Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1498 The leader of one party sits on the ground as a tiger

Lord Jiang, who is famous all over the world, is walking casually on the streets of Chengguo, wearing a cloak and sackcloth.

It looks like all travelers who don't set a destination, they are weather-beaten and free.

You can eat and drink, you can chat, you can walk, you can stop.

Of course, he will not really have such leisure.

At this moment, with his right hand hidden in his sleeve, he was holding a small bottle, which contained extremely well-preserved blood, and the real fire of samadhi was burning weakly in it.

This bottle is the blood of Zheng Fei and Li Shou, and what he is doing is to use the real fire of samadhi to extract the blood of balance, and use it as the main material for the warriors of the fairy palace.

Based on his current control over the Samadhi True Fire, this is not difficult to do, and it mainly consumes time.

Pedestrians are in a hurry on the street.

Jiang Wang has a feeling that "there is no time in the mountains, but there are thousands of years in the world".

Cheng State is located in the southeast of Zhuang State, and it is one of many small countries in the western region.

Even compared to Zhuangguo before its rise, it is weak.

When he was in Chi Yunshan, Jiang Wang won a foundation from Doumian, which was the Xiaozong Lingkong Temple located in Chengguo.

In fact, this sect could be regarded as a branch of Yunding Immortal Palace in the early days, just like the Qingyun Pavilion. He used to develop in Zhuangdi, guarding Chiyun Mountain, and was later beaten and kicked out by Zhuang Taizu. He barely settled down in Chengguo. He is already a weak and small sect, but because of the misty fate of Yunding Immortal Palace, he barely maintains it. , has not been completely erased by anyone.

Of course, Yunding Immortal Palace now has a fairy master, so the so-called cause and effect have been broken.

Qingyun Pavilion was destroyed overnight, Yunyou Weng was dead, and Baiyun boy was reborn. A small Lingkong Temple that has the least reason to continue, but it still exists.

To be honest, after Jiang Wang took the fairy palace building here, he arranged it casually. It is also a waste to throw away resources that you don't like, and arrange them according to your mood, without any hope at all.

Almost forgot afterwards.

This time when he left Chu State and was going to meet Zhu Weiwo in Buzhu City, he suddenly remembered that he still had a "career" in Cheng State.

The most unexpected thing is——

The Lingkong Palace is now the number one sect in Chengguo...

Although it is said that the Cheng Kingdom's imperial court has suppressed the sects severely, although it is said that the Cheng Kingdom is weak and the army is weak, even though looking at the entire Cheng Kingdom, there is no strong sect at all.

But there is no doubt that this is a pretty remarkable achievement!

When Jiang took away the building of the Immortal Palace, he picked up two "confidantes" to run the Lingkong Temple for him.

One is a "straight minister", Wei Bofang who is not square at all.

One is the "favored minister", Zhuge Jun who is not at all handsome.

I have to say, there are really two talents!

At that time, of the two of them, one was just a cultivation base in the inner palace, and because of his "loyalty", he was promoted to be the chief elder. One even had only Tenglong's cultivation base, and he was put in the position of an elder only because he flattered his master Dugu.

At that time, in the Lingkong Palace, the masters were almost dead, the biggest backer Doumian had left, and the new Dugu Palace Master was gone and never looked back. It's just that before he left, he opened the already shabby secret library of the sect and let Wei Bofang and Zhuge Jun do whatever they wanted.

Jiang was prepared for these two old boys to run away.

Unexpectedly, after many years, passing by here and seeing it by chance, it turned out to be the first case in Chengguo!

It's such a big bird that it can fly through any forest.

Lord Jiang dressed up in disguise, wandered around here for a few times, and then roughly figured out the growth trajectory of the two "confidantes" in the past few years.

It's nothing more than bullshit and money offensives, all kinds of solicitation and bribery, and all kinds of integration.

What is being pulled is the tiger skin of Lord Dugu who forcefully drove Chu Guo Doumian away.

That mysterious Lord Dugu has been passed down as a true disciple of a powerful sect in the Chengguo sect world, and he is very likely to be from Mount Sumeru!

Monks are not suitable for developing influence in other countries, so they have been hiding their identities and refusing to show their faces.

Moreover, Lord Dugu can still have a relationship with Lingxiao Pavilion. When he left, Lord Dugu said, if there is something that can't be solved, go to the Lingxiao Pavilion to find Ye Qingyu! That is the young master of Ling Xiao Pavilion.

Wei Bofang and Zhuge Jun took the things in the secret library of the sect and splashed them with big pens, buying them in various ways. Colluding with the government, suppressing competitors... the road is getting smoother and smoother. Gradually, he became the king in the short mountain.

In today's Lingkong Temple, there are a lot of talented people in the Nine Halls. There are also four major priests, all of whom are masters in the inner court.

The chief elder, Wei Bofang, and the second elder, Zhuge Jun, can barely be regarded as powerful figures in the Chengguo sect circle.

It can really be called the leader of a party, sitting on the ground like a tiger.

So he is quite old, and it is very reasonable to find a young girl to lie on his pillow and impart some life experience in the lonely night.

Three shifts of guards were arranged in the courtyard to watch the night, which was also a proper ostentation.

Of course, when he saw an unknown person standing beside the bed in the middle of the night, he would inevitably be horrified and angry.

He even jumped up naked, "Who are you!?"

His skinny and ugly old body posed a fighting stance in the air. Under the opened quilt, Haomian was awakened, and a sexy young body screamed——

On the contrary, Wei Bofang calmed down.

He could completely figure out how difficult it was to stand beside his bed so silently, and why the noise he made couldn't pass out of the room at all.

On the same night, in the same bed.

Plump and sexy and old and dry.

Screaming woman and calm old man.

Such a stark contrast brings a strong contrast.

With a wave of Jiang Wang's hand, he had already pressed down the quilt from the air, covering the panicked woman.

Turning around and walking forward, leaving the luxurious bed, sitting at the tea table by herself, said softly: "Get dressed."

Practitioners since ancient times, there is no one in a million who can become a god.

That road is so difficult, so rugged.

The gap between man and nature is, for the vast majority of people, an impossibility to cross.

Why are there still so many practitioners going on and on, desperately marching toward God's presence?

Perhaps the old body in front of him is the reason.

If you don't become a god, all dharmas are empty.

A once young body will eventually grow old. The vigorous vitality withers like a flower, and the power that once moved mountains and seas has weathered and dissipated bit by bit in the years. An extraordinary strong man will gradually lose everything extraordinary...

It is a process of watching oneself decay.

This process is too cruel.

Wei Bofang can still maintain a certain level of combat power, but judging from his physical condition, he will lose the strength of the inner government in at most three years.

He began to indulge in enjoyment, and there may be reasons for this.

The mysterious man in cloak and linen, with his back facing the direction of the bed, sat down by himself, calm and indifferent, with a kind of power to control everything.

Wei Bofang put on his clothes swiftly, without even looking at the woman who had already dared not speak, and he had absolutely no stupid idea of ​​taking advantage of the opportunity to attack. He just quietly walked to the other side of the tea table, and sat down with great posture.

He even took the initiative to turn over the teacup and poured a cup of tea for the abrupt visitor in front of him and himself.

"Your Excellency came late at night, and there was no preparation in advance. We can only treat each other with cold tea. Please don't be offended."

With enough experience, Wei Bofang quickly adjusted his mood.

He does not embody anger and never expresses resentment.

He just looked at Jiang Wang sincerely, even though Jiang Wang didn't seem to pay him any attention.

He said again: "Your Excellency is a member of the Wusheng Sect? City Lord Li just presided over our peace talks seven days ago. You are developing in Chengguo, so it is not appropriate for you to lose face to the court..."

Jiang Wang said calmly: "I am not a person who teaches without life."

Wei Bofang breathed a sigh of relief, and then said: "No matter where the Wushengjiao invited you, and how many Dao Yuan stones you paid, I would pay double the price. Even if the secret storehouse of the hall does not cooperate, it will be sold." The magic weapon must also satisfy Your Excellency! I wonder if we can talk about it?"

"You let me down, Wei Bofang." Jiang Wang turned his head to look at Wei Bofang, took off his cloak, put it on the table, and said with a smile: "My loyal chief elder can't even hear my voice .”

What appeared in Wei Bofang's eyes was a face he hadn't seen for a long time.

He left the stool with an agility that was not commensurate with his age and threw himself on the ground, kneeling in front of Jiang Wang, tears streaming down his face instantly: "My lord! This subordinate is thinking day and night, looking forward to day and night. You are looking forward to come back!"

Wiping his tears, he was very emotional: "You don't know, the brothers in the temple... have a hard time when you are away!"

This "wow" ending sound, one chant and three sighs, has a long aftertaste, which is very touching.

To be honest.

Originally, he and Zhuge Jun just wanted to pretend to support for a while, and then break up and leave after making a fortune. Unexpectedly, after developing the sect casually, it actually developed...

Simply turn short-term into long-term, and robbery becomes tribute. After all, fishing once is not as good as fishing every day.

As for Mr. Laoshizi Dugu...

It's been so long, there is not even a letter, ghosts still remember!

Unexpectedly, the famous disciple whose surname is Dugu still remembered the weak sect in their small and remote country. This kind of thing is so absurd, it's as if a proud man who is destined to go to the capital to become a prosperous and successful man can't forget the few eggs he saved in the next door village.

How much housekeeping is this?

But if you can't think of it, you can't think of it, if you forget it, you forget it.

At this moment, his tears came as he said, but there was no ambiguity.

"My subordinates always keep your instructions in mind, forgetting to sleep and eat, sacrificing life and death, and finally developed the Lingkong Palace into the largest sect in Chengguo! Although the process is very difficult, but every time you can't make it, just think of the palace master. With your voice and smile, your subordinates are encouraged and regenerated with strength! The current achievements have finally lived up to your expectations."

"Hall Master, my Lord Hall Master!" He cried sadly and sincerely: "When you come back, this old man can really rest in peace!"

Jiang Wang: ...

Wei Bofang's so-called waste of sleep and food, risking his life and forgetting his death, he really only saw a "waste of sleep".

But at this moment, he just said: "Elder Wei's hard work, I understand very well. In this way, you can have someone call Zhuge Jun over first, and we can talk together if you have anything to say, so as not to waste a lot of time."

He came to Chengguo this time just passing by, and he didn't intend to waste too much time.

Wei Bofang immediately wiped away his tears: "Okay, I will personally invite Elder Zhuge!"

Jiang Wang glanced at him indifferently: "I'm afraid it's inappropriate to let Mrs. Zun and I be alone in the room."

"My lord can be so worried about my subordinates. If the subordinates die immediately, what is there to regret?" The tears that Wei Bofang had just wiped away were about to fill his eyes again, and then he said: "Then I will order someone to invite you." Elder Zhuge."

The thought that he was going to kill at will, but it was killed.

He walked quickly to the door, opened the door, and found that the guards in the courtyard were still guarding there dutifully. Nothing happened, but he was oblivious to the movement in the room, and only came to salute when he saw him open the door.

Wei Bofang's heart was even more awe-inspiring, but he didn't say anything else, he just ordered softly: "Go and invite Elder Zhuge Jun to my room, and just say that I have something important to discuss with him."

The guards left in a hurry.

Wei Bofang closed the door, turned around and walked over, looking at Jiang Wang earnestly: "The master of the palace came back just in time this time, just in time to drink a glass of wedding wine. This... Xiaohong and I are in love with each other, and we are planning to get married someday. You Be a witness!"

Even though Jiang Wang has already seen a lot, he was still a little speechless for a while.

He was just incidentally saving this woman's life. Unexpectedly, this person surnamed Wei actually came up with a "marriage"!

It's too talented!

The woman on the bed was wrapped in the quilt, and whispered: "I'm Xiao Zi..."

"Yes, sometimes I also call her Xiao Zi." Wei Bo did not change his expression and said, "The joy in the boudoir made the Lord Hall Master laugh."

It was hard for him to say this so calmly.

Jiang Wang thought for a while, then took out a primordial stone, and put it in front of Wei Bo: "I came in a hurry, so I took this as a congratulatory gift to congratulate Elder Wei on his wedding. Please don't be offended."

As an old monk who wanted to buy an assassin at a critical moment, he could only use Dao Yuan Stone as a unit of measurement, Wei Bofang held this Yuan Stone, and this time he really burst into tears.

He vaguely remembered the Palace Master back then, but as soon as he was accepted, he went to search the secret vault and sift through all the most valuable things. This time, I can still see the money back!

And it's still a primordial stone...

"How dare this subordinate refuse the Lord Palace Master's wishes?" Wei Bofang choked up, "It's just your deep friendship, and this subordinate doesn't know if you can repay it in this lifetime..."

I don't know how he can still have inexhaustible tears at such a great age.

Of course, even if he cried to death here today, it is absolutely impossible for Master Dugu to take out a second primordial stone.

Just when the Chief Elder of the Lingkong Temple was snotting and crying, talking about how he turned the tide last year and fought bloody against the enemy sect...

Zhuge Jun finally arrived late.

When talking to the guards outside the door, he still had the airs of a superior: "Elder Wei is looking for me in the middle of the night, what's the matter?"

At the beginning, Lord Dugu arranged things casually and then left.

There are only two "confidantes" who have their own ghosts left behind.

At that time, Zhuge Jun was able to secure the position of elder with his cultivation base of Tenglong state, and he was able to fight against Wei Bofang, all because he was on the line of the city lord.

Even this time the fight with the Wusheng Sect depends entirely on him to come forward and invite Cheng Guo's official power to prevent the dispute from expanding.

At this moment, his influence in the Lingkong Temple is not much weaker than that of Wei Bofang. Therefore, it was a bit resentful to be called to discuss matters in the middle of the night. If it wasn't for the tension with the Wusheng Sect recently, and he was worried that something big would happen, he wouldn't bother to come here.

Hearing the movement, Wei Bofang immediately put on a serious face and straightened his clothes, and with an upright posture, he went to open the door himself.

Elder Zhuge, with triangular eyes and brows, passed Wei Bofang's surprised gaze and landed on Jiang Wang who was sitting upright in the room.

He rushed up almost at the speed of an assassin, jumped in front of Jiang Wang on the spot, hugged Jiang Wang's calf, and started a three-stage chant: "My! Palace Master! Your Excellency! Ah!!!"

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