Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1517 Dading

Chapter 1517 Dading

Jiang Wang's footsteps were very light, but they also slowly faded away in the world of ears.

Ethereal and inaudible.

Zhu Weiwo was still wiping his gun, moving very slowly and earnestly.

At this time, Huang Jinmo came down from upstairs, her long skirt reached the floor, still noble and glamorous, inviolable.

"You probably have been fighting in Yu Yuan for too long, and you have forgotten the ways of the world."

She commented on the conversation she had just heard.

She is dignified and guilty of Junhuang Jinmo, of course she is not a person who likes to eavesdrop on other people's speech. It's just that those who are strong in Shenlin can't help but have sharp eyes and ears. How could she not hear these two young people talking in her ears?

I'm used to Zhu Wei, so I just said in a low voice, "It has nothing to do with Yu Yuan, I've always been like this. People's sophistication is just a way for the weak to report to the group to keep warm."

Huang Jinmo raised his chin slightly, of course he admired his sharpness, but he only said: "His injury is far from being recovered, and he will not be left to recuperate, and he will not explain a few words. Don't be afraid of his heart. resentment?"

Zhu Wei only said: "Jiang Wangfei is a sad person, and I am not a weak person. No matter how much you explain, what you don't understand still doesn't understand. If you understand you, why do you need to explain?"

Huang Jinmo laughed softly: "You said that you are not a weak person, but he doesn't seem to be very strong. If you directly confront Du Ruhui, you won't be hurt as badly as him."

She had clearly heard the conversation between Jiang Wang and Zhu Weiwo, but she still wanted to say this, obviously out of a kind of interest.

But Zhu Wei thought for a while, and responded very seriously: "When I first saw him, he was still very weak. Maybe he was at the Vessel Realm? But I have been chasing and killing the Heart Swallowing Demon for a long time. To be entangled by him is to end under his sword."

He said calmly: "For us at that time, human demons were already the most terrifying existence in the range of cognition. In the entire Zhuang Kingdom and all the city daoyuans, I was the only one who dared to carry a gun and chase them down. And Jiang Wang At that time, I was weak like that, after I got rid of the human demon, not only did I not escape, but I turned around and gave the human demon a sword. My record of killing the heart-swallowing human demon solo is somewhat imperfect."

Youmai, Zhoutian, Tongtian, Tenglong, Inner Mansion, Outer Building...

For the two God's presence monks present here, the Traveling Pulse Realm is indeed a story too far away.

"That's really quite courageous." Huang Jinmo looked at him and said.

"Of course, uh... what do you mean?"

Huang Jinmo raised her phoenix eyes slightly, her eyes seemed to be a smile but not a smile: "I just heard you guys talking about the rattle drum, Zhu Wei, am I so talented?"

Zhu Wei, I thought about it and said, "Sometimes there are."

Huang Jinmo didn't speak for a moment, but turned to look out the window.

But the night is like water, and the stars are gentle.

Zhu Weiwo wiped the blade of the gun in a slow manner, put away the flannel cloth, and with a light twist in my hand, put the gun away.

After thinking for a while, he still said: "Is it okay to tell Zhuang Gaoxian and the others that Master Huang Weizhen is coming back? Behind Zhuang Guo, there is Yujing Mountain, although the relationship has not been so close since Du Ruhui was whipped last time... ..."

"It doesn't matter. I already know what I should know and what I shouldn't know." Huang Jinmo looked at the starlight outside the window, feeling an unconscious sense of loneliness, as if he had watched it for many years: "Nothing can stop my father 's return."

Huang Jinmo turned out to be Huang Weizhen's daughter!

There are probably not many people in the world who know about this matter.

No one in the world who heard the news would believe it.

Because Huang Weizhen has been dead for more than 900 years, and the lifespan of a cultivator of God is 518 years.

There is really no way to go beyond the non-hole.

How could it be possible for Huang Weizhen's daughter to live up to now with the cultivation base of God's Presence?

But this thing actually happened.

Huang Jinmo has been in the City of Unredeemed for many years.

If someone wants to ask now, when was the city of unredeemed founded? I'm afraid not many people can answer it.

Zhu Wei nodded and said nothing.

Huang Weizhen's name is indeed resounding enough, when they were fighting with Zhuang Gaoxian and Du Ruhui, Huang Jinmo confided the news that Huang Weizhen will return.

Zhuang Gaoxian stopped fighting almost immediately, and even offered to apologize to Huang Jinmo, saying that it was all a misunderstanding, and he hoped that it would be better again.

For Huang Jinmo, all this is perfectly normal.

Huang Weizhen's name is spread all over the world, where does it not work?

Don't say he's coming back. Even if he won't come back again, as long as Huang Jinmo tells about her relationship with Huang Weizhen, Zhuang Gaoxian will never touch her.

For Zhuang Gaoxian, apologizing if he can't afford it is a very normal thing. Although he is the emperor of a country, he doesn't pay much attention to personal honor or disgrace. It is impossible to apologize in front of others, but in private, as long as the conditions are right, any apology is fine.

It should be said that since the end of this mountain and sea realm trial, the news of Huang Weizhen has spread faintly. The current Unredeemed City is unprecedentedly safe.

Just like Xiao Shu escaped from Dan Kingdom, and also chose the city of Unredeemed as his destination.

Looking at the entire Western Territory, apart from Qin State and Yujing Mountain, where else can there be such a hidden deterrent force as the City of Unredeemed?

But Zhu Wei still has a lingering uneasiness in my heart.

This anxiety stems from his understanding of Du Ruhui and Zhuang Gaoxian.

It was because he tried to ambush Du Ruhui this time, but saw Zhuang Gaoxian also leave the border in person.

Du Ruhui seemed to understand his thoughts, but he didn't know what Du Ruhui was thinking!

This is also the reason why he didn't keep Jiang Wang to recuperate in Buredao City and let him leave as soon as possible.

No matter how strong and terrifying Huang Weizhen is, the date of her return is still uncertain, and she may not even be able to return successfully.

Would a person like Zhuang Gaoxian really retreat just because of Huang Weizhen's reputation? Especially when Huang Jinmo has already been offended...



It was the third year of Zhuangli Dading.

Zhuang Guozhen has the appearance of "Da Ding".

In the First World War, a large area of ​​Yong State was cut off, and its power overwhelmed the neighboring countries.

Looking around the world, many unsatisfied talents came to vote.

When inspecting the national border, it can be said that the world is peaceful.

Even the ordinary people of the Zhuang Kingdom walked on the road with their heads held high than in previous years. In the past, the border troops of the Yong Kingdom fought every year, and basically killed a few soldiers of the border soldiers of the Zhuang Kingdom every year. Zhuang Guo could only suppress the indignant voices of the soldiers again and again.

After the national war in the first year of Dading, the Qichang Mountains were no longer the border between Zhuang and Yong, and the garrisons of both sides faced off at Suolong Pass and Yinge City.

The Zhuangguo frontier army occupying such a dangerous pass as Suolongguan, the pressure on the frontier defense is obviously different from previous years.

Zhuang Kingdom is changing with each passing day, and Xin'an City is getting more and more prosperous day by day, but Zhuang Palace remains unchanged. Some are shabby, and it is difficult to match Zhuangguo's current status.

Of course, there have always been suggestions from ministers that the palace should be overhauled to show the nobility of the monarch, and the capital should be rebuilt to show the prestige of the country.

Emperor Zhuang only said that the solidity of mountains and rivers lies in virtue but not in danger. The emperor's value lies in his benevolence rather than his prestige.

So the ruling and opposition parties admired him.

Although the palace is simple and the royal family lives frugally, Emperor Zhuang is not stingy today.

When allocating a large amount of property and continuously piling up the city defense of Suolongguan, there was no hesitation.

For talents who can be admitted to the National Dao Academy, it is even more open to the emperor's treasury.

Since the deputy prime minister Dong A was assassinated and died, there has never been a second person who can take over the phase. Du Ruhui, Prime Minister of the Dazhuang Kingdom, is still diligent in his aspect.

How much he has done for the country, people in this country can have a clear feeling.

In short, in today's Zhuang Kingdom, the emperor is sage, ministers are virtuous, the world is subdued, and everything is thriving.

In the National Prime Minister's Mansion, Du Ruhui sat at the head, and Lin Zhengren sat beside him, only half of his buttocks were touched.

"So as soon as you mentioned Jiang Wang's whereabouts, he immediately dispatched troops to set off with you to set an ambush?" Du Ru asked in a dull voice.

Lin Zhengren quickly stood up, and replied respectfully: "That's true. General Du was very...very positive about the murder of Jiang Wang."

"Sit down, sit down." Du Ruhui raised his hand and pressed it twice, and said in a friendly tone, "This old man and you are just chatting for a while, don't be too restrained."

"I can't help my respect for the Prime Minister..." Lin Zhengren said, and sat back with the posture of touching only half of his buttocks.

"You, you, just like to play with these vain rituals." Du Ruhui criticized in a very friendly way, and then frowned slightly: "Then do you think he tried his best in the battle?"

In front of Du Ruhui, Lin Zhengren didn't dare to make up anything, knowing that the traces of the battle could not fool Du Ruhui's eyes.

So he said truthfully: "General Du's performance in the battle has reached the limit of what he can do, and it also fits my arrangement very well."

"In your opinion, what is their friendship? How much will there be left after that?" Du Ruhui asked again.

From the beginning to the end, what he asked was only "in your opinion", and he did not express his own opinion. This is the brilliant questioning technique of the superiors, which makes it difficult for people to figure out their thoughts and dare not pretend to be hypocritical.

Lin Zhengren did act like he was walking on eggshells.

"Their friendship should be true. Otherwise, Jiang Wang would not be able to avoid General Du's first blow. However, General Du's attitude was very firm, and he did not hold back at all. He really hated him deeply.

But Jiang Wang is used to hypocrisy and hypocrisy. On weekdays, he shows great affection and righteousness, and likes to perform on some unimportant things, such as going to the fishing building to save someone under the protection of Jiang Mengxiong. But when the critical moment came, he would never show mercy to anyone who would harm him in the slightest. Essentially ruthless to the extreme. "

Every time Lin Zhengren talks about Jiang Wang, he can always talk at length, because there is indeed a lot to talk about between them: "As far as I know, Jiang Wang had a sworn brother in Fenglin City back then, whose surname was Fang. Yes, ranked fourth. Because he betrayed him by a mistake, he did not actually cause any substantial harm to him. But when Jiang Wang wanted to take revenge, his sworn brother knelt on the ground and begged him for mercy, but he still killed him with a sword.

This person's cold blood is soaked to the bone.

Just like this time, after he received General Du's mace, he was extremely ruthless when he attacked General Du again. It's all burnt, isn't it?

They have become enemies of life and death, and Jiang Wang will never show mercy to those who have made enemies with him. I thought that there was no need to mention the matter of their sworn brothers in the past. After all, General Du is a general in the commanding army of our country, a rare talent in the country, so it should not be overly suspicious. "

"When you told them about the sworn brotherhood that year, someone told me that you just wanted to suppress Du Yehu. I don't believe you." Du Ruhui looked at Lin Zhengren with approval on his face, "Looking at it now, Zhengren is indeed loyal to you." For the country, there is no selfishness."

Lin Zhengren didn't care about who that 'someone' was, because it was probably Du Ruhui himself.

He just said very earnestly: "At that time, I accidentally learned that General Du had such a relationship with Jiang Wang. I was very nervous! I was afraid that it would become a hidden danger to our country. After all, Jiang Wang and our country are at odds. my country's national enmity, but his former sworn brothers hold heavy soldiers...

So I report to you without reservation as soon as possible.

This time General Du was able to show righteousness and not be troubled by personal affairs. I can only feel relieved in my heart.

Lin Zhengren is not a completely selfless person, in fact, he is also greedy for life and afraid of death, and he also likes magnates and fortunes. But I deeply know that only on the basis of the prosperity of the country can I have my own little development.

If the country is not strong, how contemptuous I am! "

"Well said! The old man did not misunderstand you!" Du Ruhui was very pleased, but changed the subject, and said: "But there is one point that the old man wants to correct you. Jiang Wang is not a national enmity. The demons have joined forces with evil to overwhelm our land... But since Jing Shitai has already publicized his so-called 'innocence', we can't say these things publicly."

He sighed: "After all, we must focus on the overall situation. Qiang Qi is arrogant for more than a day, we can only endure it temporarily, and wait for another year!"

"It's Zhengren's country's hatred and family hatred, and it's difficult to guard against this person, and he didn't think carefully!" Lin Zhengren said with emotion: "The prime minister can put up with this foe for the country, so how can I be so quick with my tongue? Be more careful in your words and deeds from now on!"

Du Ruhui nodded and said, "Didn't you tell me before that you want to learn more? I also deeply agree with the so-called endless learning and endless cultivation. Later, I will pass a warrant to the National Court and give you free access. The right to the Sutra Library. You should be free for such a malleable talent."

Lin Zhengren got up and bowed down with surprise on his face: "Thank you, Mr. Guoxiang, for your cultivation! Your good intentions, deep friendship, Zhengren will never forget it!"

"Hey, get up! What is this posture for?" Du Ruhui directly helped him up this time, and blamed him: "In a few years, you will also be a high-ranking figure in blue and purple, how can you be so easy?" Bow your knees?"

Lin Zhengren made an impassioned statement: "I, Lin Zhengren, have lived my entire life with pride, with a pair of knees, only kneeling on the sky, kneeling on the ground, kneeling on my majesty and kneeling on Xiangguo!

The heaven and the earth give birth to all things, kneeling and worshiping them is a respect for nature.

Your majesty is respectable, and the country is amiable. Kneeling and worshiping him is a gesture of gratitude.

My respect for you and love for you come from the bottom of my heart.

What am I, Lin Zhengren, if there is no cultivation by the prime minister? What can be achieved? I will always remember everything you have done for me. No matter how high I stand and how far I go in the future, I will always be your lackey and take you as a role model for my whole life. "

Du Ruhui patted him on the shoulder, and said emotionally, "You are not my lackey, but you are the pillar of our country. Remember, you have to do something for the country, not for me, Du!"

The sparrow outside the window screamed, flapped its wings and walked away, as if it was also moved by this friendship.

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