Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1520 Nirvana, Ming Gui

Since Zhu Weiwo's debut, his salary has been exhausted, accompanied by his rise to fame and shining together.

The so-called gun is so powerful, the world knows it all.

When the gun arrives, the person will arrive.

When the gun fires, the people ring.

He loves this spear that is not stunning in appearance.

When walking, lift upside down, when fighting, hold hands tightly, when standing, hug one's arms, and when sitting, cross one's knees.

Every trace of the gun body told him to count it in time.

There are countless battles of life and death, and in every battle, the enemy must be defeated with this spear.

After each battle, he would clean his spear with his own hands, and never used it on others.

The so-called—

The salary of this gun is exhausted, and the salary has not been exhausted in thirty years.

This person wishes only me that I will not lose to others in my life!

And now he's done it himself.

The strong can die and cannot be controlled, and this spear has always been straight.

God and the gun are raised, and the mind is in harmony with the gun.

Zhu Weiwo's spear broke, his whole body suddenly lost control, and his golden body and chalcedony could not be stable!

This scene was surprising, but not too surprising.

With the truth of the hole facing the gods, Tie Tuisi has enough leeway to adjust, and has enough room to solve the so-called "accident".

It's just an aggressive kid, desperately jumping to a place he couldn't jump originally.

Daoist Tiangong raised his right hand again, and flicked it!

Zhu Wei, my whole body was suspended by the invisible thread of heaven, like a fish caught out of the water, after a swing, it was suspended in the air!

Seeing this scene, Huang Jinmo's eyelids twitched, and the murderous aura in his beautiful phoenix eyes was like the sea's ups and downs.

She is manipulated by the dense rules and regulations, and she is reduced to one of countless chess pieces in Tiangong Zhenren's "Tiandiyan", unable to advance, retreat, or move.

It was a great insult to her.

And watching Zhu Weiwo fold the gun, it was as if a knife had been cut in her heart!

In the nine hundred years since Huang Weizhen's death, she lived in a kind of loneliness all the time.

At first she hid in a very deep place, did not eat, did not drink, did not move, and did not speak to anyone for hundreds of years.

She thought she might lie down like that forever.

Eternal loneliness and eternal remorse are her punishment for herself.

Later, when Dilong turned over, the place where she was staying was exposed, which attracted a lot of people... It was very noisy and troublesome.

She just went from there.

She doesn't like to get along with people, but there are people everywhere in this world, and there are traces of people everywhere.

She wanders alone in this world, sometimes looking at the wind, sometimes looking at the rain, looking at the stars at night without wind and rain, lying on the hillside looking at the clouds all day long, without communicating with anyone.

I don't remember when I came to this chaotic place.

she is guilty...

She kept telling herself that she was guilty.

She stopped, built a prison for herself, and imprisoned herself here. But because I love beauty by nature, and I don't want to go back to the ground, so I built it on the ground, and it looks like a building.

Hence the name, prison building.

Lou is the box, she is the person.

In this chaotic place, a neat building and a beautiful woman will always cause a lot of trouble.

Of course, to her, those so-called troubles were just the kind of disturbance caused by ants crawling over the boots.

Sometimes she kills people, sometimes she stops people from killing people.

Later, I found it troublesome, so I established a few rules. Those who violate it will be killed, and the rest will be ignored.

Just like what Jiang Wang said, "rules" themselves are a kind of order.

No matter how insane, evil or desperate, a lunatic also longs for an order in life.

The order in the chaotic land attracted many people to gather.

Later, more and more people gathered here, and maintaining the rules was also a tiring task. She picked up a few people at random and formed the criminal guard.

Sinners are an extension of the rules.

Then came the City of Unredeemed.

She is a sinner.

There is no redemption.

There is nothing in this world that makes her nostalgic.

She was alive only because she couldn't die.

When I saw Zhu Weiwo for the first time, I just admired it a little.

But just for appreciation.

If Kuishan killed him, he would kill him.

I wish Weiwo a breakthrough in the battle, take off the real fire of the sun, and fight against Kuishan, the talent is indeed extraordinary...

But let it go.

The second time I saw Zhu Weiwo, it was Buhuocheng who provided a venue for Zhuang Yongluo to negotiate with the Three Kingdoms. I wish Weiwo amazed everyone with his skills and surpassed the geniuses of the other two countries. At that time, she thought, Zhuang Guo's luck is really good.

But a small fish pond is just a small fish pond after all.

It is difficult for pond fish to lose their scales.

The third time we met was the violent treason against the city. Fighting to exhaustion, he went down ten cities in a row, leaving a strong mark on the battlefield, and even turned around and declared treason!

She suddenly became very interested in this person.

Maybe it's because Zhu Wei also has the word "Wei" in my name.

Maybe it's because Aiying Yubi finally began to recover after hundreds of years, which made her see a little hope, a little bit of hope for this world...

Perhaps it was in the proud eyebrows that she vaguely saw the kind of grace that had not been seen for nine hundred years.

In short, she made a rare move.

She is a proud temper, and he is even more eye-catching.

Even if they take shelter in Unredeemed City, they still insist on cooperation, not subordination...

Everything is calculated very clearly, and it is said that what is borrowed must be repaid.

She deliberately gave him something to do, let him wear the clothes of a criminal guard, and called herself "Your Majesty" in front of others...

From Unredemption City to Yu Yuan, there are too many fragments.

Those times were short in her life.

But when I think about it, there are so many things I can recall.

Since when did she feel less lonely?

For more than nine hundred years, she has been aloof and lonely.

Waiting for an illusory hope is actually very hard.

She is the person in the prison building, she is a prisoner with no redemption.

The city of Unredeemed is full of villains, and she is the worst one, she is the lord of sinners.

But someone still reached out to her.

Someone stood in the brilliant golden flame and told her that there would be light.

I am light.

"I" is light.

In the past, she watched the wind, the rain, the clouds and the stars.

Now she sees only me.

She likes to look at Zhu Weiwo's eyes the most.

His eyes are like cold stars.

But better looking than the stars.

The light is there.

At this moment, I wish Weiwo to break the gun for her.

That's the best way to wish Weiwo Zhenruo's life.

At this moment, she felt a clear pain, and heard the crack in the depths of her soul, as if her heart, like the spear, was split open.

So her finger bones were also cracked.

Her wrist bones, her forearms...

All the bones in her body were cracked. That is the golden body and chalcedony god's body, and it is not enough to withstand the performance of the turbulent power!

Is there any god in the world with a life span of five hundred and eighteen years?

Is there any god in history who lives over nine hundred?

Only her, Huang Jinmo!

At this moment, the power that made the world tremble surged in her body.

The unprecedented power of divine presence roared in the golden chalcedony.

With a tremor of the phoenix-winged saber in his hand, Qingyue made a phoenix cry.

She has a power far beyond the level of God's presence, with a power that her incomparably tyrannical body of God's presence cannot contain.

Crack yourself first, and then break the world to act!

Cracks also appeared on her extremely glamorous face.

It was a kind of rupture at the regular level, because it shattered the light, so it appeared dark.

Instead of making her ugly, those cracks gave her a fragile beauty.

She is like a black rose made of colored glass.

Very cold, very colorful.

So fragile, so beautiful.

The light of her knife is so cold, so lonely.

It seems that no one will ever understand, and no one will ever understand her.

She is waiting for an almost impossible outcome, watching a meteor that may never appear again.

Such a knife light!

Like the criss-crossing lines of the bright moon, they spread over the entire city of Unredeemed, enveloping Tie Tuisi.

In her own collapse, she shattered the balance between heaven and earth.

Tiangong real person Tie Tuisi was also moved!

For a moment, the sky above the entire city was shrouded in criss-crossing sword lights.

For the first time, the unredeemed city standing in this chaotic place has such a sword light shining.

When they were small, they were like the cracks on Huang Jinmo's face, like some kind of inadvertent makeup of a peerless beauty.

They swell like a gigantic gridded enclosure, like a sharp-edged cast-iron chessboard.

When it was smashed down, it seemed to cut the world apart!

Air is fragmented, and space is fragmented.

Everything between Daoguang and the target was crumbled into pieces.

Tie Tuisi, who is as strong as Tiangong, couldn't help but change his expression in front of such a knife light, and took half a step back.

This is a real person in the world, facing the monk's retreat in the face of God's presence!

This is enough to be recorded and sung by people.

Huang Jinmo is advancing.

She moved forward blankly.

She stepped forward with a slashing knife to slash a real person in the world!

The instant collapse of Tiandiyan made Tie Tuisi a little sluggish for a while. The thread of rules he controlled was unexpectedly exploded, and then chopped into pieces in the light of the knife.

Even if this is a self-destructive attack by a top-notch cultivator, this kind of lethality is too amazing!

The boundless, shattered light of the knife fell.

It seems to destroy everything.

Tie Tuisi pressed down with one hand, and the air was instantly woven together in a mysterious way, and instantly condensed into a substance, forming a translucent, extremely tough air mask, which fit the weird Momen girl drama covered in it.

Compared with the unredeemed city residents who fled outside the city one by one.

Playing Xiangyi was not afraid at all.

Before the boundless sword light shattered, she was admiring the battle with her hands on the ground and her head looking up at the sky.

The fall of Tie Tui's ingeniously hand-woven air mask did not affect her expression at all.

She simply looked at Huang Jinmo intently, admiring this glamorous big sister, admiring the lonely and withered beauty.

And after Tie Tuisi protected Xi Xiangyi casually, he turned around and took another step, just in time to meet Huang Jinmo face to face!

Even if the other party is surging with power beyond God's presence, even if the other party is in the process of self-destructing.

As a real person in the world, it is impossible for him to rely on waiting to win.

Juzi has a saying that if he cannot be captured, he will be killed immediately.

With such a withered self-destructive posture, it is obviously impossible to capture him alive.

Then kill it!

Kill her before she completely self-destructs.

Huang Jinmo can die, but he must die under the punishment of the Mo family.

He strode into the broken sword light.

The rules are broken here.

He didn't try to continue either.

Feel the light of the boundless sword!

Bang bang bang bang bang!

Continuous symphony.

That is the collision of the power beyond God's presence and the rules.

Tie Tuisi was wearing an ordinary brown coat. The feet are just ordinary straw sandals.

Coarse cloth is woven, and straw is woven.

It's not a magic weapon.

But under his weaving, it is already a work of heaven!

Even the light of a knife can't break it.

And at this moment, his left eye twitched slightly.

What kind of stinging pain makes the real person feel it?

Tie Tuisi turned his eyes at it.

He saw a specific sharpness that was meeting his gaze, cutting his gaze apart!

When cracks appeared on Huang Jinmo's body, he chopped the world into pieces with a power beyond the limit of Shenlin.

Zhu Weiwo, who was suspended in the air, was also freed in an instant.

Huang Jinmo, whose body had cracks, of course made his eyes tear open.

But a person like him, of course, would not indulge in pain in this level of battle.

In his hand he held a dead gun, the tip of which was a section of a broken barrel.

There is no cold light, only rough wood spines.

The bare and broken gun shaft is as inconspicuous as when it was burned as firewood in the stove, but it is so tough that it can survive thirty years, waiting for someone who understands it.

In such a battle, at this moment.

There was no gap for Zhu Weiwo to pick up the front half of the gun body that fell on the ground.

There is no chance for him to make other choices.

He is already an existence like a god, but he is still weak in front of real people in this world.

He has to face his relative weakness, but he is sure that he is by no means small!

He still attacks!

He used the spiky spear section as the front, his own body as the spear shaft, and the burning three-legged golden crow as the wings, combining power with intention, breath and blood, merging his body with force, and connecting with spiritual consciousness. Wearing it in front of Tie Tuisi——

Just when Tie Tuisi hit the knife light, he shot him in the left eye!

Tie Tuisi raised his left palm, just in front of his left.

The section of the broken gun barrel pierced hard in his palm.

His palms are thin and wrinkled, so ordinary that they can't even be called strong.

But Zhu Weiwo couldn't even pierce the wrinkled skin with a shot that burned all the remaining strength!

The gap in strength cannot be bridged by will.

Tie Tuisi held the broken gun, as if he also held Zhu Weiwo after the broken gun, held the golden flame, and held the entire space!

He glanced at it lightly, and he had already seen through the mystery.

This is indeed a good piece of wood, cast into this shape... It is a pity that the famous gun can only be made by chance and coincidence. The technique is too rough.

If he hadn't really cultivated spirituality, he wouldn't even have such a pity emotion, he would only feel that it was too bad.

What is Tiangong?

He asked out loud.

"What is Tiangong?"

Tie Tuisi grasped the section of the broken gun with five fingers together, and grasped everything related to Yu Zhuweiwo connected with this gun. The gun shaft was reconstructed in his hands at an astonishing speed.

Countless wooden lines, like silk like strands, like snakes like vines, bundled towards Zhu Weiwo in turn.

In an instant, it was wrapped into a wooden cocoon.

The surface is smooth as it occurs naturally. It was as natural as if I was a silkworm, and I was bound to be a cocoon!

This is heavenly work!

Inside the wooden cocoon is a world without light, air, and sound.

Zhu Wei I can't see anything, can't hear anything, can't feel anything anymore.

In this daze where he couldn't find the way forward and couldn't see the direction, he was still burning with all his might.

He almost crushed his teeth, and the blood was like a tide, bumping back and forth. The muscles of the whole body are stretched to the limit, like a fully drawn bow——

But they couldn't break free anymore.

That time he broke free from the world and acted and folded his gun, already surpassed his potential.

For a real person like Tie Tuisi, now it's just a matter of boosting that power. Raise it to a position where this kid can't even jump up...

Then tie tight.

Zhu Wei froze all of a sudden, and even my spiritual consciousness was frozen.

The five senses are silent.

The golden sun's real fire boiling outside the wooden cocoon was extinguished!

Tie Tuisi did not hesitate to show the power of a real person in the world, and he never minded letting the world know the strength of Mo Sect.

But at this moment, a icy blade stuck in the middle of his brow.

Cutting it vertically, it was almost necessary to dissect his whole body from top to bottom.

Of course, it was impossible for him to ignore such a knife, but he was indeed a little surprised—a cultivator of God's presence was allowed to get so close!

At this time, people are close at hand, and knives are close at hand.

Tie Tuisi didn't do anything else, he just pushed his forehead forward.

Touch the blade with the forehead!


Like a deep mountain hitting an old clock.

The blade was fixed on the forehead, but it was bounced back half an inch.

This knife failed to break!

"You can cut the body of a real person?"

Tie Tuisi shouted sharply, and slapped Huang Jinmo away with another knife that was stabbed at the dantian.

While pulling the palm back, also tilt it.

Tilting into a hand knife, from bottom to top, it cut Huang Jinmo's entire face, from neck to scalp, all in half!

Like a porcelain vase shattered.

This beautiful creation of nature is brutally destroyed at this moment.

This kind of beautiful withering that makes people can't help but break their hearts.

Such an ending may have been marked from the moment the cracks appeared on her body.

The unredeemed city lord of the stunning world was still wearing the black dress she wore most often before she died, like petals withered. While still in mid-air, the breath was gone.

Tie Tuisiyao pulls the wooden cocoon in the air, and Zhu Weiwo, who is extremely proud, is in the cocoon at this time.

Maybe he sensed what was happening outside, maybe he didn't—I really don't know which one is more cruel.

Anyway, he didn't move.

Tie Tuisi was a little dissatisfied with the fact that he dared to resist stubbornly in front of the real person who represented Momen. The battle that happened today made Tie Tuisi a little dissatisfied.

And even though he didn't have much emotion for Mo Jingyu, he was inevitably angry at the damage to the Momen's majesty.

But now that it's all over, there's nothing to worry about.

"We can only catch this one alive." Tie Tuisi lowered his head to Xi Xiangyi on the ground and said, "Xiangyi, clean up..."

He cut off his words and turned around suddenly!

For the first time, a look of disbelief appeared in his eyes.

what did he see !

He saw that Huang Jinmo's falling corpse unexpectedly burst into red flames in mid-air.

The flames were fast and intense, and with just one roll, they engulfed the entire body.

The scarlet flame was about the size of a fist, and then suddenly spread out, spreading out into a huge fireball, burning blazingly above the City of Unredeemed!

The particularly intense position in the middle was even faintly dyed black!

There is a faint shadow of a phoenix reflected in the air.

In the stillness of death, there is the germination of life.

In the endless silence, there is a divine transformation taking place.

Tie Tuisi looked at the huge fireball, as if seeing a mirror.

There is another world in the mirror.

And the black flame in the red flame gradually expanded, and gradually outlined a specific outline.

Waterfall-like black hair, lonely phoenix eyes.

Slightly pursed lips, perfect figure.

The glamorous and glamorous Huang Jinmo, dressed in black clothes, looks like a fairy like a god, and was reborn from the flames!

Tie Tuisi, the majestic real man of Tiangong, was shocked that he couldn't hide.

Hole in the realm of truth, insight into the truth.

It is absolutely impossible for him to be deceived by a cultivator of God's presence, so he must have really killed Huang Jinmo just now.

So at this moment Huang Jinmo...

It is also true that it has been resurrected and reborn from death.

This is the legendary supernatural power—Phoenix Nirvana!

Immortal Ability!

When Huang Jinmo confronted Zhuang Gaoxian, she said that she might be the only monk who could kill real people.

When Tiangong real Tie Tuisi came to her door, she directly talked about life and death.

All because of this.

Because she has the supernatural power of immortality!

Almost at the same time that Tie Tuisi woke up.

Huang Jinmo's figure was approaching.

"Let go of your dirty hands!"

At this time, her Phoenix Wing Saber had fallen to the ground, so she was empty-handed.

Her hands are empty but the killing intent in her phoenix eyes is so clear, and her steps are so resolute.

She rushed towards Tie Tuisi, as if she didn't know what a true person is!


She knows what a real person is in this world.

But this current real person doesn't know what Huang Jinmo is, or who Huang Weizhen is!

How dare this so-called real person from the Mo family hold onto Zhu Weiwo like that?

How dare you provoke her anger like this!

Huang Jinmo's beautiful hands dyed with black Kodan bloomed like flowers in front of Tie Tuisi.

The world is full of flowers!

Wind, frost, rain and snow, falling leaves and flying flowers, blue sky and thunder, raging sea and lonely boat...

Almost endless images come and go, one birth and the other disappear, fused into one furnace, forming a world, all in one seal!

This is the supreme seal method passed down by Huang Weizhen, the divine seal of Shan Hai Dian!

What Jiang Wang has learned about Bi Fangyin and Huo Douyin are only two of them.

Da Chu has been the most romantic in the past three thousand years. In the past, Huang Weizhen used it to rule the world!

Although Huang Jinmo is far from reaching the realm where Huang Weizhen pushed 871 seals back then, in the past 900 years, he has accumulated 365 seals intermittently.

It is a force that is simply indescribable.

It is difficult to accommodate this side of space and this side of time.

Her golden body and chalcedony body couldn't support it at all, and it had already begun to destroy at the same time it was printed.

But before the destruction, her seal is already here!

How is this just a pair of hands? This is the endless romance of the great Chu!

Tie Tuisi grasped it with five fingers, but the regular lines couldn't be condensed at all.

He stepped back and retreated, but the majestic real person in the world couldn't retreat at once!

That glorious world of illusions and disillusions is constantly evolving and advancing in those extremely beautiful hands.

And finally bumped into his face.

At this critical moment, Tie Tuisi covered his face with his fingers repeatedly. This moment can no longer be kept! The primordial spirit stands in the primordial spirit sea, ordering the heaven and the earth to be ordered to see the true nature of all dharmas.

Ingeniously, in one ten-thousandth of a moment, the air is woven into a shield, the elemental force is woven into a wall, and the space is woven into a lock!

Huang Jinmo's seal fell down.

The heavenly shield woven by air was pierced in an instant.

The heavenly wall woven by Yuanli disintegrated in an instant.

The heavenly lock woven in space will collapse at the touch of a finger!

Huang Jinmo's seal method pressed on Tie Tuisi's five fingers, pressed his face, and was still pressing in! It seems that the head of this real person is about to explode!

Strength is gone...

The indescribable terrifying power only shined for an extremely short moment before dissipating.

Huang Jinmo's seal has disappeared completely. But he couldn't bear this extreme power of printing, so he died one step before printing Tie Tuisi.

Tie Tuisi slowly moved his five fingers covering his face, and felt a chill down his back.

The phalanxes of his five fingers were obviously dented.

For any real person in the world, God's presence is not strong enough.

But a god who possesses the power of immortality, even real people can't ignore it.

God's attack is often indeed difficult to cross the chasm of the rules.

But the power passed down by Huang Weizhen, especially when Huang Jinmo can rely on his immortal body to draw back infinitely...does have the possibility of killing and injuring real people!

It is really a challenge to common sense, it is beyond imagination.

Such a strong man of the gods is hard to find in ancient and modern times.

He finally came out with Xi Xiangyi, and when he was ordered by Juzi to carry out a mission, he ran into it.

Tie Tuisi didn't know whether it was his luck or misfortune.

In his vigilance.

The red flame burned in the air again.

A roll rolled over the body, then shrank and spread out.

Seeing black flames in red flames, seeing new life from death.

Huang Jinmo's beautiful outline became clear again, her phoenix eyes were cold and her body was lonely.

Such a monk, although he is only in the realm of God, how should he deal with it?

How to sack?

Although Tie Tuisi wasn't afraid yet, he finally felt the trick!

He couldn't help but look down at the girl on the ground street.

At this time, the huge city of unredeemed is almost empty.

All kinds of villains living here don't care about anyone at all. Even if those criminal guards wanted to do something, what could they do?

Kuishan, who was attacking the 21st level of Martial Arts, was not there, and Lian Heng, the strongest remaining deputy commander of Buredao City, didn't even put on a posture of drawing his sword, and he was still fainting there——no one had time to escape Thinking about taking him with you.

Everyone knows how huge the Momen is. And what does it mean for a real person in the world to come to punish a crime?

It can be said that the City of Unredeemed has been destroyed today!

The only thing left is to be buried with him.

At this moment in the City of Immortality, only a short-haired girl with oiled face is sitting alone on the ground.

In the air hood woven by heaven, enjoy the battle leisurely.

The subtle thing is...

A few days ago, Xiao Shu spent forty days attacking Shenlin, and it was also here.

Also on this long street.

At that time, Huang Jinmo and Zhu Weiwo were just spectators on the tall building. Sitting with Zhu Weiwo is Qingyangzi from Qi State.

At that time, Xiao Shu finally failed and died.

Now Zhu Wei I am imprisoned in a cocoon.

The current Huang Jinmo has just been revived again.

And now Jiang Wang...

Within the scope of the entire Unredeemed City.

All the people fled to the outside of the city.

And in the wilderness outside the city, there is a figure in a bamboo hat and coir raincoat, running against the direction of the crowd, galloping in the direction of the City of Unredemption!

It is human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

Everyone wants to live.

Why did he walk toward death alone?

The direction opposite to thousands of people is full of loneliness and courage!

However, there is a cruel fact that...

A moth to a flame has never mattered.

No one cares about their life or death, no one cares whether they come or not.

The lights were never on for moths.

When the lights are on and off, it has nothing to do with moths!

For many long nights, the flame moths died, and the lamps were blown out.

There are also many moths outside the window, spinning around without thinking...

Right now, in this empty, unredeemed city.

The only order in the chaotic world.

Thousands of houses are closed, and the streets are empty.

The girl with short hair reaching the ears looked up at the sky, and there was a lonely wooden cocoon hanging in the sky.

Tiangong Master Tie Tuisi stood beside the wooden cocoon with a solemn expression.

And the black flame in the red flame finally portrayed Huang Jinmo's beauty once again.

She was reborn from the flame, once again set off a surging force like the sea, stepped forward, but turned around under Tie Tuisi's serious guard, and rushed to the ground——

"Let go of Zhu Wei, or I will kill your family!"

There is anger in scolding, and victory over others is powerful.

Stretch your slender fingers, and press the seal of Shan Hai Dian again.

One print, one lifetime.

One hundred and eight kinds of seals are combined into this seal, which is a big cycle in the God Seal of Shan Hai Dian, and it is enough to push horizontally at the level of God's Promenade, and there is no reason to miss such a little girl.

Up to this point in the battle, Huang Jinmo had already felt the power of Tie Tuisi. Her power is also being familiarized by this real person.

A "truthful" strong man's insight into and adaptation to power is extremely terrifying!

Her sudden revival's all-out attack on the Divine Seal of Shan Hai Dian failed to kill Tie Tuisi, and it would be extremely difficult to succeed in the future.

After all, there is a big gap between Shenlin and Dongzhen.

It was not her nature to change her mind and threaten her with hostages, but she did it out of necessity.

But now that she has made up her mind, she will never hold back.

There are not many people in this world worthy of her consideration.

Huang Jinmo didn't care about his own defense at all, and even used his body as a wall to block Tie Tuisi's possible rescue direction. With such a seal, he will be killed quickly, forcefully, and ruthlessly.

Forced Tie Tuisi to make a decision immediately!

To exchange Zhu Weiwo for the Mohist disciple he brought here, or to watch this disciple die?


Tie Tuisi, who was obviously very nervous about Xi Xiangyi, didn't even move his footsteps at all, and he didn't let go of Zhu Weiwo at all.

Even the short-haired girl under the hood woven by Gong that day just smiled brightly.

It seems that she is still watching a play and has not entered the game.

The paint on her face is red, yellow and green.

There are three twill stripes on each side.

Like a tiger whisker.

At this time, she looked at Huang Jinmo, as if she was sharing her love with this beautiful big sister: "My Mohist family used the 'Enlightenment Project' to create three real-life puppets named 'Tian Zhi', 'Ming Gui', 'Fate'."

She was facing the icy-looking Huang Jinmo on her back, and dexterously formed a Dao Jue in her hand.

Said very calmly: "This wise ghost..."

She raised her hand up.

"Let me take care of the maintenance!"

Just as the Tiangong gas mask collapsed.

A terrifying phantom shot out from the copper box behind her.

It soared in mid-air in an instant, forming a concrete appearance!

This chapter is eight thousand words.

Among them, 4,000 characters are added for Dameng Yan Shaofei (50/78.)


Thank you book friend Moonrise Diary Yue for becoming the leader of this book, for the 274th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend Yijian Frost and Cold pyb for becoming the leader of this book, for the 275 leagues of the Chixin Patrol!

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