Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1525 Cloud and Mist

"Huh? Jiang Wang has been here?" The dashing and unrestrained Daoist Ye Da came lightly, with some doubts in his tone.

Ye Qingyu was fiddling with something over there and didn't reply for a while.

A Chou manifested a huge body, lying lazily on the ground. Jiang An'an was sinking into its soft long fur, his hands were crooked and scattered, as if he had pinched a seal, but he couldn't quite figure out what it was, and he was lying on his back and sleeping soundly.

The little stupid dog surnamed Jiang brought was huddled next to Jiang Anan, lying on his back like her, and Ha Lazi had already wet several pinches of Ah Chou's long hair.

Ye Lingxiao unceremoniously went up and kicked Ah Chou: "Why are you here?"

Ah Chou rolled his huge eyes: "If it wasn't for the fear of disturbing An An's sleep, Master Ugly, if I swallow it, your legs will be gone."

Ye Lingxiao sneered: "If An'an hadn't slept on your back, I would have stuffed your boot right now!"

"Okay, I called Uncle Ugly." Ye Qingyu said from there.

There is some obvious impatience in the tone.

Of course Ye Lingxiao knew the reason.


He coughed lightly and let Ah Chou go.

With his hands behind his back, he paced over in a graceful manner, and asked nonchalantly, "Jiang Wang has been here?"

"Is Ye Zhenren so fond of asking questions?" Ye Qingyu didn't seem to want to hide his dissatisfaction at all: "When did he come here and hide it from your real eyes?"

"You say that, as a father, I don't like to listen to it." Ye Lingxiao said very seriously: "I have endless paths on the ropeway, and I know how busy I am every day! Do you still have the mood to pay attention to Jiang Jiang?" someone?"

Ye Qingyu pouted: "You know it yourself!"

Ye Lingxiao laughed: "Boy Jiang did leave in a bit of a hurry this time. But father never threatened him. Your father is not the kind of person who bullies the younger!"

Ye Qingyu raised her eyebrows: "Have you threatened him before?"

Ah Chou, who was very unhappy being bullied, immediately snorted.

"Then what! It's absolutely impossible!" Ye Lingxiao raised her voice: "By the way, ugly brother! Last time you said that you wanted to find a mother cloud stepping beast, I asked you to find out, there may be more behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters! "

A Chou didn't say a word, but shook the water polo on his tail, indicating that you had better not lie to me.

"Jiang Wang left as soon as he came this time, aren't you happy?" Ye Qingyu stared at his old father and asked.

Ye Daren smiled without embarrassment at all.

"Why are you so conscious this time..."

Facing the eyes of his precious daughter, he quickly changed his tone: "I mean, why don't you stay for two more days? No matter how ignorant Jiang is, no matter how rude and uneducated... After all, he is An An's brother, How else can I stop him from getting closer to his sister? The High Heaven Pavilion is a place with human touch!"

Ye Qingyu wanted to refute, but in the end he just sighed, and said with worry in his voice: "I don't know, he won't talk about any difficulties."

"Look, there's a lack of trust, and I don't consider you a friend." Ye Zhenren stabbed at the opportunity.

Ye Qingyu said to himself: "He only said that he had something to do and left immediately after leaving something behind. Dad, do you know what happened to him in Chu State?"

Ye Lingxiao said with a smile: "It's nothing, he may have been stimulated. After the end of the mountain and sea realm, all those Dou Zhao and Zhongliyan immediately became gods, but he is still in the outer realm. Maybe he is in the mountain and sea realm I was beaten too hard... Later, I will find an opportunity to talk about the surnamed Dou. These Chu people really don’t treat guests well! Let me tell you, when Dad traveled to Chu, it was a sight. , what is the left hand..."

Ye Qingyu cut it off: "Dou Zhao and Zhong Liyan are both older than Jiang Wang, so it's normal to be there first. Besides, how could Jiang Wang be depressed because of this kind of thing? No matter who walks ahead, he will only go forward bravely." Chase."

"Ah, is he depressed? Did he cry? Did he shed tears? Tell you that he is unhappy? No?" Ye Lingxiao said very unhappy: "Could it be that you are overthinking it?"

Ye Qingyu said: "Speaking is normal, smiling is also normal, but if he is not in a bad mood, it is impossible for him not to stay here for a few more days. He misses An An so much, I still... I still have Taoism to discuss with him Woolen cloth."

Ye Zhenren didn't care about Jiang's mood at all, and patted his chest: "Discuss with Dad! Dad is a hundred times stronger than him! What kind of Taoism?"

"No need, I already forgot!" Ye Qingyu said.

Ye Dazhen felt heartbroken, and he didn't want to continue Jiang Wang's topic. He turned his head and looked at Jiang An'an who was sleeping soundly: "What's wrong with her? Just sleep in broad daylight."

Ye Qingyu sighed: "She said that her brother was working so hard, she had to work hard to help him as soon as possible. She worked hard...and fell asleep."

Master Ye pinched a pinch of teeth: "That's really hard work."

He brewed his emotions for a while, and then asked: "You asked Dad to come over... is it?"

At this moment, Ye Qingyu was standing slim and graceful in front of a cloud striped table, dressed plainly, not concealing her fairy appearance.

Tapped the table with your fingers: "Although you don't like him very much, you may have threatened him in private, maybe even touched him... But he still respects you."

"All of the previous ones don't exist. This real person treats him the same as he treats Stupid Hui." Ye Lingxiao put his arms around his arms: "So?"

"He specially brought back a table of delicacies from the state of Chu, and told me to invite you to eat with him." Ye Qingyu said.


Ye Lingxiao smiled: "Ben is invited to eat? Or is it a packaged meal from Chu State? You said it would be a wish if he cooks himself. The food of Chu State is very special, isn't it? The rice is especially delicious? A joke! Ben The real person has never eaten anything—”

Ye Qingyu memorized it silently, in the future, he will have to ask Jiang Wang if he is good at cooking, maybe it can ease the relationship between him and his old father...

Amidst Ye Lingxiao's unscrupulous laughter, she stretched out her hand and flicked it, and the exquisite gourmet box that had been hidden in the storage box for a long time was already laid out on the table.

"But the young man has a heart, I think it's better for An An's face, let's have a taste." Ye Lingxiao changed the topic very quickly, and people were faster than the topic.

At this time, he was already sitting upright opposite Ye Qingyu, and he could clearly see the strength of the real person in the world, and his posture and etiquette were impeccable.

With his realm of being a real person, once the food box was displayed, he could see the mystery of it.

Who is the person who cooks this table?

Duke Yu Qu Jin Kui!

That is a great existence standing on the top of the extraordinary, a Taoist cultivator, a true king and a strong man.

Although his cooking should not deliberately hide some Taoism in it, even if he does it casually, he can see the wonders of heaven and earth and the principles of the world.

The stronger the person, the more aware they are.

Taking ten thousand steps back, even if there is no benefit in practice. What kind of enjoyment is it to eat the dishes made by Qu Jinkui himself?

In the whole world, I am afraid that this true monarch is the only one who can cook himself.

In other words, this is the only enjoyment in the world.

I don't know how the surname Jiang coaxed him here, but I can see some kindness!

For a while, the hostility in Master Ye's heart disappeared a lot...Of course, when that kid is alone with his daughter in private, he still can't relax his vigilance!

Ye Qingyu didn't have anything to say to her own father, she just opened the food boxes one by one.

Immediately, the fragrance floated, like mist and clouds!

On Ah Chou's fluffy back, Jiang An'an and Zhu Hui stood up in unison, moved their noses, and looked over with round eyes.

Ah Chou shrunk his figure, gently sent the two little ones down, and with a sway, he was already sitting at the table.

Looking at the delicious food on the table, smelling the fragrance that makes the soul float, I am very moved.

"Jiang specially invited me?" Ah Chou asked without turning his eyes.

"Yes, you have a share." Ye Qingyu said softly.

"Good brother, good brother!" Ah Chou shook his head again and again, admiring: "Jiang Wang is really a good brother!"

Ye Qingyu glanced at it.

It immediately reacted, and changed its words: "Nephew! What a nephew! I have been optimistic about this kid since he was a child, he is a kind person!"

Ye Lingxiao stared at it, but it just ignored it.

"What nonsense are you talking about in front of An An!" Ye Qingyu said angrily.

Say Ann, Ann arrives.

Jiang An'an took short legs and ran in front of Stupid Hui. After all, the stupid gray legs are shorter.

There was an emergency stop at the table.

She was no taller than a table, stood on tiptoe, put her hands on the table, and blinked at the delicacies: "Sister Qingyu, what are these? Are they delicious?"

Although Jiang Wang met her once, everything was left at Ye Qingyu's place. I'm afraid that An'an won't remember, and I'm also afraid that she will be greedy, so I will eat it all by myself. That's why she didn't know that there was such a table of good things.

The stupid gray man stood up, very anxious, and kept jumping up next to Jiang An'an, but she slapped him lightly and pushed him to the back.

It rolled on the ground, got up and turned a corner, and immediately ran to Ye Qingyu's side, wagging its tail desperately.

Ye Qingyu casually distributed a plate of crispy meat and put it on the ground for Stupid Hui to taste, while saying to Jiang An'an: "Your brother brought you back from Chu State, I don't know if it tastes good or not."

I heard that it was brought by my brother.

Jiang An'an became more confident, her waist straightened, and her feet were no longer padded. She climbed onto the chair and sat down in a well-behaved manner, with a cute expression, like "I'm ready".

Stupid Hui didn't even stop for a breath, and had already started babbling.

Ye Qingyu looked at the young and old at the table, and couldn't help but want to sigh.

"Let's start..."



"Senior sister, senior sister, did Brother Jiang come here this time, did he prepare a gift for you?" Xiaowang Wang Yueyi, a disciple of the High Heaven Pavilion, asked excitedly.

Different from the cute little Wang with a round face, her older sister Wang Yueruanzi is extremely gentle. She is sitting quietly beside her at this moment, not expressing eagerness, but her eyes are full of anticipation.

The High Heaven Pavilion is not the kind of sect with a large number of disciples. A few elders often travel all over the world, in the name of maintaining business, but in fact, they don't know where they are with their salaries.

There are three or two big cats and kittens in Ling Xiao's secret place, and the relationship between the same family is very good.

The big and small kings have always been Ye Qingyu's close friends. After such a long time, of course they also know Ye Qingyu's thoughts, and they are all very concerned about the progress of their young pavilion master and Jiang.

Ye Qingyu blinked, and there were ripples in the clear stream: "There are."

Xiao Wang was even more excited: "What kind of gift is it, take it out and have a look!"

The king's eyes are also bright, this is a major breakthrough!

What kind of romantic gift will Jiang Qingyang, who is famous all over the world, return to Chudi, which is known for its romance?

When I really think about it, I am envious of others.

Ye Qingyu couldn't bear the request, so he twisted his fingers——

He took out a piece of khaki-yellow talisman.

Xiao Wang: "Ah..."

The king took a closer look, but he didn't see any hidden poems on the rune, so he said hesitantly, "I guess there's something mysterious about it?"

"Yes." Ye Qingyu said, shaking the yellow talisman.

A burly figure suddenly descended!

The eyes are like copper bells, the muscles are knotted, and the breath is calm, stable and powerful.

Xiao Wang was so startled that he jumped up.

"This..." Xiao Wang spoke incoherently.

The king was also taken aback for a moment, but then he laughed: "This is to protect our Senior Sister Qingyu, that, it's a commendable intention!"

Ye Qingyu retracted his fingers, and the burly warrior turned into a yellow talisman again, and was caught between his fingers.

With another flick of the finger, the burly warrior appeared again.

Playing with it several times with relish, he laughed to himself: "Don't say it, it's quite interesting. It's much more fun than the puppets bought at Mo's."

"Yeah, it's amazing." Xiao Wang really didn't see where the fun was, and said listlessly.

"Is this the only one?" the king asked.

Ye Qingyu thought for a while, and said: "There is another letter, which was given to me together with this yellow talisman."

"Come on, come on, let's read it together!" Xiao Wang quickly regained his energy.

"Well...some things are not easy to say in person." The king also said: "Writing a letter is a more sincere expression, Brother Jiang has a heart!"

Ye Qingyu took out a well-preserved letter and handed it over.

Xiao Wang laughed when he got the envelope: "It's such a thick letter, how many words have to be held back in my heart."

The king also said: "Brother Jiang travels north and south, shouldering many important events, and still thinking about our Senior Sister Qingyu so much, it's really not easy."

Xiao Wang had already taken out the letter paper at this time, and was about to read it carefully with a flushed face.

The king also actively approached.

Two heads, one big and one small, came together, and all four eyes shone together.

But see title says——

"My Opinion on the Tactics of Asgard Warriors"

The subtitle says——

"A Detailed Discussion on the Application of Asgard Warriors in the Yunzhuan System"

Wow, Xiao Wang turned a page.

Wow, Xiao Wang turned another page.

Wow, Xiao Wang jumped directly to the last page.

Good guy, more than a dozen pages of letter paper are all about how to use Asgard warriors to fight!

Holding the stack of letter papers, Xiao Wang was speechless for a long time, and then sighed: "I finally know why there are so many people in Guanhetai, why he won the first prize!"

It's really a bull chewing peonies, burning qin and cooking cranes, ruining the scenery... She has a lot of complaints in her heart.

But Ye Qingyu was sitting on the cloud corridor, with his feet hanging in the clouds, and his eyes were clear with a smile: "The design is really thoughtful, isn't it?"

"By the way, where did Brother Jiang go?" The king asked from the side.

Ye Qingyu looked at the clouds and mist under his feet, and thought of something for a moment, and said in a daze: "I think I accidentally fell down from the mountain and went up the mountain again."

The girl's mind is cloud and fog.

It's cloudy.


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