Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1528 Asking the Sword

Renxin Pavilion does not rely on famous mountains, nor hides in deep valleys.

Its main building is located near the transportation hub extending in all directions for the convenience of medical seekers from all over the world.

Surrounding the Renxin Pavilion, a very prosperous ecology has already been established.

To be honest, among all the great sects in the world, the sect residence of the Renxin Pavilion is the easiest to find.

At this moment, following the voice, came a tall and tall man. His appearance was not outstanding, but he had a peaceful temperament, which made people feel very comfortable.



"Brother Yi."

Everyone saluted one after another.

This person is naturally Yi Tang, the doctor of the Benge of the Renxin Pavilion, whom Jiang Wang specially came to find.

He looked at Jiang Wang with very transparent eyes: "Do you know me?"

"Senior brother Yi is talking to you! You haven't taken off the bamboo hat yet! Do you know how to be polite?" Hao Zhen shouted.

Jiang Wang directly ignored the fake Hao Zhen, and only bowed his hands to Yi Tang: "It's impolite to come here. Although I have never met Your Excellency, I have admired Your Excellency for a long time... I wonder if I can borrow a word?"

"What are you borrowing!" Hao Zhen yelled again: "You hide your head and show your tail, borrow it if you say so?"

"Okay." Yi Tang patted Hao Zhen's shoulder to stop his irritability.

Reaching out to Jiang Wang: "Your Excellency, please follow me."

I have to say, this is really a very personable character.

Jiang Wangzi didn't care about Hao Zhen, he just followed behind Yi Tang calmly.

All the way without a word, walked for a while, and entered a courtyard.

The courtyard is quiet and clean, everything is neatly arranged... but there is no second person there.

Yi Tang turned around and stood in the atrium. Just by turning around, you can immediately feel that he is the center of this place.

"This is a place where I live alone, so I won't be disturbed easily." He said: "Your Excellency has a long aura and a good cultivation, so you should be a person with status. Come here, but what is there to hide?"

Jiang Wang then took off his bamboo hat and bowed himself as a courtesy: "It's really presumptuous to come here without invitation."

Yi Tang frowned slightly: "Jiang Wang."

"Brother Yi knows me?" Jiang Wang was a little surprised.

Yi Tang smiled: "I saw your portrait last year when it was said that you were a magician."

Jiang Wang grinned: "That shows that the painters in Jingshitai have some skills."

Yi Tang admired this understatement.

But he didn't comment on the grievances between Jiang Wang and Jing Shitai. He just said: "Your Excellency came to the Renxin Pavilion from afar, and I have searched for many ways to come here. But please rest assured, even if I can't cure it, there are still my masters, uncles, and ancestors. Come to the Renxin Pavilion, you just wait for the recovery!" Hmm... I don't know what hidden disease it is? Don't worry, tell me that doctors have medical ethics and will never spread it to the outside world."

The more Jiang Wang listened, the more something was wrong: "Wait, wait, Brother Yi misunderstood! I didn't come here to ask about illness."

Yi Tang looked at him with understanding eyes, and persuaded: "Some illnesses may be hard to talk about, and a proud man like you has to take care of face. I understand all this... But Brother Jiang, don't shy away from the disease, as long as the right medicine is given, There's nothing wrong with it that can't be fixed."

Jiang Wang couldn't explain clearly, so he simply said directly: "I'm here to discuss with you!"

With a correct expression, he bowed his hands earnestly: "I heard that Brother Yi is the number one person under the God of Renxin Hall, and Jiang yearned for him, so he came here to ask for the sword."

"Oh, ask the sword." Yi Tang lowered his hands slightly: "The cultivation of the Renxin Pavilion is not a skill of bravery and ruthlessness. Please forgive me for not being able to accompany me."

"This trip is not for bravery, not for fame, just for learning. This heart is pure, there is nothing else. I know this request is very presumptuous. But I thought to myself, the monks outside the world can make me look different There are very few of them. Brother Yi is among them, and his heart is so earnest that it is really hard to hold back..."

"Just take this as a note."

Jiang Wang held up the Yunmu bottle, and the colorful fish was still swimming in it.

He said very sincerely: "If your Excellency wins, the five-color fish will be left to you. I think it will be useful for the Renxin Pavilion. If you lose, I will just pretend that nothing happened today, and I will never mention anything to outsiders." Character."

Only then did Yi Tang realize why Jiang Wang covered his face to visit. With his identity here, it takes such a lot of trouble to see things that can be seen by handing over a famous post-it is clear that he does not want to be mistaken for kicking the hall to fight for fame.

Its sincerity and earnestness are contained in this bamboo hat that has only been put away now.

"Your Excellency is really obsessed with martial arts..." Yi Tang pondered for a while, and felt that there was nothing to twitch, and said, "I am also very curious about the strength of the leader of the Yellow River, so I agree with this agreement!"

Jiang Wang took off his coir raincoat, and said first: "Overstepping."

So he pressed his backhand to close the courtyard door, and then put his five fingers together to isolate the sound here.

Afterwards, the ground shook in the courtyard, and no movement could be heard outside.

Jiang Wang lifted his foot and stepped on it lightly, and a stone was thrown up into the air.

"There should be no sound from outside." He said: "When the stone falls, ask Brother Yi for advice."

Yi Tang looked at all this indifferently, only pulled his hands away, and said: "Please."

A stone about the size of rice, when it fell, it was very fast and the sound was very subtle.

But in the eyes of the strong, it is slow, and in the ears of the strong, it is loud.

It was a slight prick that pierced the air.

But it can be surging in the hearing.

Small as mosquitoes and ants, shaking like a mountain torrent!

During the time when Jiang Wang heard about the fairy state, he felt the vastness of the sound.


The stone fell to the ground.

The battle begins at the same time.

Yi Tang pushed forward with his open hands, and the air between them became a wall.

A wall that is getting thicker, heavier, and more solid, seems to be dragged by a galloping horse at high speed, crushing it with an unstoppable momentum.


There is a line between heaven and earth, sharp and firm.

It seems that because of this sword, the world is divided like this.

The world is divided into upper and lower.

Only then can there be this.

Of course, it also means that the dead body is in a different place, and life and death are eliminated.

The sword has been crossed, and the sword energy has just passed.

The solid and dense wall of air was easily cut open like this, and then collapsed in an instant.

In the almost translucent state at that moment, it can be seen that it looks like a piece of tofu has been cut open in the middle, and the section is turned upside down...


Blast into a mess of air.

No, not right.

What's wrong...

Boom! The sound of stones falling to the ground.

brush! The sound of a long sword being unsheathed.

Boom! The sound of the air wall collapsing and exploding.

this voice...


It's all over.

Why are these voices still going on, still echoing?

The moment he realized something was wrong, jade color appeared in Jiang Wang's ears immediately, and in the next moment, he faded away like a defeated soldier!

What he learned was the scriptures of the Shravakas, and what he comprehended was the state of the Shravakas.

In the world of sound, he is like a king or an emperor, dominating everything and making all voices come to court.

But what if all the princes who came to the court were stronger than those who received the court?

If virtue does not match, there will be disasters.

The savanna's fairy state was immediately blown away!

This is unprecedented!

For a long time, among the opponents Jiang Wang has encountered, there are very few who have outstanding attainments in voice.

Even if there is, no one has ever surpassed his saravaka fairy state.

After all, this "nineteen breaths since then" is based on the Shengwen Xiandian of the Ten Thousand Immortals Palace, and captures the mysterious Taoist sound in the illusionary realm. It is definitely at the top level in terms of level.

For example, Dou Zhao also has the sound of great freedom and bitterness, but it is useless against him.

But today he met a real opponent.

The master of the medical training center sees, hears and asks, which is the foundation of practice. Yi Tang, as the true heir of the Renxin Hall, practiced above the five senses is hard to guess.

Yi Tang's control over voice is the most extreme existence below this level.

Ever since Jiang Wang silenced the sound, he had already seen how well Jiang Wang controlled the way of sound.

Pushing Qi into a wall is just the beginning.

The sound of stones falling to the ground, Jiang Wang's own sword drawing, and even the sound of the air wall collapsing are his main attacks!

He accurately judged Jiang Wang's ability to control voices, pushed the first two voices to the limit, and challenged Jiang Wang's instant control over voices, and with the third voice, he directly broke through the fairy state of sound and hearing, and with this And then, the winner of this battle is about to fall!

Renxin Pavilion is the largest in the world.

He, Yi Tang, is the youngest doctor in the court of Renxin Hall. In the entire Renxin Pavilion, under the presence of God, he is the best, so how could it be possible that he is not a bit arrogant?

Although he doesn't like to fight and fight, he doesn't want to be brave, but if Jiang Wangruo comes to him to compete, he will certainly win the victory.

And to win big!

In the world of sound, one percussion is the integration of tens of millions of collisions, and one syllable can be split into a majestic song.

Its sound enters the ear, and it occupies absolutely hearing ability.

In this way, expand the five senses and break the body and mind!

Jiang Wang drew his sword and sliced ​​through the gas wall with unparalleled sharpness, but in the world of sound, Yi Tang was as powerful as a broken bamboo.

The sound is like the three armies advancing, and the sound movement depends on one drum.

Erwu fell into prison!

Eye prison, ear prison, nose prison, tongue prison, body prison.

Jiang Wang summoned the Five Senses Hell, and immediately closed Yi Tang's five senses.


It can't be sealed at all!

Yi Tang's eyes were bright, his ears were clear, his nose fluttered, his lips were pursed and he said nothing, but his five senses were free. His five senses all seem to have spirits, which are similar to the "ten thousand immortals" in the Ten Thousand Immortals Palace, and smashed the five prisons that came suddenly with the strongest posture.

And so he saw—

At the spiritual level, Jiang Wang came alone.

After the hell of the five senses, the soul attack followed.

A long scroll was pulled open decisively.

Jiang Wangjian smashed into the Heavenly Palace!

It was like a blazing sun falling on the palace wall.

Even standing in the Tongtian Palace, even under the protection of the Tongtian Palace, Yi Tang still felt a shock.

Can't help but be shocked!

Jiang Wang's spirit strength is too terrifying!

Of course, with the protection of the Tongtian Palace, this is just an extremely subtle trance, probably less than a thousandth of a breath.

It probably won't affect the battle situation at all.

About... huh?

This tiny thought flashed by.

In his sky-reaching sea, monstrous waves have already set off!

This body is bound.

The dragon and tiger of super Taoism!

There are tsunamis like dragons inside, and eight winds like tigers outside.

The dragon and the tiger are bound, and this is the punishment.

Unlike other people who were exposed to this Taoism for the first time, Yi Tang is a doctor in this pavilion, and his insight into the human body is rare in the same place. Immediately, I knew why I was bound, and I was familiar with "pathology", so I "prescribed the right medicine"!

In the sky above his Five Mansion Sea, a blue mansion appeared rumblingly.

In Tongtian Sea, a phantom image of a medicine cauldron was simultaneously condensed.

The roaring Tongtianhai was like a fictitious fire boiling under the cauldron, and there was even green smoke curling up above the medicine cauldron.

So the turmoil in the sky is calm!

His body exudes a medicinal fragrance.

One can hear, one can see, one can feel his power - a kind of vitality, harmless power.

Every muscle and every texture on his body seemed to be alive.

It seems to have a life force of its own.

One close and one rise.

So the eight winds suddenly broke!

There was no breathing room, however.

At the moment when this body stood free, Yi Tang only saw a changing handprint coming towards him.

Jiang Wang is still the same Jiang Wang, but Jiang Wang's long sword is still in the scabbard.

When the battle started, a sword cut horizontally, and the sword came from the world of spirits and souls... as if it was just a trance dream.

Never started, never happened.

But this seal is very real.

Between his chest and abdomen, five blazing light clusters shone.

There is a phantom of a one-legged divine bird flapping its wings and flying behind him!

The body of heaven, the divine bird Bi Fang.

Yi Tang had a premonition of great danger, and he responded immediately. In his five mansions, two kinds of supernatural powers shined one after another. Two colors of blue and white rise up around the body, forming an umbrella of pendant beads.

Beads and jade are soft and flexible.

All evils do not invade, and all evils retreat.

This is Yuanzhu Umbrella, which is his strongest defensive technique, and has never been broken by attacks below Shenlin.

But almost at the same time, the sea of ​​flames covered the ground in an instant, the sky was full of flame sparrows flying wantonly, and fireworks meteors pierced the sky...

The world of fire has come!

Yi Tang looked up and saw the high sky through the Yuanzhu Umbrella, a burning, magnificent and huge city of flames, created from nothing, crashing down from the sky above the Fire Realm——


Yuanzhu Umbrella collapsed directly!

Of course Yi Tang's ability in the five senses is stronger, but it is not so easy to defeat Jiang Wang's savanna fairy state.

The reason why Shengwen's fairy state collapsed like a mountain was because Jiang Wang himself completely gave up the fight with the voice.

The first time he realized that this was a formidable opponent, he chose to change the battlefield.

Using the Five Senses Hell to respond to the situation, further strengthened my impression that the battle of the Five Senses is inevitable, and gave him the most confidence in Yi Tang's best field.

Then receive the soul attack and shake his heart.

Then follow the technique of dragon and tiger to slow down his body.

The last is the means of killing.

Jiang Wang instantly opened the body of Tianfu, strengthened the real fire of Samadhi with Bi Fangyin, and supported the fire world with a huge amount of real fire of Samadhi.

In the Fire Realm again, smashing down the flames and burning the city!

Combining seal techniques, supernatural powers, supernatural powers combined techniques, and super-grade Taoism... all kinds of magical techniques are integrated into one furnace, and the power of this compound technique is not only described as terrifying.

Even Jiang Wang himself can only complete it in the state of the body of abundance.

For the first time, Yi Tang truly felt the crisis between life and death.

He seemed to be in a world of boundless fire, alone, overwhelmed by the whole world.

Powerless, helpless, irresistible!


It was such a soft sound.

In fact, it was just a slender palm with five fingers gathered together.

So the Yancheng disappeared, the Yanhua withered, the Yanque became quiet, and the Yanmeet also stagnated...

The sky is full of flames.

The world of fire dissipated in Jiang Wang's palm.

Everything that is extremely gorgeous and extremely violent seems to have never appeared before.

Like a dream.

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