Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1521 I pay ruthlessness with affection

Huang Jin thought about using the short-haired girl sitting on the ground as a breakthrough, regained the opportunity in the attack with Tie Tuisi, and rescued Zhu Weiwo. But I forgot, in the letter from Juzi of the Mo family, he called Xi Xiangyi to come with Tie Zhenren to not redeem the city by name!

Why are Tie Tuisi and Xi Xiangyi listed side by side in this letter from Mohist Juzi?

Because this Mohist genius girl is controlling the power of such a real person!

The power that drives the Realm Realm, even if one's own cultivation is far from the Realm Realm, can still be regarded as a Realman.

Looking at the world, the Mohists value and respect the power of foreign objects the most.

So it was obviously such a big event ordered by Juzi himself.

It was Xi Xiangyi who leisurely entered the city first to try out her latest creation, and then slowly read Juzi's secret letter.

Tie Tuisi played with her, of course he had a pampering feeling, but before Juzi's order, to have such a degree of autonomy, even this letter was in Xi Xiangyi's hands... It was a kind of feeling in itself. The embodiment of weight!

At this moment, Huang Jinmo left a seal.

Xi Xiangyi directly summoned a real-life puppet to face him.

The phantom that moved as fast as lightning solidified in an instant.

But it is a big man with painted eyes, red face and fangs, tall and muscular.

The upper body is naked, the face is ferocious, but there is a kind of uprightness.

God-like and ghost-like.

While the evil spirit was surging, a red precious light was also circulating on his body.

From the outside, this body is no different from a human body, but what is roaring in the body is not the tide of energy and blood, but the sound of high-speed rotating gears!

Click, click, click.

It seems that the principle of the movement of heaven and earth is the embodiment of an ancient rule.

The so-called heaven and earth have their gods and ghosts.

Ghosts and gods punish evil and promote good!

People should know it, respect it, and fear it.

So get restrained, do not do evil.

Therefore, Ming Gui!

The ghosts and gods who cannot punish evil and promote good in the world, the Mohists will destroy them. There are no ghosts and gods that punish evil and promote good in the world, and the Mohists established them.

Those who enjoy the country in this world have no more than three thousand nine hundred and twenty years.

And the history of an ancient sect like the Mohist has spanned several great eras!

This real puppet called Ming Gui condensed out of his body, and immediately pulled himself up.

All the energy is gathered by him.

The sound of his clenching fist was like a thunderclap in his fist, and the muscles in his arm were pushed to the limit by thousands of precision parts in an instant.

Swell, expand, explode.

He punches!

With this punch, he hit Huang Jinmo, who was falling from a high altitude.

With unrivaled strength, he greeted the legendary seal of the mountains and seas.

The air is shattered, the space is shattered!

The seal falls, and the fist arrives.

One hundred and eight kinds of disillusioned scenes collapsed and dispersed in front of this unparalleled power.

What Huang Jinmo pressed down was the power at the level of rampant gods, but what came repeatedly was genuine real-life power.

Her figure flew upside down infinitely, and she left the City of Unredeemed in an instant, leaving only a black spot in the sky.

He was punched to the sky!

A real person in the world, known as "Heavenly Craftsmanship". A human-level puppet, a treasure created by the Qishen Project. This kind of combat power is enough to run rampant among small countries. How can there be no reason not to crush an unredeemed city here?

It's also really disappointing!

With oil paint on his face, Xi Xiangyi looked up at the black spot in the distance, and couldn't tell whether it was admiration or teasing: "Old man Tie, it seems that it is difficult for you to catch her alone."

Tie Tuisi didn't deny it, and said with emotion: "It's not unreasonable for Juzi to ask me to bring you along. I never thought there would be such a god in this world!"

But after saying this, he froze for a moment.

Looking at Juzi's order at this time, you will find that it itself shows Juzi's understanding of Huang Jinmo. Otherwise, why would he send out two real-life fighters to capture and kill mere gods?

He found an unusual meaning in it, and also felt Juzi's determination.

But he didn't say anything.

Mo Menshen came to the scene of Tianjiao guest to die without ransoming the city, and it is quite normal to capture two suspects and go back for interrogation.

What if the freedom is not restricted first, and all the suspects run away when the evidence is conclusive?

Xi Xiangyi wrinkled her nose, and the point of rebuttal was completely off the mark: "I brought you here, okay! The letters are all sent to me first, and I even set up an array in my advanced city!"

"Okay, okay." Tie Tuisi was very fond of her, and echoed repeatedly.

But after the kind smile subsided, he immediately stood up!

"The old man really wants to see now, is there any limit to this legendary supernatural power?"

Gao Qiong's black spot is falling, and the Mohist's Tiangong Daoist is rising.

Ming Gui floated quietly above Xi Xiangyi, not participating in the collision.

But with the sound of the crackling sound, the black rune iron chains suddenly drilled out of the void, surrounding the entire sky above the city of Unredemption, and sealed off a circle.

Figure and figure meet at high altitude.

Tie Tuisi gets close to Huang Jinmo again.

This time, he had no reservations, and faced this rare god in ancient and modern times with the posture of facing a real opponent!

On the contrary, his hands were very calm, like an ordinary old man stretching his muscles and bones, his palms brushed lightly in front of him. It gives people the feeling that if the movement is a little bigger, the old bones will be broken.

The turbulent collisions and confrontations involving life and death all happened at the rule level.

People with insufficient strength and realm can't even see it at all.

Huang Jinmo was caught off guard at first, and suffered a punch from the real-life puppet Ming Gui, who directly broke the seal of the Mountain and Sea Code, and was stamped on Gao Qiong.

Only after he stabilized his figure and flew back, he met Tie Tuisi who was recoiling head-on again.

Tie Tuisi's timing was so ingenious, it was precisely the moment when she had just burst into strength but was unable to reach the peak, which completely penetrated the flow of her energy.

She didn't even have time to spread the seal this time, the Shan Hai Dian Shen Seal was still in the moment of forming, but her fingers spread apart.

Tie Tuisi's knife lightly brushed her neck.

It's like frightened sparrows plundering willow branches.

That beautiful lonely figure was directly erased.

Huang Jinmo was cut into pieces of all the regular structures in an instant, and was decomposed into an existence like the vitality of heaven and earth.

With a knife in hand, the world is empty!

Tie Tuisi just looked at the world quietly, observing the traces of the so-called phoenix's nirvana... Can it still exist?

A short time is broken down into a long time in the real world of holes.

But such a long process cannot see the truth clearly.


A little flame is born.

The crimson flame expanded into a fireball, and the black flame was outlined in the fireball, and the appearance of Huang Jinmo once again appeared in the black flame.

And as soon as she came back to life, she spread her hands——

Flowers bloom in a world, three hundred and sixty-five seals are superimposed, and the seals of the mountains and seas are divine!

Life and death are disillusioned.

Spring flowers and autumn moon, dry sea and angry reef.

An endless world of birth and death.

The power enough to hurt a real person is pushed without reservation.

Depress Tie Tuisi in the sky!

At this moment, it is an unreserved Tie Tuisi.

The ten fingers of his hands were spread wide, all of which evoked the threads of heavenly work, and with a slight twitch on the regular level, he picked up a black and swarthy axe.

It seems to be fishing for a bright moon in the water, but this black ax really exists.

Its name is Ghost Axe.

The so-called ingenious workmanship is beyond the reach of human beings.

This ax was manipulated by the thread of heavenly work, and the sharp blade turned back, from bottom to top, just slashed lightly——

The illusory world scene of Shanhaidian Shenyin was completely shattered!

But before that, Huang Jinmo had already disintegrated his body and died.

Tiangong continued to move forward with his ghost axe, but there was nothing left.

Everything that happened just now seemed to be just an illusion.

The illusory world scene seems to have never existed.

Only Tie Tuisi and his Ghost Ax existed in the air.

There is an inexplicable loneliness.

But not long after, the crimson flame was born again.

Black flames are outlined in the red flames.

Huang Jinmo stepped out of the black flame again, without any hesitation, and still without reservation, the three hundred and sixty-five seals were superimposed, and once again landed the Shan Hai Dian Shen Seal.

Straight to Tie Tuisi!

She seemed to have made up her mind, and vowed to kill Tie Tuisi at all costs!

Just stare at him, just fight with him——

Use her own immortal life!

Tie Tuisi didn't care about the power of the Realm Realm, and mobilized the ghost ax to chop it again.

Huang Jinmo died again.

Huang Jinmo was born again.

Huang Jinmo pressed the superimposed three hundred and sixty-five seals of the Mountain and Sea Classics.

Ghost ax strikes again!

Huang Jinmo dies again.

Huang Jinmo regenerates.

Huang Jinmo pressed the superimposed three hundred and sixty-five seals of the Mountain and Sea God Seals.


This is repeated nine times.

Tie Tuisi's Ghost Ax finally failed to smash Huang Jinmo's Divine Seal of Mountain and Sea Code, but was suppressed instead!

Huang Jinmo died again!

Huang Jinmo was resurrected again!

Would she never die, would her powers have no limits? !

Even if a supreme supernatural power like Phoenix Nirvana could be used infinitely, wouldn't the pain of repeated deaths be enough to shake her determination?

Huang Jinmo's answer was still 365 superimposed seals of the Mountain and Sea Gods!

Xi Xiangyi looked at the scene of the sky from a distance, seeing the scene of death and life, life and death, the smile on his face had long since disappeared.

Looking at this cold and lonely woman, she felt a kind of stubborn strength.

There was no expression on Huang Jinmo's face.

The emotion in the phoenix eyes was terrifyingly calm.

Even with the protection of a real-life puppet Minggui, even if the rune chains had sealed the surroundings, Xi Xiangyi still felt a chill, and involuntarily shrank his neck, and his heart tensed up.

Although she is a peerless genius who is rare in the Mo sect for a thousand years, she can be responsible for the maintenance of the puppet of the real world at a young age, but after all, she has almost no life and death experience, and her will is slightly lacking, so she was deterred for a while.

With a bright ghost in front of him, his mind will not be injured, but the shadow in his heart is difficult to erase for a while.

And Tie Tuisi in the air finally started to retreat and began to fall.

He wanted to test the limit of the supreme supernatural power of Phoenix Nirvana, but it seemed that he had touched his own limit first.

After all, every attack by Huang Jinmo needs to use the power of the real person to resist.

After all, he has already used such a killer move as "Ghost Axe"!

This consumption is very real.

"Let Ming Gui cooperate with me to ban!" He finally said.

"Okay...Okay." Xi Xiangyi recovered from an unspeakable trance.

When it came to the task itself, she still showed qualities of genius.

The real-world puppet that hovered for a long time immediately rose into the sky.

The rune chains surrounding the city of Unredeemed began to resonate.

However, at the same time, Huang Jinmo had already been reborn from the dead and kept imprinting the Gods of the Mountains and Seas, forcing Daoist Tiangong to retreat a long way, and finally got close to the wooden cocoon hanging in the air——

The wooden cocoon that traps Zhu Weiwo.

After this resurrection, she once again pressed the superimposed Shanhaidian God Seal with all her strength.

Tie Tuisi backed away almost subconsciously, but Huang Jin silently imprinted the method, but he was already close to the wooden cocoon, and his indescribably beautiful palm stuck to the wooden cocoon.

At that moment, it was as gentle as touching Zhu Weiwo's face.

Zhu Weiwo in the wooden cocoon seemed to sense Huang Jinmo's approach, and seemed to be struggling desperately. The whole wooden cocoon trembled slightly, but he couldn't break it, he was powerless in the end!

Huang Jinmo pushed hard!

The whole wooden cocoon turned down at a terrifying speed, crashed into the prison building, and directly smashed into the prison building, from the top floor to the bottom, smashed into the ground, and smashed into nothingness!

This scene happened too fast and too resolutely for people to have time to react.

And Huang Jinmo also seemed to have lost all his strength in this push.

The whole person was powerless to lean back...and fell.

Although under Huang Weizhen's methods in the past, there is also the legendary supernatural power of Phoenix Nirvana, the power under the real king will never be able to really kill her.

But she also did reach a certain limit.

The limits of mind and will.

She has acquired the ability of immortality to a certain extent, but she will never have the possibility of breaking through the presence of God.

Fighting against real people in the realm of God's presence so far, and dying in battle again and again is resurrected...

She has already reached the limit!

Just struggling to support, support such a chance to let go of Zhu Weiwo.

Only then did Ming Gui jump up, holding a rune chain in his hand and throwing it.


Unexpectedly, Huang Jinmo was bound tightly.

Binding her body so easily and imprisoning her soul... On the contrary, Xi Xiangyi felt unbelievable.

Tiangong real person stepped into the prison building for the first time, but what he saw was empty and what he felt was empty.

"The breath is gone." He said in a complicated tone.

He turned his head and glanced at Huang Jinmo, who was tightly bound by Ming Gui and had already fallen into a coma.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter." He sighed.

For Momen, who has a big family and a big business.

The life or death of a god-bound monk, friend or foe, is really not very important.

He vaguely felt that everything that happened today was very important, and he vaguely felt that perhaps more prudence and consideration were needed.

But in this big game of chess in the world, there is no regret when you make a move.

"Go back and return?" Xi Xiangyi still had some unspeakable emotions, which could not be resolved.

Tie Tuisi looked at her and said, "Go back."

Ming Gui, the real puppet, held the bound Huang Jinmo with one hand, and grabbed the short-haired girl to his shoulder with the other, and was about to leave.

Xi Xiangyi looked at Huang Jinmo who was sleeping next to her, and finally flew up to Tie Tuisi's side.

He muttered, "Old Man Tie, take me with you."

Tie Tuisi didn't say anything, he stretched out his hand, put away the two Phoenix-winged sabers on the ground, grabbed Xi Xiangyi, and flew away.

Ming Guizhengou followed closely behind.



Tie Tuisi asked the crime angrily in the City of Unredemption, and vowed to capture and kill Huang Jinmo, his voice shook the whole city and spread across the fields.

The entire Unredeemed City was suppressed silently.

Only Huang Jinmo and Zhu Weiwo fought side by side.

Although both warring parties deliberately restrained their range, the aftermath of the fierce battle still shook for tens of miles.

And in the wilderness outside the city, Jiang Wang certainly caught something.

He turned back immediately.

This is the second time he has left the city, and it is the second time he has returned to the city.

But even though he flew against the crowd regardless of his injury, he couldn't even see the real Momen's back.

This battle sounds slow, but the process is actually so fast that many people couldn't see it clearly, and many people couldn't understand their movements!

What Jiang Wang saw was the empty, unredeemed city, the ruined prison building, a man fainting at the corner of the street...and the broken half-length spear on the long street, which was inserted obliquely into the ground.

The name of this gun is exhausted.

He once borrowed it to visit Jiangcheng, and swung his sword across the gate.

Over the past few years, I believe everyone understands my strength——

I'm a four-thousand-a-day war scumbag.

It's been dark these past few days, and it's true that my liver doesn't move.

Trying to maintain four thousand words, gnashing my teeth and constantly updating, is my true level...

No night.

At least make yourself a meal first, I vomited after eating takeaway.

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