Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1496 I am at peace

In ancient times, love is short. When people feel happy, time always passes easily.

Before I knew it, I lived in Huaiguo's mansion for half a decade.

It was such a comfortable time.

While immersing yourself in practice, every bit of confusion can be perfectly answered.

In addition to practicing, experience the prosperity of the capital of Chu with Zuo Guangshu, and appreciate the beauty accumulated over thousands of years of history.

There's nothing to worry about, and nothing to worry about—except to hide from the night.

When he was in Yunguo, he still needed to hide his identity and get along with An An in hiding.

But in the state of Chu, he can swagger as much as he wants. If he wants to, he can be domineering.

This day's dinner, as usual, the old man returned home to eat.

During the time Jiang Wang lived in the mansion, he came back every day for dinner.

Those who sit with me are Princess Yuyun of Dachu, Zuo Guangshu, and Jiang Wang.

Practitioners who have reached this level no longer need to eat. Usually banquets are just to satisfy the appetite and find a suitable environment for communication.

But the banquets in the Huai State Mansion are naturally different.

Although it is impossible to compare with the craftsmanship of Yu Guogong who sits on the Huangliang Terrace, it is also a delicacy, and they are all precious materials and elixir, which are beneficial to practice.

"The raw material of this soy cloud ball was prepared by Grandpa himself. Brother Jiang, you have to try it!"

Zuo Guangshu scooped out a milky white dumpling from the golden phoenix-winged pot with a colander, and put it in Jiang Wang's bowl.

And obediently scooped up one for both my mother and grandfather: "Mother, grandpa, you can eat too."

Soy Cloud Tuan is a very famous snack in Chu. According to the different ingredients, there are different flavors, a wide variety, and the taste is absolutely fresh. It has the reputation of "secret eighteen kinds, different clouds for thousands of miles", and is very popular among Chu people. This is cooked food, but it tastes better after being boiled.

The soup boiled in the phoenix wing pot is also specially boiled for hot food.

Jiang Wang took a bite of the waxy and soft soy cloud, and swallowed it. I just feel my blood is hot, my blood energy is like clouds, and I feel comfortable all over.

He knew in his heart that this was a specially prepared meal according to his practice progress.

Although I don't know what kind of raw materials are used, but I can get Huai Guogong to ask me personally, I think I know it's extraordinary...

And this warm feeling in my heart at this moment is more unforgettable than the benefits received by my body.

"It's delicious!" Jiang Wang admired sincerely.

The old man sat at the head, looking like a majestic elder. He chewed and swallowed slowly, and didn't speak easily, but now there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

"By the way, mother. The matter of the Golden Feather Impatiens has been settled, and we won't be shorter in the future." Zuo Guangshu didn't have any rules of keeping his mouth shut. He ate, talked, and rushed. Jiang Wang raised his chin: "Brother Jiang helped with it."

Xiong Jingyu was scooping up a bowl of soup at this time, gently pushed it in front of Jiang Wang, and said with a smile: "Our Xiaowang has a lot of face in Qi."

Jiang Wang took the jade bowl and said modestly: "Where is it? It's not difficult to deal with it. It's just a matter of saying a few words."

Chong Xuanpang, who is far away in Qi, if he hears him say this here, I am afraid that his dividends this year will be deducted as a negative amount.

How could it not be difficult to deal with a rare flower like Golden Feather Impatiens, which has an extremely low yield and is not worried about sales, and can even be sold to Chu?

In Qi State, this is Bao's business.

It took a lot of effort for Chong Xuansheng to buy it at twice the premium.

If Jiang Wang went by himself, let alone say a few words, he couldn't find the gate even if his lips were worn out.

It is worth mentioning that.

The business of the Golden Feather Impatiens was in the Bao family's interior. Bao Zhongqing was in charge of it before, and then Bao Bozhao took over.

This matter itself is not unusual, the dispute over Bao's heirs has been clear, and Bao Bozhao has taken over more than one industry.

There may still be Bao Zhongqing's share in the future, but at that time it was already assigned to him by Bao Bozhao, and the meaning is no longer the same.


Relying on the rarity of the Golden Feather Impatiens flower, they wantonly raised prices for customers like Dachu Zuoshi. Then, under the huge profits of Chong Xuansheng, he easily changed hands of this business...

Based on Jiang Wang's limited contacts, Bob Zhao should not be such a short-sighted person.

But Bob Zhao may have other considerations.

In short, it's not Jiang's turn to take care of Bao's internal affairs.

He is already very satisfied if he can help Guangshu's family solve a little trouble.

Bright topaz lamps hung on the wall filled the dining room with warm light.

Several people ate and talked, laughing from time to time.

Jiang Wang had never seen such a scene in his memory.

His mother passed away when he was very young, and he has never been very close to his stepmother, Aunt Song.

Later, when he was in Linzi, Mrs. Li treated him very kindly, and Feng Yao and Long Chuan were also very good friends, but in the residence of the Marquis of Ruicheng, after all, there were still some restraints that could not be let go.

The so-called "home" feeling that has been vague for a long time is very strange, and I feel it in a place I have never imagined before.

But Jiang Wang ate, drank, and smiled, but knew that he should go.

He understood that he had only temporarily replaced a person, a temporary replacement, a kind of sustenance without a branch.

The imprint of the moon key in the palm is usually not visible.

When he was in the Huai State Mansion, he kept letting it appear.

In that possibility that no longer exists, he hopes that the person who is as bright as the sun can feel how many people still love him...

He knew that he was not Zuo Guanglie.

He can have brotherly feelings for Zuo Guangshu, and can get along with Zuo family members with sincerity, but he can't accept that attachment with peace of mind.

The time in the Grand Chu Huai State Mansion was really beautiful.

Zuo Guangshu regards him as his elder brother, Princess Yuyun treats him like a nephew, and Duke Huai is also very kind and considerate.

Staying here has a very homely atmosphere.

but here...

Not my own home.

I have no home.

The lighting is soft and the gossip is homely. Whose child, vegetable rice hot soup.

In this indescribable warmth.

at this moment.

Jiang Wang misses Jiang An'an very much.

My heart is at ease, my heart is at ease.



"I'm leaving." Jiang Wang said to Zuo Guangshu after finishing the practice of the Xingqiong Holy Building for the day.

Zuo Guangshu, who was sitting in meditation, paused for a moment, opened his eyes and said, "I'll see you off."

There is no retention, and there is no need to retain it.

Growth is made up of countless farewells.

"Take me to tell the eldest princess and the old country goodbye." Jiang Wang said.

Zuo Guangshu got up silently and led the way.

Princess Yuyun of Dachu talked a lot about what to eat and what to wear and how to take care of herself. Finally, she forced a storage box and went back to look at the ants.

Grand Duke Huai of Chu State sat in his study, lowered his head to write, and only said one sentence——

"If you are unhappy in Qi State, you are welcome to return to Chu State. My house... is very empty."

Apart from saying goodbye, take care, well, Jiang Wang didn't know what to say.

So he turned and left.

The "remedial lessons" during this period are of far-reaching significance to him.

A Duke of the state, and the head of a thousand-year-old family like the Zuo Clan of Great Chu, has a profound background that is immeasurable.

Any shortcomings of Jiang Wang can't be hidden from the old man's eyes. With a little guidance, it is to see the sun through the clouds.

With a background like Dou Zhaozhong Xuanzun, before entering the outer building, he already knew every step of the perfect construction of the outer building.

Jiang Wang didn't make up the foundation until this time.

Even Huo Douyin and Bi Fangyin, which were passed down in the mountain and sea realm, have been mastered under the guidance of the old man... In terms of practice, it can be regarded as a complete stage.


"Let's send it here! Shunhua, please speak for me."

Outside the flat and wide official road, Jiang Wang waved his hand and bid farewell to this extremely gorgeous city, the crown of the Southern Region. The green shirt is fluttering, striding away.

A boy in a blue robe. Standing at the gate of the city, there is no further delivery.

Eyes have weight.

Its closeness, its reluctance.

It is the true weight of the heart.

Anyone who wants to can perceive it. Extraordinary cultivation is not required at all.

Jiang Wang felt the weight silently and kept walking.

The official road outside Chudu extends to the end of the field of vision, as if it reaches the horizon. The vast territory of the Great Chu Empire was divided by these official paths.

In the vastness of space and the immensity of time... man is sometimes like an ant.

At a certain moment, Jiang Wang pressed his long sword and turned around suddenly!

He has traveled a long way, and Ying City is still majestic and majestic in sight.

he sees—

At this moment, half of Ying City was dazzled by a layer of brilliant golden light.

Glorious as a golden city!

There is an extremely arrogant figure, hanging high in the city, shining in the sky like the scorching sun.

There are four bright stars in the sky, and there is a real sun spreading its brilliance, but none of them are as dazzling as him.

Just today, at this moment, between the heavens and the earth, there is a declaration of Taoism that has come.

There is a great resonance going on.

The energy of heaven and earth is surging, and the essence of life is leaping...

Someone is being promoted to God!

And look at the entire Chu country, in this period of time. Besides Dou Zhao, who else could have such momentum! ?

Walking alone in the mountains and seas, who cares about the horizontal knife?

Once the God of Jin came, the Xuanhe King's Capital of Chu!

Jiang Wangyao glanced at it, not hiding his admiration, then turned around and walked away on Qingyun.

There is a long way to practice, and everyone is fighting for it. Someone first, someone after, that's all.

Of course, Shenlin is only the beginning of Dou Zhao, and Shenlin will not be the end of Jiang Wang.

When they came, thousands of riders greeted them like thunder,

When leaving, there is a golden body Xuanhe in the capital of the king of Chu.

Great Chu, outstanding people!

In the unrestrained and unrestrained cloud shadow with fairy air.

Suddenly a voice sounded, and it chased after him with an arrogant momentum.

"Jiang Qingyang!"

Dou Zhao's voice!

In the resonance of heaven and earth, at this moment he is already like a god.

And at this time, his voice seemed to be smeared with brilliant light, with a feeling of shining in all directions and scorching people: "I have come to the end of the outer building, and I ask myself where the long sword is going. This place is invincible in this world! God is here After that, I hope you can stop me Tianxiao!"

Jiang Wang's fluttering footsteps in the green shirt stopped in the air.

Dou Zhao's outer building environment is invincible in the world.

He admitted it.

Although he didn't know where Chong Xuanzun, who had returned from the bloody battle in the Lost Realm, had come.

But Dou Zhao has undoubtedly reached the end of the Outer Building Realm, slashing all kinds of tricks with one blow.

Unless there is another historic innovation in the practice system. Otherwise, from ancient times to the present, from the current world to the world, all the monks at the outer building level can at most stand shoulder to shoulder with him, and it is impossible to be better than him.

So he said that he is invincible in this world, no problem.

But in the mountain and sea realm, he, Jiang Wang, indeed failed to stop Tian Xiaodao.

So Dou Zhao is fully qualified to give this expectation.

Looking forward to God's coming, he hopes to grow up.

This is Da Chu's first arrogance, and he should have the confidence and pride.

Jiang Wang was not silent.

He responded to that expectation.

He stood in the sky outside the city of Ying, like a long sword, with a kind of unshakable firmness. Outside the fluttering Ruyi Immortal Clothes, suddenly a bright crimson line of fire swung out, suddenly blooming like an iridescent, spreading fire all over the sky!

The dancing Samadhi true fire that burns everything, almost decomposes and incinerates the eyes of the viewers.

And he produced Bi Fangyin with one hand.

Under the boundless fire, a single-legged divine bird with blue feathers, red stripes and white beak manifested, and flew away from the fire!

It is majestic and gorgeous, like a god controlling the flames.

And on its feathered back, Jiang Wang's frost cape fluttered like a flag.

He looked over, his eyes were like swords, and he was moaning——

"I will come east when God comes, and I will not let you have a long sword and empty scabbard!"

Its sound resounded through the capital of the king of Chu.

The man has stepped on the bird of God and is far away.

The sound is faint, and the people are also faint.



This scene is bound to be remembered by many people.

There must be many children who witnessed this scene, looking up at the starry sky from now on.

The long history of the practice world is one picture after another of heroes.

In a certain courtyard of Chu Wangdu.

A child's innocent voice sounded: "Mother, who is Jiang Qingyang?"

"He..." Mother's voice replied: "He is the leader of the Yellow River in the Inner Mansion in the 3919th year of the Dao calendar. ! But, still not as powerful as our Dou Zhao!"

"How can I be as good as them?"

"Start studying hard today, get up early and exercise, and you can go a thousand miles with a single step. As long as you keep working hard, you will be as good as them."

"Ah... why do you still want to study?"

"Because you not only have to work hard, but also know why you are working hard. Only when you fully understand the meaning of your progress can you go further. Don't look at Dou Zhao and Jiang Wang. It’s hard to put it down!”


Their voices have not yet fallen.

Soon there was another kind of resonance between heaven and earth.

There was a majestic smoke of qi and blood, directly crashing out of the capital of the king of Chu, as if reaching the end of the sky!

boom! boom! boom! boom……

Twenty-one sounds in a row, like drums, like thunder, shaking the sky and the earth. And at the end of the pillar of qi and blood, the smoke was boiling, and there seemed to be layers of sky beyond the sky.

God is coming again!

Someone broke the life limit and achieved it today.

Moreover, he is a living martial artist with twenty-one heavens on his spine, and he has cultivated his blood and energy into divinity!

A whole body of muscles, bones, flesh and hair, are beyond the distance between man and nature.

Accompanied by this grand resonance, there was a roaring and angry voice: "I am here, who are you expecting?! Doushi, you have no one in your eyes?!"

"...Who is this person?" The same yard, the child in the yard asked curiously.

But his ears were soon blocked.

"Oh, don't imitate him, this man has a bad mind."

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