face, and Ru Lan's breath.

My mind went blank.

There seems to be a ray of electricity coming up from the soles of the feet, and it travels all over the body, some are crisp, some are numb...

And that kiss was gone.

"Let's go, let's wait in front."

Zuo Guangshu let her hold his hand and trot along in a daze. I only feel that my brain is very heavy, but my body is very light.



"Why weren't you angry when Chu Yuzhi yelled at you just now?"

In the attic, Ye Lan'er started with a question like this: "You are not a descendant of a famous family, you are also a descendant of a famous family. You have also worked very hard to get to the present... What you experienced in Qi State, if it were him, he might not be able to survive. He really shouldn't have said it so frivolously."

She is truly a beauty that is hard to find in the world.

Without going into details about facial features and looks, he just sat there and looked at you with understanding eyes.

It is difficult for anyone to break free from the gentleness like water.

Jiang Wang just smiled: "Miss Ye seems to know something about me."

He knew exactly what was real hostility. Chu Yuzhi's magnanimity in life can already be seen in the matter. Those words during the dinner just now were just to emphasize the current predicament of Chu State.

Furthermore, Chu Yuzhi has been in Chu State all along, so it is normal that he doesn't know enough about him. He didn't take that as an offense at all.

On the contrary, he admired Chu Yuzhi's persistence.

When the mountains and seas are frustrated and the spirit cannot be remedied, they can still be so sure about that difficult road... Persistence may not lead to a good result, but those who can go to the farthest future must have some kind of extraordinary persistence.

In a way, they are the same kind of people.

So he can completely understand Chu Yuzhi.

In contrast...Ye Lan'er showed an extraordinary understanding of him at this moment.

This didn't make him daydream, it only made him vigilant.

The intersection between the two was limited to Zuo Guangshu's friend and Qu Shunhua's friend. He really couldn't figure out why the other party needed to understand him.

Chong Xuanpang once said——"Any problem that you can't think of for a while, there must be a problem. If you encounter it, you might as well let it cool down first, and don't rush to deal with it."

Jiang Wang smiled calmly, politely and distantly.

Laughing so hard that Ye Lan'er...

It was quite a surprise.

There is no beauty in the world without knowing it.

But for those who are born with stunning beauty, since you can remember, there have been many people and many things that have repeatedly emphasized your "beauty".

Especially for a beauty like Ye Lan'er.

What she is used to is chasing, being greedy, being unable to stop, liking and restraining, presumptuousness and longing... She is not used to this sense of distance.

Instead, she sat more dignifiedly.

The utensils of Huangliangtai are all top-notch.

The dining chairs they were sitting on were actually not made of wood, but made of beaded copper.

This kind of copper is light, warm and soft, beautiful and elegant. It was originally a material for chariots. Later, that kind of chariot was eliminated by the times, and this material was also replaced in the new chariot.

Zhuhua copper has since lost the market. Later, someone used it to make tables, chairs and bedding, which turned out to be very popular.

Due to the exhaustion of related mineral veins, there are fewer and fewer survivors, and it is already a status symbol in Chudi.

At this time, Ye Lan'er was sitting upright with her hands folded, her perfect figure didn't need to be deliberately emphasized at all, her eyebrows, eyes and hair, and the corners of her skirt. Everywhere is scenery, and everywhere is not moving people's hearts.

"Who can resist curiosity about the leader of the Yellow River?" Ye Lan'er said in an appreciative but reserved tone: "There are only a few countries in the world, and in the past ten years, there have only been a few."

"Inner mansion field, outer building field, unlimited field under the age of 30, each game is more important. Dou Zhao and Chongxuan Zun, who have not won the leader, are far stronger than me. Compared with the real Taiyu, I am just The light of the firefly... that is the leader of the Yellow River worth exploring." Jiang Wang shook his head, and asked directly: "Miss Ye, do you have any questions for me?"

This is a bit of a urging meaning.

Even if Ye Lan'er didn't have any intentions for him, she couldn't accept this kind of extrapolation.

It's like talking with Da Chu's number one beauty, how wronged him!

He was slightly annoyed in his heart, but smiled on his face.

"Are you in a hurry? What are you... afraid of?"

This smile seems to be like a lotus blooming on the water, like the moon shining on a willow.

It was indescribably thrilling.

"I'm really in a hurry." Jiang Wang nodded honestly: "I have some doubts about my practice. I just thought about it for a long time but I couldn't figure it out. I was going back to ask for advice."


It means that before Chu Yuzhi came, why was this genius from Qi country so dazed over there?

Feelings are training!

Sitting next to the number one beauty in Dachu, when she was in a daze, she was actually thinking about cultivation!

are you normal

Hold back this question in your heart.

With an inadvertent gesture, Ye Lan'er gently brushed the hair on her sideburns, and said in a soft tone, "The Taiyin of Xia State has rushed back to Xia State overnight since he left the mountain and sea border. It must be It's because... you made a deep impression on him."

"Oh?" Jiang Wang remained calm.

The mantra from Emperor Wu of Qi is indeed indescribable. Everyone who reads knows the benefits of reading.

Ye Lan'er smiled reservedly: "He ran like he was afraid of being intercepted and killed. Except for you, I can't think of anyone else who has this motive."

"Well. There are some conflicts between Qi State and Xia State. We are in the mountains and seas, and some things have indeed happened..." Jiang Wang asked up to this point, "Is Miss Ye old with him?"

Ye Lan'er said, seemingly intentionally or unintentionally: "Even if there is an old one, between you and him, everyone knows how to choose..."

She looked into Jiang Wangning's steady eyes, covered her mouth and smiled: "Of course, I'm not familiar with Tai Yin. I just happened to know that someone stopped him on the road, and the two chatted for a long time."

She raised her chin slightly, showing the beautiful curve of her neck, and asked with a smile, "Are you curious?"

"I'm not curious." Jiang Wang smiled softly, "It's nothing more than Yi Shengfeng from Nandou Palace."

Apart from other things, this feeling of grasping the situation is really wonderful, no wonder Chong Xuanpang is always so happy.

Ye Lan'er's smile disappeared, because Jiang Qingyang was not good at intelligence in her knowledge of information, so she was a little surprised and said, "How do you know?"

"I just know Yi Shengfeng very well." Jiang Wang said indifferently.

He didn't have any liking or dislike for the number one beauty in Chu Chu, but he couldn't accept her ostentatious gesture.

Using Chongxuanpang's logic, it is clear that there is a pit in it.

He didn't want to jump into the pit, and he was too lazy to fight wits and courage, so he said directly: "If Miss Ye has nothing else to do, I will leave first."

"Master Jiang is really in such a hurry?" Ye Lan'er asked.

For this peerless beauty, there is a bit of fragile sentimentality in her beautiful eyes, and there is quite a sadness of "a man's heart is like iron, but a concubine's body is innocent", which is unbearable.

Jiang Wang stood up without a trace of nostalgia: "Practice Luyao, I dare not delay for a day."


The hand that suddenly pressed on his shoulder was boneless and flawless.

But it brought a force that was hard to resist, broke through the instinctive protection of body and mind in an instant, and pushed him back to the seat!

Ye Lan'er pressed Jiang Wang's left shoulder with her right hand, her upper body was slightly bent, the deep ravine was faint, and the faint fragrance was floating.

Looking down at him with a condescending attitude: "I originally wanted to talk to you about some important things, but I forgot about it now! Now I just want to ask you—"

She said word by word: "Isn't my wife beautiful?"

"Calm down."

With God's presence on the outer building, Ye Lan'er is also playing sneak attacks. Jiang Wang couldn't react at all, so he was already clinging to the seat, so he had no choice but to say: "You and Shunhua are good friends, and Shunhua and Guangshu are a family, and we have eaten together a few times... There is nothing that cannot be discussed! Why don't you sit back and let's talk slowly."

Ye Lan'er reached out and pinched his chin: "Answer the question!"

The situation is stronger than people, so Jiang Wang had no choice but to say truthfully: "It's beautiful."

"How beautiful?"

Jiang Wang hesitated for a moment.

Ye Lan'er exerted force on her hand: "Huh?"

"The top five I've seen in my life!"

As we all know, the top five is the fifth.

Who would say that she is not the most beautiful woman in the world who has met her?

Ye Lan'er originally wanted to take advantage of the situation and ask - "Then how dare you act like you're keeping a respectful distance from my old lady?"

This will all be thrown out of the sky.

For a moment, seven emotions appeared on his face, furious, and his beautiful face moved closer: "How long is it? Take a closer look!"


At this moment, a violent sound came from Jiang Wang's body, like a river and sea pouring down, like a sky river rushing.

It was an extraordinary power that swelled terrifyingly in an instant!

Under the cover of Huo Douyin, in front of Ye Lan'er, he completed the mobilization of Dao Yuan, gathering Qi, blood and soul.

Between the chest and abdomen, five scorching light sources lit up in sequence.

A burst of extremely sharp sword energy burst out, reaching directly between the eyebrows, making Ye Lang'er subconsciously lean back.


The seat fell down.

Lord Jiang has turned over in a chic way, and jumped out of the window.

When you write about choices, write about dilemmas. There will always be people who stand in a different direction. This is so normal.

I think it is a good thing to be able to cause some thinking.

In the previous chapter, some people loved it to death, while others hated it to death.

But actually I don't even have a personal idea. I just completely immerse myself in that world, that character to write. Imagine their vision, their burdens, their characters, and then collide logically and merge into brilliance.

When Chu Yuzhi rejected Dou Zhao's solicitation in the Mountain Sea Realm, in fact, he was already doomed to see the result of the second banquet in Jianwolou.

Like you, I just watched the world from the sidelines.

There are many different people in that world with many different ideas, and they all have their own "correctness", as readers, so do we.

I think it's good for everyone to discuss and think about it.

When we experience a wonderful world, sometimes we should also think about how it exists.

But it's definitely not right to curse...

Swearing will definitely be banned.

Please discuss rationally, thank you.

By the way, let me emphasize again-I hope everyone will not spoil the novel when they read the novel second and third. No spoilers. No spoilers.

There are not many genuine readers of this book, please don't let genuine readers become genuine victims.


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