Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1511 A funeral

When Jiang Wang came to Unredeemed City, he passed through Cheng State, then detoured to Mo State, walked through a large area of ​​wild land, then arrived at Luo State, and finally rushed from Luo State to Buredao City... In this way, outside the sphere of influence of Zhuang State, he made a detour for a long time. lock up.

Leaving now is much simpler. He intends to enter Yong Kingdom directly and transfer to Yun Kingdom from there.

In this chaotic land of no-ones, Unredeemed City is the only city and the only place where there is order. In addition, there is a large area of ​​wild land.

In this kind of wild land, there are actually some people of all kinds living, and there are some places like stockades. They exist attached to the Unredeemed City, but due to various reasons, they cannot enter the Unredeemed City to live.

If we say that those people who linger around the gates of the unredeemed city all day are the bottom of the unredeemed city. Then those who wander in the wild lands outside the unredeemed city are the bottom of the bottom.

They already have nothing but a brutal undertone. So their cruelty may also exceed people's imagination.

Of course, today's Jiang Wang doesn't have to worry about the threat of these people.

When I was still in the Zhuang Kingdom, this illegal place in the gap between the Three Kingdoms was probably the most dangerous place in my cognition. At this point in the practice, there are only places in the world such as Border Desolation, Yu Yuan, and Lost Realm, which can truly be called dangerous places.

Cultivation is like climbing a mountain, each level is a level of scenery.

After bidding farewell to Zhu Weiwo Huang Jinmo, Jiang Wang walked slowly while trying to figure out the method of the star road left by Xiao Shu - he couldn't go straight in the sky, he couldn't fly wildly, and he had to keep a low profile as much as possible... I can't get up fast even if I think about it.

The boundary of the wild grass is full of thorns, and the snake's slough is like a dead branch.

For those who have never been here, it is hard to imagine that this is the hinterland of the Western Territory, and it is actually in packages from several countries.

It's so desolate.

If there were no Unredeemed City, this place might have been completely isolated from the human world, or it might have been reclaimed and divided by several nearby countries.

This chaotic place supports Unredeemed City, and Unredeemed City also gives this place its own strong vitality.

It's hard to say who is more inseparable from whom.

There are winding paths everywhere in the mountain tombs, and there are a few lonely old crows calling from time to time.

This kind of gloomy place is used to giving birth to evil spirits,

But no matter what kind of resentful ghosts, they can only avoid Jiang Wang, there is no reason for Jiang Wang to avoid him.

He walked alone, although he didn't do anything special, but his powerful vitality was dispelling the shadows.

If a martial artist like Zhong Liyan has cultivated his qi and blood into divinity, and his vitality is as surging as the sea, as long as he doesn't restrain his breath, wherever he goes, the ghost will collapse there.

The crow's cry was disturbing, Jiang Wang frowned, and couldn't help but feel a killing intent, wanting to kill it with a sword, but then became alert!

Why do you want to kill a crow?

The immortal red gold light shines on Wufuhai instantly, and Jiang Wang's hand is already on the hilt of the sword.

At the same time, there was a rustling sound. Within the range of vision, one after another unowned mountain tombs cracked open. One by one, the rotten bones broke through the ground!


Bone Road? Lifeless teaching? Zhang Linchuan? or who?

Jiang Wang just woke up at this time, his perception of danger has been suppressed by some kind of force for too long!

He is used to making decisions bravely, but he didn't make a move immediately. Instead, standing on the ground, like roots taking root under your feet, and the jade light flowing through your ears, you have already opened the fairy state of the voice and hearing, and made thousands of voices come to the pilgrimage.

The sound of skeletons rubbing against each other, bones breaking through the ground, crows' cries, wind blowing weeds...

The surrounding environment is reconstructed in Jiang Wang's perception in the form of sound.

Hear the world, see the world.

Then he saw that before those skeletons got out of the grave, there were ghosts floating around.

One, two, three...

As far as the field of vision is concerned, there are hundreds of them.

Like swallows gathering, like clouds flowing.

They staggered out of those unowned mountain tombs, and seemed to have received some kind of instructions at the same time in a flash, like black streamers, with unified and high-speed actions.

Half of the ghosts shuttled through the air at high speed, like black lines, outlining some kind of weird pattern. A terrifying and gloomy atmosphere followed.

The other half of the ghosts rushed towards Jiang Wangji at a terrifying speed with dark tail marks!

Between heaven and earth, there is a subtle change taking place.

Jiang Wang watched all this calmly, a cloak, a sackcloth, a kind of grace. He was alone in the wilderness, motionless. But a hot line of fire has spread rapidly with him as the center.

The heat wave is raging.

Flame like a flower.


Where the line of fire swelled, those ghost streamers couldn't even stand still for a moment, and were instantly incinerated.

The rapidly expanding line of fire, after incinerating the approaching ghosts, spread out on the spot, fluttering, and turned into soaring flame sparrows.

Chirp chirp chirp...

Scattered into thousands, pecking at the remaining half of the ghosts in the air.

This one-handed fire-walking Taoism can do whatever one wants, which is the result of Jiang Wang's practice in the Huaiguo government some time ago.

The current situation is very obvious. The half of the ghosts who directly attacked are obviously creating time for the actions of the other half of the ghosts.

The enemy who has been lurking in the dark for an unknown period of time must have many backhands waiting to be uncovered.

Jiang Wang didn't care about those, and directly pushed the flames horizontally, not only to burn this, but also to burn that.

As long as all the ghosts are burned, the possible follow-up of the enemy will naturally be annihilated.

This is a majestic teacher who fights against odds with righteousness.

Ka Ka Ka!

As if sensing some kind of danger, the skeletons drilled out of the mountain graves have sped up their movements, some have poked out their upper bodies, some have raised their heads high, and some have grabbed other skeletons. A bone hand, connect yourself...

And above all the skeleton shelves, there is a white light point jumping out of the body.

There is a distant echo between the light spots and the light spots.

Because these pale light spots are scattered among the skeletons in different mountain tombs, there seems to be some kind of bleak connection.

They are like nodes one after another, and like stars in the world of the dead.

And those ghosts that outline a certain trajectory in the high sky are covered with a pale brilliance... Therefore, they are not afraid of flames.

This kind of one-ring after another, layer-by-layer offensive...

The hidden enemy must have made a lot of preparations.

This sudden encounter at this moment is an incalculable determination and calculation behind the scenes.

Jiang Wang must respect the hard work of his opponent.

He still stood still, but his eyes swam past the red light.

His ability to control fire is far better than ever.

The fire wire that he changed with his thoughts turned into a flame sparrow, but it's not that simple!

Today's flame sparrow is not yesterday's flame sparrow.

There is a deep red spot in the eyes of every Flame Sparrow, which is the kindling seed branded by the True Fire of Samadhi.

They are condensed from the fire element between heaven and earth, but they are also contaminated with the power of supernatural fire, and even Jiang Wang's samadhi real fire can descend through these flame sparrows at any time. Using the heart like this, there are infinite changes. . Greatly improved the flexibility of Avatar Flame Combat.

And what is reflected in this moment is...

All the flame sparrows flying in the air, the temperature of the fireworks suddenly increased by more than several times, they easily pecked through the pale brilliance, and jumped on the ghosts!

In the blink of an eye, all the ghosts flying in the air were burned to nothingness.

At this time, the skeletons hadn't even fully climbed out of the grave.

Jiang Wang's reaction was not unpleasant, his response was not imprecise, and his Taoism was not mysterious.

But at the same time as the Flame Sparrow dissipated, the surrounding temperature dropped suddenly, and the cold feeling was like a gangrene.

Jiang Wang raised his eyes in surprise, and saw that in the shadow of the sky, a strange pattern had been drawn...

Where those ghosts really come into play are those dark trails!

The alarm bell sounded in Jiang Wang's heart.

He realized that the opponent hidden in the dark knew himself very, very well!

This kind of understanding does not mean that it is limited to the understanding of combat power.

Instead, he has a full insight into his own fighting style and coping habits.

Is it Yi Shengfeng?

The two have known each other since they were young, and they really know each other well.

Moreover, according to the information from the Huai State Government, after the Mountain Sea Realm, Yi Shengfeng went to find Tai Yin specifically. He didn't miss it when he wanted to come to other people who had fought against him.

If it's him... It's really not surprising that he has this level of understanding and targeting of himself.

As his thoughts turned sharply, Jiang Wang's eyes turned completely red.

Qianyang's red pupils have been opened, and boundless flames come out around him.

Between heaven and earth, there is red for this purpose.

Flame sparrows fly, flame flowers bloom, and flame meteors fall... A vibrant world of flames is burning in this barren wilderness.

Splendid and brilliant, noisy and clear.

With himself as the center, he instantly released the technique of the fire realm, still focusing on offense and defense. Without knowing the details of the enemy, first increase the difficulty of the enemy attacking yourself, leaving more room for yourself to react.

At this moment, the eerie pattern between the heaven and the earth has been drawn, and the eerie and strange formation has been settled, and its influence is beginning to show.

Huo Yuan was expelled and scattered here.

Everything that was docile to Jiang Wang began to make things difficult for him.

But Jiang Wang's Fire Realm is presided over by Samadhi True Fire, supported by the Scorching Bone Lotus, and without the supplement of heaven and earth energy, it will not have much impact for a while.

However, it is difficult to achieve the same as usual, where the flames rise up at will.

Too targeted...

What is the true appearance of this formation?

Where will the enemy hide in the end?

Jiang Wang's eyes were like lightning, and he shuttled around.

His dry sun and red pupils are still conspicuous under the cover of the cloak, but this in itself is also his cover for himself-making the opponent think that he is relying on these eyes to catch clues.

Qianyang Chitong, who was only cultivated in the mountain and sea realm, should not be known too much by the opponent.

Qianyang Chitong's ability does not focus on observing subtleties, so his key method of catching opponents is actually on the savanna fairy state.

In the midst of this concentrated vigilance, suddenly his ears twitched, and he caught a distinctive sound—in almost all mountain tombs, there was the sound of skeletons crawling, but this place was especially special. Unlike, bones are extraordinarily strong and powerful.

It's too subtle, but in the world of sound, it's as loud as thunder.

And Jiang Wang has already moved!

There was a burst of suppressing power from the evil formation, and the air felt as thick as water... But Jiang Wang's actions could not be suppressed at all.

If he doesn't move, he's done, but when he moves, he sees a cold light.

He settled down gracefully and calmly, leaving only the burning Fire Realm still fighting against the power of the formation. But the body is like a Changhong, and it has been hit by a sword, across the sky above a huge mountain grave——

This is an extraordinarily large mountain tomb. Probably the people who buried the corpses were lazy and buried many people at once.

Corpse gas and ghost gas are mixed together, and there is a suffocating stench.

The mountain tomb itself has not been completely removed, and there are five or six skeleton hands struggling through the soil to breathe in the outside...the finger bones are bent and bent stiffly.

Jiang Wang arrived in a flash of lightning, and with a slight movement of his fingers, he had already held the long sword backwards, as if playing with a dagger, from top to bottom, he stabbed it down with a very crisp sword!

When people fall, swords also fall.

There is no difference between man and sword, even hair is sharp.

The roaring sword energy directly smashed the mountain tomb, and smashed all the bones and skeletons in it to pieces!

The dirt was cut open.

The skeleton manipulated by some kind of force was cut open.

The stench and extremely toxic taste were also cut off.

A black iron mace protruded from the grave,

An extremely ferocious, extremely vicious, and extremely crazy evil spirit wrapped around this iron mace, swallowing up the sharp sword energy.

The mace was held in a large rough hand.

A man with a beard and red eyes was lying on his back in this nameless mountain tomb in the wilderness, separated from the flying mud, broken bones, flying sword and evil spirit... and Jiang Wang, who was wearing a cloak. Look at each other.

He stared at Jiang Wang's red eyes hidden behind the cloak.

In the meantime, there is an infinitely crazy killing intent.

This mace is named for mourning...

This person is named Du Yehu!

Since his debut, Jiang Wang has fought endlessly and fought countless battles. He has never hesitated in battle.

there has never been!

But at this moment, seeing this face, seeing this person.

He couldn't help but froze for a moment!

He had guessed who the opponent was lurking in the dark this time, and he had calculated countless possibilities, but even if he had the wisdom of Chongxuan Sheng, even if he had the intelligence of Zhao Rucheng, he would never have imagined that he would be in such a situation. Next, meet such a person.

His hand holding the sword moved sideways almost instinctively, and the sword energy circled around Du Yehu, roaring and penetrating into the ground.

But Du Yehu's funeral mace did not hesitate at all, and continued its ferocious trajectory, and it was already smashed at the head!

The mace hasn't arrived yet.

Jiang Wang's cloak was instantly shattered!

The camouflage of Ruyi's fairy clothes and linen clothes has faded away, and the appearance of the green shirt that has been maintained all along has returned.

The Dao Yuan protecting the body shattered on the spot.

The light of the five supernatural powers rose around him, and Jiang Wang leaned back completely out of survival instinct——

The maddening evil spirit had already hit him, causing his whole body to fly upwards.

Spit blood in the air!

Although this month's monthly ticket list is very watery.

But after all, it is already the last day of this month, and it would be a waste not to vote for the monthly let's vote.

There is at twelve o'clock in the evening.

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