Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1523 Words Without Words

Bei Gongke's status does not only represent himself.

He led the troops to this lawless place, there must be a strong man leading the formation, and that person is probably the British Gongbei Gongyu.

It was about sealing off this place and thoroughly investigating Mo Jingyu's death.

The suspicious ominous phoenix has already been captured by Momo, Zhu Weiwo does not know whether he is alive or dead, and his whereabouts are unknown.

Blocked here, but who is the investigation?

This blockade... when will it be lifted?

During the blockade, can this illegal place still be "illegal"?

Once Yong Fa is implemented...will it be abolished?

Two real-life fighters from the Mo family captured Huang Jinmo at the front, and the army of the Yong Kingdom came to lock the territory at the back.

This tacit understanding can be said to be natural.

Blame the city lord, investigate the refugees, Mo Jingyu's death, it seems that everyone in the whole lawless place can get involved!

Jiang Wang is no longer an ignorant young man in a small town. He occupies a high position in the overlord country. He has been educated by the profound and fat for a long time, and he has read the history books. No matter what, he can understand some situations.

In the past, Zhuang Yong was at the time of the national war.

Nine Dragons collapsed, Emperor Han Yin of Yong Kingdom died in battle, and Du Yehu climbed to Suolong Pass first. In this way, Yong State lost the Qichang Mountains and Suolong Pass, a dangerous pass in the world.

The fertile hinterland of the country was exposed to the front of Zhuang Guobing.

Emperor Yong Han Xu attracted the power of the Mohists, erected Yinge City overnight, and stood at Suolong Pass with a steel city, only in this way was he able to stabilize his position.

From then on, the battle line between Yin Gecheng and Suolongguan became the new line of life and death between Zhuang Yong. The two sides stationed large troops, facing each other far away.

Yong Guo never wanted to take back the dangerous pass, and Zhuang Guo also spared no expense to strengthen the city defense day and night.

This confrontation has been going on for nearly two years.

A three-year-old child should also know that the battle line between Yin Gecheng and Suolongguan is difficult for Zhuang Yong to break through, and both sides have the consciousness to shed the last drop of blood here.

Yu Yongguo has no way to retreat, but Yu Zhuangguo will lose everything he has won if he takes a step back. Once the fat that Zhuang Guo cut off from the old Yong State is lost, it will be difficult to win it from the newborn Yong State.

There must be another battle between Zhuang and Yong, but when will this war be fought? There is still a question as to what level of support the Mo Sect behind the Yong Kingdom and the Yujing Mountain behind the Zhuang Kingdom will give to both sides.

Even if the Taoist sect doesn't value Zhuang Guo, it's impossible not to be wary of the Mo sect who wants to enter the official way. Therefore, Yong Guo's introduction of the Mo Sect was itself an excuse for Zhuang Guo to obtain more support from Dao Sects. This was also one of the reasons why Zhuang Gaoxian was able to reach a tacit understanding with Han Xu.

What would it mean if the lawless land represented by the City of Unredemption, the border area between Zhuang, Yong, and Luo, was occupied by the Yong State?

It means that Yongguo can open another front besides Suolongguan front in Yinge City!

What kind of natural danger locks the dragon pass, it can be bypassed directly.

It can be said that the world is wide in one thought!

Among the three countries surrounding the Unredeemed City, apart from the Luo Kingdom which is weak and unable to develop, who in Zhuang Yong would not want to swallow the fat of the Unredeemed City? Who doesn't want to put a knife on the back of another country?

But Yong Guo must be the one who moves faster.

After all, there are two real-life fighters from the Mohist School opening the way—this may be a significant turning point.

Although Yongguo established the Mohist school as a national study, it was indeed the first time that the Mohist school officially supported a country and entered the bureaucracy. But Momen's support for Han Xu has never been blatantly invested beyond the level of a real person.

This is a very clear warning line.

Once crossed, the meaning is completely different.

Obviously, both the Momen and Yongdi Han Xu himself have certain scruples.

This time Tiangong Daoist teamed up with the ghost and the real puppet to catch Huangjin and left silently, although it was in the name of investigating the death of Tianjiao of Momen. But it is also true that in fact, the action of clearing obstacles for Yong Kingdom with real-life combat power has been completed.

Only then did the Yong army enter the country.

For Yong Guo, Mo Jingyu died suddenly, the truth is of course important. But how Yongguo itself will deal with Mo Jingyu's death is a more important issue. They could have actually occupied the Unredeemed City first, grasped the national interests first, and then slowly investigated the truth.

If Mo Jingyu was really killed by Huang Jinmo, then there is nothing to say, the Mo Sect has its own majesty. If this matter has something to do with Zhuang Guo, it happens that the new and old grudges will be counted together.

Huang Jinmo is not dead, everything has room for change, even if Huang Weizhen really returns, the deceived Mo family will not have nothing to say.

As for Yong Kingdom...

What's the matter with Guan Yongguo? The Yong Kingdom is just locking up the territory with a large army, just to find out the truth.

Han Xu's reaction Han Xu's decision was all reflected in Bei Gongke, a young general with double swords hanging from his waist.

The attitude of the Mohists The toughness of the Mohism has gone away with Tiangong Daoist who knows ghosts and puppets.

So what else can Jiang Wang say?

He is willing to use the reputation he has practiced with life and death along the way, to be the only guarantee for Huang Jinmozhu. If given the opportunity, he would do everything possible to find out the truth about Zhuang Gaoxian's framing.

But his credibility is irrelevant.

And behind Huang Jinmo Zhu Weiwo, there is actually no one who can condemn them.

Unless Huang Weizhen immediately returns from fantasy and realizes the ethereal possibility into reality.

But even Jiang Wang, who has just seen the mysterious mountains and seas and has considerable confidence in Huang Weizhen's return, knows that it takes a hundred years as a scale.

He can't influence the Mohists, and in this matter, he can't influence those who are qualified to talk to the Mohists.

Even today, it is still small.

So he was speechless.

Putting the tip of the gun against Bei Gongke's neck, saying those words that he knew would have no effect but still had a glimmer of expectation... was the only thing he could do.

At this moment, the wound he intentionally left behind has not healed.

He flew forward, and indeed he could not find any way.

When he seriously injured himself to cover Du Yehu, he didn't think about whether it was worth it. It's like returning to Unredeemed City as soon as you notice the movement of the battle.

Some things are not worth it.

It is you who have to do that.

But there are some things, you do that, you are desperate, and there is no result.

He has nothing to say.

In this desolate, deserted wilderness, he fell into silence facing himself.

He had nothing to say, but the sky was now lit up with stars.

He can't express it in any words, but his practice and his path have always been stated.

Where are the stars in the sky?

The Tianshu of the Big Dipper!

Zhu Jiuyin's various schemes came to naught.

Chaos finally refused to die in the cage.

Sancha was manipulated to love and hate, and was killed at will.

Only Chu Yuzhi, who is in the inner mansion, wants to find a way for the common people in the world.

Xiao Shu used forty days to attack God and died at the end of his life.

Zhu Weiwo, who has been shining in his starry sky since he stepped into the city daoyuan, is a dazzling existence of senior brother and pursuit target. Once he loses, he loses his weapon, loses his love, and loses nothing...

The world is like a cage!

Everyone is locked into it.

In the distant star dome, in the concept of Tianshu stars, the starlight that belongs to Jiang Wang alone began to flicker.

But at the same time, in the core definition of Yuheng Xingchen, the Yuheng Xinglou belonging to Jiang Wang pours down like a waterfall of stars!

Jiang Wang began to build his third star building, and at the same time mobilized the power of the core concept of Yuheng Stars to carve his star path!

There was an indescribable anguish in his heart.

You can't vent your anger, you can't relieve it, you can only move forward.

He has always been like this, going forward against everything.

Jiang Wang and his Yuheng Xinglou were already very close.

Looking at the entire present world, he should be the person closest to the core concept of Yuheng Xingchen. Outside of this world, there may be only one person who is closer than him, and that is Guan Yan who proves Dao Yuheng Xingjun.

At this moment, almost with a thought, there is a stream of stars like a waterfall.

In normal battles, due to the distance between the star vault and the present world, coupled with the limitations of his own cultivation, it is actually difficult for him to show his advantage with his unique star building.

Although star power can be said to be almost continuous, the speed and quantity of star power transmission are ultimately limited. The starlight that the body can receive and drive is not endless. At most, it means that in terms of continuous fighting, compared with other monks' star power reserve, it is a bit thicker.

The expansion of the star road means that he can get more star power support in a short period of time, and may be able to truly take advantage of the Yuheng star building.

Right here, right now.

Xiao Shu painstakingly explored the secret art of the star path, which reappeared in the world.

Connecting the distant stars and the present world, it is like a bridge across the world.

On the other side of the bridge is Yuhengxing Building, and on this side of the bridge is Jiangwang.

Under Jiang Wang's deliberate control, the star power disappeared without causing any impressive vision.

But from his own point of view, at this time, he looked at the distant sky, and he had an illusion in a trance-he could follow his star path, follow the traces of the sages, and walk to the distant sky!

It wasn't the depths of the universe where the old dragon of Senhai captured Yuheng through the Senhai source world and stepped on the divine steps.

Instead, it truly connects with the long river of fate, corresponding to the distant star vault of all the concepts of stars in this world.

"Yuheng" is the integration of the concept of Yuheng stars, which brings together the reflections of Yuheng stars in the heavens and myriad worlds. It does not exist in a specific time or space. After Guan Yan proved the Dao Yuheng Xingjun, he was always at the center of Yuheng.

Only at the moment when Yuheng was captured by the old dragon of Senhai, it will have a more specific but relatively one-sided existence, existing in that space at that moment.

But the distant star dome, which gathers all the concepts of stars in the world, really exists in a certain space at a certain time.

Although it is far away, illusory, ancient, mysterious, and elusive, it does exist.

The sages once divided the star field, described the way, and expounded the avenue there, and it was also there that they stabilized the long river of fate.

Now it is there that Jiang Wang has the illusion of "I can go too".

In thirty days, Xiao Shu established his own star road.

But after Jiang Wang pondered thoroughly, the idea came up, and it took only three quarters, and the road to Yuheng Xing was completed!

At this time, his third star building has just anchored the starlight, and has not even created the outline.

At this time, Jiang Wang's body was far from peak condition.

But the connection of Star Road gave him an indestructible sense of stability.

He is suspended in the air, and there is a support point outside this body.

At that time, he couldn't see the truth of Xiao Shu's star path, he just guessed, and later got the complete secret method, so he naturally knew that Xiao Shu's star towers were all connected by star roads.

At this time, he also immediately began to build the star road between the Yuheng star building and the Kaiyang star building, connecting the two star vaults into one.

Constantly mobilizing the power of Yuheng star, of course, constantly drawing the power of the old dragon of Senhai.

The Senhai old dragon in the prison cell at the base of the Yuheng star building could not bear the rapid loss of power after all, and he didn't know what was happening outside. He only felt that the star building had become more stable and had undergone more powerful changes. He doubted Jiang Wang was about to kill him without saying a word, so he couldn't help but crashed wildly in the cell!

Roaring, cursing, threatening, luring, begging for mercy...

The powerful existence that used to wantonly play with the fate of living beings is now going back and forth in the prison cell, almost collapsing!

Jiang Wang in this world turned a deaf ear.

The star road between him and Yuheng star building is the main trunk, and the star road extended from Yuheng star building is used to stabilize the existence of Kaiyang star building.

Once this star road is built, Kaiyang Star Building will have support other than Jiang Wang, and it will stabilize immediately, which can in turn provide Jiang Wang with more strength.

At this time, Jiang Wang, Yuheng Xinglou, and Kaiyang Xinglou have been connected in one place, and a sufficiently stable connection has been established in the dark.

The third star building that belongs exclusively to Jiang Wang was poured by the vast star power almost instantly, and it was completed in an instant!

This is a red seven-storey small building with four corners and cornices. Compared with the simplicity of Kaiyang Star Building and the heaviness of Yuheng Star Building, it looks lively and hides a murderous intent.

After all, Tianshu, also known as Tanlang, is one of the legendary killing stars.

And what Jiang Wang thought, felt, and gained, set the word "benevolence" for this building.

Kill with benevolence.

The benevolent, from "people" to "two". A blind date between two people, the friendship and intimacy between people before, is the original intention of benevolence.

When he was very young, his father told him that everyone has a heart of compassion. That's what my father said, and that's what he did. Jiang's pharmacy often dispenses medicine to the poor.

His father is very ordinary, he has never been in contact with cultivation, and he has never seen the scenery outside Fenglin City.

But he has indeed fulfilled the responsibility of a father and has the greatness in ordinary life.

He is also always compassionate, and always uses his sword to never give up.

But the benevolence he has established at this moment is more than that.

All the way to the present, he has his unique experience and his own thinking.

In his opinion, the word "benevolence" and the two horizontal lines are not only two people, but also heaven and earth. Up and down, eternal parallel, eternal change. And the "person" standing next to him must have insight into this meaning.

"Benevolence" can be regarded as the alienation of the word "heaven". Both "human" and "two" are heaven, earth and man.

What he should seek is not only the benevolence of one person, but also the benevolence of heaven and earth.

What is the "benevolence" of heaven and earth? Nothing but fairness!

Just like the flat horizontal lines of Ren character, there should be no twists and turns.

If only fair.

Tridents should not disappear.

Chu Yuzhi shouldn't have no way out.

Xiao Shu didn't deserve to die.

Huang Jinmo should not be captured.

I wish that I should not be ignorant of life and death.

Zhuang Gaoxian shouldn't be still at ease!

Of course, there is no absolute fairness in the world, and even Jiang Wang himself doesn't know where the path of fairness is. I don't know how to seek the so-called benevolence of heaven and earth.

But this word is a kind of regulation, a kind of warning...a prototype of an ideal world.

Many people have had this idea—hoping to make the world a little bit better with their own efforts. Even just a little bit.

Everyone who rolls on the muddy road also expected to be a hero who saved the world when they were children.

It's just that I was covered in mud later, and I can't remember it anymore.

It is not as good as the trust and sincerity of the first two floors.

This is a word that Jiang Wang may never be able to ask for.

Of course he has sympathy, of course he has compassion, of course he has never been stingy with the kindness he can do, and he has fought desperately for the justice in his heart...but it can only be regarded as his kindness.

How difficult it is to seek the benevolence of heaven and earth!

In the future, he may not be shaken, he may not change, and he may not give up.

A person has a moment of thought.

But at this moment, it was indeed his true feelings.

Before he died, Xiao Shu said to him—"The person who is willing to take risks and give me sympathy, I believe he has the courage to change the world...if he is willing."

At least at this moment, Jiang Wang tried to respond.

Now it has established a third floor.

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