Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1518

The calls of the sparrows are chaotic and shrill, chirping, without any rhyme.

But it will not affect the mood of the people in the window.

"The teachings of Xiangye, Lin Zhengren must keep in mind." Lin Zhengren said very humbly: "The book says that the more I know, the more I feel insignificant.

Some words are very pleasant even if you know they are not sincere.

Du Ruhui twirled his beard reservedly, sat back again, and sighed: "It's a pity that the same rice supports all kinds of people, such as Jiang Wang, who is also a talent from our Zhuang country, but he doesn't care about the country at all. It's a pity."

"I don't think it's a pity, talent but no virtue is the world's evil!"

Lin Zhengren said solemnly: "Everyone in the world says that Jiang Wang is a hero, but in fact they can't see his true nature. In essence, he is just a bully and fears the hard, flattering the superior and the inferior. , Don't allow others to blame me, a treacherous villain with a small stomach and small intestines, who must retaliate!

For those who are stronger than him, he is full of justice and moral rules, and for those who are not as good as him, he will take life and death, how can he show mercy! ?

Back then when he was still unknown, he sent his stepmother to my family brother's bed, slavishly wanted to marry my Lin family, and flattered me in every possible way.

But as soon as he turned around, he hooked up with Zhu Weiwo for some reason, so he dared to use his guns to block the door! At that time, I, Gu Niantong, was a disciple of the Taoist academy, so I let him live.

But he regards this as a great shame and humiliation. After he succeeds in cultivation, he will slaughter all of my Lin family!

Such a person, if you want me to say, fortunately he is not in Zhuangguo, otherwise he will be harmed in the future, what is the disaster?

In Qi, there are still people who can rule him. Only then can he maintain some hypocrisy! "

Rather than saying that Lin Zhengren hated Jiang Wang deeply, every time he mentioned it, the resentment continued. But it is better to say that he has been using this attitude of being at odds with Jiang Wang to show his firmness in the Zhuangguo camp.

The more he resents Jiang Wang, the more valuable he is to be used.

Du Ruhui took a deep look at him, and said with emotion: "It's Zhengren, you're the one to judge."

"I just got to know him better, so I know his true face better." Lin Zhengren lowered his eyebrows and asked casually: "Speaking of which, why didn't you directly..."

He didn't say everything, but what he asked was why Du Ruhui didn't kill Jiang Wang himself.

There was clearly a chance.

From his point of view, he took Jiang Wang's whereabouts to find Du Yehu this time, which was an operation under the supervision of Du Ruhui - if Du Ruhui hadn't been in the line, how could he go to Jiang Wang now!

He knew that this round was not only a test for Du Yehu, but also for him. Du Ruhui tested Du Yehu's loyalty and his ability.

With the incident at the Yellow River Meeting, his loyalty will never be trusted again, and if he can't show enough value and show the results of his hard work during this time, he knows very well what will happen to him !

He tried his best and teamed up with Du Yehu, finally causing some injuries to Jiang Wang, making perfect use of the existing conditions, and bringing everything to perfection. To the limit of what he can do... that's enough.

Of course he was willing to kill Jiang Wang, but if he wanted to kill Jiang Wang desperately, he would run faster than anyone else.

But at that time Du Ruhui came too coincidentally.

It was Jiang Wang who escaped, and it was Du Yehu who was about to die.

He has enough reasons to suspect that Du Ruhui has been monitoring the battle situation.

The so-called thousand soldiers are easy to get, but one general is hard to find.

In the current Zhuang country's military, no one in the younger generation can match Du Yehu. That's the prestige of a real one-shot kill. Even he has heard of Du Yehu's bravery.

If it was a different person, they might feel that for Du Ruhui, saving Du Yehu was more important under the circumstances at that time. Du Yehu is a general in the military, and Du Yehu is the future of Zhuang Guo's military...

But Lin Zhengren certainly didn't think so.

Of course Du Yehu is a natural general, brave, pure and easy to use. But compared to the threat Jiang Wang might pose in the future... it shouldn't be an option at all.

With Jiang Wang already injured, killing him directly and putting all the responsibility on Du Yehu, is there really no way to do it?

Du Ruhui originally left the country under the guise of preventing Du Yehu from impulsiveness!

People like Du Ruhui must have made plans in all aspects long ago, and they can be applied in time in any situation.

What caused the existing plans to not be implemented?

Du Ruhui really couldn't kill Jiang Wang? Or is it completely impossible to hide the blame?

Was there any other powerful person present?

Lin Zhengren didn't know that Zhuang Gaoxian, Du Ruhui and Huang Jinmo wished the war against me, and then talked about peace.

From his point of view, the action he tried his best to perform this time is the whole action.

So he was curious why.


Du Ruhui just said in a low voice: "You are tired too, go down first."

Lin Zhengren's heart shuddered, he knew that he had said something wrong, and he couldn't ask about it.

He knew too well how deep the mind of this Dazhuang Guoxiang was, all the warmth just now was just an illusion of tacit understanding. If necessary, Du Ruhui wouldn't even frown when pinching him to death.

Although there are waves of shock in my heart, thousands of thoughts come to me.

But he stopped talking nonsense, just said goodbye respectfully and left.

Du Ruhui sat alone on a chair, quietly thinking about all aspects of the country, without looking at Lin Zhengren's back.

He doesn't have to put too much pressure on this person.

Lin Zhengren is a very "interested" person, as long as he is guaranteed to see the benefits, he will be obedient enough. His ability is also outstanding, and he can handle everything that is entrusted to him properly.

As long as you can hold him down, you can use it, and it works very well.

In terms of trust, people like Du Yehu are more reliable. It's a pity that he is too impulsive, he is a general but not a handsome talent.

Thinking of this, Du Ruhui couldn't help pressing his forehead.

Lin Zhengren, Du Yehu, Li Jianqiu, Fu Baosong.

Each of these young people has its own advantages, but each has its own shortcomings.

If Zhu Weiwo hadn't betrayed her, she wouldn't have to worry about Lin Zhengren's future.

If Dong A is still here, I don't have to bother with these...

Thinking of this head-to-head confrontation with Zhu Weiwo, Du Ruhui couldn't help feeling a little tired.

Time has proved that he was right. Zhu Weiwo is indeed the most outstanding genius in Zhuangguo, but...

After all, people do not have a pair of eyes that can see through time, even if you have profound wisdom, think for a long time, and make the best choice under the current situation...

If it is placed in a fragment of history and measured by time, it may be wrong instead.

Of course, wrong and right are only relative concepts.

The whip marks on Yujing Mountain behind her are still painful.

But Du Ruhui only gave himself time to sigh.

After a sigh, the exhaustion has been wiped away.

He was once again the Prime Minister of the Dazhuang Kingdom with his wisdom in his hands, and he regained control of the four thousand miles of mountains and rivers.

He stood up, stepped lightly on his feet, and when he fell again, he had already appeared in a military camp.

There was no trace of fatigue or weakness on his face.

He stood upright, with black hair like ink, resisting the scale of time.

His eyes are deep and majestic.

But even to a mere guard guarding outside the camp, his tone was very gentle: "Go tell Du Yehu that the old man will come and see him. Ask if it's convenient to go in."

Du Yehu almost never lived in the mansion bestowed by the emperor.

He will always live in Jiujiang Xuanjia's barracks, mixing with his soldiers.

Zhuangguo's frontier army was stationed all over the place, either on the battlefield or on the way to the battlefield.

Even when he was recovering from his injuries, he insisted on refusing to stay in the comfortable Tai Hospital, and stubbornly wanted to go back to live in the barracks.

Of course Du Ruhui could step into the tent, but a young man with a personality like Du Yehu needed special respect.

He is also willing to give.

Not long after the guards walked in, Du Yehu came out wearing a robe indiscriminately. Even when he saw the Prime Minister of the country, he didn't trim his appearance very much.

"I have met the Prime Minister of the country." He cupped his hands.

The tone is also rough.

"You haven't healed yet, why did you come out? Didn't I say wait for me to go in?" Du Ruhui was very angry and reprimanded kindly, then glared at the guard again: "How do you pass the word?"

Du Yehu patted the guard on the shoulder and signaled him to leave, while he said, "The prime minister is here, how can the last general not welcome you?"

Anyway, there are etiquette.

Although it is not as round as Lin Zhengren's.

But for people like Du Ruhui who are used to hypocrisy, they actually find it a little cute.

Looking at this young man with a beard in his early years, there was a smile in Dazhuang Guoxiang's voice: "You seem to have resentment towards this old man?"

"Don't dare." Du Yehu muffled.

"Let's go in and have a chat." Du Ruhui said, without waiting for Du Yehu's answer, he lifted the curtain and walked into the military tent.

The huge military tent is empty inside, with almost no decorations to be seen.

Some military books, some wine, a pair of armor, and nothing else.

Very grim.

Du Yehu followed in without saying a word.

Du Ruhui flipped through the military books on the case casually, and found that there were written notes like ghostly symbols in many places. Not to mention the content, I can't understand least the attitude is serious.

"What do you think of Lin Zhengren?" He asked casually.

Du Yehu couldn't figure out what Du Ruhui was thinking in his heart, and he didn't understand the deep meaning of this question.

But Duan Li told him a long time ago that in front of Zhuang Gaoxian and Du Ruhui, never plan to fight wits and courage. Except for the deepest secret in my heart, which will be killed forever, everything else is completely according to my heart, speaking and doing things according to the truth.

Don't act.

So he said: "I don't like him!"

Du Ruhui slowly flipped through the book of war, seemingly not surprised by Du Yehu's answer, and said slowly: "I only asked you what you think of this man, not whether you like him or not."

Du Yehu's face was straight, and there was a reluctant and awkward tone in his tone: "I have the ability."

"That's right, you can see the good points in others." Du Ruhui nodded in approval, turned a few more pages, and asked, "Tell me, why don't you like him?"

Du Yehu said in a low voice: "I don't know which sentence he said is true and which sentence is false. I always try to guess what he means but can't. It's very tiring to stay with him!"

The wrinkles at the corners of Du Ruhui's eyes deepened, and he felt like he wanted to laugh.

But after all, there is the identity and attitude of the prime minister.

So he just said solemnly: "You are all rising stars of our Zhuang Kingdom, and you are ministers in the same palace, how can you say things like you don't like this person casually?"

Du Yehu seemed very unconvinced: "I just said it when you asked me."

"You're quite stubborn." Du Ruhui moved his eyes away from the book of war and landed on Du Yehu's face: "I think your injury has healed very well!"

"It's almost done if it's not good." Du Yehu pouted his neck and said, "If you want to hit me with a military stick, then go ahead."

Du Ruhuishen pointed him: "You, you, a reckless man! I don't know when I will be more mature!"

These words seem very close, and there is a kind of elder care.

If it was Lin Zhengren, he might kneel down and call him grandpa right away.

Du Yehu just stood there and didn't speak.

This is where he is not as good as Lin Zhengren, and it is also where he is more valuable than Lin Zhengren.

It is true that Du Ruhui will never completely trust anyone.

But the reckless man, with joy and anger on his face, always makes people not so vigilant.

Du Ruhui looked at him for a while, and then asked: "This time you led the troops to ambush Jiang Wang without authorization, I don't care if you are right or wrong... What do you think Lin Zhengren thinks? Did he try his best? Think about it carefully !"

Du Yehu's face was somewhat dissatisfied, but he still respected the authority of the Prime Minister after all.

He thought about it seriously, and then said: "I don't know what he thinks, and he doesn't seem to hate it very much when he says he hates it. As for trying his best... I can't tell the difference. But his layout is really powerful, and he is very targeted. Very strong, seems to know Jiang...that person very well. If it wasn't for him, I would be far from hurting that person."

During the ambush against Jiang Wang, from the beginning to the end, Lin Zhengren didn't show his face. It's hard to say that he really did his best. Throughout the battle, it was only Du Yehu who was fighting desperately.

Du Ruhui nodded: "Jiang Wang has an enemy outside who is from a great family background, and he had contact with Lin Zhengren a while ago."

Du Yehu stopped talking.

Duan Li told him that when he didn't know what to say, he didn't speak.

Du Ruhui asked again: "Did Lin Zhengren tell you about Jiang Wang's appearance in Buredao City?"


"Then have you ever thought...why did he tell you this news?"

"I don't know. I haven't thought about it."

Du Ruhui's voice was calm: "Think about it now."

Du Yehu suddenly felt a kind of pressure. He keenly felt that this problem might be fatal!

But he can't think too much about it.

He has no reason to think too much in front of Du Ruhui, after all, he loves this country so deeply, trusts the Prime Minister so much that he dares to show his temper in front of the Prime Minister...

He simply said in a shattered gesture: "I don't know why he is?! You talk so much!"

Du Ruhui looked at him, with a tone of resentment: "Is such a big head on your neck just for eating and drinking?

Du Yehu was obviously not convinced, but he held back and didn't say anything.

Du Ruhui scolded again: "You don't even think about it, is Jiang Wang so easy to deal with? He is the number one in Guanhetai! How many lives do you have to fill in! If you say to ambush, go to ambush? What level are you? What realm? Who are your opponents, and who are his opponents?"

He cursed endlessly, as if he was really angry at Du Yehu's 'unauthorized assertion', and then glared at Du Yehu: "Just say what you want, don't hold back!"

Du Yehu really stuck his neck and said: "Why can't we deal with it? Isn't he also injured? He's not much bigger than me!"

Even though his emotions were not real, Du Ruhui was really angry for a while.

It's the kind of anger that the elders feel towards the rebellious juniors.

He almost picked up the table next to him and gave this vicious tiger a good beating.

"It's the people from Nandou Palace who are using you. It's the people who fought against Jiang Wang in the mountains and seas who gave the information. It's the one named Yi Shengfeng who gave you the method to target and gave you the precious formation. Pan, it was Lin Zhengren who plotted in every possible way, and it was you who brought the most elite army of our Dazhuang! But even so, despite this!" Du Ruhui's voice squeezed through his teeth: "If the old man hadn't received the news and rushed over, you already dead!"

Du Yehu's chest was ringing like a bellows, but he gritted his teeth and still didn't speak.

"Forget it, forget it, let's not talk about the past." Du Ruhui sighed, and said very tiredly: "I just came to see you today. Since your injury is fine, I will leave. There is still one person in the court. A lot of things..."

While talking, he became a little angry again: "Can't you let the old man worry less? One or two are not calm!"

There is not a word of affection, but there is trust and intimacy inside and outside the words.

Du Yehu said in a muffled voice: "Oh."

Du Ruhui looked at him like this, sighed again, and said sincerely: "Fenglin City is His Majesty and I. The eternal pain in our hearts is also the shame of our Zhuang Country and the scars that cannot be erased! You and Jianqiu have already You are the only two people left in Fenglin City. I have great expectations for you. Be careful in everything in the future, and don't be so impulsive. Compared with revenge, it is for our Zhuang country that you can grow steadily and steadily. More important things. I don't want to see you in trouble, understand?"

"Understood." Du Yehu lowered his head and said.

"I hope you really know." Du Ruhui sighed again, patted his shoulder, and then disappeared into the military tent with one step.

In the huge army tent, Du Yehu was the only one left.

The only piece of armor hanging in the tent casts a silent shadow.

Du Yehu did "know"...

There was no murderous look in his lowered eyes. He looked at the ground silently, as if in a daze. But my whole heart was almost broken.

Du Ruhui... he dared to mention Fenglin City.

Moreover, it was mentioned so confidently and grandly, as if the stele outside Fenglin city was engraved with a true story. It seems that the truth of those hundreds of thousands of people is really what they smeared.

It seemed that from beginning to end, he and Zhuang Gaoxian were just victims of that tragedy.

Victimized by cults, victimized by traitors...

Du Yehu raised his head slowly, with almost no expression on his face.

He is not good at acting, so Duan Li said that when he can't control his emotions, it's fine to keep a straight face, and it's fine to be angry-he is not sure whether anyone is watching him at the moment.

And the person who would teach him is no longer there.

He just walked slowly to the pile of wine jars placed in the corner of the military tent.

He untied the cap and took a deep, deep sniff.


He covered the lid of the wine jar, and sat back in front of the table in silence.

Taking the open military book, he read it with fascination.

He actually "knows"...

Although he is reckless and impulsive, he is not stupid.

The news that he and Jiang Wang were once sworn brothers has been exposed, and he knows it.

Zhao Er heard that he died in the border conflict with Yong Kingdom some time ago, so he knew that such a day would come.

It is normal for soldiers to die in battle. Zhao Er heard that death is really not worth making a fuss about.

Except that he is an old subordinate who followed Du Yehu General Du in the wind and rain, except that he used to be a soldier under Du Yehu's command and went to Fenglin City Taoist Temple to deliver messages, except that he knew Du Yehu and Jiang Wang, etc. People have deep feelings, except that Du Yehu just left to rest...

The whole process of conflict is really normal.

When will the border friction, especially the Zhuang-Yong border, end?

Du Yehu avenges the enemy with his hands. This sincere story may also be worth drinking a bowl of wine.

The only abnormal thing was that Zhao Erting's body had been tampered with, and Zhao Erting's body had more than just stab wounds.

Du Yehu believed that Zhao Er would not say anything.

But sometimes, the human body is not able to keep secrets for itself.

When he couldn't make up his mind to kill Zhao Er, he should have thought of such a day.

So when Lin Zhengren approached mysteriously, he talked about Jiang Wang's whereabouts.

He didn't say anything, and directly sent troops to kill.

It is impossible for him not to take action, it is impossible not to try his best, and it is impossible not to mobilize elite soldiers.

As long as there is any hesitation, the days and nights he stayed in Zhuangguo will be wasted.

As long as one thing is wrong, Duan Li will die in vain!

He is not afraid of death.

But he stayed in Zhuang country for so long, and he came here with one knife, one mace and one wound, why?

Duan Li, who is like a master like a father, used his head to win the trust of Mr. Zhuang for him. Why?

So in the process of fighting Jiang Wang, he did fight with his life.

Lin Zhengren was with him from the beginning to the end, and Du Ruhui didn't know if he had been hiding in the dark.

He didn't have the slightest chance to escape, or send a message to Jiang Wang.

He is aware of the gap in strength between him and Jiang Wang, and knows that even if he tries his best, he can't do anything to Jiang Wang.

But when he met Jiang Wang suddenly at the bottom of the mountain grave, Jiang Wang almost subconsciously moved away the sword...

God knows how much he suffers!

He was sure that Jiang Wang could understand his intentions and feel his pain.

In that boundless and brilliant flame, for a moment, he really felt that it would be better to die!

At that moment, he wrapped his soldiers with the power of the entangled army, threw them all out of the sea of ​​fire, and charged towards Jiang Wang only by himself.

He really thought about it, otherwise he would die like this, and leave all the hatred and responsibility to Jiang Wang.

It was precisely this will to die that convinced Lin Zhengren and moved Du Ruhui.

Lin Zhengren will never be able to die bravely.

And Du Ruhui knew how rare it is to have the courage to die.

He survived after all.

Once you survive, you can no longer escape.

Jiang Wang gave him the same trust as before, but how could he leave such a terrible opponent as Zhuang Gaoxian and Du Ruhui to Jiang Wang alone?


The test may have been passed.

At the price of this wandering on the verge of life and death.

There have been tests like this before, and perhaps there will be again in the future. Zhuang Gaoxian and Du Ruhui will never completely trust a person.

And he could only endure.

He forced himself to focus on the military book in his hand.

He is not smart enough, and his brain is far from as bright as Zhao Laowu. So when he thinks about one thing, he has to be very serious and think about it over and over again.

And the book in front of him still has a lot of content, waiting for him to work hard to understand.



The sea of ​​books is long and the sea of ​​people is boundless.

Jiang Wang dragged his injured body, changed into a hat and coir raincoat, and left alone.

He was full of vigilance towards Zhuang Gaoxian and Du Ruhui, and the uneasiness in his heart could not be relieved.

But right now, he couldn't do anything.

I can only walk faster, so that at least I don't get involved in others.

Zhu Wei, I know the pair of monarchs and ministers better than him, and I am also more powerful than him.

Brother Zhu said that not redeeming the city is not as simple as it seems.

The unknown place behind the unredeemed city lord is still covered by the legend of Huang Weizhen...

Maybe Jiang Wang should be more worried about himself.

It's true that Du Ruhui won't take action in person again, and it's true that Yi Shengfeng has no time to protect himself now, and it's hard to say whether he will meet someone who is so bold that he doesn't care about the majesty of Qi.

Holding his sword in his hand, he walked steadily with every step.

A person needs to walk alone most of the time in his life.

He has long been used to it.

Already used to it.

"Hey, this friend!"

Just beside the city gate, a strange-looking young man called out to him.

The young man appeared to be about fourteen or fifteen years old. He was wearing a silk dress, a ribbon around his waist, and riding boots. He was carrying a copper box painted with intricate patterns on his back.

He has short hair that reaches the ears, and a few paints are symmetrically painted on his face, but it doesn't cover his delicate features. A pair of eyes were piercing, and she was staring intently at Jiang Wang...the Ruyi fairy clothes under the coir raincoat.

The protective effect of this fairy clothes is really not good, especially compared to the intensity of battles that Jiang Wang often encounters now.

Perhaps it was too badly damaged in the previous few times, and after the automatic recovery, it was not as good as before. In short, in the previous battle, after being weakened by the Ghost Devouring Formation, Du Yehu slammed his mace, and he vomited blood, but the fairy clothes themselves were not damaged.

I don't know where it is except that it can automatically recover and change its appearance at will.

Thinking about it carefully, I never really caught anyone off guard once.

But this strange and weird boy seems to love it very much.

"Do you sell these clothes?"

The short-haired boy didn't move his eyes. While talking, he took out a cloth bag casually, lifted it up and shook it lightly, and there was the sound of primordial stones colliding inside: "I'll give you twenty of these money bags."

Jiang Wang subconsciously distinguished the sound, and heard that there were ten primordial stones in this bag.

But of course he didn't dare to sell what the Emperor Qi gave him, he just said: "I wear it myself."

"Ah, so..." The young man spoke with regret, and finally moved his regretful gaze away from Jiang Wang's clothes, and landed on his face hidden under the bamboo hat. "Well, I'll leave you an address. Whenever you change your mind, you can contact me at any time. The conditions are up to you."

"No need." Jiang Wang walked out expressionlessly.

"Hey." The young man chased after two steps, and with a nimble shake of his fingers, a bronzing post jumped out, caught between his fingers, and stopped in front of Jiang Wang.

"Big brother, accept it. People have short-term worries without long-term worries. What if something happens to you in the future and you need money?"

I don't know who tutored him, but judging by his attire, his flamboyant hand, and his confidence in speaking, he should be from a good background.

It's just that although the "big brother" call is affectionate, the content of the words is really not very pleasant. How can there be no acquaintances who casually curse people that something will happen in the future? What if Yin Guan had the ability?

But Jiang Wang didn't bother to bother with such a brat, so he took the post without stopping.

"Hey, you're too perfunctory, I haven't taught you how to use it yet!" said the boy.

Whose child is so annoying?

Jiang Wang was in a hurry to hurry and find a place to recuperate from his injuries, so he was really in no mood to chat with him.

"I know how to use it, you go home and eat, I just heard your mother call you!"

"You're lying!" The boy said angrily, "My mother died a long time ago."

Jiang Wang froze for a moment, feeling a little sorry in his heart. "Anyway, I remember, I will look for you when I want to sell clothes."

"You lied again!" The boy was very angry: "Why are you like this?"

"I didn't lie to you, I really remember." Jiang Wang said helplessly.

"I just made this 'Rumian Post', how can you use it?" the boy asked unhappily.

He has a kind of stubbornness unique to young people, and it should be that he has seldom suffered.

Only then did Jiang Wang carefully weigh the bronzing post in his hand, and opened the letter suspiciously, only to see that the post was blank.

He found that he really didn't know how to use it.

What is this thing?

Fortunately, the young man also came over and said confidently: "What about you, when you want to find me, write my name in the post with Dao Yuan, and it will point it out to you according to your location. A place where I can be contacted. How about it, isn't it convenient?"

"Sounds really convenient." Jiang Wang recalled the pointers he had used in the Lost Realm, and looked at the boy in surprise: "You made this yourself?"

It was only then that he noticed that the young man was wearing something that obstructed observation, making it impossible for people to see through the details... The strength of Qi, blood and Dao Yuan could not be seen clearly.

It makes people feel more and more mysterious.

"Yes." The young man spread his hands, "It's a very simple gadget, you can make it with your hands."

"……okay, I get it."

Jiang Wang feels that his current physical condition is not suitable for contacting people with too mysterious backgrounds. Keeping a distance soberly: "See you next time."

"I found out that you are really a big liar." The boy put his hands on his hips in dissatisfaction: "You didn't even ask my name."

"So, what is your name?"

"I'm a girl, you have to say, 'Please tell me your boudoir name'."

"What?" Jiang Wang was taken aback.

Dressed and dressed like a boy, the girl looked down at him, her ears turned red instantly: "What are you looking at!"

Jiang Wang quickly explained: "Ah, there is no difference, ah no, I mean I didn't see anything."

The androgynous girl glared at Jiang Wang ferociously for a while, but in the end she didn't continue to argue with him, she just said: "As for me, I'm called Xixiangyi. If you want, you can also add an ink word in front of my name. "

"Mo Xi Xiangyi?"

"I mean, I can also be surnamed Mo—you can do whatever you want." The girl waved her hand.

"Anyway, when do you want to sell this dress..." She pointed at the name card on Jiang Wang's hand: "Contact me."

The surname can be Mo.

Carrying such a copper box.

I can make it myself like a face-to-face post...

Jiang Wang was silent for a while.

"I see."

Mo Jingyu just left, why did the weird girl from the Mo family come to the city again?

With such doubts in mind, Jiang Wang finally left the city alone.

There is no official way outside the city without redemption, and going out is the wilderness.

The wind of the four wilds suddenly opened the curtain, and the desolation that hit the face,

The man in the coir raincoat lowered the bamboo hat and walked away.

At this time, I don't know who Feiyu is waiting for Yanyun outside the blue sky.

This chapter is eight thousand words.

Among them, 4,000 characters are added for Dameng Yan Shaofei (46/78.)

(Thanks to Dameng Youxian Yimeng for rewarding Xinmeng in Luofu, and thanks to the operation officer for rewarding Xinmeng. Not much to say, tomorrow will continue with 8,000.)

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