Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1499

As soon as Zhuge Juncai entered the door, his nose burst into tears, and he burst into tears.

Crying heartbroken, crying heartbroken.

He cried so much that Lord Jiang was speechless.

Weeping so much that Wei Bofang couldn't stand it anymore, he stepped forward and said, "Okay, alright, my lord is always busy, how can I have time to listen to you hanging out here?"

In private, Wei Bofang was more vocal than Zhuge Jun, but in front of others, he was more "upright" than anyone else.

A complete honest minister.

Zhuge Jun ignored him at all, just continued to look at Jiang Wang with tears in his eyes, and said with grievance: "My lord, why didn't you find your subordinates first when you came back? You must know that your subordinates were the first people who were loyal to you , Everything under my subordinates is given by the Palace Master, and I am willing to give everything for the Palace Master, regardless of life or death! In the entire Lingkong Temple, who can match my loyalty to you?"

"Zhuge Jun, what do you mean by that?" Wei Bofang was very dissatisfied: "Is the old man's loyalty to the Palace Master less than yours?"

Seeing that the two big arms were about to compete for favor, Mr. Jiang immediately said: "I know your loyalty. I also see everything you do."

He pulled his leg out calmly: "I came here this time, one is to see you, and the other is to fulfill the original promise to deal with the troubles that you can't handle in the development of the sect."

His eyes flicked over the two of them, and he emphasized: "I have other things to do, and my time is very limited."

Zhuge Jun stopped crying immediately. Kneeling on the ground, he and Wei Bofang exchanged glances quickly.

Finally, Wei Bofang said: "If you want to talk about troubles that can't be dealt with, it is the matter of the Wusheng sect. They have developed too fast! We only started to notice this sect in July last year, and this year it has already been able to compete with us , Even overwhelmed us. We paid great attention to inviting a strong man to serve as the protector, bribed the officials generously, and asked the relationship between the city lord's mansion to come forward to improve the relationship, so we barely maintained the status quo... The subordinate is incompetent, and the lord of the hall lord should be punished! "

"Who is in charge on their side? What is their strength?" Jiang Wang asked casually.

Zhuge Jun replied: "The leader of the Wusheng Sect is a person named the Messenger of the Underworld... The five mansions are complete and possess supernatural powers. The subordinates really cannot resist him."

Zhang Linchuan is really ambitious, as can be seen from the positions of the seventy-two land demon envoys. Not to mention strength, this structure is built for the top forces. Back then, there were only three elders and twelve bone faces in the Road of Bones!

But if you calculate it seriously, without considering the Bone God, today's Wusheng Cult is indeed much stronger than the original Bone Dao.

The three elders of the Bone Path at the time may not be the opponent of Zhang Linchuan now. Moreover, I heard from Wang Changji earlier that Lu Yan, who betrayed the evil bone god, has also achieved God's presence with his innate dark eyes.

In addition to the seventy-two earthly emissaries that have surfaced now... Are there still thirty-six heavenly emissaries?

The strength of the entire Wusheng Cult has completely surpassed the original Dao of Bones.

Of course, there is the reason that the White Bone Demon God only wants to be born successfully and doesn't care about the sect, but Zhang Linchuan's ability can still be seen clearly.

From the fall of the Bone Path to today, how long has the Wusheng Cult been established?

Zhang Linchuan's layout can be seen almost everywhere from Yong Kingdom to Cheng Kingdom, and then to the Reef Kingdom that was just cleared by Wang Changji. Although most of them are developed in some small countries, the hidden power should not be underestimated.

Wei Bofang and Zhuge Jun were able to develop the Lingkong Temple in a decent manner, of course they are talents, but after all, they are limited by their vision, and they can only see the one-third of an acre of land in Chengguo.

He thought that the emissary from the Underworld was the leader of the Wusheng Cult, but he didn't know that the power of the Wusheng Cult had not been limited to a single country.

Moreover, any Earth Sha messenger actually has supernatural powers?

Is supernatural power so easy?

Is it because the emissary who is in charge of Chengguo's affairs is extra powerful, or is there another reason?

"I see." Jiang Wang said calmly: "What else?"

Zhuge Jun let out a long sigh: "It's easy to ask the gods, but it's hard to send them away!"



Taoist Bai Nai is a well-known solitary monk in Chengguo. He knocked on the four mansions and picked up a supernatural power.

A supernatural monk is not a Chinese cabbage.

He has been in the practice world of the country for more than ten years, and he is famous and a figure that can be counted.

He was invited by Wei Bofang and Zhuge Jun with a lot of money to help fight against the Wusheng Sect.

It was okay at the beginning, and it was fine to do things with the offering.

But after a long time, Zhuge Jun was no more than the second mansion, Wei Bofang was getting old, and the four major priests were all ordinary inner mansions, without any supernatural powers. That Taoist Bai Na inevitably moved his mind a little bit, wanting to occupy the magpie's nest.

On the one hand, Wei Bofang and Zhuge Jun had to rely on Taoist Bai Na to fight against the Wusheng Sect, and on the other hand, within the sect, it was gradually difficult to tear their faces away from Taoist Bai Na.

In the world of practice, after all, strength is the most important thing!

On this day, Wei Bofang suddenly summoned the higher-ups above the master of the Lingkong Hall, saying that there was an important announcement to be made.

The masters of the nine halls and the four major priests are all present.

After the only two elders, Wei Bofang and Zhuge Jun, also sat down, Taoist Bai Na came belatedly.

He swaggered in from the entrance of the hall, and said in a casual tone, "Old Wei, what are you going to announce today, why didn't you tell me beforehand? Hahahaha, are you trying to elect me as the hall master and give me a surprise?"

Wei Bofang sat on the position of the chief elder on the left, and said seriously, "Your jokes are not funny at all."

The position of the second elder is opposite to him.

And the position of the only Dharma protector in the Lingkong Temple is on his left. It can be said that in the entire Ling Kong Temple, it is second only to the elders. It's a pity that people are dissatisfied and their desires are hard to fill.

In this conference hall, the position of the highest hall master has been vacant for a long time. As we all know, it belongs to a person with the surname Dugu with a strong background, but unfortunately that person has not appeared for a long time.

The tiger's skin has been pulled for a long time, and it can be seen that it is not a tiger.

There are also various thoughts born.

Taoist Bai Na curled his lips, and pointed unceremoniously at the seat representing the Lord of the Spiritual Space Hall: "Then tell me, how long will this seat be vacant? Who are you waiting for?! What Dugu so-and-so Where was he when you begged to come to me? Where was he when I went through life and death for the sect and fought against the masters of Wusheng sect?"

"Maybe he died a long time ago!" He waved his hand and made a downward cutting movement, and his aura suddenly became fierce: "Maybe it's just a lie you spun all along!"

Wei Bofang and Zhuge Jun suddenly summoned all the high-level officials to discuss the matter, and several high-level officials who had already taken refuge in him secretly did not get any news in advance.

He instinctively felt wrong. It is not only a temptation to directly declare the ambition in the heart to the public, but also to show the horses and horses, so that others can watch and stand in line.

Even if he wanted to be the master of the Lingkong Temple, he didn't bother to eat it in small bites. No matter what plans Wei Bofang and the others have, in the end they must use hard power to speak!


Facing such strong doubts from Taoist Bai Na.

Wei Bofang and Zhuge Jun didn't even speak.

And da, da, da——

The sound of boots hitting the ground clearly resounded in the hall.

From the apse came a figure in a cloak and sackcloth,

There is no domineering momentum, and when walking, it just looks comfortable and gentle.

Taoist Bai Na frowned and glanced at Wei Bofang, then said to Wei Bofang: "Where did this ghost come from? Why is it that anyone can come in our sect's important place, where high-level discussions are held?"

"Look at me."

He only heard a voice say so.

The voice is calm, clear, and has an undeniable power.

He subconsciously moved his gaze along, wanting to see who this person is and what this person wants to do.

He only saw a frosty sword light!


It seems that there is such a sound of a long sword being unsheathed.

He seems to have heard it, but perhaps has missed it.

His world brightened once at this moment, and dimmed again.

It has not been lit since.

In the eyes of everyone in the arena, only the neck of Taoist Bai Na was seen. Suddenly a line of blood split open, and the blood beads burst out like a fountain, and a short fan-shaped burst opened in the air.

Blood drops fell.

The person fell down suddenly.

And the figure wearing a cloak and sackcloth just walked forward on his own, and Shi Shiran walked towards the position that meant the master of the Lingkong Temple.

His hand was still a few inches away from the hilt, and the long sword at his waist seemed to have never been drawn out.

That cold light seemed to exist only in hallucinations.

The whole hall was dead silent.

The high-ranking members of the Lingkong Hall sitting on both sides of the main hall, including Wei Bofang and Zhuge Jun, did not speak.

A famous supernatural monk died so simply.

Not even a scream.

Unspeakable shock!

At such a moment, only on the main road in the middle of the main hall, the corpse of Taoist Bai Na lay there quietly, facing the big chair on the high platform.

Jiang Wang walked up to the throne of the master of the Lingkong Temple, but did not sit down. Just turned around, condescending.

Compared with the places he had seen before, the halls of the Lingkong Palace were definitely not gorgeous.

But this is his place.

With one of his hands, he controls the eight handles here, namely Jue, Lu, Abandon, Set, Kill, Live, Give, Seize.

Wherever his gaze went, no one dared to look directly at him.

This kind of condescending majesty is easy to get lost. Of course, for Jiang Wang, who had seen the Emperor of Qi many times, the little power in front of him was really meager.

The so-called life and death, in such a weak environment, there is really nothing to care about.

He just thought hard about how Qi Tianzi held the universe in his hands, and how he combined grace and power.

After a little silence, let the pressure build up in everyone's mind. Then he looked at Zhuge Jun: "Did I forget to ask some questions?"

He thought for a while: "Oh, by the way, what magical powers does Taoist Bai Na have?"

Zhuge Jun's expression changed drastically, and he immediately left his seat and bowed down: "This subordinate deserves to die! Because the master of the palace is so powerful, this subordinate is honored and proud, and he didn't pay attention to Taoist Bai Nai, so much so that he forgot Report his supernatural power information..."

Jiang Wang raised his hand and stopped his explanation: "Forget it, it's not important."

He never counted on the loyalty of people like Zhuge Jun and Wei Bofang. He himself did not give the corresponding trust, because he understood from the beginning that these people can be used, but they cannot be trusted.

At this moment, he moved his eyes, looked at the high-level people here, and said slowly: "I am your Palace Master, I am not fake, and I am not dead."

Zhuge Jun, who was already kneeling on the ground, kowtowed with a slap of his head: "I pay homage to the Palace Master, and I hope that the Palace Master will have great blessings and a long life!"

Wei Bofang also bowed down immediately, but his voice was straight and powerful: "Wei Bofang, the chief elder of the Lingkong Hall, greets the Lord Lord of the Hall!"

The seven hall masters and four priests present all bowed down.

And the only Dharma protector was lying on his back among them.

Jiang Wang raised his hand: "Get up, everyone."

His eyes were not aggressive and fell on everyone smoothly.

"I won't come to the sect often, but I will pay attention here. The Lingkong Temple is probably not a very powerful sect, and its future future is hard to say, but I hope it will become your best choice. Let's Maybe I've seen it before, maybe I haven't... I hope to see you again in the future."

He only said a few words, then waved his hands: "Okay, let's all go down, Elder Wei and Elder Zhuge stay."

"My lord, my subordinates have a message!" Wei Bofang stopped the discussion with a loyal attitude: "It is not appropriate to end the discussion now. Among the people present, there are some people who secretly collude with Taoist Bai Nai, You have long lost your loyalty, and you have no affiliation with the Lingkong Temple. It is hard to bear the heartache of your subordinates, but you have to find them out as an example to others!"

Jiang Wang looked at him calmly: "This kind of thing can't be said without evidence."

"Since this subordinate dares to report to Lord Hall Master, of course he has the evidence! Please allow this subordinate to present it."

Wei Bofang turned his head away, rushed out of the hall and said, "Bring it in!"

Immediately, two strong men walked into the hall carrying a large box.

"Just now, the old man has someone ransacked Taoist Bai Nai's house. The bribes he accepted, the proof of his connection..." Wei Bofang pointed to the box and said, "It's all in it!"

There were several people on the field, and their faces changed drastically, and they almost couldn't even stand still. But no one dared to take the risk.

They can clearly see how the strongest Taoist Bai Na in the Ling Kong Temple died!

There is no room for a little struggle!

Jiang Wang glanced at the box and just smiled: "There are so many."

His eyes froze for a moment, and the whole box instantly burst into flames! Soon even the fly ash was gone, and it was completely burnt.

Wei Bofang lost his composure: "My lord, this..."

Jiang Wang raised his hand to stop him: "Needless to say. Everyone makes mistakes, and everyone makes mistakes sometimes."

His meaningful eyes penetrated the cloak and landed on Wei Bofang's face: "And I am often willing to give my friends a chance."

He didn't pay attention to what Wei Bofang thought.

He walked down the high platform and walked in front of a priest whose heart was beating extremely fast just now, but whose expression was very relaxed.

"May I have your name?"

The priest's heart was about to explode, but he said clearly, "My subordinate Liu Meng."

Jiang Wang only nodded slightly, and then said: "Elder Wei and Elder Zhuge have a lot of things to do every day, and they don't have the skills to separate them. There should be three elders in the Lingkong Palace, so they can share some of the burden."

As he spoke, he reached out and patted the priest on the shoulder: "I think you are very suitable to be the third elder."

Liu Meng's whole body was paralyzed at this moment. He couldn't tell whether it was fear or surprise. He just fell to his knees and sincerely said: "Thank you, Palace Master, for your appreciation!"

Jiang Wang was noncommittal, and said again: "The others go down, the three elders stay."

Soon the hall was empty.

Jiang Wang turned his back to the three of them, and his tone was still calm: "My time is very tight, so I will only say it once."

He raised three fingers and lowered them one by one.

"First, I will deal with the messenger of the Underworld tonight."

"Second, Wusheng teaches you not to rush to destroy them. While they are leaderless, find a way to arrange some people to go in and understand what they want to do. The action must be concealed. The next time I contact you, I need to know the answer. Got it The more news and the more important it is, the more rewards there will be. Primordial stones, exercises, nothing is a problem."

"As for the third one...I have a question for Elder Wei and Elder Zhuge. I remember that before you, there was originally a Grand Elder in the Spiritual Space Hall. How is he now?"

Wei Bofang and Zhuge Jun looked at each other, and they could see each other's nervousness.

In the end, it was Wei Bofang who said: "Elder Song... for the cause of the sect, he died a heroic sacrifice!"

Jiang Wang only smiled: "Then you must cherish yourselves. See you next time."

Then he walked out of the hall alone.

The three elders of the Lingkong Temple stood quietly in the empty hall.

Watching the back of the cloak and linen go against the light.

just feel...

It's like an abyss like a sea, unfathomable.

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