Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1527 Blowing out the lampstand is the moon

Jiang Wang missed Jiang Anan's eighth birthday during his practice.

On September 15th, when Fudi challenged and fell to Sima Meishan, he still remembered this incident.

Then immersed in the world of practice, a trance is gone.

When the Blessed Land Challenge started on October 15th, he realized that several days had passed since Jiang Anan's birthday on October 12th...

He knew he would miss it.

But he didn't know how much he would miss about Jiang An'an's growth.

No matter how difficult the situation is, he will find an opportunity to see An An at least once a year. But Ling Xiao's secret land is not a pure land. If he is not strong enough, there is no safe place in the world.

The world was turbulent, and he also stood on the tide for a short time.

But he must realize that whether it is in Tianyatai or in the meeting of the Yellow River, his glory is based on the existing order, on the basis of fair competition in the same realm... He does not have the resistance order The strength of the collapse, let alone the qualifications to establish order.

So don't relax.

Not for a moment.

Not even a breath.

An erupting volcano may have been silent for thousands of years.

A silent gray reef, presumably once heard of.

Taoism, swordsmanship, supernatural powers.

The way you go, the heart you want.

There is no time in the cave in a trance, I really don't know how many years have been in the world.

Until a fat paper crane flew into the blessed land of the illusory realm.

There are only two words in the letter——

"Return quickly."

In the volcanic mountains of Wuyuedu, the birds are extinct and the blue color is gone.

At some ordinary, bleak moment.

rumbling rumbling...

In the billowing black smoke, dark red magma spewed out, and the huge sound seemed to shatter the world!

The splashed, burnt red rocks flew by like streamers, leaving stinging marks in the picture scroll covered in smoke and ash.

Volcano eruption!

A black-gray, distinctive reef also jumped up in this fierce eruption.

In the raging magma flow, it is just a weak parabola.

But after it flew to a high place, it didn't fall down like other stones. Instead, it seemed to have grown invisible wings and continued to rise and rise.

It soars into the sky.

Its dark gray color gradually peeled off, revealing a sky blue color surrounded by streamers.

The outline of "it" gradually became clear, and its limbs gradually stretched out.

This is a person.

The shape of a person, the appearance of a person... Gradually revive the breath of a person.

Amidst the smoke and fire, one could still see his red-gold eyes.

In the world of smoke and ash and fire, he brought a clear light.


In an instant, all the flames and voices were annihilated, and the man in the blue shirt was alone, and the red flames all over the sky circled him.

He didn't say anything, but the long sword in the sheath screamed, and the sound shook thousands of miles away, as if cutting through the roar of the volcano!

he flies.

Like a letter from a legendary blue bird, passing through the world.

Which volcano he flew over, which volcano began to erupt.

In the desolate and deserted Wuyandu Mountains, volcanoes erupted one after another, as if they were magnificent.

When flying over a certain volcano, Jiang Wang's eyes flicked, and he saw an old tree standing abruptly on the bare volcano.

He remembered that when Zhao Xuanyang brought him here, this tree did not exist.

The horizontal branches are wrinkled, and the old roots are wrong.

The old tree grew strangely and sadly.

Jiang Wang turned back and pressed away——

Boom boom boom boom boom.

The erupting volcanoes are disappearing one after another!

Like the lampstands erected by the gods on the earth, they were blown out one by one.

At that time, the world was as silent as silence, only a glimpse of a garment disappeared quickly.



There is a city named Liyuan in the world, and it refuses to let the horse's hoof go forward.

Of course, this is a thing of the past.

This moment.

Yu Wenduo, with pigtails all over his head, stood at the top of the city, looking into the distance, but saw the sky hanging down and the heavy clouds scattered. The black shadows are mixed with sharp lights, surging like a tide, and the Qiankun Youlong flag representing Jingguo is flying high in the sky, creating a suffocating sense of oppression.

The ancient, mysterious, powerful country in the middle of the world, which opened the era of the great prosperity of the national system, has come!

Raise the sword and ask Beimu.

Yu Wenduo felt his blood boiling.

He felt hot.

Now if he cut it with a knife, he believed that his blood could burn through the stone!

"Yogai, it's time to prove our sons and daughters of the grassland!" He said impassionedly.

The Qingtian Shentu flag flying high in the sky behind him gave him infinite strength.

The high priest with the crown of the gods preaching in the city made his faith as solid as a rock.

Yegui standing next to him, and the robes standing in the forest in this flaming city, made him fearless and full of courage!

Standing beside him, looking into the distance with him, was a man wearing a bronze ghost mask.

If the name of Zhao Rucheng suddenly rose up at the meeting of the Yellow River, it would let the world know that there were still descendants of Emperor Huai of Qin in the past.

Then, during the more than a year of guarding Liyuan City, all the Muguo soldiers stationed here remembered this general with a bronze ghost face.

Every battle must be fought first, and every enemy must be defeated. The scene of him pulling out the Tianzi Sword in the blood and fire is almost a metaphor of victory.

Rejected the appointment of Helian Yunyun, the princess of Muguo, and the promotion of the Yuwen family of the true blood family.

Enter the army alone.

Participated in the battle against Liyuan City.

Participated in the defense battle of Liyuan City that lasted for more than a year.

From being a ten-man commander to now leading an army alone, this is a feat made in World War I!

He broke the formation 17 times, intercepted reinforcements three times, beheaded nine generals, and personally beheaded countless enemies.

Known as the green ghost!

Those who hear this name on the battlefield are all terrified.

Unlike Yu Wenduo, who was full of enthusiasm, and also different from the militant and bloodthirsty that many Muguo soldiers imagined, Zhao Rucheng at this time was pressing the bricks with his hands, and his eyes were as cold and calm as the bricks.

He silently observed the Jingguo army coming in like a tide, and he had no other emotions in his heart.

For him, participating in the war in Mu Country is just to gain strength.

Gain greater power... gain the power to free yourself from regret.

It is no different from fighting in the frontier.

He has a certain degree of identification with Mu Guo, but it is also very limited, at most it is based on the closeness between Yu Wenduo and He Lianyun.

He was also very indifferent towards Jing Guo.

To him, the outcome of this war is not the most important thing.

The most important thing is that he has to obtain enough meritorious deeds, unquestionable meritorious deeds, so that he can quickly rise to a high position in the Mu country.

He no longer wants to passively bear the bad news!

The Jingguo soldiers who are sweeping before them will never lose to the armed forces of the Great Qin Empire.

It is the undisputed overlord's vanguard.

If you can get rid of it, you can also get rid of Qin.

After a long time, Zhao Ru became talented and said: "Jing Guo will not move, but it will move like thunder. There is no match in the world for the fierceness of the soldiers."

Over the past year or so, the main force stationed in Liyuan City has been Utulu, a cavalry army whose name means bravery and fearlessness. The army is far from being comparable to the Iron Buddha.

The main force of Sheng Guofang is just a few elite troops from Sheng Guo, plus some troops from the Dao Kingdom transferred by Western Celestial Master Yu Yi.

The intensity and intensity of the war is definitely not low, but it is also limited to a certain extent.

Zhao Rucheng and Yu Wenduo can feel like ducks in water among them, and have won many meritorious deeds.

But in the next war, can it still be like this?

At this time, Sheng Guo's attitude is no longer important.

In other words, ever since Mu Guobing broke away from the original city and Xi Tianshi Yu Yi went to Shengdu in person, everything was no longer under the control of Shengguo. The so-called first genus country, in the final analysis, cannot get rid of the word "genus".

For more than a year, Shengguo has certainly not failed to make efforts.

As an enemy, Zhao Rucheng, who has always been fighting on the front line, can clearly feel the struggle of the high-level officials of Shengguo in the death of each soldier.

But no matter how hard they struggle, what they can't get on the battlefield, they can't get diplomatically either.

Even Shengguo's struggle didn't just happen in more than a year? Earlier and far before this, there were so many outstanding people in Shengguo, the young arrogance was like Sheng Xuehuai, and the true emperor and strong man from the clan was like Li Yuanshe... Has anything changed today?

Zhao Rucheng understood very well.

From the beginning to the end, this chess game has been evolving under the control of both Jingmu and Jingmu, and has never been separated from the will of Jingmu's senior management. When Jingmu clashed, Shengguo shed blood, until today, a real war broke out!

This may be the largest and most intense war in the past century!

This war is likely to change the pattern of the world, and Yu Wenduo is still immersed in the partial advantage that Mu Guo has firmly held in the past year.

There are many people like Yu Wenduo...

Jingguo used Shengguo as a knife, trying to kill Muguo's spirit, or maybe he also meant to beat Shengguo. Mu Guo used the war of more than a year to awaken the blood of the grassland people and build up confidence in the scene, so he simply used the blade of Sheng Guo's Daoist steel knife to forge ahead.

Zhao Rucheng couldn't touch the will of the highest level of both parties.

But based on his personal experience, the morale of Mu Guo's soldiers was at an unprecedented high level, and some people had even shouted the slogan of riding on the city of Tianjing - of course, it can be said that the morale of the army is available.

But if he is blindly confident and plunges headlong into this sea of ​​corpses and blood, who can guarantee that he is the one who stands on the bones of thousands of troops?

In a battle of this scale, let alone Yu Wenduo, how could Zhao Rucheng not be a speck of dust?

"Of course Jing Guo is strong, otherwise, how can I use a prosperous country to prevent my glory for a thousand years?" Yu Wenduo grinned: "But it will pass. They are too old, and they should pass."

Zhao Ru's heart skipped a beat.

Yu Wenduo is not entirely a blind and confident reckless man, there is obviously some reliance in his words.

The Yuwen family is the top true blood family in Muguo, and Yu Wenduo is a true blood child, it is indeed possible to hear some secrets, but they cannot tell the outside world. This level of suggestion is already the limit.

So what is Mu Guo's strength? This time, he followed Jing Guo almost without any scruples, and decided to re-establish the boundary between the Northern Territory and the Central Territory?

"No matter how this war is." Zhao Rucheng said slowly: "I only hope that I can drink with you after the war."

After saying this, he turned and walked down the city wall.

Zhao Rucheng, who has always been indifferent to others, said such words...

Yu Wenduo stood on the city wall and just patted his chest.

There was a bang bang.



There are two sacred places of medicine and Taoism in the world, one is Dongwang Valley, and the other is Renxin Pavilion.

Dongwang Valley is famous for both medicine and poison, and is well-known in the Eastern Region. There are quite a few affiliated sects, such as Qingmu Xianmen, etc., who secretly support countries like Shen Guo to keep them independent from Qiang Qi.

The Renxin Pavilion is located in the Northern Territory, with branches spread all over the world. It takes saving lives and healing the wounded as its mission, and has a good reputation for being less involved in disputes.

On this day, a mysterious man in a bamboo hat and coir raincoat came outside the Renxinguan sect's residence.

Holding the Yunmu bottle in his hand, the bottle contains highly poisonous and extremely rare five-color fish, which attracts many medical practitioners to watch.

The so-called medicine and poison do not separate families, although the Renxin Museum does not pay equal attention to medicine and poison like Dongwanggu, it will not underestimate the research on poison.

Many people wanted to buy the five-color fish on the spot.

There are "money opportunities" for medical training, and the medical training of Renxin Museum has unlimited money opportunities.

These disciples are all very well off.

This one said: "You just have to offer a price, how many dao yuan stones are you willing to sell!"

That one said: "You can settle with ten thousand stones!"

Someone even took out the treasure medicine on the spot: "You add two more primordial stones, and give it to me together with this fish tank and fish, and I will sell this bottle of life-sustaining life-saving powder to you!"

Jiang Wang, whose face was hidden under the bamboo hat, focused on the third person who spoke, and secretly reminded himself to remember this person's appearance and stay away from him in the future.

"How is it?" This honest-looking guy immediately smiled when he saw Jiang Wang looking over: "I don't give this unique medicine to others easily, but you got a bargain today!"

"Hehe." Jiang Wang glanced over him, looked around, and said: "I wonder if Yi Tang, the doctor of this pavilion, is here? I am here just for him."

Everyone was in an uproar.

As far as the Renxin Pavilion is concerned, the doctor in this pavilion is already the highest achievement that a monk of medicine below God's presence can achieve.

Further up is Doctor Zongge!

Known as the "little sage", Yi Tang, the doctor of this pavilion, has a status among the disciples.

Immediately someone asked: "Who are you? Brother Yi Tang is also the one who you can see when you say you can see him?"

"I'm not someone." Jiang Wang said: "I just admired Dr. Yi Tang for a long time, and I got this five-color fish that will die with one kiss, and I want to find a chance to give it to him."

The honest-looking guy said again: "It's easy! Just leave it to me, and I'll forward it for you."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand.

Jiang Wang took a step back, stepped aside lightly, and said with a smile, "I won't hand over the five-color fish until I see won't snatch it by force?"

No matter how you say it, the Renxin Pavilion is a well-known sect in the world, or there will inevitably be a few scum, but before the sect is stationed, it is still impossible to rob other people's belongings in a grand manner... This kind of thing is still impossible.

Therefore, when Jiang Wang said this, the people surrounding him even retreated a few steps, for fear of being misunderstood.

"You kid is hateful, who are you running on with your words?" The guy who wanted to sell a lifeline in turn said angrily: "Go, go, Huo is annoying here!"

At this time, a gentle voice sounded: "Hao Zhen, don't be rude."

The crowd around the audience suddenly became excited.

Only Jiang Wang was speechless.

This fake guy is actually called Hao Zhen!

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