Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1522

The real person has gone, and the majesty of the real person still intimidates the people who wander outside the city.

At this time, in the huge city of unredemption, only Jiang Wang is still standing.

He picked up the half spear on the ground, wiped it on his sleeve, walked over again, and brought up Lian Heng who was in a coma.

Without saying a word, he turned and walked out of the city.

There are no words, so no words.

Nothing can be done, so nothing can be done.

Zhu Wei, of course he was able to figure out everything I wanted to understand when Tie Tuisi made a move.

He thought better.

He should have a deep understanding of Zhuang Gaoxian and Du Ruhui's methods.

Just like at the Yellow River meeting, he became famous in one fell swoop, making the word Jiang Wang known to the world, and the dawn of revenge has been seen in a trance. The pair of monarchs and ministers decided to attack him.

At first there was no movement.

Let him be promoted to a noble, let him be full of glory, let him be the proud son of heaven, let him have an infinite future.

But once he left the border of Qi State, the means came immediately!

If you don't move, you will be alone, and if you move, you will be thundered.

For the crime of mastering demons, Yujingshan issued an edict, and Jing Shitai took action.

In a blink of an eye, he is a sinner in the world.

If it hadn't been for the old monk Kujue who followed him thousands of miles away, if it hadn't been for Qi Guo's extremely fierce reaction that he didn't hesitate to tear up his face with Jing Guo, if it hadn't been for his trump card of Song Wanxi, a blood puppet true demon, if it hadn't been for the treatment in Xiyue Nunnery... …

He had already lost all his bones.

It's just that this time, Zhuang Gaoxian and Du Ruhui are dealing with Brother Zhu...

After this mountain and sea environment trial, the time for Huang Weizhen's return has entered the countdown.

Even Xiao Shu, who was far away in Dan Country, felt that the City of Unredeemed was in the most stable moment in history, and chose this place to bet on his own destiny.

I wish only me the success of the gods, and the gods who have climbed the Guanhetai with guns, Zhang Xun.

Huang Jinmo even told Zhang Xun to get out of the city.

Two gods come, one stronger than the other.

Coupled with the faint shadow of the Chu Kingdom behind this city, the rumored legendary Huang Weizhen...

How can such an unredeemed city be unstable and not strong?

But Zhuang Gao envied Du Ruhui, so he made a move!

In fact, if you think about it carefully, which one of them didn't they take risks with their blades and snatch food from their mouths? From the ancient and powerful god of the nether world, to the overlord of the Eastern Region, one of the six strongest in the world...

This pair of monarchs and ministers, as long as the situation is determined and the harvest is determined, they dare to take any risks and do anything.

How about hundreds of thousands of people in exchange for one Dan? How about betting on the fate of the country in World War I?

If any of the things they gambled on failed, whether the Zhuang Kingdom still exists today is a question.

In comparison, Huang Weizhen, who doesn't know if she can really come back, is really nothing...

Jiang Wang has always been uneasy, and Zhu Weiwo was also wary, but they never thought that Zhuang Gaoxian and Du Ruhui could do this.

Jiang Wang just persuaded Zhu Weiwo to avoid the limelight, and Zhu Weiwo just let Jiang Wang go first... It was about this level of uneasiness. What they didn't expect was that what Zhuang Gaoxian and Du Ruhui wanted to erase directly was Huang Jinmo, the City of Unredemption, and Zhu Weiwo's current background!

Since it is impossible for Huang Jinmo to give up Zhu Weiwo, then set up a scheme to erase Huang Jinmo together.

The move of killing Mo and shocking the feathers to capture the city without redemption is obviously a temporary change of plan due to Emperor Yong's actions. It is not a seamless layout, but the timing is too precise!

Because of this speed, this accuracy, and this ruthlessness, the loopholes in the plan itself were easily erased.

Emperor Yong Han Xu chose to send Mo Jingyu to Buredue City to recruit Xiao Shu, there are also considerations. His identity as a Mohist disciple made him safer than others in the city of Buredemption, a place outside the law. Almost risk-free - who could be so short-sighted?

But Zhuang Gaoxian Du Ruhui really made a move.

Once the truth is exposed, once the tail is caught, it will offend Yong Kingdom, Unredeemed City, Momen, and the existence behind Unredeemed City at the same time... Zhuang Guo will be wiped out.

Whoever thinks about it, Zhuang Gaoxian and Du Ruhui have no reason to act.

Han Xu never thought that if he wanted to, he wouldn't have sent Mo Jingyu.

It is even more difficult for the ancient and powerful Mohism to think that Zhuang Gaoxian would be so crazy.

And in this incident, the Mo family would never swallow Mo Jingyu's death.

The Mo family would not be afraid of a Huang Weizhen at all.

When the evidence on the surface is clear, it is a normal choice to first control the suspect.

But Huang Jinmo, there is absolutely no possibility of him being caught without a fight.

So there is the result now.

What Jiang Wang can't figure out now is what is Zhuang Gaoxian's confidence in being able to hide from the Mo family, and the Mo family dispatched two real-life fighters at once, which is really a bit too inevitable...

But these things that I didn't think about clearly did not hinder the evolution of the whole incident.

In this killing round, Zhuang Gaoxian's understanding of Huang Jinmo and his grasp of the mentality of the various forces reflected in it was not achieved in a day. It is really above the blade and has captured his own fruit.

After that?

If Huang Weizhen fails to return successfully, the matter will be settled.

If Huang Weizhen can return successfully, Huang Weizhen and the Mo family will face off, no matter who wins and who loses, it will not be harmful to Zhuang Gaoxian. What happened to the Mohist family would shake the reliance of the newly born Yong State, and this is exactly what Zhuang State wanted to see the most.

Taking a step back, even if Huang Weizhen can return successfully, it will not be a matter of one or two years. How do you know that Zhuang Gaoxian can't rely on the power of the country to rise and prove the true king? Of course, a true monarch may not be able to withstand Huang Weizhen at that time, but the support that a true monarch can get from Taoism is not comparable to what it is now...

It can be said that Zhuang Gaoxian and Du Ru's dark and dangerous plan have come to this point, which is the result of Zhuangguo's inevitable profit no matter how it goes.

This is their game!

Also those.

Lin Zhengren must show that he has the value of surviving. Why Du Yehu had to fight for a trust with his life, why Jiang Wang had to reluctantly beat Du Yehu to the verge of death...

It's just a random move outside this game of chess!

It's a way to confuse and wish you only me.

Sometimes you feel like the big thing, you feel like the most important person in the world to you.

It's just someone else's casually doing it, someone else's random rubbing...

It was true for Jiang Wang, it was true for Du Yehu, and it was even true for Lin Zhengren.

just so...

Jiang Wang walked out of the city in silence, and the sky did not know when it was drizzling.

The smoke is hazy, and nothing is very real.

Some people in crime guard clothes surrounded him.

Jiang Wang recognized one of them—it was the guy who was always lazily leaning outside the city gate to collect money for his life.

They certainly weren't looking for trouble.

He even faltered and didn't dare to speak.

The criminal king has been captured, so what is the meaning of existence of the criminal guard?

Most of them just looked worriedly at the Lian Heng in Jiang Wang's hand.

Jiang Wang threw Lian Heng, who was in a coma, to them.

He only said: "The City of Unredemption is gone, let's go to our lives."

The Unredeemed City, which had long been the core of this lawless land, vanished in this sentence.

The other person left alone with the broken gun in the meeting of bewildered or confused eyes.

Bamboo hat and coir raincoat, a term of misty rain.



In the wilderness, far away in the sky, there is a sudden sound——

"Da Yongmo frightened the feather guest to die and not to redeem the city. If he did not redeem, the city lord Huang Jinmo has serious suspicions and has already been captured. In the name of my emperor, the territory will be locked down and thoroughly investigated, and no one will be allowed to leave without authorization!"

Under the action of some magic weapon, the sound echoed continuously and spread in all directions, startling countless flying birds.

Accompanied by the sound, there were a large number of flying sergeants.

In the high-altitude flight, they have always maintained a complete formation, the blood is not surging, and the soldiers are faintly connected-this is definitely a rare elite!

The leading young man is wearing a battle armor and a double-pronged sword hanging from his waist. He is very heroic.

He suddenly folded in the air, free and vigorous like a goshawk, standing in the air in front of a figure in a bamboo hat and coir raincoat.

"Go back, no one is allowed to leave the country now." He bowed his head and said.

This person is the grandson of Bei Gongyu, the British Duke of Yong Kingdom, and Bei Gongke who once appeared on Guanhe Terrace!

During the Zhuang Yong Kingdom War, he fought bloody battles on the front line of Jing'an Mansion. Under the command of Yong Guoguo Prime Minister Qi Maoxian, he resisted the Red Horse Guards and prevented Jing people from going south.

At the Yellow River Meeting, he broke into the top eight, which was an achievement that the Yong Kingdom hadn't seen in hundreds of years, so he boasted of his achievements.

To a certain extent, the name Beigongke represents the power of the newborn Yong Kingdom.

His background shows that Emperor Yong did not forget his ministers, and his age shows the vitality of Yong.

Regardless of family background, meritorious service, talent, and ability, he is the first person of the younger generation of Yong Kingdom, and is regarded as the future of Yong Kingdom.

Of course he should have high self-confidence.

And the man who walked alone in the misty rain with a bamboo hat and coir raincoat and a broken gun looked up at the young general and took off his hat.

"I'm Jiang Wang."

The cold sharpness of the raised eyes made Bei Gongke's pupils shrink!

But then he fixed his eyes again.

The Yong Guo soldiers behind him surrounded him, but he stopped him with one hand.

He looked at Jiang Wang with a smile on his face: "Of course Jiang Qingyang has the freedom to come and go..."

But he held the double-strand swords with both hands again, with an irrepressible fighting spirit in his eyes: "Try?"

He was defeated by Qin Zhizhen at the Yellow River Meeting.

And Qin Zhizhen lost to Jiang Wang again, and missed the first place.

The gap between the two sides is the gap between the top eight of the Yellow River Conference and the leader of the Yellow River.

But no vigorous young man would believe that there are unclimbable peaks in the world.

Just as Qin Zhizhen's strength on paper was obviously higher than that of Jiang Wang, but the final winner was Jiang Wang. In a real battle, anything can happen.

If you don't fight once, you will always have regrets.

He believed that Jiang Wang could understand his mood.

And Jiang Wang, who was in front of him, did only say one thing - "Come."


The double swords have been unsheathed!

Bei Gongke was in the air, and two sharp sword qi had already formed a "ten" character, dividing the world into four parts.

Then there are four sword qi, and then there are eight...

In front of the double-strand swords, the sword energy seemed infinite.

Jiang Wang turned his footsteps, so he stepped on the sword energy and went up.

The so-called sword, the so-called power, the so-called people.

Xiao Shu forty days to attack God, he also watched forty days.

Zhang Xun's sword pierced through the real fire of the sun in a thread of qi, and he also saw it with his own eyes.

Practice does not improve for a day, and often advances and returns.

Raise an isolated island, carve a star building, understand the world, walk a long way, feel the way, and verify the supernatural powers!

One after another sword qi came and went.

Like a bird, like a swimmer.

And Jiang Wang stepped on the mark of Qingyun, just going up, just going forward.

Move forward under the increasingly tricky and fierce sword spirit.

Leisure wins.

His right hand still held the solitary broken spear, and the world-famous long sword was still hanging from his waist.

His left hand was relaxed, ready to pinch the Dou Seal at any time, and when he encountered the unavoidable sword light, he would engulf it with the light of the Dou—but he didn't meet it.

He walked higher and higher, getting closer and closer.

Wearing a coir raincoat, like walking in misty rain.

The sword energy that changed dozens of properties in a very short period of time seemed to not exist for him.

He just looked into Bei Gongke's eyes.

In Bei Gongke's eyes, a little starlight appeared.

The corresponding stars lit up in the sky!

The Star Tower, which belongs exclusively to Bei Gongke, stands in the distant star dome, and the stars are falling down.

No, it is not starlight that hangs down.

But Jianguang.

The innumerable silver-white sword light, like a huge torrential rain, pierced through the world from the sky!

The terrifying howl of the sword happened in an instant.

Bei Gongke once showed off his fame at the Guanhe Terrace with his unique skill of falling into the Milky Way Sword Qi Array. At that time, his skills shocked everyone and made the people of Yong Kingdom known to the world. At that time, it was still necessary to use the dense sword energy as a foreshadowing, and only made the last "strike" to force out Qin Zhizhen's body of heaven,

Now in the realm of the outer building, it's a thought that comes out immediately.

And exchange sword energy with sword light.

Faster, fiercer, louder.

it's for--

Falling Galaxy Sword Light Array!

Above the nine heavens, the Milky Way falls.

Between the four fields, there is no scenery.

Only this majestic Milky Way, and under the Milky Way...the calm and cold people!

Today's Jiang Wang is extraordinarily cold.

The ordinary coir raincoat, under the light of heaven, seems to be contaminated with the atmosphere of mythology for a moment.

With the body of Tianfu, he walked against the Milky Way.

Like the legendary golden scales that run against the current just to transform the dragon.

His left hand kept changing, picking out sword energy for a while, splitting the sword light with his own sword energy, and printing a faint light for a while, engulfing the turbulent waves in the sword river.

The distribution of every ray of sword energy and the application of every ray of gloomy light are all just right, so wonderful!

From a distance.

He still walked, as if he had never been nervous, and he was never serious.

He walked towards Bei Gongke, like an ordinary climb up and look into the distance.

Just on the upside like this.

With a flip of his right hand, he had already held the broken gun upside down. The tip of the gun was just below his tiger's mouth, as if he had held it like a dagger.

The crimson samadhi real fire flows on this broken spear that has lost its spirituality.

Jiang Wang held the gun, and he seemed to be stretched into a bow in the air. The broken gun in the palm of his hand turned into an arrow. He went forward and stabbed hard——

Split the galaxy!

The sword light all over the sky is scattered.

The soldiers of the Yong Kingdom who watched the battle only saw——

Their General Beigong was grabbed by the armor collar with one hand, and the point of the spear gleaming coldly was pressed against General Beigong's neck. As long as he exerts a little force, the first person of the younger generation in Yongguo will end his life today.

For a moment no one dared to step forward.

In this way, Jiang Wang held Bei Gongke's vital point with a broken gun, slamming every word, but what he said was completely irrelevant to this battle——

"Mo Jingyu was definitely not killed by Huang Jinmo, and it has nothing to do with Zhu Weiwo. I use my name, Jiang Wang, to guarantee them, and there is something hidden in it!"

Bei Gongke looked at him quietly, facing the coldness in his eyes and the weight of his words.

His coir raincoat and armor are silent in the air.

After a while, Bei Gongke finally said: "That's the business of the Mo family, my duty is to lock the border."

Jiang Wang let go of the man and said nothing.

Turning around alone, stepping into the distance.

The wilderness is blue sky, misty rain is not over, wearing a coir raincoat, a bit lonely...

Indeed, nothing needs to be said.

Thanks to the book friend "Ye Fan's Corn Cannon" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 276th league of the Chixin Sky Survey!

I am an old reader, I have been here before when there were not many readers. Glad you're still here.

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