Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1497 Seventeen Years

It has been a long time since Jiang Wang left.

In the spacious and bright study room.

The contemporary Huai State Justice is writing hard.

The official documents to be processed are piled up high, and it seems that there will be no reduction...

He seems to always have something to deal with.

The son died in battle again, and the eldest grandson died in battle again.

All this without bending his spine.

He just worked peacefully, as he had done for many years.

After writing vigorously for a while, I suddenly remembered something, and paused for a while.

"Pass a message to Lu Shuanghe."

"If he can't manage his own people well, then don't worry about it."

After saying this sentence very casually, he bowed his head and started writing again.

There was no voice answering from the room.

But the will of Duke Huai of Great Chu will undoubtedly be carried out in Chu State... and even in the entire Southern Region.



There is a mountain in the territory of Yue, but the mountain has no name.

There is an academy on the mountain, and the academy is also nameless.

However, it is widely known to high-level people in the Yue Kingdom because of the reclusive residence of the Yue State Zhishi and Gao Zheng.

People at that time might say: Yinxiang Peak.

However, the gate of the mountain is closed all the year round, and there are few people walking on the mountain path.

Visitors are not accepted here.

For many years, there is only the bright moon and mountain wind.

Ge Fei, who was wearing a high crown and Confucian uniform, was walking on the mountain road, his ugly face was as rugged as the mountain road.

In fact, Ge Fei was not born ugly, but raised insects when he was a child, and was stung by poisonous insects, so that his face was beyond recognition. Although the toxicity is gone, the shape of the face has changed. The current situation is the result of raising it for many years.

But with his family background and his strength, he wouldn't be troubled by his appearance.

Behind him were two guards from the Soaring Dragon Realm...

Speaking of guards, perhaps the word slave is more appropriate. After all, his cultivation at the Tenglong Realm couldn't protect him, Ge Fei.

One is holding the piano, the other is holding the sword.

Following him respectfully is a kind of pomp.

The piano is excellent, and the sword is also excellent.

The failure of the Mountain Sea Realm did not cause Ge Fei's status to decline.

No one in Ge's generation can compete with him.

Even looking at the entire Yue Kingdom, the younger generation is only Bai Yuxia, who can be called a genius and can be compared with him. Going back a hundred years to the present, probably only when Gao Zheng was young could he be said to overwhelm him.

In this place of Yue, after all, the pond is too shallow to raise dragons. Ge Fei, a genius who is not considered weak even in Chu, really doesn't have to worry about his peers in Yue.

It's just that the struggle is never divided by age. The pressure he has to face is sometimes the pressure of the entire Germina.

At such a time, he climbed up the steps, facing the mountain wind, wearing a Confucian uniform, walking slowly, and calmly.

Everyone knows that he is a disciple of Gao Zheng who retired from the country.

It has been a few days since I returned to China, and this is the first time I have come to see my teacher... It would be shameful not to come again.

Ge Fei is not an outrageous person, so he came.

"Young master."

The guard holding the sword chased forward a few steps, holding a white thousand-mile voice box in his hand, and said respectfully: "There is news from the mountain, saying that Yi Shengfeng from Nandou Palace is coming to visit you."

Ge Fei flicked his sleeves: "No see."

The guard immediately sent a message: "The young master said he didn't see you!"

Only after a while.

A panicked voice resounded from the thousand-mile voice box: "He has rushed up the mountain!"

"Is this man sick?" Ge Fei frowned and waved his hands: "Go, go, stop him, and say that I'm not here! There are also some people who forcibly barge in, who is this!?"

The guards holding the sword and the piano looked at each other and were about to turn around.

There is a voice, piercing the space, passing from the foot of the mountain to the mountainside at a high speed——

"The famous Ge family, why doesn't he dare to see me, Yi Shengfeng?"

This sound is like Jin Tieming, there is a kind of compelling sharpness.

Dare to forcibly break into Yinxiang Peak on the boundary of Yue Kingdom, and overpower the direct descendants of the Ge family, this in itself is a kind of sharpness that can hurt people.

The sound has come, and the person chases after the sound and approaches.

Seeing is inevitable.

Ge Fei stopped walking, narrowed his eyes, and looked back.

But see the long mountain road, winding to the distance. On the rugged mountain road, a person came striding forward.

Wear a jade crown and wear a long sword.

His face is stern, his eyebrows are raised sharply.

His eyes are like flat lakes.

Endless murderous aura surged at the bottom of the lake.

The whole figure is like a sword that has been hidden in its scabbard for many years but is almost unable to hide!

Ge Fei opened his mouth as if he was a son of a noble family, and scolded: "Is Nan Dou Hall full of people who don't understand etiquette? You are..."

This man who was full of murderous aura and came chasing after the sound turned into a sword light without saying a word, and he was far away in a moment!

Such a sharp character.

He ran away as soon as he saw Ge Fei!

The mountain road was silent for a while, only the long gown fluttered by the wind.

Ge Fei was silent for a while.

Suddenly he laughed lightly and said, "Hehehe, leave when you see me."

He looked at the guard next to him: "What's the matter, do I look scary?"

The guard holding the sword just remembered shaking his head, shaking his head desperately.

The guard holding the piano fell into an unspeakable panic: ""

Ge Fei casually walked a few steps, then walked up to the guard holding the sword. He sighed softly, and suddenly drew out his long sword like lightning!

The cold light has dissipated.

bang bang!

Two bodies fell to the ground.

Ge Fei squatted down, took out the thousand-mile voice box that the sword-holding guard had put into his arms, pressed it lightly, input Dao Yuan, opened the communication circle, and then said to the person on the other side of the voice box: "Yi Shengfeng forced his way into Yinxiang Peak, harassed my teacher Qingxiu, killed my guards, and used my famous assassin to send an order that I want him wanted all over the country."

After finishing speaking, regardless of how the other party responded, he threw away the sound box in his hand.

While standing up, he had cut it off with a single sword.

He paused for a moment, the anger in his eyes still seemed to be unrelieved, and he swung his sword back, cutting open the stringed harp that fell to the ground and was still intact.


The strings are broken, and the body of the piano is cracked.

Then he casually threw away the long sword that had just killed two people.

Clang! Clang!

The bloody long sword rolled down the mountain road.

Ge Fei bared his teeth.

"It's kind of unlucky."

He looked up at the sky and thought for a while in silence.

Then take a step and continue to the top of the mountain.

At the beginning, my footsteps were a little floating, as if I was hesitating and thinking, but the more I walked, the more determined I became.

Da da da.

The boots stepped on the stone steps up the mountain, and finally reached the top of the mountain.

For the building on the top of the mountain, it is a bit far-fetched to say that it is an academy, because there are not many scholars in it. Not even many books.

From the point of view of shape, it is more like a Taoist temple.

It's a pity that there is no Taoism here.

No ghosts, no popularity, no involvement.

The gate was closed tightly, and the iron ring of the animal head was already rusted, and the red paint on the door had long since peeled off.

The reason for Gao Zheng's sudden resignation is still a mystery. And the time trapped on this nameless mountain has never given an answer.

Maybe there will be none in this life.

Ge Fei walked to the side door, gently pushed open the half-covered door panel, and stepped into the courtyard amidst the overwhelmed creaking sound.

The tall knotty trees were silent.

The yard was full of fallen leaves again.

No one else is allowed to visit here, and there are never servants to serve.

Gao Zheng had no wife and no children, and he had no friends or neighbors after he became an official.

During these seventeen years, only Ge Fei came here.

Therefore, the fallen leaves all over the yard are usually cleaned by Ge Fei when he comes over.

A big broom made of bamboo branches is leaning against the wall, with a withered color.

But Ge Fei just passed by.

He stepped on the fallen leaves and walked through the empty front yard amidst the rustling sound.

The leaves swirled in the wind.

He vaguely felt a kind of uneasiness.

Where did it come from?


He let out a long breath and continued walking.

The breath on the body is very stable.

But his eyes were black for a while, and white for a while.

It changed repeatedly like this for a while, and finally returned to its normal appearance—slightly hanging up, and not very pompous, with eyes that matched this face more.

He stepped through the middle door, stepped on a fine gravel path, walked windingly for a while, and came to the backyard.

The backyard was also deserted, with cobwebs all over the corners.

He walked a few steps, took a look, and found the small door in the backyard. He walked over and gently opened the wooden door.

So I saw the back mountain.

A wooden door opened the cliff.

All the picturesque things are mixed in the time and reflected in the eyes——

On a smooth white stone chessboard, an old man sat in front of the chessboard, frowning and meditating.

His brows were frowned so tightly, as if they were sewn together with invisible threads, as if they were hiding endless sorrow.

He is lonely and cold, like a stone sculpture.

After him and the chessboard, there are high cliffs and clouds.

He played against the cliff, but there were nineteen lines vertically and horizontally on the chessboard, but there was not a single piece.

This situation, this scene, this person.

A wordless loneliness, an eternal loneliness.

Who is he playing against? What do you use?

Ge Fei walked forward.

"Sit down." Gao Zheng said suddenly.

Although the fine lines on his forehead are somewhat obvious, his sculpted facial contours can still reveal some of his youthful demeanor.

He must have been a handsome man back then.

Of course, like all good things in the world, it is worn away by time.

Although he said a word, said a word.

But this sentence seems to have nothing to do with him.

His eyes were still on the chessboard, his face full of worry. I don't know why I am worried.

Ge Fei thought for a while, then sat down opposite him.

Gao Zheng faced the long test with a blank chessboard, which lasted for a long time.

Just when Ge Fei began to feel impatient, the famous Prime Minister of Yue State spoke up.

"In the past seventeen years, Ge Fei could only stand and watch, not sit on the chess bench."

"I hope he can understand it, but I don't want him to understand it. I wonder if you can understand this contradiction?"

Gao Zheng raised his head, looked at Ge Fei on the opposite side of the chessboard, his eyes were very calm: "Chaos? Zhu Jiuyin?"

Ge Fei's complexion suddenly changed!

His eyes changed in an instant, the left eye was as black as ink with no whites, and the right eye was pale as snow with no pupils. A terrifying breath awakened in his body! vigorous! Publicity!

The blood is surging, and the muscles are filled with strength.

For a while, the world was like a prison, and murderous intentions rose like smoke.

But Gao Zheng just looked at him calmly.

The sky did not grow darker nor brighter.

Nothing seems to have changed.

In other words, he can't change anything.

The silent confrontation continued for some time.

A piece of green moss on the edge of the high cliff has peeled off.

Ge Fei suddenly smiled: "Why don't you call me Ge Fei?"

His terrifying aura subsided in an instant, and his eyes returned to normal.

He sat upright opposite Gao Zheng, looking very gentle.

"Ge Fei will not sit on this chess bench, nor will he sit across from me." Gao Zheng said flatly.

Ge Fei immediately stood up and stood beside the blank chessboard, pretending to be thinking. Then ask: "Teacher, the students really don't understand, who are you playing against?"

A blank chessboard has no answers.

Gao Zheng didn't give it either.

The prime minister who led the League of Falling Immortals, once visited the Mugu Academy, and was known as the most outstanding achievement in the history of the Yue Kingdom, now seems to be just a lonely old man sitting alone in the back of the mountain.

He even seemed very slow in speaking, but said slowly: "Ge Fei can't see spider webs, fallen leaves and dust, and since he was five years old, he will help me clean up. I remember that time...he was not as tall as a broom."

His eyes are far away, as if piercing through time, imitating the childish and confident tone: "I am not as tall as a broom, and I want to sweep the world!"

He narrowed his eyes again, and replied to himself: "If you don't sweep a house, why sweep the world?"

But now, Ge Fei, who was sitting opposite him, said seriously: "I will remember to clean later."

Gao Zheng seemed to sigh, but he didn't seem to.

After all, he just sat there and said slowly: "You are too nervous."

"Yi Shengfeng senses the danger, but he doesn't know who you are, and he doesn't know Ge Fei well enough..."

He raised his head and asked, "Why can't Ge Fei make him feel dangerous?"

Meeting the old man's eyes, Ge Fei smiled: "You are right."

"You have been living in Yue country for so many days, and the identity of the Ge family can give you enough convenience. And you don't know me better, so rashly want to control me so that I can cover up your identity for you... are too arrogant."

Gao Zheng emphasized slowly: "In this world, you have no right to be arrogant."

Ge Fei bowed his head to show he was taught: "You taught me well."

The two of them are exactly like normal teachers and students.

One teaches earnestly and the other studies diligently.

"Arrogance is an obstacle to survival, and nervousness is the beginning of failure." Gao Zheng said: "You have to solve these two fundamental problems first."

Ge Fei said: "I also ask the teacher to give advice."

"Start with doing things first." Gao Zheng said casually: "Go down the mountain now, don't kill people, don't use strength beyond the scope of what should be used to solve the mess you made today. You have to account for the people you kill. For the funeral, you have to deal with it, and the possible disputes with Nan Dou have to get rid of it."

"Understood." Ge Fei was thoughtful.

"That's all for today." Gao Zheng said, turning his head back and staring at his empty chessboard.

Ge Fei raised his head slowly, with a smile on his lips: "You are really a good teacher."

"First of all, I am a native of Yue." Gao Zheng said calmly.

Ge Fei straightened up, saluted seriously, then turned and left.

This trip was very different from what he expected, but it was rewarding.

Great rewards!

When he walked in front of the wooden door, he suddenly thought of something, turned around and asked, "By the way, how did you find me?"

"That's the knowledge for the next lesson." Gao Zheng looked at his chess without looking up.

Ge Fei said again: "It seems that I haven't answered you yet, whether I am Chaos or Zhu Jiuyin."

"That's not important." Gao Zheng said.

Ge Fei looked at the profile of him sitting alone in front of the chessboard.

It's like seeing a painting that has been mottled.

All he saw was a sad old man.

I don't know why he is worried.

His frown is like a river, like a mountain, like a bleak autumn landscape... But I don't know if there is a little bit of sadness in it because of that five-year-old child.

"I'm not as tall as a broom!"

After all, it was the real seventeen years.

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