Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1519 She (He) Is God

The Mohist girl named Xi Xiangyi walked briskly into the city after finalizing a future deal (as she thought).

Walking through the streets where people come and go, eyes look left and right curiously.

Unorganized urban buildings, fierce heroes from all walks of life...

Everything made her curious.

Immediately remembering the business, he jumped up like a spring was installed under his feet. He hurried a few steps, found a relatively empty place, knelt down halfway, untied the copper box behind his back, and placed it in front of him.

She dexterously moved her fingers, and then pressed lightly, the copper box opened automatically, and the two sides were layered, extending down like steps.

Each floor is stacked with different utensils.

These things have strange shapes, some are like arches, some are like round cakes, some are square, some are pointed, some are long needles, and some are hooked.

The materials are very similar, exuding the same luster, but neither gold nor iron.

Her hands were so nimble that she even left phantoms, constantly taking out things from the copper box and placing them by her side.

Soon a tower-like thing about three feet high and complex in shape was piled up.

It seems to be a layer of square bricks, stacked staggered.

The tip of the "tower" is like a person's five fingers gathered together, and a vertical lightning bolt hangs at the tip.

Because it was done on the street, and these things were so weird, it attracted a lot of onlookers.

The quality of the people in the city who are not redeemed is not guaranteed, and there are people who say anything. What a brat, Mr. Rabbit. There are even people who want to use their hands and feet to play with a few objects.

Lian Heng, the commander of the criminal guards of the city of non-redemption, just stretched his waist, and came out of the Sanfenxiang Building. Seeing this scene, he immediately squeezed away the crowd of onlookers, and walked up to the busy girl in two steps: "Whose child! Do you know?" I don’t know what this place is? What are you doing in the street—”

His voice stopped before a cloth bag.

Originally, he thought it was a hidden weapon, but he played a trick very cleverly. When he received it in his hand, he was immediately dazzled by the light of the primordial stone.

"What are you all doing here? Looking for your father?" He circled around and chased him loudly: "Go away, don't delay the young man's busy work! You are all idle and not doing business! You don't have to pay the next installment of life money!" ?”

After punching, kicking and roaring, and driving away all the onlookers and others, he said to the busy scene: "I don't redeem the city's crime guard commander Lian Heng, we are a hospitable place, good people Land. Do you think you need any other services? Is this street enough for you? What about tea and cakes, do you have any preferences?"

"Two things." Xi Xiangyi said without raising her head, "First, I'm a girl's family. Second, don't make noise."

Lian Heng immediately shut up, turned around on the spot, and the pigtail drew a beautiful arc in the air.

With his hands behind his back, he stood here in a guard posture, scanning the surroundings vigilantly, as if swearing to the death to protect this mysterious girl.

Feel at home, feel at home, Buhuocheng is really a place that pays attention to service! he thought with satisfaction.

Xi Xiangyi just concentrated her head on tinkering, knocking east and west, her hands were so busy that she seemed to be wearing flowers and butterflies.

Not long after, she set up five similar tower-shaped things, and spread them out, evenly distributed in five corners.

Surround yourself and the open copper box in between.

The five towers are separated, and five small thunderbolts are suspended in the air. There is a vague connection between each other.

Xi Xiangyi nodded in satisfaction, and laid another layer of floor tiles on the open space. Only then did he close the copper box, put it on his back again, and happily jumped out.

Her leaping posture is very agile, she is in the air, and her backhand is just a finger.

The five lightning bolts at the top of the tower elongated instantly and connected together...

Dazzling light burst out!

Lian Heng, who noticed the movement and looked back, had to raise his arms to cover his eyes.

When he moved his arm away, he saw an old man in brown clothes and sandals suddenly appearing among the five strange towers with complicated shapes!

And the a layer of black powder.

Lian Heng couldn't help taking a step back, he couldn't see through the old man's cultivation at all, but only felt the unfathomable power like the deep like the sea!

The old man was thin and thin, with thin hair and pale eyebrows. But every inch of skin seemed to be made of fine iron, with an unreasonable coldness and thickness.

"Hahahahahaha, how is it?"

The short-haired girl Xi Xiangyi put her hips on her hips and laughed: "Is my anti-five elements moving tower very good and powerful?!"

The skinny old man curled his lips: "Only a real person can control such a violent power, and the distance is very short, the consumption is so high, and you have the time to prepare... the old man flies faster than this when he is outside the building! "

"Shut up, old man!" Xi Xiangyi stretched out his hand and stuffed all five teleportation towers into the copper box on the back. He didn't even bother to dismantle them and sort them into different categories. He was very annoyed: "Then fly back and come back by yourself!"

And Lian Heng stood there in a daze, with only one word in his mind - "real person".

After a while of fiddling with this weird girl, a real person in the world came to her!

The skinny old man in brown clothes and straw sandals didn't care about being scolded, on the contrary he smiled dotingly: "But it's already very good, it's more than a little better than those old things!"

"Hmph." Xi Xiangyi wrinkled her nose triumphantly, and the paint on her face followed.

"Well... it's time to get down to business." The skinny old man said, "Let me take a look. What is Juzi urgently ordering us to come here to redeem the city?"

"I don't know either. I haven't read the letter yet, so I know we're coming together." Xi Xiangyi said, but he didn't know where to take out a letter, and opened it.

At this time, Lian Heng was plucking up the courage to push forward: "Well, this senior, I am the commander of the criminal guards of the city of not redeeming me. I don't know what you have done in this city..."

Over there, Xi Xiangyi said: "Huang Jinmo, the lord of the city that won't be redeemed, kill me... Mo Jingyu, a disciple of Mo Sect!"

Lian Heng was stunned.

"Please Tie Zhenren and Xi Xiangyi go to the City of Unredeemed, and capture him back to Jucheng for questioning. If he can't be captured...he can be killed."

As Xi Xiangyi read it, his complexion changed. He put away the letter, still in disbelief: "Mo Jingyu was killed?"

And Tie Tuisi, who enjoys a reputation in the southern region and is known as Tiangong Daoist, even took a horizontal step at this time, leaping into the sky, and the terrifying momentum swept across the four directions: "Huang Jinmo, who dares to kill my Mo family, how dare you kill me?" I'll get out and die!"

Even Henglian couldn't even say a word of nonsense, and the whole person was already flying upside down by more than ten feet under this sudden burst of momentum, and fell to the ground, not knowing whether he was alive or dead for a moment!

The current real person came to the city of Buredemption, and came to question the crime on behalf of the Momen.

The entire Unredeemed City fell into great panic!

Even in the air, there are hidden traces of trembling.

Yes, this is illegal place. This is a place where murderers gather, and people here are used to life and death.

But the people here also know the weight of the strong best!

Amidst the awe and silence of the whole city, two figures flew out of the tallest building in the entire city of Unredeemed.

Pierced through the almost stagnant atmosphere of terror!

One is covered in black and luxurious clothes, with cold eyes and lonely eyes, which is beyond words.

One with black hair tied up, wearing golden flames, proud and sharp.

However, whether it is Huang Jinmo or Zhu Weiwo, their expressions are extremely dignified at the moment.

In the confrontation not long ago, they had forced back Mr. Zhuang Guojun, so they had the confidence to deal with real people.

But Tie Tuisi, a real person of Tiangong, not only represents a real person in this world, but also represents the power of Mohism!

It can be said that - even if Huang Weizhen is still alive, even if Huang Weizhen is still at the peak state, the Mo family will not be false at all!

Especially Mo Jingyu's sudden death, and the Juzi of the Mo family's order, Tiangong Daoist Tie Tusi came to the door, this matter itself is strange and strange.

Zhu Wei, I am very sure that since Mo Jingyu left on the eagle that day, he and Huang Jinmo haven't even seen him again!

How to kill it?

"This true Mohist, there should be a misunderstanding about this matter!"

In front of the current real person who came on behalf of the Mo family, I was as proud as Zhu Weiwo, and it was rare to take the initiative to explain: "During this time, I have been with Mr. Sin Jun, and we have never been separated. We have never seen Mo Jingyu again. , how can you kill him?"

"That's right." Tie Tuisi strode in the air, like a walking volcano, with the power of bursting stealthily, the power of bursting is bursting!

He directly extended his hand and pressed on the two of them at the same time.

"If you want to kill Mo Jingyu, it's really not so easy with her alone! Children, just catch me without a fight, and come back to argue with me again!"

This skinny old man opened his hand and looked thin and small, but his five fingers were like a bag of heaven and earth, and his palm was like covering mountains and rivers.

Before the action, the world has its own rules, after the action, the world has its own laws.

The invisible line of rules has enveloped the two of them.

Bind his body, bind his soul.

Manipulate spiritual knowledge and master the five senses.

Tiangong real people use the rules as the line to restrain all things.

The real man utters the truth, the essence of the hole, this thread of heavenly craftsmanship, invisible or intangible, but it has the true power of heaven and earth!

But Huang Jinmo also spoke, it seemed that there was infinite power hidden in her beautiful body.

That kind of power made her strong, made her stalwart, and made her stand tall even in front of the real people in the world!

"What nonsense with this old thing!"

She stopped Zhu Weiwo's explanation with these words, and then looked at Tie Tuisi with indifferent phoenix eyes: "If any cat or dog dies, it will fall on my head, and come to my city to run wild. Tiangong Daoist , Daoist Tiangong! Remember! If you can’t capture and kill me today, then next year today will be your death day!!”

Tie Tuisi is fierce, she is even more fierce than Tie Tuisi.

Tie Tuisi is tough, she is tougher than Tie Tuisi!

She is Huang Weizhen's daughter, from birth till now, she has never been wronged or lowered her head!

Under the restraint of the rules of Tie Tuisi, the real person in the world, she still talks, still turns her eyes, and her five senses are still free. She actually broke through the shackles in such a short period of time, almost doing everything without hindrance!

At this moment in this world, not many people know her true identity.

The monk who came to God, broke the barrier between man and nature, and lived for 518 years.

How Huang Jinmo broke the lifespan of a cultivator in God's presence without becoming a real person is temporarily unknown.

Her past and her experiences are all buried in time.

But what kind of power can a monk who is over 900 years old have mastered in this realm?

Huang Jinmo has the only answer in this world.

Huang Jinmo is about to reveal the answer!

Her hands stretched in the air, like a phoenix spreading its wings.

Her hands smeared with black Koudan held two golden phoenix-winged knives.

The golden knife, the black cardoon and the white jade hand.

Simply the best in the world.

The blade trembled slightly, as if it was overwhelmed, and it was also like a lonely sound.

The invisible thread of rules has been severed!

There are no other rules between heaven and earth.

No one is allowed to be bound in this life!

She stepped up and walked freely in the air, like a proud black phoenix.

Possesses the ultimate nobility and beauty.

The sharp knife is her wings, and the indifference is her eyes.

She wandered within the constraints of the rules, forcibly smashing the invisible lines of manipulation with unimaginable strength!

Break through all obstacles!

There is no natural barrier between her and the current real person!

And almost at the same time, a sea of ​​gold bloomed in the air.

Golden sea of ​​fire.

Extremely egotistical, burning without restraint.

Burning through this life as if there would never be another year to come.

Every strand in the endless sea of ​​flames is actually jumping and possessing vitality!

In this boundless golden flame, the luxurious and majestic three-legged Golden Crow fluttered its wings and flew.

Its gilded feathers have a story of their own.

Witnessed immortality and forged a sharp edge.

Youhuang Jinmo broke the line of rule manipulation first, and Zhu Weiwo followed closely to get rid of the restraint.

In the realm of the gods, the seeds of supernatural powers have blossomed and borne fruit.

Only in this state can we truly grasp the complete supernatural powers and understand the true meaning of supernatural powers.

Before God comes, know what it is, and after God comes, know why it is.

Therefore, it is said that God understands it.

The golden flame spread out and formed a sea.

The surge of spiritual knowledge is like a tide.

Wherever the three-legged golden crow golden flame shines, it is where the spiritual consciousness surges, and it is the "field" where he wished only me.

The true fire of the sun, the eternal flame.

endless heat,

He is God!

In this extremely gorgeous golden color, his bluffing right hand pulled in front of him from left to right—he had already drawn out his exhausted gun!

It was like pulling out the crackling firewood from a burning pyre.

It's like pulling away from that warm dream in a lonely cold night.

All the resentment and reluctance are real.

All the indifference and parting are also real.

Sparks explode.

In an instant, the whole field of vision was ignited.

He used all the brilliant reflections and sweet dreams to cast this indomitable gun.

It is bound to penetrate all the powerful, solid, and so-called unchallengeable!

Think back to the iron.

Go to the real person who represents the Mohist school.

At this moment, seeing Tie Tuisi, a real Tiangong real person, calling at his door to question his crimes, Zhu Wei, why do I still not understand where his earlier uneasiness lies?

Where can he not think clearly?

He and Huang Jinmo still fell into the trap of Zhuang Gaoxian and Du Ruhui's pair of monarchs and ministers!

He was wrong, he was so wrong!

He had his innate pride, and he had only become a god, so he wanted to kill Du Ruhui first, to get rid of the great hatred that the king treats his ministers like nothing. Waiting for Du Ruhui to trouble Jiang Wang, he would lay down and kill him.

Du Ruhui, who has supernatural powers so far away, has indeed come.

But there is also Zhuang Gaoxian, the emperor of Zhuang Kingdom!

Fortunately, there was another Huang Jinmo who blocked the real person in this world for him.

He thought that was the result, and it all ended with his failed ambush. He has a great time and an unlimited future, and he can wait for the future.

But he was dead wrong.

Zhuang Gaoxian and Du Ruhui are not clay sculptures and wood carvings, wooden and stone puppets placed on the altar table. He will not sit there still, wait for the enemy to grow up, and then go to Shi Shiran to complete the revenge easily.

They will continue to grow at the current level of power they have grasped. They don't even have any scruples about the dignity of the strong at all, and they can eliminate hidden dangers. Even if it is an ant, they are willing to bend down and crush it to death with their own hands.

Zhu Wei's mistake was that he thought he understood Zhuang Gaoxian and Du Ruhui, but he didn't understand enough.

From the very beginning, the goal of Zhuang Gaoxian and Du Ruhui was not Jiang Wang, but Zhuang Weiwo! It is this unredeemed city!

After experiencing the case of Tongmo, Qi Guo's determination to keep Jiang Wang is already visible to the world.

Whether it is for the reputation of Qi State itself, for the majesty of the overlord of the Eastern Region, or for the general plan of Qi Emperor Jiang Shu. It is an indisputable fact that Qi State wrote Jiang Wang's name into the Xingyue Covenant.

In a sense, Jiang Wang's honor and disgrace are in the same line as Qi.

How much does Zhuang Gaoxian rely on, how brave is he who is not afraid of death, how much he doesn't care about his foundation of Zhuang country, dare to take action to capture and kill Jiang Wang himself at this time?

The ZTE Lord of the Zhuang Kingdom, who took the risk of going to the Unredeemed City in person, wished only me to come for him.

Who is more threatening to Zhuang Guo, Jiang Wang or Zhu Weiwo?

After this mountain and sea environment, it's really hard to say!

Not to mention that in terms of strength, Zhu Weiwo has already achieved Shenlin, Jiang Wang is still on the way to achieve Shenlin.

From the background alone, Zhu Weiwo and Huang Jinmo are now together, and behind Huang Jinmo, stands the legend who has been famous for thousands of years, faintly leaning on Chu State.

If you want to get rid of Zhu Weiwo, you must first get rid of Huang Jinmo.

If you want to get rid of Huang Jinmo, you have to consider the seemingly non-existent relationships behind Huang Jinmo.

As far as Zhuanguo is concerned, Zhu Weiwo, who has proved the presence of God and has his back on the city of unredemption, is definitely a thorny problem. He was nailed to the junction of Zhuang Yongluo and the Three Kingdoms, and he was the thorn in the flesh of Zhuang Gaoxian and Du Ruhui!

It doesn't seem to be unplugged, it seems difficult to reach.

But Zhuang Gao envied Du Ruhui, the ruler and ministers turned their hands into clouds and rain, and still made such a fierce and unparalleled killing move.

Zhuang Gaoxian and Huang Jinmo hurriedly fought against each other and gave up. How could he be afraid of Huang Weizhen's reputation? He had captured enough of Huang Jinmo's aura during the battle.

The purpose of his trip has been fully achieved!

The so-called Lin Zhengren and Du Yehu's ambush against Jiang Wang was nothing but Du Ruhui's casual temptation to blind him by blindly giving him Zhu Weiwo, which hurt Jiang Wang and fascinated him Zhu Weiwo!

Although he felt uneasy in his heart, the uneasiness could not extinguish his self-confidence.

Let him think that the Prime Minister of the Zhuang Kingdom is nothing more than that, and he dare not kill the officials of the Qi Kingdom openly, and dare not offend Huang Weizhen's descendants.

It made him feel in a trance that the pair of monarchs and ministers who dominated Zhuangguo Zhongxing were like pigs lying on the chopping board! I thought it was just waiting to be slaughtered...

But if Zhuang Gaoxian and Du Ruhui were the meat on the chopping board, who were the rulers and ministers of Mo who ceded the land? What are the kings and ministers of Cheng who pay tribute? What is the dead Emperor Han Yin of the Yong Kingdom? What is the bone evil god who was eaten by tigers?

At this time, Zhu Wei, I want to understand everything.

Xiao Shu sat in the city of unredemption and spent forty days attacking God's presence. Yongguo directly sent Mo Jingyu to solicit, offering an undeniable condition. The courage and tolerance shown by Emperor Yong Han Xu are definitely beyond people's expectations.

Even if Xiao Shu refused in the end, it would still have the effect of buying a horse bone with a thousand dollars. It can be said that Emperor Yong Han Xu took advantage of the influence of this matter to the greatest extent. From then on, geniuses like Xiao Shu who fled the country had another choice.

Han Xu is definitely a enlightened master.

But Zhuang Gaoxian and Du Ruhui are not as people imagined, because they are relatively close to Dan Kingdom, they can only sit and watch this game.

It is indeed not suitable for them to get involved in Xiao Shu's affairs, because the gain outweighs the loss.

But in this matter, he accurately grasped the opportunity that was not an opportunity at all, blatantly killed Mo Jingyu, blamed Huang Jinmo, and at the same time beheaded a general of Emperor Yong, he also had to pull out the other generals in one fell swoop. Redeem the nail of the city and solve the hidden danger of Zhu Weiwo!

This kind of scheming, this kind of decision-making, can't be said to be old-fashioned, and it can't be said that it's not scary.

Even if you can only make moves in a square inch, this method of fighting for blood everywhere is really a first-class chess player in the world.

Zhu Wei, I can even guess how Zhuang Gaoxian killed Mo Jingyu, how he pointed the cause of Mo Jingyu's death to Huang Jinmo, how he misled the Mo family, and how he made everything into an iron-like so-called 'fact' ...

Zhuang Gaoxian and Du Ruhui are too good at this kind of thing!

At this time, if they are given enough time to prove themselves, he and Huang Jinmo may still have a chance to clear themselves.

But under the fact that the Mohists have already preliminarily determined, this real Tiangong will not listen to their explanation at all.

An ancient and powerful existence like the Mohist school, who is famous in the world, has no patience at all before the death of the god of the sect, Linjing Tianjiao.

This is not the conquest of two armies on the battlefield, where life and death are at the mercy of fate. The disciples under the sect died a lot, and the Mo family would not go to anyone to argue.

But now, Mo Jingyu died of murder!

Died on the way from the city of unredeemed.

The Mohist's business spread all over the world, and the Mohist's many layouts in the present world are all based on their strength. Now that they have determined that Huang Jinmo is the murderer, the Mo family must take strong measures. Let the people of the world see that the Mohist school is unshakable.

It's not impossible to justify, but as Tie Tuisi, a real Tiangong real person, said - let's just get caught!

How can a few monks at the level of divine presence make the Mohist cautious?

You can use Huang Jinmo's character to Zhu Wei's character.

How can they agree to let them be arrested without a fight and life and death are up to others?

Just because I want to understand these things and know that there is no room for peace talks,

So Huang Jinmo drew his sword directly.

So Zhu Wei, I stopped talking nonsense and took a shot brazenly!

Huang Jinmo's knife cuts the line of rules.

I wish only my gun, the heart of no return.

If it is said that the strong in the presence of gods, Zhu Wei can certainly be counted.

Fighting against Zhang Xun first and then against Du Ruhui, even though he was at a disadvantage, it was enough to prove his strength.

This step of his promotion to God's Landing has sufficient accumulation.

There is the tempering of fighting in Yuyuan for a long time, there is learning from the warrior Kuishan, there is Huang Jinmo's wholehearted guidance, and there are resources from the city of not redeeming...

As the only bloodline of a generation of legendary Huang Weizhen in the world, a little thing leaking from Huang Jinmo's fingers is already amazing enough. Being able to pile up a warrior who is close to the twenty-first heaven, not to mention the resources to cultivate a monk of God's presence.

And Huang Jinmo himself, in some way broke the special existence of God's Imminent Life Limit.

From the era when Huang Weizhen was active, it has continued to live until now.

Over nine hundred years, what does it mean?

Putting together all the monks in the world, she is also qualified to compete for the first place.

The number one god in the world, she can talk about it!

At this moment, the two strong men in the realm of the gods joined forces to brazenly face Tie Tuisi, a real Tiangong from Momen, over the city of Unredeemed.

The terrifying power fluctuations made the entire city of Unredeemed seem to bow its head!

Facing all this, Tie Tuisi was very calm.

Compared with the weirdly dressed Mohist girl Xi Xiangyi, he is more like a pure Mohist, more in line with the traditional image of Mohism.

He is a real person in the world, without a single ornament on his body.

Brown clothes and straw sandals look very simple.

He was indeed angry, but that anger was because of Mo Jingyu's death, not because of the arrogance of the two cultivators in front of him.

He was indeed surprised, surprised by the strength of the two monks in front of him, but it was nothing more than surprise.

After all...he is a real person!

The so-called movement of thoughts, the so-called command of heaven and earth, the so-called authenticity of all dharmas!

With just one grasp with his outstretched fingers, the broken regular lines were reconnected.

Or left, or right, or front, or back.

A thread is a sky.

The natural moat is already difficult to overcome, and the many natural moats are separated from each other.

It is difficult for the spearhead to make further progress here.

Lie Yan has turned back so far!

Zhu Weiwo, who is unparalleled in sharpness, is blocked in the middle of the journey even with a gun.

Every time a regular line is broken, the speed will slow down by three points.

After breaking nine in a row, people and guns almost stagnated.

And Huang Jinmo paced gracefully in the air, she seemed to be able to clearly 'see' these regular lines, and could touch them with the power of God's Promenade.

Every step she takes is on the line of rules, as graceful as she is plucking the strings of a piano.

The trembling voice of the Tao may of course be wonderful, but unfortunately not many people are blessed to hear it.

The distance between her and Tie Tuisi was only more than ten zhang, and in the past, she could be reached by a thought, but now she was only able to approach slowly by turning around in the air.

Her brilliant golden phoenix-winged knife flashed coldly, and her whole body seemed to be dancing in the air.

Incomparably noble, incomparably glamorous.

What is gorgeous is not only her beauty, but also her sword light.

Ordinary people can no longer see her movements clearly, or even see her existence clearly.

There is only the trajectory of the knife light in the sky.

Draw the sky and the earth to form a line, divide the sun and the moon, and separate the galaxy.

The line of rules laid down by Tie Tuisi is not enough to be an obstacle at all.

One knife is faster than one knife, one knife is heavier than one knife, and one knife is stronger than one knife.

The continuous knife light spread all the way, almost becoming a surging river of knife light.

At first glance, it seems that the Milky Way is pouring down from the nine heavens.

The phoenix dances nine days and one hundred and two swords in a row!

In an instant, she slashed out the limit of one hundred and twenty knives under this style.

A knife can break the line of the rules.

The knife touches the limit of life and death.

This is undoubtedly the most pinnacle killing power of the gods in the world.

A golden body with chalcedony is not enough, it is rare to see such a knife in the world.

The River of Daoguang directly rushed to the face of Tiangong Daoist, it was simply unstoppable!

And Tie Tuisi...

Of course not.

It has never been heard in the world that there are real people who avoid God's presence.

He just closed his five fingers together and made a fist.

Between heaven and earth, there seemed to be the sound of something tense.

It was some kind of regular thread in this world, which was pulled to the limit in an instant, almost to the point of collapse.

And he grasped the invisible and terrifying number of rule lines, and punched forward!

The fist hit the river of sword light.

There was no sound of collision. The continuous slashing sound merged into one sound, so sharp that it almost cut the hearing, and then the sound was broken up by the fist.

Tie Tuisi's fist continued to move forward, as if smashing the flying snow, and the light of the knife filled the sky like moonlight.

One punch smashed the river of knives!

He tightened the fist of the rule line, and was approaching Huang Jinmo.

A wave of high temperature that even he felt a little scorching hot rushed over the sky and covered the sky.

A little bit of coldness made his skin ache.

I wish my sun is really hot, I wish my salary is exhausted!

The guns are the same, and it has always been so far.

In the confrontation between real people in the present world and the top gods and powerhouses in the present world, they saw the opportunity to enter the battle.

This is also a great talent...

Be punished!

Master Tiangong simply let go of his fist, and he also stretched out his left hand.

His hands are wide open, spreading out on both sides of his body.

This body is true, this world is true, hold it in your hand!

This world does not exist in nothingness.

It is built by countless rules, and every plant, every tree, every flower and every stone is a perfect creation of heaven and earth.

Even the world itself is just a manifestation of the rules.

People who can't see them live in the world they made.

And those who can see them are intoxicated by their beauty.

He tried his best to think back, what he was pulling was the thread of heaven, and what he was grasping was the rules of "manipulation".

At this moment, his ten fingers are touching the sky and the ground, and the flames are burning.

The jumping blade, the fierce gun light, the scorching supernatural flames, and the two powerful physical bodies of the gods...

Between heaven and earth, there is nothing that cannot be manipulated.

Qifu takes the heaven and the earth as a board, everything as a chess game, and the rules as a line, playing a game in this life together.

He swung his hands forward, his fingers trembling together, and started the drill!

This game is called "Heaven and Earth Play".

The figures of Huang Jinmo and Zhu Weiwo tensed up almost at the same time!

After the shattered river of sword light, in the burning golden sea of ​​fire.

The two powerhouses who are in the presence of gods are nothing but flying insects on a spider's web.

Manipulating Zhu Weiwo is obviously easier.

So Huang Jinmo was fixed in mid-air for the time being, and Zhu Weiwo's muscles froze all over his body. With a turn of the spear in his hand, he turned towards Huang Jinmo with the spear, and the sharp point of the spear reached Huang Jinmo's heavenly spirit !

His sun is really hot, and it has already rolled with him.

And his hands were like cast iron, as if they were welded to the gun barrel.

He can't help it, he can't help it!

The blood in his body roared like a frenzy, but it was useless!

His bones exploded like firecrackers, but it was useless!

His supernatural powers neighed endlessly, expanding almost infinitely, but it was useless!

His spiritual knowledge became a knife, a spear, and a sword, trying to cut off the invisible bondage, but it was useless!

How can...

Zhu Wei I can only struggle in my heart.

Because even his voice has been manipulated.

He is a powerhouse who has crossed the gap between heaven and man.

But he couldn't speak.

He is a powerhouse who can confront Du Ruhui head-on.

But he couldn't speak!

As he approached, the edge of his gun drew closer.

He has clearly seen Huang Jinmo's face, so cold and noble, so lonely and cold. How much time they had spent together, how much they had known each other alone!

Those stories that no one knows are two lonely people who met.

There is another star shining in the cold night, and loneliness is not so lonely.

Who else in this world is like her?

How can...

How can...

His eyes, his nostrils, his ears, the corners of his mouth, and his seven orifices all overflowed with blood.

But he shouted after all!

"How can it be!"

It seemed to be the sound of mountains roaring and tsunami.

It was like the sound of thunder exploding.

Vigorous and deafening.

Burning golden flames on his body, he folded his body stiffly in the air with the power to stir up the majesty of the heaven and earth.

Buzz buzz, buzz buzz.

That trembling and boiling, stubborn and proud...


There was a crisp sound.

That three-year-old salary gun...


Half of the gun body fell, and Zhu Weiwo held the other half of the gun barrel, vomiting blood and flying.

I would rather fold this spear than stab the one I love.

This chapter is eight thousand words.

Among them, 4,000 words are added for Dameng Yan Shaofei (48/78.)

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