Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1526 There is no sun and moon in the cave

Leaving the lawless land, leaving the Yong Kingdom. Went to Yunguo for a trip, left a gift and left in a hurry.

The experience of not redeeming the city made Jiang Wang realize that he is still not qualified to rest.

The ease and relaxation in Ling Xiao's secret place is just a temporary illusion.

There is only one Ye Lingxiao in Yunguo.

It is true that this is a strong man who has been recognized by Dongzhen Wudi Xiang Fengqi at the level of Shenlin, and he is undoubtedly a real person in the world. But after all, it is difficult to be four-handed with one fist.

Huang Jinmo, who was able to fight against real people, was captured as soon as he said he was captured...

The strength of the sinful king and the brilliance of senior brother Zhu once made him find a feeling similar to resting in the secret land of Ling Xiao in the city of unredeemed.

It's snowing all over the world, all outside the window.

That's why he agreed to accompany senior brother Zhu to watch the result of Xiao Shu's attack on God's presence, and wait for forty days in Unredeemed City.

But the bubble that was a good time and a safe world has been burst.

Zhuang Gaoxian can't get rid of it for a day, and he can't rest for a day.

He was full of weariness, but could not linger for comfort.

So I just squeezed Jiang Anan's little face, and told Ye Qingyu how much I appreciate it.

Leave the gift he prepared and take away the wind and frost he experienced.

In addition to the feast prepared by Duke Yu himself, there were Fudou's blood essence and Bi Fang's blood essence, which were all handed over to Ye Qingyu for safekeeping, and let her decide whether to take it and when to take it. She and An An took one pill each.

He has three statues of Immortal Warriors, but he only gave one to Ye Qingyu for protection.

Jiang An'an was not given because An'an was still very young and her mind was not strong enough to control the power of the outer building. If one day you use this Immortal Palace warrior to hurt someone while playing around, it will be too late to regret. In short, children holding knives are harmful and useless.

The situation in the world is turbulent, and it is the time for careerists to turn clouds and rain.

Dan country, Zhuang country, Yong country, Momen, Yujingshan... The frequent actions of these big and small countries are probably a reflection.

A giant tide rises from a small wave.

He didn't dare to stay in Yunguo, fearing that it would become the second city of unredemption.

He didn't return immediately, but found a deserted place and practiced alone.

This exactly the Wuyandu Mountain Range where Zhao Xuanyang took him to hide back then.

Surrounded by Tianmayuan, Weiguo, Qinku Academy, and Renxin Pavilion, there is a group of volcanoes.

Of course, Jiang Wang didn't go to the ancient magic cave, he just chose a volcano at random in the huge Wuyandu Mountain Range and jumped into it.

The entire Wuyandu Mountain Range is deserted.

After Zhao Xuanyang disappeared here, it was lively for a while, but now it has returned to desolation.

No one would have imagined that Jiang Qingyang, who had made a big splash in Chu State this time, would live here alone and live an isolated life after the end of the mountain and sea realm.

The whole world is still running along its inherent track, and will not change because of Jiang Qingyang's appearance or disappearance.

Everyone continues their own story.

Jiang Wang sat alone in the magma.

Every day is to run Daoyuan, adjust the isolated islands of heaven and earth, explore the sea of ​​hidden stars, carve star roads in star towers, practice Taoism and swordsmanship, compete in the sword-discussion stage in the illusory realm...and recite "Historical Knife Chiseling the Sea".

Take history as a mirror to see gains and losses.

The confusion in his heart sometimes makes him want to find an answer in the history books.

He believes that Jiang Wang is not the only one in the world. The confusion he has encountered should have been encountered by others in history. How those people faced and how they dealt with it.

He thought to himself.

Practice, read, think.

So again and again, day after day...

Jiang Wang immerses himself in this kind of life, and sometimes feels a sense of loneliness, but a trance will disappear.

The sky a person sees, the wind he hears, and the world he feels are different from what he experiences among the crowd.

Those beautiful and gorgeous things are hard to last.

Loneliness is the eternal truth of the world.

Fireworks burning the city, dragons and tigers, hell with five senses... all kinds of Taoism are used from the heart.

Huo Dou Yin and Bi Fang Yin are passed down from Huang Weizhen to explore deeper and more rooted.

Undefeated in a single match at the Sword Discourse Arena, and made it all the way to the top five in the Overseas Tower.

Jiang Wang did not challenge again. He didn't want Yi Shengfeng to know more about him, and defeating Yi Shengfeng in the illusory realm didn't mean anything to him.

Life for life, he only wanted Yi Shengfeng's life.

Yi Shengfeng didn't enter the Mountain Sea Realm at that time, presumably it was for the same reason.

On the contrary, he continued to learn from Swordsman Ning, constantly improving his own swordsmanship, and comprehending more profound meanings of the way of swordsmanship. For the same sword, the perspectives of the outer building and the inner mansion are different. And Swordsman Ning has the most extreme expression of swordsmanship in every realm. That is the embodiment of the power of Jiange standing upright for a long time.

Tong Zhong Xuansheng occasionally communicates, but also reminds, don't bother with small things.

Since the meeting of the Yellow River, he has been consciously or unconsciously stirred into large and small eddies, exhausted.

Now it is just temporarily breaking free from the dust net, jumping out of the chaotic world, and making himself more focused on cultivation—although he has never relaxed.

The ranking of the blessed land in the Illusory Realm was still declining, which gave Jiang Wang a little idea of ​​time.

Tianzhu Mountain, Shanggu Mountain, Zhanggongdong, Simamei Mountain, and Changzai Mountain, which ranks 61 in the blessed land...

So I know in a trance——

Oh, it's already October 15th.

The volcano erupted five or six times, and an unknown amount of volcanic ash accumulated.

Jiang Wang himself was unkempt, like a gray reef in a magma pool.

Silent, lonely, cold.

Everything that is hot and vigorous is hidden underground.

Maybe someone is waiting, maybe no one is waiting anymore.

But it does not matter.

He continues.



During the period when Jiang Wang escaped from the dust net and devoted himself to practicing, no one in the world was idle.

What does a few months mean?

For a top figure like Dou Zhao, it may mean that the cultivation base of Shenlin has stabilized, and he has begun to challenge the strong of Shenlin.

For example, the dispute over the Unredeemed City was settled, and the Yong Kingdom defended the Unredeemed City, and the Zhuang Kingdom cut off the south of the Unredeemed City—of course, this is of no great significance.

It is impossible for Zhuang Kingdom to build a powerful city overnight in a lawless place like Yong Kingdom. It is said that the occupied place can only be let go in the end and retreated to the original boundary.

Failure to capture the Unredeemed City means losing the lawless land. Everyone understands this truth.

It is said that a true master of the Mohist family went to Yujing Mountain, and the specific communication was unknown. In short, neither the Mohist nor the Daoist sect re-entered.

Zhuang Guo and Yong Guo seemed to wake up immediately, and in the end they just fought a few times with thunder and rain.

For example, the conflict between Jing State and the Alliance of Five Northwest Nations has intensified. In just a few months, several conflicts occurred.

For example, in the Snow Country in the Northwest Arctic, something seems to have changed. It is completely isolated from inside and outside news, and outsiders don't know what happened... Maybe not many people care about it. After all, the Snow Country always has a feeling of being out of the world.

For example, Yi Shengfeng rose to fame in Nandou Hall, but under the unlimited killing order issued by Huai Guogong, he never returned to Nandou Hall. Not relying on the sect at all, wandering alone in the entire southern region, fighting every day for several months, and still alive and kicking!

Even Dou Zhao, who was once invincible in the outer building and has become a monk of God's Landing, said that it would be difficult to kill Yi Shengfeng when he was in the outer building.

Of course, based on Jiang Wang's understanding of Dou Zhao, he might have said casually at most, "It's hard to catch that kid." Once the words were spread, the taste changed. The true biography of Nan Dou Dian seems to have the voice of aspiring to become the number one outer building in the world...

In short, everything that should have happened is still happening.

The world is still developing without Jiang Wang.

For example, in the secret land of Ling Xiao...

Jiang An'an was sitting on the ground, playing with the stupid ashes in his arms. Holding the claws of Dumb Gray with both hands, imitating humans and making various gestures.

Stupid Hui didn't know what the little master was playing with, he just grinned and had fun there.

Ye Qingyu walked over and sat in front of Jiang Anan.

"Did you do your homework today?" she asked.

"Yeah!" Jiang An'an replied confidently.

Ye Qingyu then stretched out his finger and tapped Jiang Anan's eyebrows, and said after a while: "Your body is almost recuperated, and now you can take the blood essence of the alien beast that your brother brought back for you..."

She spread out her jade-like palm, and two drops of alien animal blood were suspended like amber.

"One is fighting for misfortune, the other is Bi Fang. Which drop do you want to take? You can only take one drop. Too much is not good."

Jiang Anan also knew about this a long time ago, so she wasn't surprised.

After all, the purpose of conditioning the body during this period is to wait for this day.

She had made up her mind, but she hesitated a bit.

I bit my finger and thought about it.

Suddenly, a group of gray shadows sprang out!

Stupid Hui jumped up, grabbed the blood of Huo Dou as fast as lightning, turned his head and was about to run away.

While the light of Taoism was spreading, a small hand precisely grasped its neck. Jiang An'an was furious, holding his neck with one hand and sweeping his legs with the other, knocking the vicious dog to the ground.

Picking out his teeth with his little hand, he said fiercely: "Spit it out, you spit it out for me! This one belongs to sister Qingyu!"

Ye Qingyu: ...

Didn't you just decide which one to eat? How could this be mine all of a sudden?

Stupid gray woo woo woo hooted non-stop.

No matter how much Jiang An'an was ravaged, twisted and twisted, he would not let go of his mouth, and he would never bite Jiang An'an.

"Okay, okay." Ye Qingyu smiled and pulled An An back.

"If the blood essence of Fudou is eaten by it, you can only take this blood essence of Bifang. Well, it is good for you to learn the fire-walking technique, just to inherit your brother's unique knowledge."

Jiang An'an pursed her lips and said, "My brother said, we each have one..."

Ye Qingyu smiled and said: "I am pregnant with Yunzhuan, so I can't accept this fierce blood. I planned to keep it as a thought... It was a waste, and it's just right for the idiot to eat it."

Although Stupid Hui followed Jiang An'an's mountain delicacies and took a lot of good things with aura, he had already been reborn, he was not an ordinary dog... That pounce was really swift and lightning-like.

But with Ye Qingyu's strength, if he intends to block it, how can he be snatched by it successfully?

It was nothing more than thinking that it was a dog brought by Jiang Wang, and called An An to keep it for so long, so he acquiesced.

"Really?" Jiang Anan raised her eyes and asked.

Facing her big watery eyes, Ye Qingyu smiled softly: "When did sister ever lie to you?"

Only then did Jiang An'an obediently swallow Bi Fang's blood essence, and with Ye Qingyu's help, he meditated in an orderly manner and began to absorb Bi Fang's power.


While Jiang An'an was practicing, Stupid Hui ran over again, whining around Ye Qingyu. The eyes rolled and turned, and the tail wagged and wagged, as if asking for forgiveness.

Ye Qingyu was angry and funny, and tapped the dog's head with his fingers: "Everyone says you're stupid, you're a thief!"

Stupid Hui didn't know if he understood or not, and jumped up happily again.



It has been more than seven months since the last Mountain Sea Realm ended.

Nearly six months have passed since the city of Unredeemed was destroyed.

And if counting from the time when Qi Hong, the famous general of the Sheng Kingdom, who was very powerful in Cao Jie's battle, helped the Mu Kingdom capture Liyuan City, more than a year has passed.

On August 19th, 3919, Muguo used the excuse that Meng Wuya, the deputy minister of Shengguo, was rude to Shangguo at Guanhetai, and took Wanyan Xionglue as his commander, so he sent Utulu cavalry. , Bingfeng pointed directly at "Liyuan" in the border city of Shengguo.

In the name of celebrating the birthday of the Empress Dowager of Sheng Kingdom, Yu Xi, the Celestial Master of Jingguo West, visited Weicheng, the capital of Shengguo, and has been sitting there ever since.

Jingguo supported Shengguo with a steady stream of war resources, and even mobilized many soldiers and horses from Daoist countries to help Shengguo.

Musheng's protracted confrontation has continued until now.

The two countries fought every seven days and cut every half a month, and the vicinity of Liyuan City was almost turned into a bloody swamp.

But no matter what, Muguo's Qingtian Shentu flag was always flying over Liyuan City.

This big city that refused to the north never changed hands after it was occupied by Muguo.

Although the Sheng country is the first vassal country and has a pivotal position in the Taoist system, there is an essential gap with the hegemony country after all.

Of course, Jing Guo wanted to consume Mu Guo's energy.

How could Mu Guo not be taking the opportunity to wear down this Daoist steel knife?

After more than a year of war, Muguo became more and more fierce, like a beast gradually showing its fangs. The god of wolves, eagles and horses displays his majesty beyond the grasslands.

However, Shengguo became weaker and weaker, and his fatigue gradually became apparent.

Even with the coercion of the Western Celestial Master Yu Yi, Jingguo's continuous material support and logistical support, and the rush of soldiers and horses from many Daoist kingdoms... Shengguo can't continue to fight.

So on October 17, 3920 in the Gregorian calendar.

In Jingguo, Nan Tianshi Ying Jianghong was the commander, mobilizing the four powerful armies of magic strategy, slashing disasters, killing disasters, and destroying disasters, to go to the prosperous land. Officially declare war on the Shepherd Country!

Jing Bajia dispatched four of them, Jing Kingdom's royal family, Daluo Mountain, Yujing Mountain, and Penglai Island.

Xian Nankui, Commander of Divine Strategies, Xun Jiucang, Commander of Disasters, Pei Xinghe, Commander of Disasters, and Du Yao, Commander of Disasters, are all momentary famous generals.

And they all belonged to Nan Tianshi Ying Jianghong.

Ying Jianghong is by no means a strong man who doesn't understand the army. He was the commander-in-chief of the Shence Army before Xian Nankui, and he handed over the military power of the Shence Army after he was certified as a true king and became a heavenly master. After the commander of the Shence Army who died after him, Xian Nankui was in charge of the army.

Not to be outdone, Muguo sent Jin Tandu, a famous general in the world, to lead Tiefutu, the sixth cavalry soldier in the world, to go south to take charge of Muguo's army and compete with Jingguo.

He also mobilized the king's tent cavalry to go south with the clan He Lianhu, and rushed to help the front line in the starry night!

The golden-crowned priests of the temple also sent a full three at once.

The High Priest Beigong Nantu, who presided over the Cangtu Temple, even visited Liyuan City in person, vowing to hold the nail for Cangtu God to expand his faith to the Central Territory.

A massive battle for the hegemony has erupted in full swing!

This is a terrifying lineup that is even better than the Qin-Chu River Valley Battle. There are only five Zhenjun powerhouses!

Nan Tianshi Ying Jianghong, Xi Tianshi Yu Yi, Li Yuanshe who was born in the powerful clan of the Shengguo Town, Beigong Nantu, the high priest of the divine crown preacher, and Jin Tandu, the master of the Tiefutu!

In addition, there are more than ten real people in the world, and it is hard to count the strong ones!

Both Jing Mu and Jing Mu showed their determination not to hesitate to turn Shengguo into a white land, and they must fight to set the boundary between the Northern Territory and the Central Territory.

The undercurrent of the underwater undercurrent, after a year of collision, finally erupted into a turbulent wave that shook the general situation of the world!

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