Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1510

"Equality?" Suddenly a lonely female voice asked.

Jiang Wang looked up, only to see a majestic and beautiful figure standing not far ahead.

I don't know when it appeared, and I don't know how it appeared.

Of course she can only be the Lord of the Unredeemed City, the sinner Huang Jinmo.

Facing Jiang Wang's eyes, she said in an explanatory way: "The visitor is a guest, and I still have to take care of your safety in Budao City."

What kind of person is Huang Jinmo, how often does she need to explain herself to others?

From the corner of the eye, he glanced at the proud senior brother Zhu, Jiang Wang had every reason to suspect... The sinful king deliberately chased him out after hearing Zhu Weiwo's words of wandering around the world.

Otherwise, with this woman's temperament, she would have to eat so much to go out of the city to escort him, Mr. Jiang?

Of course, Lord Jiang, who has grown up a lot, will not show this suspicion on his face.

Instead, he suddenly realized "Oh", and sincerely apologized: "I have really caused trouble to Lord Sin."

Huang Jinmo waved his hands, indicating some trivial matters, without further words, he just asked: "You just said... an equal country?"

Jiang Wang thought, this woman really likes to eavesdrop on other people's speech.

He only said: "I have had several contacts with Equal Nations, and I have some understanding of their behavior style."

"Do you think Xiao Shu is also a member of Pingguo?" Huang Jinmo asked directly.

Jiang Wang thought about it seriously, shook his head and said: "I don't think so. They may have similar confusion about this world. But those people in the equal country already have a strict organizational structure, a consistent program of action, and what they call It is a firm belief in ideals...they established their own path, although in the eyes of many people, they have walked on the wrong path."

"However, Xiao Shu's ideal is different from that of the equal country, and Xiao Shu and the others have not yet found the way to reach the ideal."

Jiang Wang had heard Chu Yuzhi's impassioned speech, as well as Xiao Shu's last words.

He understood that Xiao Shu's ideal was Chu Yuzhi's ideal.

The two are like-minded and moving towards the same goal.

That's why a civilian genius from the Dan country and a genius from the Chu country's army, two people who are so irrelevant, trust each other so much and give each other unreserved support.

"In addition." Jiang Wang added: "If Xiao Shu is a member of the Ping An Country, based on his current value, the Ping An Country should send someone to support him. The Ping An Country I know is powerful. If Just a Zhang Xun, deterrence is not enough."

Huang Jin listened silently for a few minutes, then suddenly glanced at Zhu Weiwo, his voice was still cold, but not too cold: "What kind of eyes are you looking at?"

Zhu Wei and I shrugged: "Hearing you guys talking about things I don't understand, I don't know whether to be relieved or disappointed."

"That depends on what you think is more important." Huang Jinmo said.

Jiang Wang at the side: ...

Thought you guys were really interested in the Equal Nation.

"Then what..." Jiang Wang said very consciously: "If you send Jun thousands of miles away, you must say goodbye at the end, or else, send it here?"

Huang Jinmo and Zhu Weiwo stopped almost at the same time.

Jiang Wang looked at Zhu Weiwo, feeling a little annoyed in his heart, but still had a smile on his face: "Didn't Brother Zhu say that he wanted to wander the world with me?"

Zhu Wei I looked around the wilderness and said quietly: "Yes, I have already wandered."

After thinking about it, he somehow added: "Junior brother, go slowly."

Once out of the city, you have already wandered the world.

His world is really close.



The distance between the City of Unredemption and the Kingdom of Pill is not such a long distance for a full-speed flying God's Realm powerhouse.

But at this moment, Zhang Xun, who was flying rapidly, was too far away!

He couldn't help but wonder, what kind of genius is Xiao Shu, who is able to escape such a long distance and escape to the City of Unredeemed under that kind of intense pursuit with his cultivation in the Inner Mansion?

And how stupid he is.

I'm afraid no one will believe that the unspeakable grief in his heart at this moment is all because of Xiao Shu's death!

And how can he let people know?

Everyone thought that Xiao Shu's failure was due to his own arrogance. It was because the forty days he had set were really insignificant compared to the God's Realm. It's because his accumulation is not enough, it's because he pushes himself too hard...

But among those present, only Zhang Xun understood that the most fundamental reason was actually the six consciousness pill...

What Xiao Shu subdued in the final step of his impact on God's Promenade was not the real Liusense Pill at all.

Dan Country no longer has the ability to refine the real Liusense Pill!

This is what made Dan country's top management feel uneasy and Zhang Xun was terrified.

They absolutely cannot let this matter be exposed.

Under the oppression of Qiang Qin, in front of the devastated river valley plain.

What is the reason why Dan Country can still support it and barely maintain its momentum? Isn't it the alchemy technique that they rely on as the foundation of the country and unique in the world?

Once this last layer of fig leaf is torn off, the country of Dan will be a piece of fat that is completely defenseless to the country of Qin!

So why are they trying to cover it up?

So why didn't they give Xiao Shu Tianyuan Great Pill and Xiao Shu Liuzhi Pill?

Because Dan Country no longer exists!

The so-called Yuan Shi Dan Society, since a long time ago, is just an empty shell with a false name.

The so-called incompetent son of the Zhang family, Zhang Xun's younger brother Zhang Jing, is actually just a poor cover.

Use his arrogance, incompetence and pride to cover up the country's biggest secret.

Even Zhang Jing himself thought that he really swallowed the Tianyuan Great Pill back then, but because of his limited talent and bad luck, he couldn't fully exert the effect of the elixir.

It's a drama that's been going on for too many years.

As the first family of the Dan Kingdom, the Zhang family had abandoned Zhang Jing from the very beginning, deliberately training him to be an arrogant and incompetent second-generation ancestor.

Make him domineering, make him rude, make him greedy, make him unconscious.

The strength of the family, the obedience and obedience of the elders, and the bragging and flattering of his friends made him very satisfied. He really thought that he was actually a genius who was not inferior to his elder brother Zhang Xun. At this stage, he was just a pearl in dust and had not yet shined brightly.

He really felt that he was just too lazy to work hard now, and when he really worked hard, he would surely catch up with his elder brother at a rapid pace, no problem at all.

He was still eagerly waiting for the Six Senses Pill, waiting for the hope of his divine presence. But he didn't know that even if he really waited, he still wouldn't have a big breakthrough, and the infamy of that trash would make him bear it for the rest of his life!

Even when necessary... used to make Zhang Xun "destroy relatives with righteousness" and rebuild the confidence of the Chinese people in the country.

Being able to produce precious medicines such as Tianyuan Great Pill and Liushi Pill has always been the biggest trump card of Dan Kingdom, and the most important thing to rely on is their fundamental confidence to compete with Qiang Qin. They cannot and dare not lose.

They would rather create an extremely unfair atmosphere, so that those geniuses who have suffered "injustice" will have the determination and courage to break this unfair environment and bring the country back to the right path.

I also don't want people to completely lose hope in this country.

Not to mention letting the country see the dying weakness of the Dan country!

If the ox is open, the wolves will eat it.

Although the state of Qin has a keen eye on the western region, people like Zhuang Gaoxian have boundless ambitions?

How dare Dan Guo bet?

For a genius like Xiao Shu, Dan Kingdom's top management has prepared another faction to sing the red face. When Xiao Shu was desperate and resentful, he gave him hope again and continued to support him. so that he may be born again from the fire.

Just like ten years ago.

When Xiao Shu himself grows up to be a high-ranking person in Dan Country, he will tell him the truth at that time, and he will naturally understand the painstaking efforts of the high-level people.

But what I didn't expect was... ten years later, the scene was a failure.

Xiao Shu stole the pill and left.

What is even more unexpected is that Xiao Shu actually relied on himself to escape from Dan Kingdom all the way to the City of Unredeemed, and won forty days for himself. And the feat of using these forty days to hit God's Landing has attracted the attention of the world!

So in fact, at Xiao Shu's last moment, Zhang Xun was actually ready to completely tear himself apart from Unredeemed City. In fact, he has already decided to forcibly rush to the city of unredemption and annihilate Xiao Shu's so-called last words.

But Xiao Shu... didn't say anything.

He didn't seem to realize at all that the Six Senses Pill he swallowed was not right, it was lacking in the most fundamental place.

But a genius like Xiao Shu, who really touched God at a certain could he not find out! ?

He just understood the truth of everything at that time, and chose to remain silent!

That's why he said...

Zhang Xun wouldn't feel at ease if he didn't watch him die.

That's why Zhang Xun feels sad and hurt now.

He and his country really lost a genius who was full of love for the country, but all of this...who can be blamed?


"Congratulations, Lord Zhang!"

Rows of servants greeted them outside the mansion, like stalks being broken by the wind and dumped row by row.

Zhang Xunfei fell down, his usual firmness and solemnity had returned to his face.

He looks ahead.

Zhang Jing's domineering face was indeed standing in front of the crowd.

"Brother!" Zhang Jing came forward with a smile on his face, raised his hand, and showed off his masterpiece: "Look how popular you are! Look at the momentum of our Zhang family!"

Zhang Xun ignored him, walked past him, and said to the servants who were lying on the ground: "Everyone, go about your own business. Zhang Xun has nothing to see, and he is not worth welcoming."

"Tsk, you always look like this, so boring."

Looking at the crowd that quickly dispersed, Zhang Jing curled his lips: "Brother, you hunted thousands of miles away, killed the traitor Xiao Shu and then returned, isn't it worth being greeted by these lowly maidservants? Let me tell you, it's the man of the Manchu Dynasty. Civil and military, it is time to welcome you at the border! A bunch of waste, who can’t even look down on a pill! What use is it for the country to support them!”

These words are really ignorant, most people would not dare to listen to them, but he said it very naturally, it can be seen that he did not say less in normal times.

Zhang Xun didn't speak, and continued to walk into the mansion.

Zhang Jing followed him closely, and said with a flattering smile, "Hey, big brother, did you get the Six Knowledge Pill back?"

"No." Zhang Xun said, "It has already been eaten by Xiao Shu."

"Ah?" Zhang Jing looked disappointed: "Then you have been abroad for so long, did you run for nothing?"

Zhang Xun glanced at him indifferently.

Zhang Jing shrank his neck, and said aggrievedly: "Okay, okay, then I'll wait for another Liusense Pill. Alas, damn it, my luck is too bad. On a good day, when I meet This is a piece of bullshit. If this goes on, how long will I have to wait for God to come?"

Immediately, he gritted his teeth again: "This damned Xiao Shu, the son of a lowly slave! He is not satisfied after giving him so much. How could he be so greedy, peep at precious medicines, and not even look at his own weight and status! Just die like this It's really cheap for him!"

"The matter is over, so there is no need to talk about it." Zhang Xun said calmly.

He walked in Zhang's old mansion, but did not find the peace of returning home. He subconsciously quickened his pace, but the shadow cast over his heart could not be shaken off at all.

Zhang Jing chased after him a few steps: "Hey, brother, walk slowly, I still have something to tell you!"

Without waiting for Zhang Xun to ask—of course he knew that Zhang Xun would not—he said cheerfully, "Can you lend me your county magistrate's seal? Come on! I can't swallow this breath, I have to beat this grandson up!"

Zhang Xun turned around abruptly, almost colliding with Zhang Jing who was too late to stop.

But in Zhang Jing's stunned eyes, Zhang Xun stared at him fiercely, his heart was already furious!

In order to maintain the secrets of Dan Kingdom, he endured humiliation in the City of Unredeemed, sitting outside the city for forty days.

Xiao Shu struggled all his life, struggled for 20 years, and finally ended up with a pill that destroyed people and killed him without redeeming the city.

And Zhang Jing was only thinking about the things in the kiln, only thinking about being jealous!

But can he scold Zhang Jing for not being self-aware, and it is impossible for God to come in this life? Can he call Zhang Jing a waste, can't compare with Xiao Shu at all? Could he say that Xiao Shu's death was not worth it, that it was not a good death? Can he say that the Dan Country can't make a new Liusense Pill? !

he can not.

So he looked at Zhang Jing so angrily, but in the end he just reprimanded: "Who told you to drive all the servants to the door to greet me? Does Mrs. Zhang need such a ostentation? You spend the whole day drinking and drinking, doing nothing, you It doesn't matter the time, but each of them has their own work! They went to the door to meet me, and waited for several hours in the cold wind, but they still had to water the flowers they should water, feed the horses they should feed, and wash them. My clothes still have to be washed! Will they respect me, or will they secretly blame me in their hearts!?"

Zhang Jing shrank his neck and muttered in a low voice: "Isn't it just such a trivial matter, why are you getting so angry... At worst, I won't do this in the future."

Zhang Xun looked at him, took a few deep breaths, and calmed himself down: "That's it."

Zhang Jing glanced at him cautiously: "Then... about the county guard's seal?"

Zhang Xun turned around expressionlessly and waved his hands: "Get it yourself."

"Brother! You are so kind!" Zhang Jingxi smiled and cheered loudly at Zhang Xun's back: "I will listen to whatever you say from now on!"

He was so happy at this moment, he didn't know it.

The ray of anger that the elder brother couldn't suppress at that moment was the emotion towards him.

But it has been suppressed.

Thanks to the book friend "Xingyu Zhengyaomang" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 269th League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

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