Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1529 Thousands of snows with one sword

Is Yi Tang strong?

The true biography of Renxinguan, the youngest contemporary doctor in this pavilion, is of course an undoubted strong man.

His attainments in the five senses, in the same situation, it may be difficult to find an opponent.

However, when Jiang Wang missed the initiative, he took advantage of the situation and ended the battle neatly with dazzling spells.

It is almost the result of rolling.

Those gifted monks with top lineages and those taught by the strong, once they entered the outer building, they climbed to the top with their true lineages, and then reached the top with their talents.

For example, Dou Zhao and Zhong Xuan Zun, how many people in the world can fight against them?

But Jiang Wang, who escaped from Fenglin City at the age of seventeen, wanted to start climbing from the beginning.

For him, after every step, it is a brand new and strange world. He has killed the outer building, and he has killed the outer building in the inner palace, but he can't understand the outer building.

Chong Xuanzun could say contemptuously on the viewing platform, "The outer building seems not difficult to understand."

he can not.

It’s walking all the way, seeing all the way, thinking all the way, and fighting all the way.

Supplemented the accumulation in the Huai state government, enriched the experience in the mountains and seas, and in the city of Buredemption.

I have seen the truth of the birth and death of the world, heard the secrets of nine hundred years ago, and experienced many kinds of complicated lives.

He stopped in the Wuyandu Mountains to isolate himself from the world, and sat alone for nearly half a year before he finally digested all the gains from the outer building and walked towards the strongest position in this area.

He is calm and peaceful.

The battle is over.

Yi Tang looked at Jiang Wang's withdrawn hand, and was in a daze for a moment.

Is it just lost?

He didn't show all of himself, and he still had many secret methods of the Renxin Pavilion, which he couldn't use...

Yes, just lost.

For a battle, it doesn't matter how much you learn and what you learn, what is reflected in the battle is what matters.

"Concession." Jiang Wang cupped his hands in a timely manner, his voice was gentle and not aggressive.

Yi Tang came back to his senses, and replied: "Jiang Qingyang deserves his reputation, Yi lost, and he was convinced."

Jiang Wangjie spread out his hands, holding a crystal clear Yunmu bottle in his palm, and there were five colored fishes swimming in it.

He handed over the Yunmu bottle: "Thanks to brother Yi, I have benefited a lot from this discussion. This is a small gift to show my heart, please don't refuse."

Yi Tang waved his hand and said, "I've already lost, how can I have the audacity to ask for your five-color fish again?"

Jiang Wang still raised his hand with a sincere expression: "This fish has a very poisonous body, which is rare in the world. It can only be effective in the hands of a sage like Brother Yi. I have been empty since I got it. It is really a waste of money. To tell the truth, Brother Yi , the purpose of this trip is to find a home for this fish, and the sparring is secondary."

"You are a five-color fish and a magic weapon, which makes me uneasy." Yi Tang looked at him and said, "I don't know how I can help you?"

"There is really something!" Jiang Wang said with a smile.

Yi Tang felt a little "as expected" relaxed, and said with a normal expression: "You might as well talk about it. I will not refuse to do things within my power."

The implication is... Don't blame me for things beyond your power.

"I wonder if brother Yi can help me write a letter of recommendation so that I can meet Cui Yigeng in private?" Jiang Wang said with a smile: "After all, Qinku Academy is not like the benevolent and benevolent hall of Renxin Hall, which opens the door to convenience. It's too easy to get in."

Diligent Academy is the first of the four major academies in the country, and Cui Yi is the first in the outer building of Diligent Academy.

His status in Qinku Academy is similar to Yi Tang's status in Renxin Hall. The two masters of the world are not far away. In Jiang Wang's view, there is no way for these two people to have a little intersection.

Yi Tang asked in surprise, "A challenge too?"

Jiang Wang only said: "It's just that after a long period of cultivation, I finally got out of the customs. I want to get in touch with the mountains beyond the mountains, and I have some verification."

"Brother Jiang, you are the mountain beyond the mountain." Yi Tang shook his head and sighed, then said with a smile: "I should write this letter. There are people outside the world. I can't be the only one who knows!"

Obviously, in his opinion, Cui Yigeng from Qinku Academy would not be Jiang Wang's opponent.

Jiang Wang smiled and said, "If Brother Yi doesn't mind the trouble, why not write a few more letters."

Yi Tang raised his eyes: "Where is Brother Jiang going?"

Jiang Wangdao: "Going this way, Qinku Academy, Qingya Academy, Dongwang Valley, Xuankong Temple, and Sanxing Palace."

Yi Tang suddenly moved: "It seems that Brother Jiang is going to test the world with his sword, and he must prove the number one!"

Jiang Wang said: "My fief is in Qingyang Town, this is just a way home."

Yi Tang smiled and said, "Then this road is a bit detoured."

Jiang Wang's eyes were quiet: "If you can see the scenery of the world, you should take a walk around."

"There are no other problems, but if you go to the East King Valley, brother Jiang had better not use my recommendation letter..." Yi Tang stretched out his hand and said, "Please go to the study and sit down for a while."

It seems that the two holy places of medicine and morality have deep grievances...

Jiang Wang thought about it, and said in his mouth: "It's okay, if it can arouse some anger, it will be more real if you want to come to discuss."

In fact, he didn't need Yi Tang's letter to arouse the anger of monk Dongwanggu. With Dongwanggu's support for Shen Guo, his appearance in Dongwanggu is a kind of provocation in itself. Let's talk about how he once beheaded Mo Zichu, a cultivator in the East King Valley with his sword... It could be an explosion.

But it didn't affect him showing his kindness to Yi Tang.

Yi Tang just smiled.

When they arrived at the study room, several letters with similar content were written casually, stamped with their own personal seal, and handed over to Jiang Wang.

Jiang Wang thanked him again and again, and didn't stay any longer. As soon as he put on the bamboo hat, he left.

The study was quiet for a while, until the disciple named Hao Zhen from the Renxin Pavilion opened the door and came in.

"Senior Brother Yi, who was that person just now?"

"An acquaintance." Yi Tang said, "What?"

"No, nothing." Hao Zhen scratched his head: "I'm just curious."

Yi Tang, who was sitting at the desk looking through the medical records, stopped and took a deep look at him: "Curiosity is not a bad thing, but if you can't control yourself, it will be very troublesome."

"Senior brother taught you the right thing." Hao Zhen bowed his head and said.

Yi Tang pointed to the Yunmu bottle standing on the corner of the table: "Take it."

"Ah, brother, give it to me?" Hao Zhen was a little surprised.

Yi Tang's expression was very flat: "Don't you like it? Take it."

"Thank you, brother!"

Hao Zhenxi held Yun Muzun in his arms with a happy smile, and carefully watched the colorful fish swimming in it.

"But there is a condition." Yi Tang said: "The five-color fish is given away, hoping to make the best use of it. You have to extract the toxin as soon as possible, and see how to break it, and whether it can be used as medicine."


Hao Zhen answered casually, hugged Yun Muzun, and walked out lovingly.

"That's right." Yi Tang's voice behind him said: "Let Xuanhulang work harder for a while, Jing Mu is fighting, and the world cannot guarantee that there will be chaos. What is going on in the Snow Country, we must find out the truth as soon as possible. The research has reached a critical juncture, and materials are absolutely indispensable at this time..."

He emphasized: "Xuesui is very important."

"Okay!" Hao Zhen said.

To be treated like this by Yi Tang, of course he is not just a guy who is used to fooling people like Jiang Wangso thought.

Renxin Pavilion has a tradition of medical practitioners traveling around the world. They only carry a bamboo stick and a gourd with them to save lives and heal the wounded, and do not charge the poor for consultation fees.

And inside the Renxin Pavilion, they also have the responsibility to collect intelligence from all over the world. Including all kinds of intractable diseases, all kinds of unimaginable and strange things, and the trends of the major forces...

The best of them all.

It is called "Xuan Hu Lang".



The four major academies in the world each have their own style.

Diligence Academy ranks No. 1 with diligence.

Advocating the learning spirit of "hanging the head on the beam, piercing the thigh with an awl", and taking "reading through thousands of books" as the basis for academic research.

Cui Yigeng is the representative of this spirit of painstaking study.

When other children were still running around with bare buttocks, he practiced sword every day until the first watch.

The gentleman praised it, so he changed his name to one.

Now in the entire Qinku Academy, he is the head of the gods.

He heard that someone was visiting, but he didn't want to see it. There is no limit to the sea of ​​learning and endless paths, wasting time is killing life. But Yi Tang's letter from the Renxinguan, he should not be disrespectful.

So at the place where he practiced his sword, he met the visitor.

The date was very ordinary, not an auspicious day, and nothing important happened, not unlike those days that had passed.

But as soon as this strange visitor arrived, Cui Yigeng heard the sound of the sword in his sheath.

So he turned his eyes away from the green bamboo in front of him, and looked at the visitor who was personally recommended by Yi Tang in a bamboo hat and coir raincoat.

The place where he practiced his sword was a bamboo forest.

In this bamboo forest, he is the only one.

Ten years ago, he began to transfer to this place to practice swords.

Only fight one bamboo at a time, and only practice one sword at a time.

In ten years, more than 3,000 days to nearly 4,000 days, he swung his sword at almost every bamboo here.

But practice sword for ten years.

There is not a single sword mark in the entire bamboo forest.

In the past ten years, not a single bamboo leaf fell because of sword energy.

This is a quiet bamboo forest.

And Cui Yigeng's voice was dull and firm.

"Jiange?" he asked.

His words were extremely brief, and he was obviously a person who was very unwilling to waste time.

So Jiang Wang took off the bamboo hat directly: "Jiang Wang."

Cui Yigeng stood among the bamboo groves, as if he was also a bamboo, which was in harmony with everything here.

He is neither tall nor short, neither fat nor thin, and there is nothing striking about him in appearance, and there is absolutely nothing weird about him.

The whole person looks very ordinary and very simple.

Even his sword—a sword with a bamboo sheath and a wooden handle—was as simple as it could be, without any extra nicks.

His expression at the moment was also normal, as if he didn't have any trouble with the name Jiang Wang at all.

What is the leader of the Yellow River, what is the great Qi Tianjiao.

It doesn't matter at all in his world.

There is only one person, one sword, one life.

"What is it?" he asked.

Jiang Wang cupped his hands as a salute, and in a gesture that did not waste the other party's time, he said equally concisely: "Ask the sword."

Cui Yi seemed to have even omitted the process of thinking, and only said: "Yes."

Holding the scabbard in his left hand, Jiang Wang held Sauvignon Blanc in front of him, expressing to Cui Yigeng that he was ready to fight.

Just like Cui Yigeng, he also felt the trembling of Sauvignon Blanc.

This is a dialogue between famous swords and famous swords.

He is the world's most powerful person, wanting to compete with others!

Cui Yigeng then took a step back.

His toes are facing Jiang Wang.

So in the entire verdant bamboo forest, all the bamboo leaves stood up, and all the bamboo leaves turned in an instant—the tip of all the bamboo leaves pointed to Jiang Wang.

Every bamboo leaf is like a sword.

So at this moment, looking at Jiang Wang... are millions of swords!

At this moment, Cui Yigeng's sword is still in its sheath, but his sword has already stabbed out!

The momentum is before the sword, and the intention is before the momentum.


Jiang Wang drew his sword without hesitation.

Respond to sword with sword.

When the sword was pulled out, the stars suddenly appeared in the sky.

The star road connects the distant dome, and the rolling starlight is like a waterfall.

This is an unimaginable, huge amount of star power!

At this moment, he is slashing horizontally with his sword, which is the posture of the famous scholar's down-and-out sword.

But the sword was pulled out horizontally, and what came out was a roaring and sharp sword energy, which turned into tens of millions of snow-colored sword threads!

Sword energy into silk!

The swordsmanship skills demonstrated by Zhang Xun of Dan Kingdom in Unredeemed City.

Jiang Wangqian practiced for half a year, and had never stopped discussing swords with Ning Jianke, and finally reproduced this kind of swordsmanship.

Zhang Xun's sword Qi Chengsi is based on the spiritual control of the cultivator of God's Landing as the core, and the supreme sword pill as the source, which is an extremely superb swordsmanship skill.

However, Jiang Wang's re-engraved Sword Qi Chengsi at this time uses the Xingqiong Holy Building as the source, uses the Star Road as the power transmission channel, and penetrates a huge amount of star power into the sword Qi, greatly reducing the difficulty of control, and then With the power of the huge soul, complete the final step.

At this moment, thousands of snows with a single sword, it is many against many, cutting the front with the edge.

Thousands of sword wires are facing the bamboo leaves in the forest.

One night of spring breeze, another night of snow.

That kind of extreme sharp opposition seems to have cut the space to pieces.

The air passing over the nose brought a cold, tingling and splitting feeling.

The swordsmanship has been mastered so far!

Cui Yigeng retreated.

His sword was not out of its sheath, and his sword intent was still bursting out, and he retreated one after another.

He didn't seem to be in a hurry to retreat, he took a step back very steadily and calmly.

His boots stepped on the fallen leaves, as if he was careful not to make a sound, there was a soft and progressive process. He didn't disturb the forest, nor did he disturb the confrontation between Zhuye and Jiansi.

He just took a step back.

The whole person suddenly felt a sense of emptiness.

He was clearly still standing there, clearly existing in sight.

But he seems to have left.

Out of this world.

For some reason, the thousands of sword threads that Jiang Wang cut out seemed to lose their target in an instant.

The lock of the air machine has been lost!

With such dense sword wires, it is impossible for Jiang Wang to control the direction of each sword wire while condensing the sword wires. No matter how strong his soul power was, he still couldn't condense his spiritual consciousness. So he used the method of locking the energy, and at the same time as he drew the sword, he gave thousands of sword silks a goal to go to.

Such a sword is thousands of snow.

But now, the "goal" is gone.

This sword that roared through the sea of ​​bamboo was equivalent to cutting through the air.

Cui Yigeng obviously has his own unique understanding of qi mechanism, and also has a very superb understanding of swordsmanship, which is close to the limit of this realm.

And he also has a very unique supernatural power.

To be able to achieve such a wonderful step.

And he looked at Jiang Wang, his hand was holding the hilt of his sword.

He began to draw his sword.

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