Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1501 Naturally Born Sword Weapon to Kill

The stream under the clear sky and flowing clouds is like a small road that does not know where to go, carrying those heartbreaking past events, winding to the distance beyond the sight.

The white-haired man on the bluestone opened his eyes, the hidden sword had been seen for thousands of years, and the world here was stung.

The clouds opened several layers.

But he just looked at the front calmly, his sword eyes shone through the clear stream, and there was nowhere for a ray of love to arise.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

The water waves on the surface of the stream rippled slightly, reflecting a woman in a Taoist robe with her hair tied up in a jade crown.

Her eyebrows, eyes and temples are like stars, and her face is beautiful and well-balanced. You can see both the grace and the years. The divine light in his eyes is also as impermanent as the water ripples.

"Hey, let me tell you." The Taoist woman's voice was full of complaints: "Great Chuhuai State Duke sent someone to send you a message, but you didn't listen? Don't you care about your precious apprentice?"

"He's going to kill, I don't care about him. He's going to be killed, why should I care about him?" the white-haired man asked softly.

Fine lines appeared in the water mirror, and the woman's face in the water mirror seemed to be a bit fragmented.

"Ah this..."

These words are so reasonable that people can't refute them for a while!

"But he is your disciple after all, and he is also the true heir of my Nan Dou Palace." The woman said.

The white-haired man looked at Qingxishui calmly: "He has to do things by himself, and he has to walk the way. Then he should have his own consciousness. If he dies like this this time, that is also his choice."

"You apprentice. His murderousness is as serious as yours back then. It's just that the nightmare is hard to get rid of, and it's because of my attachment." The Taoist woman sighed: "Before, he came here to beg me specifically, and wanted me to help with divination. That young man named Jiang Wang."

The tone of the white-haired man is still flat: "Then he is quite good at exposing your scars."

"Isn't it?" the woman in the Taoist robe said with some resentment: "How can I count the person Yu Beidou took to cover up? Your seven-killer real Lu Shuanghe is the most powerful real person in the world. My calculation power can't be ranked that far." Go high."

"I have a plan."

"The plan will be released?"

Lu Shuanghe said indifferently: "Protect yourself, cherish your body, and live a few more years. When Yu Beidou dies, you will be the number one real person in the world."

"This... How did Yu Beidou die? Do you have any news that I don't know?"

"I mean..." Lu Shuanghe said, "He's older than you."

"..." Ren Qiuli, the famous Tianji real person, was silent for a while in the water mirror: "Thank you, you are still so good at comforting people."

Of course they all know the real reason.

Without Yu Beidou's Dao in this world, he has long since lost the possibility of becoming a true king. So his age is really an age that is getting closer step by step.

It's just that for a person like Ren Qiuli, it is necessary to wait until another person is alive and old to die before he can become the number one real person in computing power...isn't it a kind of sadness?

It's not that she can finally defeat her competitor, but that her opponent has already lost to the times, and will eventually lose to time.

"But then again, after all, Shengfeng is our own member of Nandou Palace, and he came to me because he trusted me." Ren Qiuli said, "You really don't plan to take care of him?"

"Do you know what is the cruelest thing in this world?" Lu Shuanghe asked.

Ren Qiuli said: "'s your sword."

"My sword is not enough." Lu Shuanghe lightly raised a finger, pointing to the sky: "It is it. No matter what you choose, no matter how hard you try, it is like that, following its own order. No Change for anyone and anything."

As if he didn't understand Ren Qiuli's voice at all, he just stated his answer and continued: "When I was selecting candidates, I just watched. I accepted all the results. I hope he can accept it too."

"It's different now. Now Yi Shengfeng is your disciple. You have raised him for so many years..." Ren Qiuli paused at this point, and asked in surprise, "You want to sharpen his sword? To the Grand Chu Huai State's easy to break!"

Lu Shuanghe only said: "Swords are born to kill people, there is no reason not to allow people to break them."

Ren Qiuli said: "The Zuo family has accumulated power for a long time, and the strong are like clouds. When the Duke of Chuhuai gave an order, I don't know how many people drew their swords. If you don't support him, he will have no way out."

Lu Shuanghe said: "I believe that before he drew his sword, he had already thought about what he was going to face."

"After all, he is young and energetic, so he may not understand the importance of the Duke of Huai State of Chu, nor may he know the state of Qi..."

"If a person doesn't know what he's going to face before he draws his sword." Lu Shuanghe interrupted indifferently: "Then what's the need for him to live?"

Ren Qiuli sighed, and said again: "It's fine for people under God's presence to act. I'm afraid that the Huai State Duke's government will suppress people with power, and if it is spread, it will also hinder the reputation of our Nandou Palace."

Such two real people, on the contrary, are the uncles who care more about the disciples than the masters.

Probably this is also the reason why Yi Shengfeng asked Ren Qiuli for help with fortune-telling, but did not ask his master.

Lu Shuanghe looked at Shui Jing and said very calmly: "If there is an existence above God's presence to attack him, of course I will defend my apprentice."

As he himself said, before a person draws his sword, he must think clearly about what he is going to face.

Lu Shuanghe undoubtedly thought very clearly.

Ren Qiuli then understood that this was the bottom line drawn by Lu Shuanghe, and it was also his response to Duke Chuhuai.

She persuaded: "It's better to recall Shengfeng. Lord Changsheng is coming back soon. During this time, we don't need to talk to Chu..."

"Zuo Xiao is Zuo Xiao, and Chu State is Chu State. How far can he go for a Qi person?" Lu Shuanghe responded calmly.

Looking up at the sky again, a blood-colored eagle-like beast happened to flap its wings and cut You Yun into pieces.

"I'd love to know too," he said.

The sky was clear.

No sound, no form...and no eagle.



At the junction of the three kingdoms of Zhuang Yongluo, there is a city called "No Redemption".

This is a recognized place outside the law, the city of chaos.

The laws of the three countries cannot extend to this point, and any morality and precepts of the secular world do not take effect here.

There is only one voice here, one rule.

There's only one crime here—

Those who can't pay their lives and can only wait to be killed..."poor".

Some people regard it as a cancerous tumor in the western region, while others regard it as a pure land in this world.

But no matter what people say or how they look at it, it stands here silently, and it will stand for a long time.

Not to mention the Luo Kingdom, now that the Zhuang Kingdom has risen, the Yong Kingdom has been reformed, and the two heroes are confronting each other, the border land has become more and more stable. Probably no one wants to start the national war again, and they all need such a place to buffer.

So the unredeemed city prospered more and more.

It cannot be said that it is the soil that breeds evil, but it is indeed a cage for sinners.

As long as you pay enough life money, you can live here and live well. No matter good or bad, young or old.

Without life gold, there is no life. The same regardless of good and evil old and young.

The criminal guard who was leaning against the city gate had already dozed off for a long time.

Although the city is full of villains, he doesn't need to worry about anyone making trouble. The force of the Unredeemed City has been proven time and time again in the past years... It has been a long time since there has been a moment to prove it.

In the drowsiness of half asleep and half awake, a person came up to him and stopped in front of him.

The man was wearing a cloak and sackcloth, and his face was hidden under the cloak.

Standing there very politely, as if waiting for him to wake up.

This kind of politeness is incompatible with the temperament of Unredeemed City.

The criminal guard glanced at this person and stopped caring. It didn't matter whether he was male or female, beautiful or ugly, or not. He just yawned and asked, "Do you know the rules?"

Under the cloak was a young voice: "I would like to hear more about it."

It is not easy for young people to survive in this city.

Because young people often still have a temper, but their skills have not yet matured.

But that's none of his business.

Although the criminal guard was impatient, he still explained the rules of life gold.

"Tell me, how much do you plan to spend on your own life?" After the criminal guard finished memorizing the rules, he lazily took the entry letter and said with a pen: "Friendly reminder, people who cherish money often live here for a short time. "

"Uh." The visitor paused and asked, "How much is the minimum payment?"

The criminal guard caught a not-so-good temperament, and took the entry letter and the pen: "You don't have to pay any money."

"Then don't hand it in." The young man under the cloak said.

Very natural and smooth.

Almost at the same time, those people gathered around the city gate, standing, lying or leaning, all cast fierce eyes, all of them looked like hungry wolves!

Those who linger here are all those who can't stay in the city because of various reasons. But when they came to Unredeemed City, it was because they couldn't live outside. If you leave now, you will only die faster.

They squat here every day, waiting for possible "new meat".

Although none of the people who choose to live in the city of Redemption are easy to mess with, there will always be some stunned young people who can't figure out the situation. In this cruel world, give them a little "sweetness" to taste, such as the one in front of you .

A poor disguise, and the peculiar ego of a young man.

Probably somewhere, after doing some sensational things, he thought he was a great person, and felt that he could run rampant anywhere.

He needs to be taught.

Of course, maybe there is no need to teach, just to bury.

The people who gather here are like hyenas, but the criminal guards of the unredeemed city will pay no attention to them. With such a group of hyenas here, newcomers to the city are often willing to pay a little more for their lives.

After all, their crime guards have rules, and they can't just rob them like other bastards in the city.

The criminal guards by the city gate didn't care what fate the newcomer would usher in. Seeing that the newcomer refused to pay, he didn't bother to persuade him. He just said casually: "Then go in, what are you still doing?"

"Uh, there is a problem." The young man under the cloak didn't care about those vicious eyes at all, he just looked at the criminal guard who was collecting money at the gate, and he remained polite: "I'm here to find a man named Lian Heng, may I ask you?" Where should I go?"

The fierce eyes that shrouded the city gate disappeared in an instant.

Those who catch lice catch lice, those who sleep sleep, those who bask in the sun bask in the sun.

No matter what the reason is, they can't afford to offend those who are in command of the criminal guards as soon as they come.

Only the criminal guards by the city gate did not change their attitude.

Paying or not paying, looking for Lianheng or looking for Zhang San, it is just a person who affected his nap.

He waved his hand impatiently: "Go in and ask someone else."

"Really, I just look at the door, can't you come to me for everything?"

The young man in the cloak looked good-natured, not as violent and vicious as other newcomers to the City of Unredeemed. He just nodded and said, "Excuse me."

Then he walked to the city by himself.

He is a rookie who has not paid the knife money and has zero life money.

He walked alone into the worst city in the Three Kingdoms of the Western Territory.

No one came to harass him, but no one answered him either.

"excuse me……"

The fierce and vicious people went their own ways, and they didn't even give a curious look.

The residents here only worry about how to live and how to live more fun every day, and don't care about other things.

Jiang Wang stood in the middle of the street, raised his hand politely for a long time, but got no response.

Finally gave up.

He turned around and looked at the people leaning against the city wall.

One of them had the most malicious gaze before.

Jiang Wang walked over directly, blocking his sunlight.

The man raised his head, one eye was blind, and the other eye also had a knife cut at the brow bone. The whole person had a kind of viciousness in his bones.

"This is really an indifferent city." Jiang Wang said.

The one-eyed man looked at him warily, but didn't speak.

"You don't have life gold, do you?" Jiang Wang asked.

The man grinned: "How much is the master going to reward?"

"Lead the way, or I'll kill you." Jiang Wang said coldly.

Of course, people who went to find Lian Heng should not be provoked, but if they were approached and threatened, they really couldn't back down.

The man sitting by the city wall knew very well the rules of survival in this city.

His muscles tensed suddenly, and a fierce light appeared in his one eye: "Heh..."


He only heard the sound of the sword, but did not catch the light of the sword.

He didn't catch the sword light, but he already felt the coldness of the sword's edge.

The sword edge passed his scalp and pierced into the thick city wall.

He felt a cool feeling, that was the sword edge had drawn a line on his scalp.

His whole body suddenly went numb, and then he was almost paralyzed, and his whole body felt soft. The cold sweat on the back came out at this time.

Jiang Wang lowered his cloak slightly, and his voice was unusually cold: "Huh?"

"Hey, hey, if you destroy the city wall, you will lose money!"

The criminal guard who had been sitting lazily at the gate of the city, as if he was paralyzed, appeared next to the two of them in an instant, and asked Jiang Wang for money very confidently.

Jiang Wang: ...

After paying the money, the two cursed in their hearts and left near the city gate.

What Jiang Wang scolded in his heart was naturally the greed of not redeeming the city, so he didn't know what the one-eyed man was scolding in his heart.

There are no rules for the buildings in Unredeemed City. Except that they are generally not too high, there are all kinds of weird styles. Everything looks chaotic, but in this chaos, there is a strange order.

The one-eyed man led the way dully, and stopped in front of an extraordinary flower building.

"Lian Heng should be inside. I don't have gold in my pocket, so I can't go in." He said.

Jiang Wang looked up at the plaque of the tall building, and threw a gold ingot to him: "Thank you for leading the way."

The one-eyed man caught the ingot of gold with a strange look in his eyes, apparently he did not expect that this murderous guy would give him money. But there was nothing to worry about, so he took the gold and turned around to leave.

It's a bastard not to take advantage of it.

Although he felt he was a bastard, he still wanted to take advantage of it.

Jiang Wang was still looking up at the plaque in his sight. He was not familiar with this city, nor had he been here before. He just looked at the plaque with a little doubt.

It's really surprising that the Sanfenxiang Building has opened here...

"Strange, isn't it?" A person who suddenly appeared next to him looked up at the plaque with Jiang Wang.

This person was wearing a blood-red dress with a single braid, and he looked sleepy. Jiang Wang subconsciously thought of Xiangqian.

But his voice is quite emotional, and also full of desire, not as world-weary as Qiangqian.

"Why is such a famous Fengyuechang opened in such a chaotic place as Buredao City?"

He talked eloquently: "I have also studied this issue for a long time. So what is the reason? I think you are also curious. Why don't you spend some money and go in and have a look for yourself."

Even under the cover of the cloak, Jiang Wang's eyes still showed strong suspicion - you have a part in this building, right?

Seeing that the business could not be negotiated, the man shrugged his shoulders: "I am Lian Heng. I heard you are looking for me?"

Jiang Wang looked at him, and said via voice transmission: "I'm here to see Zhu Weiwo, and he said that he can contact him through you."

Lian Henglai's tired expression disappeared immediately, and he looked at Jiang Wang seriously: "Is it convenient to take off the cloak?"

"I'm afraid it will bring you trouble." Jiang Wang said equally seriously.

"Hahaha, the most feared thing in Buredao City is trouble!" Lian Heng laughed arrogantly in the middle, and seemed to hear something suddenly, and cut off the laughter himself.

"Uh, that. Come with me."

Turn around and walk down another street.

Jiang Wang just felt baffled. But he didn't express his opinion, and just quietly followed behind this person.

The other party was wearing the clothes of a crime guard, and this place was in the city of Buredao, so no one would dare to impersonate Lian Heng in this place.

Zhu Wei, since I asked him to come to the city, let him find Lian Heng. Then this person in this place must have no problem.

Of course he didn't trust Lianheng or Buhongcheng, he just trusted Zhu Weiwo.

So just follow along.

As Lian Heng was walking, he suddenly remembered something, and muttered in a low voice: "Why do I always lead people the way? If this continues, I will soon become a welcome guest."

"Oh?" Jiang Wangshun asked, "Who else will you lead the way?"

"No one, and you don't even know each other." Lian Heng waved his hands casually, as if he didn't want to talk more.

Jiang Wang didn't speak either.

The two of them crossed the streets and alleys one after the other, and soon came to the tallest building in the city - a seven-story building.

There is a black vertical plaque hanging in the middle of the gate, and there is only a white word "prison" on the plaque.

The two colors are distinct, making the word stand out more and more.

This word is like a shackle, with a harsh and restrained atmosphere.

When people come to this building, they can't help but hold their breath.

"Here we are." Lian Heng stopped walking and said, "The person you want to meet is inside."

There was a maid in the room who gestured to Jiang Wang to come in.

All processes are very straightforward, without any complicated etiquette.

Jiang Wang also stepped in.

Guided by the maid in front, they walked up the elegant stairs to the fourth floor.

Even with Jiang Wang's current vision, he felt that the layout here was very extraordinary, and it was not much worse than the Huaiguo Mansion. And it's not just about money.

The maid in the prison building didn't speak at all, she just pointed to a place for Jiang Wang to sit down, then offered a cup of tea, and then left without a word.

When he came in, Jiang Wang had carefully observed the environment and planned several routes to leave.

A total of three fairy palace wrestlers have been built, and they are now cleaning up the ruins in Yunding fairy palace. According to Baiyun boy, they have the instinct to repair the fairy palace. After all, when Yunding fairy palace was first built, the basic labor was fairy palace wrestlers. Of course, it's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice. In the absence of materials, the progress of their restoration is hardly expected.

However, for Jiang Wang now, an Asgard wrestler at the peak level of the outer building is enough to give him more choices in fighting methods.

At this time, no one paid attention to him, and he was not in a hurry, and of course he didn't drink tea. I just sat there silently and started to exercise my gong.

There are endless clues in the world of practice, and the time spent waiting for others must not be wasted.

About two hours later, the tea was completely cold, and a glamorous woman in a black dress came in. Walking calmly, he has a long-standing aura.

Her face is exquisite and beautiful, but her pair of indifferent phoenix eyes has invisibly widened the distance between her and the world.

The moment he saw her, Jiang Wang actually remembered... the corpse phoenix Jiaxuan.

In the world that collapsed that day, the beautiful figure with picturesque wings brought the night with its wings...

Jiang Wang finished his practice and got up quickly: "It's rude to bother you."

The woman in black just glanced at him indifferently: "I heard that you are looking for Zhu Weiwo?"

"Yes...he invited me to meet here." Jiang Wang said.

"Are you and Zhu Wei me?"

"Friend." Jiang Wang answered seriously, and asked in a formal way: "Who are you?"

The woman in black clothes only said: "This is my city."

Jiang Wang then cupped his hands in salute: "I have met Mr. Zuijun."

The city lord of Unredeemed City, Huang Jinmo, known as the Lord of Sin, Shi Shiran sat down on the throne, and asked softly, "Why do you still wear a cloak when you see the master here?"

"I'm sorry." Jiang Wang first took off the cloak and put it aside to show his sincerity, and then said: "It's really because Jiang Wang's identity is a little sensitive around here, and he is afraid of causing trouble to Mr. Sin King."

Huang Jinmo just raised his finger, and the window next to Jiang Wang was opened, and the noise outside the building and the skylight came in together.

Then she heard her say slowly: "Don't worry, no one here knows you."

Jiang Wang: ...

"Jiang's personality is more cautious, which made Mr. Sinjun laugh." Jiang Wang said carefully.

Huang Jinmo was noncommittal, and only said: "This building has never allowed outsiders to enter or leave, but recently it has repeatedly made exceptions."

"I'm terrified."

Huang Jinmo said mercilessly: "You don't need to panic, this exception is not because of you."

Her tone was flat: "Zhuang Ting has been looking for Zhu Weiwo, you know that, right? Everyone here knows Zhu Weiwo. It's not safe for you to meet somewhere else."

Jiang Wang pleaded: "On behalf of Senior Brother Zhu, I would like to thank Master Zuijun for his care."

Huang Jinmo raised his eyebrows and looked at him with dignity: "Who are you, do you want to thank him?"

This chapter is 6k, another stab at Brother Yan (42/78.)

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