Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1505 Karma

Zhang Xun sat alone outside the city without redemption, Xiao Shu was naturally waiting.

Xiao Shu stole the pill and fled for thousands of miles, already at the end of his life. There is no need to elaborate on how difficult it is to escape this way, how to fight wits and courage.

Now his sleeves are empty, and all the money he paid for his life has been spent.

And these forty days were the only time he had won for himself.

Zhang Xun must respect these forty days.

The powerful force displayed by the city of unredemption has defended the rules of life gold.

Zhang Xun, who was driven out of the city by the guilty king, endured great humiliation and sat alone facing the city gate.

Everyone can feel his determination to capture and kill Xiao Shu.

At this time, Jiang Wang, who was still standing on the long street, had to start thinking about running away...

It is of course a dangerous thing to be called bad names on the streets of the city of unredemption.

Although after the covenant between Xingyue and Xingyue, it is no longer possible for Zhuang Guo to deal with Jiang Wang on the bright side. Although it is said that Du Ruhui was tortured naked in Yujing Mountain, his injuries may not get better now...

But for the pair of monarchs and ministers, it is impossible to speculate too much.

But before that...

Jiang Wang turned around and looked at Xiao Shu: "Do you need me to help you contact Chu Yuzhi?"

Of course he and Zuo Guang have a brotherly friendship, and of course he felt a very precious friendship in the Huaiguo Duke's mansion. He personally experienced Zuo Guanglie's death in battle, and he knew very well what the Zuo family had paid for the state of Chu. It is also recognized that Zuo's family, which has been loyal for generations, should enjoy those honors.

But at the same time, Chu Yuzhi's words really touched him.

Those who walk in the mud and want to struggle for hope for themselves and for thousands of civilians...he was touched.

It is precisely because he knows how difficult his journey is that he can deeply understand that this world may need more fairness.

But he is not a sage born with knowledge, no innate wisdom. For too many problems in this world, he does not have his own definite answers. He even sometimes does not know who is more right and who is more wrong.

He can only keep learning, understanding, accepting, and correcting, but this process is destined to be long.

After all, he was just a young man who had just turned twenty. For life, he is also looking for his own answers.

That answer may not be correct, it may not be in line with people's cognition, and even he may not be able to find it.

He is just experiencing his life, not what kind of person he has to become.

Redness is his supernatural power, and so is wrongdoing.

Buzhou Feng is his supernatural power, and so is Samadhi True Fire.

He has the supernatural power of a sword fairy, and he inherited Yunding Xiangong, so he may not necessarily recreate the era of Xiangong. The immortals of the Sword Immortals may not necessarily be the immortals of the Nine Great Immortal Palaces.

He just moves forward.

He is not true to anyone's expectations, he is true only to himself.

But he knows how much effort is needed for a person who has climbed up from the bottom step by step.

He understands what a hopeless world it will be if hard work never yields and dedication never returns.

So he could understand why Chu Yuzhi cut off his robe and judge his righteousness, and why Xiao Shu took the risk.

So why, he will speak for Xiao Shu today.

So why, he will help Xiao Shu find a way at this moment.

Xiao Shu stole the pill and left, so the original relationship in the country of Dan was useless. For the time being, Jiang Wang only wanted to get Chu Yuzhi, and he might find a way to help him.

Xiao Shu shook his head, and said his first words after Zhang Xun appeared. He smiled and said, "It's better not to, he might be worse than me now."

He was actually smiling.

His smile is very friendly, it has nothing to do with his face or his current situation, but it is almost an expression of "skill".

"So, is there anything else I can do for you?" Jiang Wang asked again.

Of course he wasn't influenced by Xiao Shu's smile, he just wanted to help a little.

Even, he is ready to borrow money.

With the support of his virtuous brother Zuo Guangshu, he is not shy now.

Borrowing some primordial stones from Xiao Shu, this young man who just escaped from Dan Kingdom can stay in the City of Unredeemed for a while, and live for dozens of days...

That's all he can do.

Xiao Shu looked at Jiang Wang and asked in surprise, "Are you friends with Chu Yuzhi?"

He really didn't quite understand why Jiang Wang was willing to help him. They had never even spoken a word before. After much deliberation, maybe they can gather some intersections with Chu Yuzhi.

Jiang Wang shook his head: "The fate of several faces is not counted."

Xiao Shu was thoughtful, and asked again: "Don't you want to ask me, why did you choose to escape by stealing pills?"

Jiang Wang said seriously: "I think, compared to satisfying my personal curiosity, how you solve your current life dilemma is a more important thing."

Xiao Shu took a deep look at him, and then said: "Today I know why you were the one who dominated the world last year at Guanhe Terrace. I hope I will have the opportunity to sit and discuss with you in the future."

Then he shut his mouth tightly.

He learned vertical and horizontal techniques, and he is good at eloquence.

He knows how to make long distance and close attack, and is too good at using strength to fight.

But he didn't accept Jiang Wang's help anymore, nor did he beg anyone.

At this moment, he didn't intend to speak anymore, but was sitting on the long street... same as Zhang Xun outside the city gate, sitting cross-legged and closing his eyes.

The two Tianjiao of Dan Kingdom, one sitting outside the city and the other sitting in the city, faced each other several blocks apart.

There is a wonderful sense of karma.

Such a chaotic city seems to divide two lives, two destinies.

People are born different, and destiny is naturally different.

Some people are used to it.

And some people...don't recognize it.

The moment Xiao Shu sat down, the Dao Yuan in his body immediately began to surge, rolling turbulent waves. A spot of light suddenly lit up in the sky, shining like a star!

Everyone present, including Zhang Xun who was still guarding outside the city gate, understood Xiao Shu's plan almost immediately.

He planned to build a star tower to perfection within these forty days, and then use the power of Liusense Pill to break through God's Presence on the spot, so as to break this mortal situation!

This is undoubtedly a very difficult, even incredible thing.

Accomplishing God's Promenade is not about eating and drinking, and taking things for granted. Under the circumstances that there is no one to protect the way, the accumulation is not enough, and the timing is not available at all, it is a narrow escape from the impact of God's presence. Even Xiao Shu is called a genius!

Geniuses often show off the crowd, but the crowd is rare. It can be released to the world and history, but it is as numerous as crucian carp crossing the river. But among so many geniuses who became famous at a young age, how many can calmly cross the gap between heaven and man?

But then again, putting yourself in the shoes of others is indeed the only way to see hope.

If anyone were in Xiao Shu's situation, even if all conditions were consistent with Xiao Shu's, they would not be able to come up with a better solution.

Even with such a hasty attack on God's Promenade, it is almost impossible to see the possibility of success.

But no one can deny that once he succeeds, he has the qualifications to deal with Zhang Xun.

At this moment, under the gaze of countless gazes, Xiao Shu sat cross-legged in the street, closing his eyes. I don't want to waste any more time.

The stars in the sky proclaimed his feats.

The entire Unredempted City is a testimony to his courage.

He has such confidence, he dares to make such a move...

It's amazing.

The mountains and rivers are exhausted, and there is no way out. It will be another day to cut mountains and rivers.

If you are not a man of great wisdom and courage, what can you do?

Jiang Wang took one last look at Xiao Shu who was building the star tower, and without saying a word, put on his cloak again, turned around, and walked out of the city alone.

He walked quickly and in a hurry, did not say goodbye to anyone, and did not want to leave any words for Zhuang Guojun and his ministers about not redeeming the city—maybe Huang Jinmo didn't need it, but he always had to do his part .

Standing on the roof, Zhu Weiwo silently watched all this happen.

It was only at this moment that he opened his mouth and said, "Lian Heng, do something."

"Block the news. Within an hour, I don't want anyone to spread information about Jiang Wang's appearance here through any channels. Catch one and execute one."

Lian Heng whistled, and many criminal guards in blood-colored costumes immediately appeared in the streets and alleys. All of them raised their knives and pressed their swords, and stared at the people in every block with indifferent eyes, declaring their strength in the city.

"It's a small matter." Lian Heng looked at Zhu Weiwo very relaxedly: "And then?"

"Then..." Zhu Wei and I smiled: "My junior brother Jiang and I are wandering around the world!"

When the voice fell, the person flew away.


Lian Heng was a little dazed, but he couldn't even see the back of the other party.

And he turned his head to look at the prison building, the criminal Huang Jinmo, who was standing at the window on the fourth floor, had disappeared at some point.



Jiang Wang didn't intend to meet Zhang Xun again, and walked alone, through the city gate on the other side.

The Unredeemed City, located between the three kingdoms of Zhuang Yongluo, was itself built in a huge wilderness.

A unique order has been established in the uninhabited wild area.

Not long after leaving the city, Jiang Wangren was still walking through the nameless dense forest, and Zhu Weiwo had already caught up.

At that time, the light of the sky swam through the gaps in the leaves, and he suddenly appeared, half squatting on a horizontal branch, his eyes were like cold stars, shining proudly.

The not-so-outstanding bloody crime guard outfit was particularly bright on him.

Whenever he thinks of Zhu Weiwo, Jiang Wang will think of the scene when he saw this person for the first time.

In the ink-stained night, a little fire appeared.

Light up the long night, swaying in the cold wind, proud and sleepless.

"I wish senior brother a better demeanor than before!" Jiang Wang said with a smile.

Zhu Wei I looked at him for a while, and also smiled: "It's not convenient to talk in the mountains and seas, I wanted to have a good chat with you in the City of Unredeemed, but I didn't expect Brother Jiang to be so famous that he would be recognized everywhere .”

Jiang Wang thought to himself, brother, you are not the same as what Zui Jun said, you will not be punished when you go back, right?

But he said: "It's just that I have met Zhang Xun and Xiao Shu, so they recognize it. But when senior brother Zhu shows up, I think the whole city is boiling!"

"Where is it, junior brother, you are famous all over the world, but you were the leader of the Yellow River last year!"

"Senior brother is more elegant, just now you just shot down the God Lin Tianjiao who went up to the viewing platform!"

The corner of Zhu Weiwo's mouth slightly raised: "Two people who have left their hometowns, but they also love to flatter each other!"

"Isn't this a tradition?" Jiang Wang spread his hands helplessly: "It's like you go down the river in a lonely boat, and I will go to the Lin family to strike across the gate!"

Zhu Wei sighed: "Junior Brother Jiang, you killed Dong A in the rainy night, but it was very hard for me to investigate."

Jiang Wang's tone also became gentle: "Brother, I hope you have no news when you go, and I have been looking for news about you for a long time."

Zhu Wei and I were silent for a while, and looked up at the sky beyond the leaf gap: "Until today, I was able to enjoy the sunshine so wantonly again."

Jiang Wang said: "I think everything is worth it."

Zhu Wei jumped down: "I think so too!"

The two looked at each other and smiled. In this nameless mountain forest, they laughed for a long time inexplicably.

Laughing so that the birds scatter, laughing so that the leaves sway, laughing so that the skylight passing through the gaps in the leaves also has a free shape.

No one asked about each other's suffering, and no one talked about their own tiredness.

They both know what they have been through, so they can feel each other too.

Everything, only one sentence——

I think it's all worth it.

"Speaking of it." Jiang Wang asked: "Brother Zhu just fought against Zhang Xun in public. Will there be any problems?"

"Zhu Weiwo concealed my name and hid in the city of Unredemption to practice. Once the god came, I left the city. The sinful king didn't know about it." Zhu Weiwo raised his eyebrows and said: "So what's the problem?"

Jiang Wang was a little surprised to find that senior brother Zhu's raised eyebrows were exactly the same as that of Mr. Sin...

"Oh." He pondered and said, "After all, senior brother knows Zhuang Gaoxian and Du Ruhui better than I do."

"Except for themselves, who can really understand them?" Zhu Weiwo sighed, and then said, "Of course, the Unredeemed City is more complicated than you imagined. Otherwise, how do you think it can gain a foothold among the Three Kingdoms? How can you maintain such a costless rule?"

Jiang Wang thought about all kinds of mountains and seas, and thought of Huang Weizhen who might return from fantasy at any time, so he couldn't help nodding: "Senior brother said so, I have the bottom line... What is the brother's plan next?"

Zhu Weiwo said: "Follow you and wander the world!"

Jiang Wang thought about it seriously, and then said: "I don't know if senior brother is just joking. Junior brother, I still have a little reputation in Qi country. I wish senior brother a talent from heaven. If he is willing to go to Qi country, he will definitely be there. It’s a big achievement. It’s just that I still have some small things to do, and I can’t go back for the time being... why don’t you go first, brother, and I’ll send someone to welcome you?”

Zhu Wei Of course I don't intend to wander the world with Jiang Wang.

He didn't ask Jiang Wang what the little things he didn't finish were.

Just looking at Jiang Wang, there was a relaxed smile in his usually proud eyes, like the kind of senior who used to encourage honest juniors to do bad things: "Do you want to see if Xiao Shu can succeed?"

Jiang Wang hesitated for a moment: "Let's forget it, it's easy to cause trouble."

Zhu Weiwo laughed, hooked his shoulders and walked back: "Let's sneak back now, who will find out? There is a saying in the art of war, the most dangerous place is the safest place!"

"Brother, I never heard that this is the art of war..."

"Then you've heard it now!"

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