Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1504 Silver Moon in the Sky

"Ah, not in the building..." Lian Heng said to himself with some embarrassment.

Zhu Wei Since I am not in the prison building, there are no other men in the prison building.

Then he called that good brother, who was he calling this new Jiang Wang?

Who can not misunderstand?

It's kind enough for Jiang Wang to stand up!

But even Heng's embarrassment was not noticed by anyone.

At this moment, who can pay attention to other people and other things?

All sights are plundered by a kind of brilliance.

From the high sky, that point seems to be sparks splashing out of the sun...

Has fallen into the world!

Walking through the sky, it seems to be describing the trajectory of every ray of sunshine.

The clouds in the sky are burning.

The air passing by all the way is burning.

It has a slender flame tail.

Everything it passes through and penetrates leaves its unique traces.

Its light expands infinitely. Its flame expands infinitely.

The sun is really hot, flying down the world.

To be burned, the mountains and rivers are thousands of miles away.

To burn it all up, all the wilds and six combinations.

It is so brilliant, so majestic and bright.

People, guns, and fire can no longer be distinguished.

Where is the real fire of the sun, where is the gun, and where is Zhu Weiwo?

You only know that they have come, a part of the sun is falling!

Such a person, like falling from the sun, was covered in flames and shook the world.

To reveal his majesty like a god.

The fiery clouds dyed thousands of miles away in the sky are like a dazzling red cloak behind him.

Since then, it has developed thousands of miles.

And when he kept falling and falling at a very high speed, the red cloak was rolled up in an instant! Infinite light and flames converged on his body and his spear, becoming a point at the end of the spear's tip.

Facing such a person, such a shot.

Standing on the ground, Zhang Xun, the first day of the Dan Kingdom, stood on a certain street in the city of Buran, and opened his hands. He looked up to the sky, as if embracing the world, everything he saw.

But he has unreservedly...shown his power at the level of God's Presence!

The robe on his body is bulging.

Long hair fluttering like a flag.

It can be called a terrifying power, repelling everyone around him indiscriminately.

And he opened his mouth to spit out——

A bright white pill jumped out.

It's like a bright moon born on the ground.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Thunder-like piercing sounds came one after another, one after another.

From this bright white pill, there was a continuous wave of swords roaring like a sea tide.

It seems that there are a thousand swords and ten thousand swords, singing in the middle of the moon.

Then there are sharp silver threads that are as substantial as they are, piercing through this Canbai pill, which are formed by the condensation of terrifying sword energy, and are threads of sword energy that represent extremely high achievements in swordsmanship!

Thousands of sword qi have become threads.

Galloping at high speed in the air, you chase after me, as if going away day by day!

Zhang Xun actually made a sword pill!

At the meeting of the Yellow River, he did not show anything. At that time, it took six hours of hard work to beat the opponent by a narrow margin, and won the unlimited place in the main match under the age of 30. I think this sword pill is the hole card he prepared for that meeting of the Yellow River.

But today, Zhu Weiwo came with the real fire of the sun, and he directly spit out the silver moon sword pill to deal with it.

The sky and the earth, the sun and the moon, the golden yellow and the bright white...the two are like gods!

This scene is so gorgeous that it is difficult to describe it in words.

The sword pill soared, and thousands of threads rushed to the sky.

It's like a full moon soaring into the sky, and the moonlight reflects from the world to the sky!

There are tens of millions of moonlight in the world, and at this time, I want to go to that point of Mars.

The sun in the other side, the moon in the world.

finally bumped together.

The endless sword silk wraps that bit of gun light, like silk weaving a cocoon, gathered into a silver moon in the sky.

The "moon" swallowed the "sun".

Everyone can feel the terrifying power hidden in it.

The sword wires kept flying out and gathering.

The "silver moon" is getting closer, more and more inflated, and more and more like a specific moon.

But there is gold in that silver moon.

At the beginning, I saw only a little bit, and then I got a golden halo.

Then the golden light was illuminated.

It becomes clearer and clearer.


The golden sea of ​​flames spread out, bursting the sword silk cocoon instantly!

Like a flower of gold and silver, it bloomed in the air...

Tens of thousands of threads of silver sword energy are "petals" that keep blooming and falling.

The proud figure in the center is the "stamen" facing Tianfeng alone.

And the golden ocean that has exploded is its beauty, its color, and its fragrance!


It is clearly a river.

A river of lava.

Like a river of magma flowing horizontally, rushing through the obstruction of the silver-white sword thread, it pours down mightily!

The battlefield is still high in the sky, but many people in the city have already felt the heat and anxiety.

The sword pill hanging over Zhang Xun.

Fall once, fall again, fall again.

Fall three times in a row.

Then it suddenly released a brilliant silver light.

There is no longer a sword thread to go to the high sky, no more sword thread to repair the fragmented battlefield higher up.

Thousands of sword threads intertwined on the spot, right in the air, using the sword pill itself as the grid, and quickly weaved into a bright silver gorgeous long sword.

Stab it!

At the same time as the long sword was formed, an extremely long black line appeared in the air.

That's not a black line, it's just the light being swallowed there, that's a whole huge space that has been split open!

The seemingly endless sea of ​​golden flames also burst open!

And people can finally see clearly that in the separated flames and separated spaces, the two sharp edges are still traveling at an astonishing speed. The bright silver sword point is against the golden spear point, and it is briefly and brilliantly still in the air!

At their most intense, they turned out to be silent.

This is a true god-level duel.

And it is definitely not the power that ordinary monks can possess!

There was no sound for a while.

Lines of sight are cut off and then continued.

Everything is annihilated and reborn.

People see—

Zhang Xun stood in the middle of the long street, with that bright silver sword hanging in front of him.

Zhu Weiwo, with his black hair hanging down, raised his gun upside down and landed on the ridge on the right side of the long street.

The flames in the sky, the threads of sword energy, the cracks in the space...all have disappeared, as if they were erased by some force.

Such a terrible duel is over.

Not a single brick or tile was broken in the unredeemed city, and no one person or thing was hurt.

Jiang Wang didn't turn his head, but he knew that it was Huang Jinmo who had made the move.

Zhang Xun has no chance of winning today.

He didn't even suppress Zhu Weiwo, and there is still a guilty king in the city of unredeemed.

Even Jiang Wang knew that there was a martial artist with a 20-fold spine, and he might have already been promoted to God's Prominence.

Of course Zhang Xun could understand the situation.

He straightened his spine like iron, raised his head, looked at Zhu Weiwo on the roof, and said: "Xiao Shu stole the Six Consciousness Pill and messed up my Yuanshi Pill Association. He is a thief of our Dan Kingdom! I came here to catch the thief from a long distance. If you don’t redeem the city, do you really want to shelter him?”

Six Sense Pills? Yuan Shidan will? Jiang Wang instantly recalled what Chu Yuzhi said, and finally understood why today's scene happened.

Everyone is waiting for Zhu Weiwo's answer.

Zhu Wei raised his chin slightly, and said: "There are rules for not redeeming cities."

At this moment, Lian Heng was finally able to take a few steps forward. With his waist knife sheathed, he lazily said: "Here, no one is stopping you from killing people, as long as you are willing to pay the money. No one cares what stories you have. , Where do you come from, and what responsibilities do you bear? Do you think Xiao Shu came here, did he say something about his grievances, did he make a plea? Because he understands this place better than you, and understands the rules of not redeeming the city. "

Xiao Shu was standing not far behind Jiang Wang.

Still silent.

Lian Heng said again: "He can't increase the price until the time limit for buying with his life gold is over. If you do the math carefully, it won't cost you much. Instead of wasting time chatting here, you might as well hurry up and raise money .”

The crime guard commander of the Unredeemed City really seized every opportunity to "generate income" for the Unredeemed City.

He also really doesn't care about the cause and effect between Zhang Xun and Xiao Shu. It doesn't matter who is right or wrong.

He only cares about not redeeming the city, and only cares about the rules here.

But Lian Heng said so much, Zhang Xun didn't pay attention at all.

As far as Zhang Xun is concerned, if you don't redeem this ignorant guy in the city, how can he have the right to speak?

He still just stared at Zhu Weiwo: "Xiao Shu is from my country of Dan, and he has indeed caused trouble for you not to redeem the city. I am willing to offer a sum of primordial stones to express my apology."

He took out a small cloth bag: "Here are twenty primordial stones. I will take them away, but I will keep the primordial stones. What do you think?"

Twenty primordial stones, it cannot be said that there is no sincerity.

Compared with the life gold that Xiao Shu handed over, it has swelled many times.

These twenty primordial stones are roughly equivalent to twenty ordinary storage boxes, and twenty first-class pulse opening pills can also be purchased. In the extraordinary world, it can definitely be regarded as a rich asset.

Of course, it's not that Zhang Xun can't come up with more, but that he thinks so much should be enough.

He gave the City of Unredemption enough face, and gave the strong man in front of him a long enough step.

Xiao Shu can create such a large profit for the city of not redeeming just by entering the city of not redeeming. Isn't there anything to be dissatisfied with if you don't redeem the city?

How colossal is the Kingdom of Dan compared to the City of Unredeemed.

What kind of character is he, Zhang Xun?

He has backed down so far!

For all reason, this should end here. Among the strong, each has dignity.

But Zhu Weiwo just looked at Lian Heng: "Didn't you tell him the rules of not redeeming the city?"

What a proud and sharp man this is!

Zhang patrols Lianheng as if there is nothing, so he must let Lianheng reflect his sense of existence.

He didn't leave any room at all, and didn't give the first person under the age of 30 in Dan country any face.

Hearing this, Lian Heng smiled and spread his hands: "Of course I said it, but I'm afraid I didn't listen carefully."

Zhang Xun's face sank like water.

Of course, the price he gave was not low, but if it corresponded to the amount of ransom, it was too far away.

He suppressed his anger and said as calmly as possible: "You and I both know that the so-called rules are for those who have to obey them. Or do you have any other demands?"

Zhu Weiwo stood on the ridge of the roof and shook his head slightly. He felt a little regretful. Why is a person with such strength also a vulgar person?

He suddenly looked at Jiang Wang in cloak and linen: "Junior Brother Jiang, what do you think of his words?"

Jiang Wang didn't expect to be named again.

After thinking for a while, he simply put away the self-deceiving cloak, and the Ruyi Immortal Cloak on his body was also turned into a green shirt.

As Jiang Wang, he said in front of Xiao Shu in the name of Jiang Wang: "I thought that rules are order. Breaking the rules is breaking the order. If you are not prepared to use new and better order to replace the existing order, then the essence of this kind of behavior is to dig out the roots and destroy the foundation. If you don’t check it once, you won’t notice it twice, and gradually no one cares about the rules, and the order has lost its existence The basics, an ant nest can collapse a long embankment for thousands of miles, and a single spark can burn a tall building ten thousand feet. Looking at the history books, the lessons of all countries are not far away, and you must pay attention to it."

Zhu Wei smiled: "Zhang Xun, do you want to dig out the foundation of my unredeemed city?"

"A place where the law is chaotic, what's the long-term!" Zhang Xun could hardly contain his anger: "Why bother to say such things!"

Zhu Wei and I stopped laughing: "My Junior Brother Jiang probably has some sympathy for Xiao Shu, so he talked about rules and order. Of course, it may simply be that he reads history books well and reads his own feelings. You Zhang Xun I understand what you mean, and frankly speaking, my point of view is similar to yours. The so-called rules cannot restrain truly powerful people. But the problem is..."

He threw his gun in front of him: "Are you that person?"

Too proud, too egotistical, too ignorant of Zhang Xun!

But at this moment, Zhang Xun smiled instead.

He laughed angrily, and his voice was serious and calm: "Can I understand it this way—you are not redeeming the city, and you are ready to be an enemy of our country?"

"You asked Fei Nanhua to come, you, Zhang Xun, are not qualified to say that!" At the window on the fourth floor of the city, a lonely woman appeared, embroidered with gold thread on the black dress, outlining an astonishing outline. radians. And her phoenix eyes were full of evil, and she looked over so indifferently——

"Get out!"

Zhang Xun clenched his fists!

But slowly let go.

What is more terrifying than that long spear is the power that silently erases all the aftermath of the battle. That's why he chose to stop negotiating before.

And at this moment, it also became a reason for him to swallow his anger.

He swallowed his own sword pill, like swallowing the bitter fruit brewed by himself.

He turned around and walked out of the city.

In the eyes of the residents of Buran City, he walked out of the city alone.

When he got outside the city gate, he stopped.

Today he is disgraced, today he is humiliated.

But he didn't just walk away.

He also didn't send a letter to Dan Country, and then invited experts to help.

He didn't say any more cruel words such as razing the city without redemption.

Because this is not a very realistic thing. Because it is not easy for high-level strong people to come here from across the country. Because Dan country's high-level combat power is already stretched. Because Dan country's army can't drive over. Because capturing and killing Xiao Shu should not have required so much strength.

Because from the beginning to the end, he only needs to capture and kill Xiao Shu, he doesn't need to offend Unredeemed City, and he doesn't need to make enemies for Dan Country for nothing!

There are too many reasons...

Running away with a Xiao Shu, messing up a Yuan Shi Dan meeting, the Dan country can no longer stand the toss!

So he stopped when he reached the gate of the city of the unredeemed.

Such a god who can be called famous in the world, turned around, faced the city of unredemption, and faced those eyes with different thoughts, just sat cross-legged on the ground .

There was no longer any fluctuation on his Shen Yi face, he only said——

"I'll wait for you here."

Thanks to the book friend Ouhulu for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 267th league of the Chixin Sky Survey!

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