Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1500 A Sword Has Surprised the Grandmaster

The city where the Ling Kong Temple is located is called Fengtai.

In Chengguo, it can be regarded as one of the best big cities.

There are black and white worlds here. In the world of night, the rapidly expanding Wusheng Cult and the Temple of Spiritual Space are fighting against each other.

One is a fanatical believer who is not afraid of death, and the other has been operating for many years and is deeply rooted.

On the surface, the City Lord's Mansion is of course the highest authority here.

Even the Chengguo court made an exception and sent a monk from the Outer Building Realm here to take up the post, in order to suppress the further expansion of the sect's influence.

The next door to Zhuanguo, whose national strength is booming, is the threshold for serving as city lords in various places, and it is also the cultivation base of the inner mansion.

But Chengguo has its own national conditions after all.

On the one hand, these sects provide the country with a large amount of tax revenue, and on the other hand, they are also part of the national power. When a war breaks out, they all have the obligation to participate in the war.

So how to grasp the scale of suppression is a matter of political level.

Wushengjiao and Lingkong Temple also need to let the Chengguo court know that they are within the limits and there is no risk of crossing the line.

As one of the seventy-two emissaries of the Wusheng Sect, he was ordered to develop the religious backbone of believers in the country.

The Messenger of the Underground is the existence of the perfection of the five palaces and possesses supernatural powers. It can be said that with his own strength, the Lingkong Temple can't breathe. If the city lord surnamed Li hadn't pulled the trigger, he would have kicked out the Lingkong Palace long ago.

However, it is only a matter of time.

The Wusheng Sect behind him already has the power to destroy the country. He boiled the frogs in warm water here, but he was only carrying out the will of the God Lord, acting in a low-key manner for the time being, and didn't want to tear himself apart with the Chengguo court.

Although Wushengjiao is great, but now is not the time to step into the sun. The world is ignorant, and the truth cannot be obtained in a day.

At this moment, he is sitting alone in the secret room, facing the shrine, and reciting the "Sutra of Inexistence".

In this ghastly white shrine, there is a faceless wooden statue enshrined sitting cross-legged.

There are three white candles on each side of the shrine, arranged from tall to short, corresponding to each other neatly.

There is no sandalwood in worshiping the gods.

I don't know what kind of material the white candle is made of, it just burns faintly, without candle tears, the candle flame jumps in the air, but there is a faint fragrance floating.

Probably this is the whole body of incense and incense of the Wusheng religion.

It's more like a condolence than an offering.

"I came from the sea of ​​suffering, and I floated and sunk in my skin. Anyone who suffered six defeats and seven lives suffered from all living beings. Those who suffered three times and eight sufferings were innocent people in the world. The common people pity me, and I pity the common people..."

The evil chanting sound was thin and dense, and lasted for a long time before it stopped.

The two rows of white candles also went out automatically.

At the same time as the candle was extinguished, a tall figure appeared in the secret room, the timing was just right, and he slapped the emissary who hadn't got up yet with a slap on the head!

Like mountains and seas, you can immediately see the pressure of life and death!

The Messenger of the Underworld had no time to react at this time, he just raised his head suddenly, his dark eyes turned white instantly, in that chilling pale, it seemed that an unknown world had opened up. A surge of power poured in, surged in this body, he caught the vitality in one ten-thousandth of a moment, and the whole person rushed forward——

No movement!

A tsunami set off in his sky-reaching sea, his blood, muscles and bones... his whole body was imprisoned by winds of various shapes.


The tall figure slapped down with his palm, and directly shattered the head of the Diyou Envoy!

Black, white, red, mixed together.

The corpse lay on the ground.

The two rows of white candles standing in front of the pale shrine rekindled almost at the same time.

Two drops of blood came out of the weird faceless statue where the eyes should be.

An evil breath descends!

The tall figure was completely fearless, one step forward, holding the hammer in both hands, and fell like a mountain!

The Yuan Qi mixed with the five elements circled his arms, and the power of the outer building level poured out without reservation.

Both rows of white candles go out at the same time.


The idol was torn apart.

Fragments all over the place.

The tall figure didn't even look at it, turned around immediately, opened the door and walked out of the secret room.

Turn left and right in this station calmly, ignoring the patrolling believers, went out of the house, walked to the courtyard, jumped lightly, and had already reached the roof.

His figure shrank rapidly in the air, turning into a yellow talisman, which was pinched by two slender fingers.

Jiang Wang, who was wearing a cloak and sackcloth and sitting on the ridge of the roof, took a quiet look at the yellow talisman and was very satisfied with its performance. With a light shake of the yellow paper, it has been put away.

It is indeed a product of Asgard that once dominated an era!

It was not in vain for him to kill demons in a bloody battle in the Duanhun Gorge, and to dig jade in the mountains and seas.

This Asgard Lux ​​is really easy to use!

In the case of his long-distance cooperation with the Dragon and Tiger Technique, the emissary from somewhere would not even have a chance to resist.

As for the Immortal Palace Warrior, Zhang Linchuan would not be able to track him down even if the Wusheng Sect had any special means.

It is better than a fortune-telling demon, but it must not be able to tell the fairy palace. What about Zhang Linchuan?

Asgard warriors don't ask anything, don't say anything, kill people when they appear on the stage, and leave after killing, which is to cut off the clues.

But then again...

The so-called "supernatural power" of the emissary of the secluded land finally made Jiang Wang see the clue.

If the guess is true, it's all related to Zhang Linchuan...

It is not inconceivable that each of the seventy-two earth demon messengers has mastered "supernatural powers".

The Wusheng Cult may be more powerful than imagined.

Without the awareness of the world, a terrifying monster has been born in the dark night.

On such a night, Jiang Wang sat silently on the roof, quietly observing the Wushengjiao's residence.

Behind him is a bright moon.

Moonlight poured into the night.

Not long after, the wide open door was seen by the patrols, and the messenger of the Underworld who died tragically in the secret room was discovered.

This is the leader of Chengguo Wusheng Cult. In the hearts of all the believers here, he is a great existence who acts on behalf of the gods! And powerful and invincible, invincible.

But he died without a sound.

The death was extremely miserable.

Sounds of warning, shouts, movement caused by the magic circle...

The entire Wusheng Cult's resident was in chaos, people kept rushing in and out, and the chaotic lights illuminated the place brightly.

But Jiang Wang, who was sitting on the roof, was never noticed by anyone.

In his right hand he held a book called History Knife Cutting the Sea, which of course he read while he was waiting... With his left hand pinching the Seal of Huo Dou, his whole body was covered by a layer of dim light.

Moonlight flowed through him and through him.

Bi Fangyin's method focuses on the "dharma". Under the guidance of the old man Huai Guogong, Jiang Wang used it to further condense the supernatural powers of samadhi and real fire.

And the method of misfortune and seal is used in "Tibet". The inside can hide itself, and the outside can accommodate the enemy. It is indeed the supreme method.

For a long time, Jiang Wang's hiding time has been very common, all thanks to the invisible clothes made by Xiaofan's mother-in-law back then. Now that he has mastered the seal of misfortune, it can be regarded as a leap into the dragon's gate, the world is very different.

The Diyou messenger has been killed. The reason why Jiang Wang is still sitting here is to find out whether there are hidden strong men in this station, and secondly to see if there will be any figures like the Wusheng Sect Tiangang messenger coming to support him. .

But after observing for a long time, I only saw a swarm of bees and heard only noise.

It doesn't look like a force that can aspire to become the strongest sect in the country.

Without the messengers of the earth, they seem to have lost their eyes, nose, ears, and brains.

Of course Jiang Wang can judge from this——

Zhang Linchuan's construction of Wushengjiao is a one-way node control from top to bottom. The disadvantage of this is that the organizational strength is not cohesive enough. The scattered strongholds in various places actually act independently.

But the advantage of doing this is... any section can be cut off at any time. If any stronghold is wiped out, it will not be traced back to Zhang Linchuan.

This is also the concealment that such leftist forces must have.

Otherwise, if you provoke any strong man at any time, you will be followed and wiped out.

And the disadvantages of this kind of organizational structure, in fact, as far as cults are concerned, they don't have much impact. If Zhang Linchuan is strong enough, he can use the power of "God" to directly communicate with every believer. By that time, there will be no cohesion.

Wu Sheng Cult can no longer develop so smoothly, otherwise Zhang Linchuan's power will expand too fast!

Now it seems that before the arrival of the new Earth Demon Envoy, there is nothing to worry about about the Wusheng Sect here in Chengguo.

But Zhang Linchuan's roots hidden in the shadows inevitably cast a shadow on Jiang Wang's heart.

Especially the "Sutra of Inexistence" recited by the envoys of the earth when they prayed secretly.

Six defeats and seven lives will harm all living beings. Three sorrows and eight sufferings, innocent people in the world. The common people pity me, I pity the common people...

He was not deluded by the scriptures.

Even if it is the classics of the sages, it is impossible to shake his heart now.

It's just... the most important thing in the realm of the outer building is the word "telling the way".

Jiang Wang, who was already close to the highest level of the outer building, could fully judge what such a "Sutra of No Life" meant.

At this time, Jiang Wang fully understood why Wang Changji immediately revealed his strength and wiped out all the Wusheng religion strongholds in the reef country as soon as he achieved the divine presence.

Besides being a declaration of war...

In fact, time is running out!

Zhang Linchuan is by no means a person who only plays tricks, maybe he is another hero in troubled times like Zhuang Chengqian.

Taking a last look at the chaotic Wushengjiao resident, Jiang Wang jumped up and disappeared into the night.



A mysterious strong man came from Fengtai city area, and he killed the strongest Taoist Bai Na in the Lingkong Temple and the emissary of Wusheng Sect.

Overnight, the two sects that had been fighting for days died down.

It attracted the attention of the ruling and opposition parties.

There are rumors that he is a high-ranking man secretly sent by the Chengguo court. In order to curb the expansion of the sect's power, he kills and eliminates the source of chaos.

There are rumors that it is the supreme strong man who lives in seclusion in the local area. Seeing the continuous disputes between the two forces, the people are uneasy. Only then did he start beheading the strongest on both sides as a warning...

But these rumors, these stories that Chengguo's cultivation world talked about so much, Lord Jiang could no longer hear them.

Since the meeting of the Yellow River, he only compares the top figures in the world, and even goes back to history to verify the past and the present. For example, the ordinary monks who are domineering in the unknown Cheng Kingdom are no longer in the same world as him.

The peak of practice, every time you jump to a level, it is a completely different scenery.

Pass by by chance.

It's nothing more than walking in the world of mortals, and a sword has shocked the Hongchen.



Since the start of the new Taoist calendar, the officialdom has flourished and the state system has prevailed.

As of today, three thousand nine hundred and twenty years old, there are already many countries standing in the world.

But apart from the heroes and nations, there are still some powerful sects that traverse history and the world.

Inheriting the lineage of immortality, still verifying the dead end of practice.

In the sense of space, officialdom has flourished for a while. In the scale of time, it may not be eternal.

Time will verify the power that is truly worth living.

There is no other place in the world where so many powerful sects can coexist like the Southern Region.

From the Blood River Sect, Jiange, to Longmen Academy, Mount Sumeru, to Mugu Academy, Nandou Hall...all of them are famous sects in the world.

Of course, there are historical reasons for this, and it also shows the prosperity of the practice circle in the Southern Region since ancient times.

People in the world have many opinions about the location of Nan Dou Hall. Or in the state of Wei, or in the state of Li, or in the state of Yue, to name a few.

Gein's sect is really mysterious. Unlike Jiange, which sets up peaks as swords and controls dangerous passes, ask the world's top swordsman. It's not like Mugu Academy, which is located at the foot of Shushan, a sacred place of Confucianism, where it gathers the world's literary spirit and invites you to see splendid articles.

It's not like Longmen Academy looking at Guanhetai in the distance, nor like Zongyong Township of Xuehe River.

Nandou Hall is more like Mount Sumeru, where the dragon sees the head but does not see the end.

The reputation is far and wide, but the authenticity is in a trance.

But to say that it is a secluded cultivation, it does not fit the style of this sect.

After all, the one who killed the real person Lu Shuanghe seven times, that is also the reputation gained from the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood.

What's different is that...

Although Nan Dou Hall is a great master in the world, it doesn't recruit many disciples, but... unusually does whatever it wants.

Si Ming, Tian Liang, Tian Ji, Tian Tong, Tian Xiang, Qi Sha, the six great real people who are in the mood will go to the world for a while, and whoever takes a fancy to them will be taken back to the sect.

Basically it is passed down from generation to generation.

Of course, it's okay to recruit more apprentices, and it doesn't seem to be a problem if you don't accept apprentices.

All in all very capricious.

The real location of Nan Dou Hall is of course not in any of the Wei, Li, Yue, and Song countries, otherwise it would be a question of who is the master and who is the second.

Practitioners who have lived in the southern region will know that it is in the west of Li country, in the south of Wei country, and in the north of Mugu Academy...

There is a place called Duer Peak.

This location cannot be seen on the map of any country.

But with this peak as the center, within a radius of a hundred miles, all the surrounding forces have designated it as a restricted area.

But in fact, this is only an entrance to Nan Dou Hall.

This sect does not really have a place in this world.

Of course, as the world's largest sect, Nan Dou Temple also has many subsidiary industries, has its own resource needs, and has relatively close relations with neighboring countries... But the core of this sect is always just a few people.

It is the so-called Six Truths of the Southern Dipper.

Under the blue sky and snow clouds.

Between the secluded valleys.

There is a clear stream that winds itself.

The water in the stream is so clear that you can see the bottom of the water, and you can see how the swimming fish pass through the aquatic plants.

There is a bluestone by the stream.

Sitting cross-legged on the stone was a man with white hair and a shawl.

He put his hands on his knees, let the breeze blow his hair, and said nothing, his closed eyes were like two horizontal swords.

A blunt and silent sword.

At a certain moment, there was a slight change in this world.

It's like a ray of wind passing by the floating leaves, like a drop of water soaked in the twilight, like a thousandth of a breath late when the geese sing in the distance... In short, it's something that shouldn't be noticed, or even It's something that comes naturally at all.

The world is forever changing.

But the man sitting cross-legged on the bluestone opened his eyes——

His sword has struck.




(Ps: "The Sutra of No Life" - what is the love.)

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