Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1503 Come

The prison building has seven floors, each of which is different.

Its architectural style is of course beautiful, and its height is higher than all the buildings in the city, which is enough to show its specialness and dignity.

It also stood in the center of the city for many years.

But it still feels alienating and tense.

Standing here is not like being here.

People upstairs see people, and people downstairs experience life.

Neither Jiang Wang nor Xiao Shu had thought of meeting this time in the City of Unredemption.

Unexpectedly meet but meet again.

When Xiao Shu noticed the gaze and raised his head, what he saw was a pair of calm eyes, an increasingly clear outline, and the tenacity after the wind and frost.

His person is by no means the kind of flawless handsome man.

But it has its own unique style.

He sits there.

You can feel his youth, his exuberant vitality, and his courage burning like a fire.

You can also feel his determination and calmness.

I have experienced too much and overcome too much, so I can be calm.

He went forward with heavy loads and never looked back once, so he was so determined. You know that he will keep going forward, and no one or anything can stop him except life and death.

Of course Xiao Shu will not forget this person!

Although in the mountains and seas, the edge is on the side.

But whoever participated in the meeting of the Yellow River, who would forget such a person, such a face?

At the moment when Tianjiao gathered, he took the first place.

When the stars are shining, he is the most dazzling.


The losers who stopped at the top 16 of the Yellow River Meeting, alone, looked up to the heroes who won the first prize at the Yellow River Meeting on the street with people coming and going.


A mediocre person who returned without success in the mountains and seas looked up to the final winner of the mountains and seas.

At this moment, he looked up, the sky was dazzling. He sits at the highest place in the entire city of Unredeemed, even in this kind of lawless place, this kind of extremely chaotic city, he is also the guest of the highest local authority.

And he is a passerby on the street.

People are so different.

The experience of competing on the same stage was like a slap in the face, slapped in my life.

Xiao Shu subconsciously covered his face, and subconsciously quickened his pace to leave.

But then he stopped again.

He put his hand down again.

Then smiled.

He has nothing left to lose.

Including his dissatisfaction.

Including his unwillingness.

Including his sense of shame.


Of course Jiang Wang remembered Xiao Shu, but the hasty meeting at the Yellow River meeting did not leave a deep impression on him.

The prides of the nations gather together, there are too many dazzling figures, and the light of some people is covered by others.

What really impressed him was what Chu Yuzhi said when he saw me.

From this, he also knew the various injustices that the number one genius at Dan's domestic government level suffered in Dan country.

Speaking of which, Xiao Shu's performance in the Yellow River Tournament is indeed not impressive, but for the country of Dan, being able to enter the main match of the Yellow River Tournament is already a victory. Not to mention that the person who eliminated Xiao Shu was Qin Zhizhen, who was the only monk from the Heavenly Mansion at the Yellow River Meeting, and a strong man who was qualified to become the leader of the Yellow River.

For those geniuses who competed in the same field on the Guanhetai, who can guarantee that they will be able to pass Qin Zhizhen's level?

According to Chu Yuzhi, because of another defeat in the Mountain Sea Realm, it is difficult to repay the large amount of borrowed resources, and the soul has been weakened, Xiao Shu has been completely stripped of the qualifications of the Yuan Shi Dan Association...

That kind of experience is indeed deplorable.

But neither Chu Yuzhi himself nor Jiang Wang who heard the news felt that Xiao Shu would be devastated.

In any case, Xiao Shu is the strongest genius at Dan's domestic government level.

As long as this hurdle is passed, the future is still promising.

But how could he come to Unredeemed City at this time?

Jiang Wang was a little curious, but then thought that this kind of curiosity might be an offense to the other party, so he just nodded kindly and looked away.



On this day, the City of Unredeemed seemed to be busier than ever.

This kind of excitement is not because of the large number of people who come. It is not uncommon for thousands of people to flee to the City of Unredeemed with their families and a whole village.

This kind of excitement is due to the fact that there are many unique people among the people who enter the city.

For example, a person who is reluctant to pay half a penny, such as a person who wants to take off his shoes and socks and hand them in, and now this one who just walks in without saying a word...

"Hey, why are you in such a hurry?" The criminal guard who guarded the gate yelled, "Do you know the rules?"

The newcomer was well dressed and had a determined face.

Between the steps, it is like a tiger walking on a mountain, with a domineering momentum.

"Get out of the way." He just said.

His voice is not loud, but it has a majesty that has been on a high place for a long time.

Even though the entire city of Unredeemed was behind him, the criminal guard who guarded the gate didn't seem to have any temper. He shrugged and stepped aside.

In the eyes of those people near the city gate watching the show, the newcomer walked in with great strides.

He was probably dissatisfied with the order of this place, it could even be said that he didn't like this place very much, and he didn't hide his dislike at all, his brows were clearly frowned.

But he walked into the city after all.

In this world, no one can follow his own temper in everything. No matter who you are, there will always be times in your life when you have to meet people you don't like, do things you don't like, and go to places you don't like.

Some people even live like this all their lives.

He understood this truth and taught himself to endure it.

Buddhists regard this as one of the eight sufferings, and it is called "the meeting of resentment and hatred". That is to say, get together with the person or thing you hate.

This is an inescapable pain in life.

He doesn't feel he should be an exception.

At this time, he was standing on the street behind the city gate, under the eyes full of all kinds of malice, looking around, he saw all kinds of messy and irregular buildings, all kinds of messy and unseemly people.

The City of Unredeemed is not a particularly huge city, but desperate people from Zhuang Yongluo, the Three Kingdoms, and even the entire Western Territory have all flocked here, mixed with dragons and snakes.

It's not easy to find someone here.

He soars into the air.

Like a god's power suddenly bursting out, his powerful spiritual consciousness came out of the body, pouring down like mercury, and spread out quickly in a reckless attitude, rushing to all directions!

Of course he couldn't cover the entire Unredeemed City with spiritual consciousness.

However, with this kind of spiritual awareness spread across the ground, it would take no more than thirty breaths to search the entire Unredempted City.

His posture of jumping in the air, his undisguised powerful aura, and his surging spiritual sense that can make people feel oppressed... all of them showed his status as a monk in the presence of gods.

A strong man who looks so young and is on the scene!

Those who can survive in the city of unredemption are all people with sense.

For a moment, centering on this person's position, all those who could see him all fled away like frightened birds and scattered further away.

There is only one person, walking against the crowd.

Lian Heng, who was wearing a small braid, came out lazily from nowhere.

The blood-colored costume on his body did indeed have the cruelty of blood.

He pulled out a long, narrow and slightly curved waist knife with his backhand, shook it lightly, and the street was filled with cold light: "A word of caution. You can do anything in the city of unredeemed, but if you want to kill someone, you have to pay ten thousand times more." The ransom for that life...otherwise, it is an enemy of the city that I do not redeem."

The newly entered God's Realm expert didn't say anything, just took a step, and landed in front of a man who was empty-handed and alone three blocks away.

Only then did he say, "Oh? Really?"

He asked questions casually, but in front of him was looking at... Xiao Shu.

"His grandma, I feel like I've lost all face here."

Behind this man, Lian Heng, who was dressed in blood-colored clothes, jumped into the sky in pursuit, and flew down with a waist knife in his hand. Facing the back of the man's head, he said in a fighting posture: "I will warn you for the last time. This is the City of Unredemption. You must follow the rules here!"

The strong man of Shenlin, who obviously came for Xiao Shu, was silent for a while, as if he didn't expect the monks in this district to be so brave.

"Rules..." He nodded, "It seems that they should be followed."

He turned his head to look at Lianheng, and said in a relaxed tone: "You just said that the ransom needs ten thousand times the life money, right? How much life money did Xiao Shu give?"

Lian Heng held a waist knife in one hand. With the other hand, he took out the entry letter, quickly glanced at it, and said very seriously and with a straight voice: "Forty-one thousand and twenty-seven Daoyuan stones, twenty taels of red gold, thirteen taels of snowflake silver, twenty taels of snowflake silver, Six ring coins... buy your life for forty days."

He added: "Today is the first day."

The man from Shenlin with a firm face was silent for a moment, and then said firmly: "I, Zhang Xun, have my own rules!"

Everyone was surprised.

This person is actually the first person under the age of 30 in Dan Kingdom, Zhang Xun, the arrogance of heaven!

"..." Lian Heng was also surprised. Of course, his unexpected point was different, and he took the entry letter back: "Does that mean you don't want to give money?"

Zhang Xun looked away indifferently, and walked towards Xiao Shu again. Mouth said: "You can have your understanding."

He was speaking to Lian Heng, but also seemed to be speaking to Xiao Shu.

It is true that everyone can have their own understanding, and none of this can change the ending.

From the beginning to the end, Xiao Shu watched all this very calmly.

Nothing was said.

Not even a gesture of resistance.

He was able to escape here because he had put in all his efforts.

Putting life and death in the hands of others, hanging in the rules of others... This is not a choice for the strong. But it is already a way he has no choice, a road with nowhere to go.

What other way could he go?

And Lian Heng was furious!

He was holding the waist knife, and his whole body exuded a murderous aura, which made people feel that he would slash the waist knife on Zhang Xun's forehead in the next moment.

Then he turned his head without hesitation, and yelled in the direction of the prison building: "Brother, come out quickly! Someone smashed the place!!"

Jiang Wang, who is sitting by the window on the fourth floor of the prison building: ...

Jiang Wang remembered Xiao Shu.

Of course I also remember Zhang Xun.

On the Guanhe Terrace, Zhang Xun was the only one who was eager to take Li Yiyi's sword in the unlimited field under the age of thirty.

Call him overconfident.

It's okay to say he's overreaching.

His determination to fight for Dan Country cannot be denied.

A person like him has now traveled thousands of miles to personally kill another genius in Dan Kingdom.

This kind of thing really makes people don't know how to comment.

But what made Jiang Wang speechless the most was Lian Heng's voice.

Brother, I'm just passing by here.

It's none of my business that you don't redeem the city? I confiscated his life money again!

But Lord Jiang is a kind person after all.

Thinking about Senior Brother Zhu who has already joined the City of Unredeemed, thinking about Xiao Shu’s ups and downs, thinking about the sinner Huang Jinmo who was also sitting in the building but was silent and didn’t know what he was thinking...

He guessed that Huang Jinmo might not be willing to fight against Dan Country, and Zhang Xun must have a reason to capture and kill Xiao Shu? If he could come forward to make a difference, he might be able to avoid this fight.

While his thoughts were changing, he put on the cloak casually, and the person flew across the sky like a frightened bird, and landed in front of Xiao Shu!

In the gaze of many eyes, this appearance is very chic.

He is high-spirited, tall and straight, and his posture is outstanding. The slender and beautiful figure could not be concealed by the sackcloth at all. Although the cloak covers his head, but with the sword in one hand, facing the strong man, he has an air that cannot be ignored: "Zhang Xun, brother Zhang! Can you listen to passers-by?"

Zhang Xun looked up at him, and frowned: "Jiang Wang, it's none of your business here! Qi Guo's hand can't reach the western border yet!"

Residents of Unredeemed City, who were watching from afar, were in an uproar.

There are many monks in the world who have never met Jiang Wang, and there are very few people who have never heard of Jiang Wang.

First there was the name of the Yellow River Chief, and then there was the World Anti-Demon, followed by Yu Beidou and the Sanxing Palace to rectify his name as the No. 1 Inner Palace in Qing History. For a long time, people in this world have had a hard time not hearing the name Jiang Wang!

And Jiang Wang himself...

There was an unspeakable, awkward silence.

who I am? where am I? what am i doing

His original intention was to hide his identity, pretend to be an insider of the Unredeemed City, and show his strength while preventing the dispute from expanding further. Flick off your clothes when it's over, and hide your merit and fame deeply.

Considering that he was wearing a cloak and sackcloth, he had always disguised himself very well, and was covered by the seal of disaster, and Zhang Xun was not covered with spiritual consciousness at this moment... I think it is possible to pretend to have a mysterious chat.

But Zhang Xun didn't cooperate at all.

If you recognize it, don't say it, but call it out!

Embarrassing Mr. Jiang, who is "fully armed and mysterious"!

But at this time, Lord Jiang was determined to never imagine...

Being recognized by Zhang Xun through his cloak at a glance was not the most embarrassing scene for him today.

Because right after, Lian Heng with the pigtails said in a daze, "Brother, I didn't call you."

Although he didn't say the rest of the words, his expression was very obvious - you are not his opponent. Why are you jumping out?

At this moment Jiang Wang really wanted to draw his sword, but of course it wasn't to kill Zhang Xun.

However, this embarrassment did not last long.

Because soon people will know who Lian Heng is yelling!

Just when Zhang Xun continued to move forward without hesitation, he stopped in his tracks.

He had to stop.

Had to look up to the sky - he has been stung!

A ray of sharpness that seemed to penetrate the sky and the earth was aimed at the center of the eyebrows.

He had to deal with it!

In that high sky.

There is a big sun hanging high.

Among the infinite light and heat, there is a bit of extraordinarily intense and extraordinarily dazzling light.

A flash, and off.

Once it goes out, it reappears.

There is only a touch of red clouds in the sky.

The halo moves in the clouds.

A long spear pierced into the field of vision first, and then came the man with endless flamboyance and endless sharpness!

"There is only a smear of red clouds in the sky, and the sun halo moves in the clouds."

This is the picture I saw when I was running a few days ago, and I will share it with you.

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